New Chapter for How Snape Didn't Steal Christmas
How Snape Didn't Steal Christmas
Dreamy_Dragon10 Reviews | 10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )
Snape isn't keen on Christmas. Especially not the Hogwarts variety. No, really.
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About Dreamy_Dragon
Member Since 2007 | 33 Stories | Favorited by 163 | 463 Reviews Written | 911 Review Responses
I am a latecomer to the Potterverse (way after HBP). I was searching the web for everything and anything about Snape one day when I accidentally stumbled over my first Severus/Hermione story. I read it, was intrigued, searched for more, and the rest is history.
My fandom world very much revolves around Severus Snape and Lucius Malfoy.
My favourite 'ships are Hermione/Severus, Hermione/Lucius, Severus/Lucius, and my OT3: Severus/Hermione/Lucius.
Reviews for How Snape Didn't Steal Christmas
nice chilled out story.... more like the beginning of an adventure than a one-shot though....
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of How Snape Didn't Steal Christmas)
Thank you.
'Hogwarts is… comfortable.' And so is having Minerva hold his hand. Thank you for this holiday picture of Severus returning "home."Beth
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of How Snape Didn't Steal Christmas)
If anyone deserves a home and a comfy Christmas, it's Severus.Thank you for your lovely review <3
Nice for him to feel accepted. :)
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of How Snape Didn't Steal Christmas)
Thank you <3
A great Christmas story!
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of How Snape Didn't Steal Christmas)
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed this!
I always like to see Severus flying, though I assume he went from Manchester to Hogsmeade via floo. It's a bit icy to take the entire distance by air.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of How Snape Didn't Steal Christmas)
Not if you're a wizard and know how to cast a warming charm.
Response from Very Small Prophet (Reviewer)
He'd better be wearing goggles, then. Magical or otherwise. Now I'm seeing Severus flying over northern England in a leather helmet and goggles, and a long green-and-silver silk scarf.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of How Snape Didn't Steal Christmas)
Hee! That's a great image :)
I knew it! While I am sure that Severus strides manfully enough, all this billowing does not come without magic.Thank you for a lovely seasonal story!
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of How Snape Didn't Steal Christmas)
Pssst, it's his secret ;)Thank you very much for reading and reviewing <3
Nice! Any more to come after this chapter?
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of How Snape Didn't Steal Christmas)
Thank you!This was intended as a one-shot, so it's unlikely that there'll be a sequel, thought i wouldn't rule it out.
There's nothing like coming home.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of How Snape Didn't Steal Christmas)
Especially for Severus.Thank you very much for reading and reviewing.
Poor Severus. You did such a beautiful job portraying him as that 'whipped puppy' who can't trust anyone or anything and doesn't feel as if he deserves an ounce of happiness. Wonderful Minerva - the patient and loving presence that reminds him he does deserve something good. This is so very sweet. I love it.