New Chapter for My Wildest Dreamings Could Not Foresee
My Wildest Dreamings Could Not Foresee
SlashisSilly20 Reviews | 20 Ratings, 0 Likes, 31 Favorites )
A turn of events leaves Draco Malfoy feeling betrayed, alone, and vulnerable. Will the Head Girl he shares a common room with be able to fight off her own prejudices against the pureblood Slytherin or will he suffer through the coming war alone?
Start ReadingChapters (12)
About SlashisSilly
Member Since 2006 | 8 Stories | Favorited by 6 | 6 Reviews Written | 33 Review Responses
I'm a big fan of Hermione/Almost anyone else. My favorite pairing that doesn't include Hermione is SB/RL. I read and write mostly romance and humor fics, but can be tempted into others occasionaly.
Reviews for My Wildest Dreamings Could Not Foresee
OMGI ABSOLUTELY ADORE IT SO FAR. lol.Pleassee do continue.Draco is so cute the way you make him sound lol.and Crabbe and Goyles are bums >.<Poor Cissy :(But do continue! -faved-
hey this is fabulously awesome!! its definately one fic i shall keep reading.. well thats if u keep writin it. i cant wait for more draco/hermione action and fun.... *ahhhh* ill pass it along to my bestie so she can r and r the story
much love
Hi! Just found this story today and so far, I'm quite enjoying it. I had to smile at your letter from Crabbe to Lucius... his spelling is exactly what I would imagine it to be. Now that I've run out of chapters, I'll be on the lookout for updates. Until then, happy writing!
Congratulations on a wonderful piece of literary yummyness!I have read this whole fic from start to finish *as it stands* and have been snared from the opening paragraph. It has mystery, espionage, intrigue,secrets, *Severus Snape....drools* and a fantastic plot line to boot!Well Done and I look forward to your next chapter!More please? Very Soon?Blessings
Response from SlashisSilly (Author of My Wildest Dreamings Could Not Foresee)
good chapter! I want more!!! I was really sad to see that I had gotten to the last updated chapter when I reached it. When are we going to see a little hint of romance? I'm not overly pushy... some more glances, a brief touch of hands... Maybe some late night talks turning the tiniest bit flirtatious... (hint...hint...)
Response from SlashisSilly (Author of My Wildest Dreamings Could Not Foresee)
Don't worry! It's coming! I've been so antsy to start writing all of that in, but I don't want to rush things. But you might start seeing some goodies next chapter. *Giggles all insanely fangirl-like*
"Hermione continued to chew on her bottom lip. "I'm not so sure about this. Maybe we should tell Dumbledore about it and let him check it out first. I mean it's not like we ever come across Narnia while snooping around. It's always three-headed dogs or a group of Death Eaters.""
That made me laugh out loud - and the Narnia reference - yay!
I'm enjoying this very much.
Aww.... *sniffs* poor Draco.... *sobs*Update soon? *wipes away a tear* Please?
This story is a really good one. I am completely enjoying it! Please update soon!
Wow. I really like this story so far. In my mind the films degrade and one-dimentionalise (is that even a word?) Draco into a rich boy imbecile with no motivation other than calling people names. (I bet the film-makers shit themselves when they read HBP and realised Draco was about to become a major player! I realise the book is not called Draco Malfoy and the HBP, but really...they could have spent more time on his character development. I have a serious beef with hollywood if you havn't already noticed:) This story, so far, is the best portrayal of Draco I have read to date. Making him head boy is a fantastic way of showing Dumbledore's trust in him. It is almost like a young Severus, without the grey underpants. I can't wait to read the next installment, this story is going straight to my fav's list. Keep writing:) lol
Response from SlashisSilly (Author of My Wildest Dreamings Could Not Foresee)
Thanks so much. I know what you mean about the movies. They completely simplify his character. He just seems like this jerk that you wanna slap. We need to see some more of the deeper just-on-the-brink-of-evil-due-to-his-father's-influence-but-still-pretty-much-innocent-because-he's-so-young-and-doesn't-completely-understand. (Hope that made sense lol)
Response from Brizywitch (Reviewer)
My thoughts...almost...exactly, without the hyphenations. And with the slapping, I am totally on board with that. You slap him, and I'll kick him in the shins. Then run like mad far, far away.
Cool, this story is great. It really shows how a person can change and - if they really want to - defy even their own parents in creating a life that they want to have.I love this story!Keep updating please! I need to know what happens!!!!!
I'm so glad you started writing this story again. I have really enjoyed this story, and was begining to wonder if you had abandoned it. While I love Snape and Hermione it is nice to read about her with someone her own age. I also like that your Draco isn't a snivelling, whiny brat, if he were I don't think Hermione could fall for him. So glad you are finishing this story.
I love this story... Draco and Hermione are slowly becoming friends and much much more... it's nice to see the slow change. Keep up the great work... I can't wait for the next update.~*~Selene~*~
AHHHH!!! You can't just LEAVE people like that!
It's going great so far; can't wait for the next update. :)
Oh my...This is soooo exciting.... Please post sone.Carmille
Hmmm... seriously cant wait for the upcoming chapters!!!! =)
Oooh! Yes! Quickly with the next chapter!
I want to see who the traitorious woman is. Guess it was her idea to have the amulets?
Classic! I love the Narnia reference!
This is an intriguing start, I'll be watching for more!
I'm glad to see you continuing this story. I like it.
oh I have longed for this... It's such a great story. Really nicely done. Hugs Carmille