New Chapter for I Came to Say Thank You
I Came to Say Thank You
phoenix10 Reviews | 10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 8 Favorites )
Narcissa wants to thank Severus for agreeing to help Draco and hopefully, save her son.
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About phoenix
Member Since 2006 | 54 Stories | Favorited by 136 | 1,108 Reviews Written | 1,209 Review Responses
I picked up the Harry Potter fandom around the time the first movie came out and began writing fanfic early 2005 after discovering the adult online community. I identify most closely with the Slytherins and you will see my taste in writing lends me to writing about Slytherins more often than not. In addition to fanfiction, I also make fanvids on the Harry Potter fandom. I'm a Perfect Imagination acredited beta and am willing to help authors. My main 'ship interests are Snape/OC (never really got into the SS/HG pairing) and LM/any female (with HG as a new favorite). I have dabbled in RL/OC and RL/NT and am okay with those pairings. I generally shy away from slash, just not my thing. For updates on my writing, check out my Live Journal
Reviews for I Came to Say Thank You
I hope Severus was able to take advantage of Narcissa's thankfulness again and again before Lucius was released!
Response from phoenix (Author of I Came to Say Thank You)
LOL You are an evil woman, but I love it. There's something about Severus/Narcissa that I just really started to like and hopefully now that the muses are back it's something I can explore again. Thanks for reviewing.
I really enjoyed this a lot. :)
Response from phoenix (Author of I Came to Say Thank You)
Thanks. I like a little PWP fun from time to time. Okay, there was a teeny bit of plot, but it was minimal. Just part of my finding unusual pairings of canon characters and making it work. :D
This was very enjoyable, on many levels! Nicely done (and not overdone).
Response from phoenix (Author of I Came to Say Thank You)
Thank you so very much. I find it's always a fine line between hot and over the top. :) Glad you think I balanced it.
Very nice... I hope you are planning to continue...
Response from phoenix (Author of I Came to Say Thank You)
Well, this one was planned as a one-shot, but I might be convinced to write more Severus/Narcissa. I just need to finish up some of the other projects I have in the works. Or coming down the pike. I have quite a few ideas in various stages of completion.
Response from AMRA (Reviewer)
I look forward to reading more of your work, including Severus/Narcissa...Do you advise WIKTT of new posts?
Response from phoenix (Author of I Came to Say Thank You)
No, I'm not a member of WIKTT. I try to remember ot post announecments on Potter Place and on The Potion Master's Muse if it's a Severu story. I also try to remember to do announcements on my LJ:
Response from phoenix (Author of I Came to Say Thank You)
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I like doing the occasional PWP to recharge my batteries. :D
mmmm.... snape/narcissa. they're so great together. this scene was incredibly hot! very nice work.
Response from phoenix (Author of I Came to Say Thank You)
Thanks. :D I think doing the occasional PWP piece is good for the soul. I'm glad you enjoyed it. At some point, I might have to do a real fic with the two of them. LOL
An interesting way of saying thank you. LOL! Nice little fic, or should I say fuck?You know that's so distracting with the word fic: The German word for fuck is fick, the pronounciation is the same as fic. So, "a nice little fic" has a bit of a double meaning for me. LOL!
Response from phoenix (Author of I Came to Say Thank You)
When I read this, I almost spit my coffee out. LOL That is so hilarious and I learned something new today. Needless to say my knowledge of German does not extend to the curse words, it's more along the lines of how to order beer, which is pretty easy.
I'm glad you enjoyed this one and my description rang so true. :)
Ah, I just adored this. Teehee! Cissy + Snape = 4 a little while...< /end fangirly cheering>This is another pairing I'm becoming fond of.
Response from phoenix (Author of I Came to Say Thank You)
Glad you enjoyed this one. It was a fun, very fun, little diversion for me. Sadly, I'm home alone right now so it's been frustrating weekend for me. LOL I may have to do a longer fic on this pairing at some point. :D
Not only did I inspire you, or maybe it was a strong nudge, again, but I get to be the first reviewer. What can I say? I loved it. There is no need to analyze his motives here. It was a turn on and it's open ended enough that you can add more if the muse hits you again. If he wasn't already in bed asleep, I'd feed my husband some of his Viagra. Oh well, maybe tomorrow.
Response from phoenix (Author of I Came to Say Thank You)
I'm really glad that you enjoyed it and hope that tomorrow evening is much more 'hands on' <eg> And you're right, who needs motives when a beautiful woman throws herself at you on your doorstep? LOL
And perhaps it was a strong nudge. LOL It put the idea squarely into my head and the muses finally decided they didn't want to hold off anymore.
wow a thank you and then some. good work
Response from phoenix (Author of I Came to Say Thank You)
I'm sure that's the type of thank you that most guys would just love to get LOL Glad you enjoyed it. :)