New Chapter for Rowan's Secret
Rowan's Secret
Owlbait75 Reviews | 75 Ratings, 0 Likes, 24 Favorites )
Severus believes he has his double-role under control, but Dumbledore thinks it is becoming too dangerous. Rowan, a seventh year student with a crush on Severus, falls victim to the ensuing events. How can it come out right for either of them? Begun pre-HBP, now AU, but will be completed as originally planned.
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About Owlbait
Member Since 2006 | 14 Stories | Favorited by 12 | 579 Reviews Written | 254 Review Responses
Working mom. Cute but time-consuming kids. Too many hobbies. You know the drill.
Reviews for Rowan's Secret
Oh my, only one chapter left with so much happening?! Can't wait to see how you tie everything up. I have absolutely loved this story, especially Rowan, and will miss it when you finish it.
Response from Owlbait (Author of Rowan's Secret)
A lot will happen in the next year, but Rowan will be only tangentally involved. I'm happy you like her, she's a favorite of mine :-)
LOL. Sneaky bastard wearing longjohns while everyone else freezes! :)
Response from Owlbait (Author of Rowan's Secret)
Sneaky Sev is sneaky -- but then he spends all day and night in the dungeons, the students are only dow there f or a couiple of hours at a time.
Thestral hair thermals? Hmmm... That idea is worth some merit!
Response from Owlbait (Author of Rowan's Secret)
Of course now she isn't in potions class, she can use all the warming charms she likes, as long as she practices doing them silently :-)
I'm kind of worried about her, now.I like seeing how well she's doing her work, though.I see you found a middle road through the canon that came along after you started this. It fits very well.
Response from Owlbait (Author of Rowan's Secret)
It's going to be a tough year for everyone, but at least Rowan will be safe from the snatchers. All she's got to do is keep her head down.
Just a few more chapters?? As much as I enjoy reading a completed story, I also don't want the really good ones to end. I can't imagine how you're going to be able to wrap this story up in just a 'few more chapters.' But I'll take your word for it.I really like how you slip Severus' thoughts and feelings into the story. It's been nice to see his wants, needs and wishes as well as his insecurities. But, then again, just about anything written about my favorite character - as long as it's 'in character' - is good for me.Lovely wedding day. This has been a nice conclusion to everything Rowan and Severus have had to go through for the past school year. Depending on how you conclude this story, will there be a sequel? Guess I'll have to wait to see how this story ends. Eagerly awaiting. In the meantime, think I'll just read this whole story again.Thanks for the good writing and captivating story.
Response from Owlbait (Author of Rowan's Secret)
I know how you feel, I'm going to be sad ending this story too. I'm not planning a sequel, but we've got a few things to wrap up still. SS/OC is my OTP, so there could be something new along the line. Thank you for reading and reviewing.
I thought I'd reviewed this before, but I must have read it on my Ipad, which for some reason won't let me leave reviews. The good side is, I had to read it again! Love the way he's a little awkward, can't quite control himself, and it's not perfect for her. Much more realistic in my interpretation of Snape as a man who has not had a lot of offers in the sex department. :D
Response from Owlbait (Author of Rowan's Secret)
The delay means you win the 100th review at TPP, whee! He's not virgin!Snape, but his experience is neither vast nor recent. He's got some clue, though, and he cares, so all will be well. Plus, I am not ebil ;-)
Response from sunny33 (Reviewer)
Yay! Do I get a prize? :P
That was a very lovely wedding! I would love to see fanart of it! I wonder if someone would be willing to do it? Oh, and quite a nice wedding consummation too!
Response from Owlbait (Author of Rowan's Secret)
Pictures would be lovely, I might make a stab at it, but I'm not much of an artist. Ah yes, the wedding night. We don't have sex!god Snape, but where two people care about each other's happiness, things will work out.
I love that he scoops her up and carries her over the doorway in an almost businesslike manner, but he stopped her from walking to make sure it would happen. It's a nifty little picture of his personality. He wants the normal romantic things but carries them out in his way.Very sweet wedding day.
Response from Owlbait (Author of Rowan's Secret)
Thank you, I loves my Sev and I'm glad to be finally sending some nice things his way.
oh dear, poor confused girl! Who can blame her. I can imagine that would be very distressing. But Snape needs to do what he needs to do!
Response from Owlbait (Author of Rowan's Secret)
Yes indeedy. Somebody needs to be the spy, and he's elected. Rowan's got a bit more thinking to do, if she gets a chance.
It's a step in the right direction on the path to mutual understanding. :)
Response from Owlbait (Author of Rowan's Secret)
You know how it goes, right? Two steps forward, one step back. I wouldn't want things to get all sorted out too quickly, I'd miss those internal arguments of Snape's :o)
Good for her... working her way through the situation rationally. It was good for her to go to him, and he's got to know that she will eventually come to terms with the whole thing if she needs to.
Response from Owlbait (Author of Rowan's Secret)
Eventually, but there are some complications to come between here and there, muahahahaha. ;o)
Rowan needs to realise the situation is just as difficult for Snape to cope with. She is well aware cognitively that he is only doing the best he can, but she is still responding emotionally, which is understandable at her age. He needs to realise she is still a teenager and make allowances. Great chapter. :)
Response from Owlbait (Author of Rowan's Secret)
Thank you - it was hard making them do that to each other, but it just felt right at this stage. Give them a little time to think things through some more.
She might think she's grown up but she's still such a child, in a world of big people problems. At least she recognizes that she needs to grow up some more.
Response from Owlbait (Author of Rowan's Secret)
Young, and has rather a lot to get over, it can't just happen all at once. It was a tough chapter to write, but at the same time it almost wrote itself.
There's some nice development here. I like seeing how they're sort of testing each other out and feeling out the lay of the land between each other.
Response from Owlbait (Author of Rowan's Secret)
Thank you, they do have a bit to learn about each other and not a lot of opportunity.
I'm pleased she was honest with him. :)
Response from Owlbait (Author of Rowan's Secret)
She's the truthful sort, not to mention a bit tipsy ;^) They don't have much going for them at this point, but honesty isn't a bad place to start.
It was about time she let go of some emotion, after all she'd been through. I have to say that the image of Snape drinking Firewhisky out of what was essentially a cockroach will keep me up nights. Blech.
Response from Owlbait (Author of Rowan's Secret)
Heh. I love that scene. You know Severus isn't exactly High Society, but he is a great wizard. His glass is pure glass - not a semi-bug.
Aw, poor thing. She's *ed if she does and *ed if she doesn't. She knows what she wants, but since it's being treated like some sort of booby prize, it's not that appealing to her right now...
Response from Owlbait (Author of Rowan's Secret)
No. Not Severus's finest hour here. Give him a little time to sort himself out.
Phew! The trial went better than it might have gone. It's a good thing Dolores is probably still in the Janus Thickey Ward at St. Mungo's.
Response from Owlbait (Author of Rowan's Secret)
Yes - one spot I got it wrong. Doloros should have been there, and Amelia is dead by now in the canon universe. I'd have hated to make poor Rowan stay all that in front of Umbridge - but then Umbridge probably would have irritated her into sticking to her guns.
She wants to play along. That's good for Dumbledore's plans.
Response from Owlbait (Author of Rowan's Secret)
Yes, she doesn't want Snape in Azkaban, but I'm not sure she fully realizes the implications.
Oh, that is a fine mess, indeed. Whey did they take Snape when they came to rescue the girl? Not Dumbledore's brightest moment.
Response from Owlbait (Author of Rowan's Secret)
Good point. Although leaving him would have caused more problems down the road...
Yep... well, at least it appeared that he was getting ready to do what was wanted, and appearance is everything. Now he's stuck with actually doing it.
Response from Owlbait (Author of Rowan's Secret)
Indeed. Not quite the circumstances either would have hoped for, eh?
Well, now the full extent of the trap is understood. Should he do it or not? Hmmm...
Response from Owlbait (Author of Rowan's Secret)
He's probably had to do worse, but has wiggled out of as much as possible.
Aw... nice catch, Severus, to realize someone had already been there to check up on him!
Response from Owlbait (Author of Rowan's Secret)
Severus, unlike Harry, pays attention ;^)
The plot darkens.
Response from Owlbait (Author of Rowan's Secret)
Quite, yes. Our heroes are in for a rough ride.
Ooo... The Tedious One has a trap for the Potions master.Did you know that there's a group on Ravelry called The Petulant Ravelers?
Response from Owlbait (Author of Rowan's Secret)
Heh, yes. he's not very trusting.No, I had *no* idea. Will have to stop in.