New Chapter for The Elements Of Magic
The Elements Of Magic
great greasy git20 Reviews | 20 Ratings, 0 Likes, 20 Favorites )
Like fire and water, wind and earth, ice and time, light and dark, the lives of Severus Snape and Hermione Granger intersect in a myriad of ways. A series of surreal vignettes, each with a different elemental focus. AU
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About great greasy git
great greasy git
Member Since 2006 | 3 Stories | Favorited by 2 | 1 Review Written | 30 Review Responses
Reviews for The Elements Of Magic
OH MAN! I kiss this fic! Love it. Oh this is just so good! I just love reading heartbreakign death fic, and teh dark edge to it is just the frosting on this cupcake.SQUEEE
Holy shit! That is wonderful. Those 606 words are so perfectly fitted to gether and have such a wonerful flow. What an outstanding bit of text! I was going back hittin up old email posts on fics and found this. Oh lucky me!
Woah, still a nasty piece of work, that Malfoy
I really enjoyed both these chapters. Great job! It would be really nice to see some longer pieces from you.Keep up the great work.
beautiful erotic scene in flamma, and indeed something different but just as beautiful in terra, i can't wait to read the next scene
Response from great greasy git (Author of The Elements Of Magic)
Thank you =)
Glad you enjoyed reading this. The next chapter is, I must warn you, shaping up to be a little more disturbing than the first two and is proving difficult to write, but I am plodding along and hopefully should have something to show for it soon.
Real Life has interevened in the most pleasant of ways (just started University) so writing is slow going.
Thanks for the review and being patient.
:) I am enthralled. More, please.
Response from great greasy git (Author of The Elements Of Magic)
More is coming. Do keep reading, and thanks so much for R&R-ing... it makes me want to write faster *cough*HINT*cough*
The descriptiveness of her display of uncontrolled magic when she was seven years old ... was impressive and it floored me. I read it twice, even, because I enjoyed it so much. I felt her pain as her book was torn asunder (I would have felt it equally if I were her). If I would have been Richard's victim, certainly he would have been lying flat in the mud as well.
Beautiful writing. I love your attention to detail. This was wonderful to read. Thank you.
Response from great greasy git (Author of The Elements Of Magic)
Thank you,
Response from great greasy git (Author of The Elements Of Magic)
I'm so glad you enjoyed the imagery I put into this story, and I was quite satisfied to write Richard up lying in the mud myself.
Thanks again for your brilliant review. As a newbie author I get a HUGE kick out of people enjoying my work.
Very well done. An excellent first effort. I look forward to reading more. I especially like the way you describe this encounter. It is very obviously a sex scene without resorting to vulgar descriptions, but still manages to be erotic and disturbing.
Response from great greasy git (Author of The Elements Of Magic)
Thank you
I know my limitations (i.e. I can't write believable smut) and wrote the vignette entirely around the suggestion of sex which is something I knew I could do. Glad it worked for you, and do, do, do, check back indeed. 2nd chapter finished and being beta-ed.
Great start. Short, but I think if it were any longer you would lose the pace you have set up here--it feels frantic and heated. Looking forward to the next update.
Response from great greasy git (Author of The Elements Of Magic)
That's the way I felt about it too. I considered expanding it, I even tried to write a longer version, but it just felt wrong, as if the vignette needed to be as jagged and short and bitter as the encounter itself.
"Terra" is being beta-ed and it's a good deal longer than this, so do check back.
Response from bellasol67 (Reviewer)
Hi,You don't need to respond to this, but I wanted to let you know that I wasn't disappointed that it was short. It's all about quality, not quanity. And this chapter fit the former.:)
Holy cow. The ending threw me. Awesome.
Response from great greasy git (Author of The Elements Of Magic)
haha Thanks =)! The ending threw me a bit too, this was the little ficlet in my mind that inspired the whole series and as I was plotting it out that was the ending that just begged to be written.
"Terra" is coming up next. It's on it's way through the beta-ing process and once that's done I'll submit it for approval. So check back soon.
I never leave reviews, but I feel I must for this. It was excellent! Your imagery and description is so vivid. The tension and confusion that Hermione is going through felt so real.
I can't wait for more! <3
Response from great greasy git (Author of The Elements Of Magic)
Thank you, I'm honoured that you left lurk-dom to review my lil' story.
I was so afraid it would be TOO much imagery and TOO much heat, but I'm glad it worked for you.
More is on the way.
(FAns self) WHOOOOOOOAAAAAAAA NELLIE ! Damn that was hot !!! Very nice start ! Let's see some more of that !!
Response from great greasy git (Author of The Elements Of Magic)
Thank you for the... uh... enthusiastic review!
That did happen to be the only PWP-ish vignette I intended to have, but perhaps there shall be another one coming up. In either case, stay tuned! There will be many more thrilling little stories to come.
great beginning. waiting for more. p
Response from great greasy git (Author of The Elements Of Magic)
Thanks =)
More is on it's way. I promise.... hopefully by the end of the week.
troubling, fascinating, utterly disturbing and arousing.
Response from great greasy git (Author of The Elements Of Magic)
and that would be -exactly- what I was going for.
Glad you enjoyed it, thanks for the review, and stay tuned for more.... next chapter will be exploring the Earth element
Wow. O _ O That was intense! I loved how you ended and started the story: "She cannot tel you when or why. She does not know how the situation came to be." Very nice. She wouldn't really fall for him in her right mind, would she? Marvelous job. :)
Response from great greasy git (Author of The Elements Of Magic)
I'm really glad you liked it, Julia.
The Hermione we know probably wouldn't fall in love with the Snape we know, but if she did, I couldn't see him being lovingly-passionate!Severus or tender-caring-slightly-rough-but-mostly-misunderstood!Severus. He IS fire she would be burned.
Anyhoo, the relationship between the two of them will change from ficlet to ficlet. Stay tuned, and glad you enjoyed it.
Nicely done. I look forward to more. I like how things didn't go as she'd planned and how it was described for us. Good work.
Response from great greasy git (Author of The Elements Of Magic)
Thanks, Southern
I'm more than happy to oblige with more, and am thrilled that my first attempt at fanfic seems to be liked. =)
Again, wonderful. Tragic! Are you studying Literature at Uni? I've just started a course in Lit and Creative Writing - and this is wonderful to read - like an extension of the sessions we've been having, only about more interesting things!I look forward to the next scene...
Response from great greasy git (Author of The Elements Of Magic)
No, I am sadly not studying literature. I am studying Life Science (although one of my courses deals with rhetoric in science)
Your course sounds really interesting though, and probably useful if it's anything like my writing style =)
I'm really glad this story works for you, I'll try to do the same and get hustlin' on a the next chapter quick!
Fan-bloomin-tastic. Fabulous use of language, succinct and poetical. It's great... and I'm off to read the second chapter (hoping there will be more soon.)
Response from great greasy git (Author of The Elements Of Magic)
Oooh well thank you! This is a fun-yet-challenging piece to write because of how bizzare it is.
There is more coming.... how soon I can't say, but it IS in the works.
I'm not sure if you are aware of this or not, but you are an utterly fantastic writer. I love the ending. Tragic, but very good.
Response from great greasy git (Author of The Elements Of Magic)
! You're such a huge boost to my ego. Thanks so much for both the review and for listing me as a fave author! More coming up, I promise!
I've been missing my SS/HG lately -- took a little dive into Snarrydom -- but my first return was utterly delicious thanks to you. I like my SS/HG slightly twisted, very possessive, and very hot and you did a great job. I think a lot of writers are afraid to delve into this too much. I see a lot more of exploration in slash, but not so much here. I really think you would be capable of writing a believeable smut scene. You really should give it a try if you think it would be rewarding for you. In the meantime, I'm going to read the second chapter. Thanks muchly, darling!
Response from great greasy git (Author of The Elements Of Magic)
thank you! That was a simply fantastic review and made me *squee* in the most delightful of ways. I'm so so glad you liked the piece because as much as my plot bunny with this one keeps nipping around my ankles, it's not the easiest story in the world to write because it IS so twisted (especially the chapter that I'm currently working on -- Aqua).
Perhaps after this I will delve into the world of smutty goodness.
thanks again for a brilliant review
Response from relentless0603 (Reviewer)
No problem! If you ever need someone to beta or just give you feedback before posting chapters (positive and happy criticism), I would be more than happy to do so. [That that I think you need any help, I would just love to be involved somehow. Your ability is gorgeous.]My AIM is snarkyissexxy and email address is snholmes@email.unc.eduBest of luck on the new chapter!