Sense and Sensibility
Chapter 4 of 34
PlaidPookaIt's possible in wartime that madness eventually comes for us all. Yet some madness might be carefully purchased; some sanity knowingly sacrificed. This story is such a tale.
ReviewedAN: I tell you, all of the kind reviews I've received have really given me a boost! I've been writing like a fiend! Thanks to every one of you, it means a lot to me. I won't promise to always be able to update so fast...dang real life...but I'll do my best to keep this fic rolling along.
My fantabulous beta, Vaughn, has a bigger bear of a real life than I do, yet she still makes time to help me out! Three woots and a big squee for Vaughn!
Special thanks to alert reader, Karen, who caught the fact that I used the word 'council' when I meant 'counsel' in chapter 3. Thanks Karen! :)
Disclaimer: They are not mine; I only take them out to play.
Who in the rainbow can draw the line where the violet tint ends and the orange tint begins? Distinctly we see the difference of the colors, but where exactly does the one first blendingly enter into the other? So with sanity and insanity.
-Technel Herman Melville 1819-1891
The conversation around the kitchen table was not going at all well. Having brought up the subject of the two scenes that she still wanted to view in the Pensieve, Hermione sat quietly as Harry shouted. Hermione had thought that, after last night, Harry might be able to talk with her about it like an adult. Apparently, she'd been wrong. The whole situation puzzled Hermione. Normally, Harry didn't behave this way unless he felt very guilty about something. When he felt he himself was at fault, he tended to act out. He'd get very angry and even go so far as to blame others for what he felt he'd done himself. Hermione knew that Harry still felt guilty about Sirius, and even about Cedric, but what was making him so impossible now? Well, she'd never get anywhere with this if she let the situation digress into another screaming match, as had happened yesterday. Frustrated but determined to be patient, Hermione waited for Harry to shout himself out.
Ron sat by Hermione's side, wisely staying out of it. Watching Harry as quietly as Hermione did, he showed just how much he'd matured over the past year. Once upon a time, Ron would have immediately taken Harry's side, even if he didn't understand the situation. During the short time they had been dating, Ron had done the opposite by taking Hermione's side no matter what the issue. Hermione was still a little wistful that their relationship had not worked out. After two months of dating, they had both conceded that it wasn't really going anywhere. Not terribly surprising, really. After all, school relationships rarely made it past a brace of months. The best thing about the whole situation was that both Ron and she had been determined not to let it ruin their friendship, and it hadn't. Four months ago, Neville and Luna had tried dating. It had scarcely lasted a week and they still weren't speaking to each other. No, Ron and she had been very lucky. They were still friends, and she couldn't think of anything that would ever change that.
Hermione's private musing ended as Harry suddenly wound down, looking at her a bit sheepishly. He must have finally realized that he'd been involved in a one-man shouting match.
"Now that you've had that out," Hermione said coolly, "do you think we might manage to have a discussion about this like adults instead of caterwauling like a dying jobberknoll?"
"I've told you before, there's no use discussing it. I'm not going to show you, and that's that," Harry said hotly.
"That's too bad, Harry," Hermione continued in the same cool voice. Standing up, she faced him over the table. "Because if you won't discuss this with me rationally...if you won't treat me with the respect that a trusted friend deserves...then I am going to go upstairs. I am going to pack my things. And then," she said, leaning over the table, a dead serious expression in her eyes, "I am going to walk out of the front door of this house and I am never, ever going to come back. So what's it going to be, Harry? Rational discussion or do I treat you in the same rude and childish manner that you have been treating me?"
"You don't mean it!" Harry exclaimed, his face going as pale and grey as ashes.
"You know how to tell if I'm lying," she continued, still leaning over him. "What do you think, Harry?"
"She's not lying, mate," Ron said, his voice painfully calm. "And quite frankly, I don't blame her...what with the way you've been screaming at her. You've shown her everything else. It does make me wonder what's so bloody terrible about those two scenes that you would treat a friend this way."
Looking stricken, Harry sputtered for a moment, sound but no sense coming out of his mouth. With obvious effort he tried to calm himself, perhaps knowing that all it would take was one more moment of shouting to drive Hermione to make good on her threat to leave. Suddenly, a sly look came into his eyes. "If I agree to discuss it--not do it, just discuss it...then you'll stay?"
"Yes," Hermione said firmly as she once again took her seat. "But you have to promise to try to listen to what I have to say with an open mind. After I've said my piece, if you still don't want to show me what I need to know, then I want to know why. And none of the lame excuses that you've been trying to shut me up with, either."
In Harry's defense, he considered Hermione's words very carefully. He knew that if he agreed to do what she'd said, there would be no backing out later. At last, he nodded. "Agreed," he said simply.
Something tight in Hermione's expression finally relaxed. Knowing that she still had her work cut out for her did nothing to stop her sudden relief. Harry was stubborn as a mule sometimes, but he generally would see sense if you could get him to calm down and listen.
"All right then," Hermione began. "I'm probably not going to talk about what you expect me to, but I want you both to stay silent for a bit and hear me out. You may not like what I have to say, but I promise you that it's important."
Both of the young men nodded their agreement, though they looked somewhat wary.
"I want to talk about Severus Snape." The words had scarcely left Hermione's lips when both Ron and Harry's mouths opened, their expressions both angry and disgusted. "Stop right there! You said that you would listen!"
The two mouths closed, but the boys still looked a bit mutinous about it.
"Believe me, I know how you feel about the man. I know what he's done, and I know this won't be easy, but I swear there is reason for it."
"Fine," growled Ron. "You've made your point. Get on with it."
Closing her eyes for a moment, Hermione took a deep breath as she gathered her thoughts. "To start with, I want us all to look at Snape and how he treated people while we were in school. I need you both to try to ignore what happened on the Astronomy tower. We need to specifically take a good look at Snape the whole time that we knew him up until that point. Do you understand?"
"What good will this do? The man's a filthy--"
"That's enough, Harry! I said what I need you to do. Do you understand?"
"Yes," Harry grumbled.
"You don't have to like it, you just have to do it," Hermione said with a small, amused smile. "Now, I also need us to look at his actions, not how he spoke to us. I know he was a right prick to us verbally; we don't need to rehash all of that. We do need to look at his actions."
Hermione paused again while both Harry and Ron nodded their understanding. Both still looked disgusted, but neither were arguing or shouting. As beginnings went, it was better than Hermione had hoped.
"Now then, I'm going to start with our first year and I'm going to remind us of some events which I think are important. When I'm done, I want to ask you some questions. Remember, we aren't concerned with Snape's attitude only with his actions. As they say, actions speak louder than words."
Hermione talked for over an hour. She spoke of how Snape had saved Harry's life first year. She spoke of how Snape had brewed the potion their second year that had restored all the petrified students. For a long while, Hermione talked about the events that had happened third year in the Shrieking Shack. Yes, he'd been stubborn and nasty, but Hermione repeated, word for word, what Snape had said to Harry in that room. There was no doubt that...wrong as he was...Snape had been convinced that he was saving Harry from a dangerous criminal. For fourth year, Hermione reminded them how Snape had fiercely shown Fudge his dark mark when Fudge had been too dense...or too listen to Albus about Voldemort's return. It was hardly the action of a loyal Death Eater. She closed with their fifth year, reminding them that Snape had given Umbridge fake Veritaserum when he knew she meant to use it on Harry. She also spoke of how Snape had contacted the Order immediately after Harry had given him the jumbled message in front of Umbridge, and how he had gone looking for them in the forest after that. When she finally finished, she began her questions.
"Now then, focus on our first five years at school. Ignore his hateful words to us. Focus on his actions. Do you agree that Snape has done things to help Harry, indeed, to help all of us? That he has saved Harry's life as well as done other things to aid him?" The boys reluctantly agreed. "Is there any time, any time at all that Snape has hurt a student?"
"No," Harry said. "But no teacher would risk hurting a student. That doesn't prove the man isn't evil!"
"Harry," Hermione said softly, "He was a mean teacher, no doubt. But evil?" Reaching out to him, Hermione picked up Harry's hand and lifted it until the faded scar which read "I will not tell lies" glinted in the light. "I think that we have a perfect example of what an evil teacher would be like," she said emphatically. "Can you honestly tell me that Snape was anything like that evil old hag?"
Though he looked as if he dearly wanted to argue, Harry gave in, closing his eyes and dropping his head. "No, Hermione. I see what you mean. Umbridge was evil. Snape was only mean."
"So, looking at all of Snape's actions leading up to our sixth year, what do you think about what happened on the tower?"
Both young men were silent for some time. Finally, Ron looked straight at Hermione and said, "It doesn't fit."
Unable to hide the flash of triumph in her eyes, Hermione said, "Explain what you mean, Ron."
"It simply doesn't fit. If you look at all of Snape's actions up until that point, what happened on the tower doesn't fit. It's a glaring discrepancy. Sure, there are rumors, but we don't have one shred of evidence that Snape has ever hurt anyone, aside from the usual jinxes and such that we all do. Then he up and kills someone who was supposedly his friend. It doesn't make any sense!"
"What does it matter?" Harry snapped. "He still killed Albus!"
"Yes, Harry, he did. I'm not arguing that," Hermione said calmly. "But why? Why did Snape suddenly do something that simply doesn't seem in his usual nature? Why won't the headmaster's' portrait talk about it at all? Dumbledore wasn't shy in life and his portrait doesn't seem to be either. If he felt betrayed...if he felt that Snape was a threat to us and to Hogwarts, he would shout down the castle telling us so."
"I still want to know why it's important," Harry said, the anger gone from his voice.
"As I said to Remus last night, knowledge is power. There are far too many mysteries running rampant, and it's beginning to look to me like Snape killing Dumbledore is the biggest of the lot. If we don't understand why, then that means that we are missing something. If we are missing something, it might be something damned important. I don't know about you, but when it comes time for us to face Voldemort, I don't want to be missing an important piece of the puzzle. I want to know every last thing that may be a factor in whether we win that battle, or whether we lose it."
"But, Hermione," Ron said, "Harry's told us about what Hagrid overheard. Wouldn't that be the missing piece? Couldn't Snape have killed him because they had a falling out?"
"Two wizards who have been on friendly terms for years have a falling out, so the wizard who has never been known to harm anyone suddenly kills the other? I think there must be more to it than that. That's one of the reasons I want to see what happened for myself, Harry. I also want to see exactly what Snape did, how he looked, and how he acted. It's important, Harry, I know it is. If it wasn't, do you think I'd risk losing your friendship arguing about it?"
"No, of course not," Harry said. "You've proven your point. I see why you need to see it. I need some time to think over what you've told me, and to calm down first. It's not going to be easy, living through that again."
"I know that, Harry. If I didn't think it was desperately important, I would never ask you to."
"I need to be alone for a while, give me until tonight. Then I'll show you what happened on the tower."
"And in the cave?" Hermione asked.
"I don't know about that...damn...I told you that I'd tell you why if I refused. Telling you why would be as hard as letting you see it. Listen, I'll think about it, I promise, just give me some time."
"Of course, Harry. I don't mean to rush you, I really don't. But I feel like there is still so much we have to do, so many questions to find answers for, and so little time to do it."
"I understand, love," Harry said, managing a small smile, "I really do, just give me a little while."
"I've an idea," Ron said. "We've gotten rather low on supplies. What say Hermione and I go shopping for the afternoon? We can stock up and you can have some peace and quiet."
"That's a great idea, Ron! We do need groceries, and that way Harry won't think I'm lurking around, ready to pounce on him!"
The three friends laughed together, which made them all feel instantly better after so much serious talk. While Harry went off the tiny backyard to lounge in the sun and think, Ron and Hermione got their things together and went shopping.
Hermione had always thought any sort of shopping that didn't involve books and writing implements a terrible chore. Today, after so much talk and worry, the simple ritual of buying food and toiletries was a welcome distraction. By unspoken agreement, Ron and Hermione shied away from talking about the discussion in the kitchen. Instead, they talked of comforting, inconsequential things. Ron told her about Charlie's visit. Hermione told Ron about talking to Luna recently and how Luna and Neville still weren't speaking to each other. Both of them talked about how glad they were that they had managed to overcome such foolishness when they had split up. It wasn't until Ron ducked into a Quidditch shop that Hermione had a moment alone. Without Ron's lighthearted chatter, she immediately found herself rehashing bits of the discussion.
It had gone much better than she ever could have hoped. Both Harry and Ron were stubborn, and both could hold a grudge for ages. Neither of them had one good thing to say about Snape when they had been in school. All three of them, Hermione included, had hated Snape after the Headmaster's death. Remus had gotten Hermione to think about the situation in a more intellectual way, which wasn't surprising. Hermione was simply more intellectual than the boys. Harry and Ron were more inclined to let their emotions take precedence over their intellect. To be honest, it was rather a miracle that she'd gotten them to calm down and listen to her at all. Hermione had hated to have to resort to telling them that she'd walk out, but she'd seen no other way to make them truly realize how serious she was about the matter.
There was one thing about the whole discussion that puzzled Hermione exceedingly. Harry had still balked over showing her the trip to the cave that he'd taken right before Dumbledore was killed. Having thought that Harry would protest more strongly about having to relive his friend's death, Hermione didn't understand why he would agree to show her that yet still be nervous about the cave. What the hell had happened in that cave? She'd assumed he'd gotten so furious because he felt guilty for being helpless when Dumbledore was cornered. Apparently, he felt more strongly about what he and Dumbledore had done in the cave. It didn't make any sense. No matter. That night she would get to see for herself what happened on the tower, and it seemed likely that Harry would eventually show her the events in the cave as well. Once she had that information, Hermione was certain that things would make more sense.
Of course, it's when we begin to get answers that a plethora of new questions appear.
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Latest 25 Reviews for The Price of Madness
1095 Reviews | 6.86/10 Average
I don't often find stories that can make me laugh out loud but this one absolutely managed it!
Wonderful!! I really enjoyed this. Such a brilliant idea and execution. I feel like many authors lost their mojo for writing fanfic after book 7. I am glad that given some time you decided to come back. You have such a great talent for writing.
Exciting battle. Loving this story.
Lemons!!! Yippee!!!!
Lol. Still calls her Trollop. But now it seems sweet.
Poor Harry. It would be quite the emotional upheaval to find out you harbor a chunk of Riddles' soul.
My, oh my. I adore the idea of Goblin soul magic. What a creative and fun concept. That Severus was sheltering Ablus' soul the whole time is poetically beautiful.
Lol. The constant use of the word whore is making me laugh. It reminds me of the tv she is Dwadwoid and their use of cocksucker. So funny!
Intense start. I like the idea that her memory is so perfect. I'm curious to see if her acute mental abilities will help to get her out of the situation.
Oh my goodness, I just stumbled upon this, and am so delighted to find it finished! I haven't read your final chapters yet. Because I remember how great your story is, I feel I really need to start over and reread it in its entirety.
I know how hard it can be to finish a story. Please know that your efforts to tie up this loose end are greatly appreciated.
I also look forward to reading your paranormal fic, after I've had time to resavour and finish this one!
best regards,
One of your long time fans
The story was absolutely fascinating and I'm truly sad it's over. I love (I wish there was a word that meant more) the way you undid the evil carnage waged by the horrible old whore who wrote the infamous book 7. I was tempted to be done with the fandom then too, but I couldn't bear to leave Severus Snape dead. The Half Blood Prince deserved so much better than what the blond whore gave him. I hated that book, and it took me years to read the whole thing through once I saw how she had killed of Severus Snape in the most un-Snapish way possible. But, so many wonderful authors like yourself came to my rescue, and I was eventually healed by the overwhelming evidence demonstrated by a plethora of other stories that proved Severus Snape had not lived a tragic and lonely life, then died a horrible meaningless death as his reward for protecting Harry Potter and helping to destroy Voldemort. Instead, he had survived and found love at last. But your story is the only one I can think of that lessened my dislike of Albus Dumbledore for his unfair exploitation and cruel use of Severus Snape to accomplish his goals for the greater good. It seemed Albus thought everyone else had a right to some little happiness except him. I was desperately looking for a nice long love story between Severus and Hermione when I saw that I had bookmarked this story and came back to finally find it had been finished. The way you brought back Dumbledore was utterly brilliant! You also achieved a very rare feat in this fandom by allowing Severus to not only live, but live without the lifelong grief of having killed Albus Dumbledore. The fact that the curse on the tower knocked Albus over the side didn't seem like any other Avada Cadavra listed in cannon. At the end of book 6 I had a little hope that maybe he wasn't really dead after all. I also don't think I've ever read a story where Voldemort was rehabilitated. That was genius! I did find it fitting that he should be nearly a squib and take Filche's place. He deserved so much worse. Thank you so much for coming back and finishing this story. I am sorry you are done with this fandom, Pooka. I love your writing. Thank you a thousand times for such a happy ending. I'm still as addicted to the fandom as I was 12 years ago when the first movie was released. I must be completely crazy.
No! No! I must go to bed again!!! You are marvelous. You are brilliant! I will tell you how brilliant when I have more time. I must exercise self discipline and tear myself away so that I can rise at 5 am. Maybe just one more chapter.
I have to go to bed and I just don't want to stop reading. I always write reviews but I can't stop between chapters. I promise to go back and read the entire story again and write my reviews. The story is just too good to pause from. Love to you PlaidPooka. I love this story. I must make myself go to sleep so I can work tomorrow. Kisses and hugs to you from breastlady. I'll be off to mother mothers and another very long day.
I stand by my opinion that JKR got to the Polyjuice scene, everyone changed.......and she dropped the completed book in a puddle on her way to her editor and had to hurry the rest out over a long weekend.
'm so pleased that you've finished this!!
Thank you!
When I caught this title on the newest updates list, it tugged at my memory, that perhaps, I had read some it of, but I wasn't sure. Into the first chapter, I certainly recalled it.
Even though I knew it had been some time, I hadn't realized just how long it had been since I lost track of your updates.
I sat down and read this from start to finish all of this morning.
I can't recall exactly how long ago I read this - I will tell you that this story has been embedded enough in my mind somewhere, so-much-so, that I remembered each and every chapter as I re-read them.
I am very pleased that you found it within you to complete this tale. It's incredibly well thought out, well written and overall, just a wonderful story.
I, too, was immensely disappointed with book 7. I have read so much better endings in the fan-fic realm, that that drivel that JKR thrust upon her fans. And it does appear that now, in hind-sight, she is realizing that herself. Not that it does much good, at this point.
I do find it sad that you have washed your hands of fan-fic. You have such a passionate balance, a realistic approach with these characters - its truely a pleasure to read your works here.
I enjoyed The Price of Madness very much. Thank you for sharing your musings.
Ah... I just finished reading this in one sitting, and to the end! I've always lamented that such a great work was unfinished - but no more! Thank you so much for coming back and completing this story!
Good god, the lunch discussion had me heaving with laughter! Your writing is a joy to read and the story has me on my toes to find out more!
I enjoyed it all. Couldnt stop. Now 2:43 am it was an excellent fic.
I should be writing more reviews. This idea of getting Albus back, Bloody Brilliant. I find the story extremely good and was so happy to see I did not have to wwit till the end for Severus to get his wits about him again. I ov that Harry and Ron treat him with respect and took him in, also understanding Hermione falling in love with the mad man. I love it when they are mature enough to understand him.
gads its 1.25 am and I'm going to have to get to bed, Tomororw will be Christmas eve 21012. So much to do. I do hope I can finish but I don't see how. Thanks again for such an amazing story.
Precious, love the dangly bits sentence, hysterically funny. I'm loving this story and can't imagine how I've missed this one. It's new, brilliant and a pleasure to read.
~Squees with joy!~
Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you! I am ecstatic to see this story finished. Thank you so much for seeing it through to the end. Sometimes obstinate little fangirls gets exactly what they want for Christmas!
~Smooches you.~
Thank you so much for finishing the story. I had forgotten about it until I saw it again this morning. I'm glad I stopped and read the ending. I like what you did with Tom, I think it gives hope to the world. A very sweet ending. I will never be able to see the word or hear the word trollop without smiling.
I don't usually write reviews on stories because I don't really have a way with words but here goes. I can't tell you how excited I was when I heard that you had finished this story. It has always been on my top ten favorites and I was resigned that it would remain unfinished. I am very grateful to all of the authors that give their time and put their heart and soul into writing for others enjoyment. There are so many wonderful unfinished works out there and it is really a shame. I am so glad that this story isn't one of them any longer. I can understand your feelings about book 7. I still have not read it all and was very disappointed in how it ended.
Thank you Pook for all the wonderful memories reading your stories! Maybe some day the muse will hit you and you"ll come back and write something else!
Thank you, Pook for finishing your story. Though I wasn't one of your original readers, I've certainly enjoyed myself these last two-and-a-half days. (Hardly fair, is it? Something that takes years, devoured in the blink of an eye...)
I share your sentiments wholeheartedly about Book 7. I adored the first five books, and read and re-read them many times. Book 6 seemed to me to be a bit off; almost as if Jo were getting even with all us SS/HG shippers. But it was all right, re-readable. Uh huh. Book 7 was read once... and then thrown roughly to the floor, never to be read again.
Almost made me give up on reading fanfiction, almost. Though I've lost the thrill of SS/HG, I'm still here. I loved your mad Snape and all the whore references. Thanks for being here for us long term fans! B R A V A ! ! !