New Chapter for Dreams Can Come True... Even Unexpected Dreams
Dreams Can Come True... Even Unexpected Dreams
snapemylove12 Reviews | 12 Ratings, 0 Likes, 39 Favorites )
It is Hermione and Severus' wedding day. Each takes some time to stroll down memory lane to contemplate how they arrived at this day.
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About snapemylove
Member Since 2006 | 7 Stories | Favorited by 27 | 90 Reviews Written | 215 Review Responses
Reviews for Dreams Can Come True... Even Unexpected Dreams
awwww... such a sweet moment. I like how you had this one play out, and I'm glad we got to see the actual wedding.
Nicely done from Severus' perspective.
Love how you took it from announcing the relationship to an engagement. Nice chapter.
Response from snapemylove (Author of Dreams Can Come True... Even Unexpected Dreams)
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Great writing and believable romance between the two characters!
Response from snapemylove (Author of Dreams Can Come True... Even Unexpected Dreams)
Thank you. That was the first fanfiction I had ever written. I'm so glad you enjoyed it.
Oh my. This is such a beautiful telling of their love and their wedding. Wonderfully done. Thanks for sharing!
Response from snapemylove (Author of Dreams Can Come True... Even Unexpected Dreams)
Thank you. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. That was my first fanfic and I always enjoy hearing what others think.
More depth in this chapter but just as fluffy and sweet as the previous one! Love it!I'm ready for the epilogue now. Here come's the bride et al!Blessings
Response from snapemylove (Author of Dreams Can Come True... Even Unexpected Dreams)
Response from snapemylove (Author of Dreams Can Come True... Even Unexpected Dreams)
I'm glad you enjoyed it. The epilogue is MUCH shorter. I am looking for a new beta though. My current one is just too busy. So... hopefully I'll have it ready for post :)
And pray, I do ask, where is the rest?Loved it, and looking forward to more. :)
Response from snapemylove (Author of Dreams Can Come True... Even Unexpected Dreams)
I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Severus' POV is in the queue now. Should be up within a few days/
This is a lovely confection of fluffy yummyness! It is sweeter than the contents of Honeydukes but just as endearing!More please?Blessings
Response from snapemylove (Author of Dreams Can Come True... Even Unexpected Dreams)
Response from snapemylove (Author of Dreams Can Come True... Even Unexpected Dreams)
I'm glad you enjoyed it. As this was my first fanfiction (ever) I wanted to start with something light-hearted. There are three chapters total (well 2 chapters and a short epilogue). The second chapter was sent into the queue today. Wish me luck!
i loved so many things in this story, i don't know where to begin. let me see...the explanation of snape not being a real Death Eater was great--very believable and this line: the tears she saw slowly starting to creep down his angular cheeks *melts* and her engagement ring is just the icing on the (wedding) cake. fantastic job!
Response from snapemylove (Author of Dreams Can Come True... Even Unexpected Dreams)
I'm so happy that you think the Death Eater part was believeable. I posted this story on another site and one reviewer commented on how "unbelieveable" they felt that part was. I, however, obviously disagree, so I'm glad I'm not the only one :) I'm so glad you enjoyed the story!
A very good story -- so sweet and fluffy that it reminds me a bit of cotton candy (which I happen to love). Yeah, Severus *is* rather OOC in this one -- certainly with regard to the public proposal! However, I'm on the opinion that Severus might very well be a closet romantic if any woman ever gave him the chance to prove it (and if he ever gave himself permission to believe it). He may come across as a cynic and a curmudgeon...but at least in my personal experience, scratching the surface of a cynic will more often than not reveal a deeply frustrated and disillusioned idealist. I for one don't believe that cynics don't believe in anything...they want to believe, but they're *afraid* to as a result of seeing one too many of their dreams bite the dust.
Response from snapemylove (Author of Dreams Can Come True... Even Unexpected Dreams)
I couldn't agree more. While I do enjoy a snarky Snape most of the time, I feel that Snape in love would most likely be a closest romantic in his dealing with his love interest (in my case, Hermione) and extremely possessive in his dealing with others in regards to his love. So ... yes, it is OOC but in my (very humble) opinion, maybe not such a far stretch. Thank you so much for your encouragement :)
A beautiful story of how their love came to be. It was written well, too. I especially liked the way you told it in the form of a flashback.
Response from snapemylove (Author of Dreams Can Come True... Even Unexpected Dreams)
Thank you so much for your kind words. This is the first story I've posted on this site (although I've read just about every HG/SS on this site), so your encouragement is greatly appreciated.
A great conclusion. Thanks for posting this for us.
Response from snapemylove (Author of Dreams Can Come True... Even Unexpected Dreams)
I'm glad you enjoyed it. It was fun to write, but now I am happily able to work on other stories. I'm hoping to post a 2006 prompt challenge response soon.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Reviewer)
Oh, great! I look forward to it!