New Chapter for I Still Don't Like You
I Still Don't Like You
sunny3379 Reviews | 79 Ratings, 0 Likes, 16 Favorites )
Hermione is Chosen to be an Unspeakable. She’s not too happy with their methods or her assigned partner.
Start ReadingChapters (6)
About sunny33
Member Since 2008 | 129 Stories | Favorited by 689 | 8,383 Reviews Written | 8,235 Review Responses
Hello all, I am a 53 year old from NZ. Although SSHG is how I started and still my main pairing, I'll give pretty much any pairing a try, whether it be reading or writing. Sev and Herms need a bit of variety at times. ;)
Reviews for I Still Don't Like You
Fun story! Enjoyed it a lot - even if it's a medium-hard R at most.
Response from sunny33 (Author of I Still Don't Like You)
Thanks! Have to err on the side of caution in the rating. A lot of people get offended by bad language! :)
I absolutely adore this story! It's fun, fast paced and the chemistry was adorable. I'd like to think that the Love department was responsible for their pairing, like somehow they knew that their magic compatibility was a rare thing. My only wish was that this tale was at least five chapters longer.
Response from sunny33 (Author of I Still Don't Like You)
Thank you. :)
Lol, awesome. Drunk couch talk leading to drunk sex and hung over sex. I think I'd likely be too sick in the morning for another round, but who knows, maybe not. ;) Cute story!
Response from sunny33 (Author of I Still Don't Like You)
Thanks! :)
Silly delusional girl, she does too like him! She's just in denial. I believe he could easily love her if she gave him the least bit of encouragement. But I would hope she would reciprocate. I would hate to see Severus in an unequal relationship. If he was in love but Hermione was just scatching an itch, would it make him meaner to compensate or would they end up in one of those relationships where the person who has least to lose holds the power over the besotted, needy member who is willing to take what ever they can get and willing to forgive everything else? I want Hermione to be equally besotted. They would certainly have a lot time to work it out. I would like it very much if you would be willing to write a sequal. A nice lemony sequal. I would love to see them solve some more cases together. Damn!!! You have created the perfect serial! Each, another story of how Severus and Hermione cleverly solve another magical mystery. The magical version of Sherlock Holmes, only these 2 are equals. No Dr. Watson character. Think about it, my sweet sunny. Pleeeeeease! I love this Severus and Hermione. They can stay sarcastic as long as they eventually realize that under the sarcasm they love each other deeply. PleasePleasePlease! I don't normally beg for an author to write a sequel. Infact, I don't remember ever begging for one, only wishing. But that means nothing since I have terrible memory problems due to daily migraine. All I can offer you is reviews galore!
Response from sunny33 (Author of I Still Don't Like You)
LOL. We could turn it into a TV series and call it Unspeakable Adventures! :)
Well, it couldn't be helped. I wonder if they should have asked Dumbledore's portrait if he had any ideas. He'd studies Riddle extensively. If it happened when Voldemort broke the wards on the school I would think Dumbledore would know that. He was also a headmaster for a long time. Come to think of it. Before they obliviated Minerva they should have taken the opportunity to ask some of the more ancient Headmasters what they knew about how the wards to the school worked. Do the founder's portraits still talk? I don't want to, but I have to go to bed or I'll hate myself tomorrow. Huggs and Kisses goodnight Dearest sunny.
Response from sunny33 (Author of I Still Don't Like You)
Good night. Hope to hear from you soon. xx
Crap! Busted! I hope they don't have to obliviate Minerva or some other professor they might be fond of.While one's magic is rarely compatible with another's, there must be a reason they were partnered. Maybe it is because they are so magically compatible, just nobody told them about it. I wouldn't be surprised if there was some match making going on in the Department of Mysteries. It would make sense if it makes their magic stronger when they are a team. I'm guessing that who ever researches who should be with who looks for such things. Or then again, maybe they just got lucky.
Response from sunny33 (Author of I Still Don't Like You)
Makes the job easier if they are compatible. :)
Is this Severus' first partner? Has he worked alone for the last 5 years?
Response from sunny33 (Author of I Still Don't Like You)
He's been somewhat if a challenge to find a partner for. :)
That was a wonderful answer. "How long did it take you?" "Forever...and no time at all." I think Hermione and Severus are going to enjoy this relationship. I wonder if those in charge of chosing them to be partnered took their emotional compatibility into consideration. Maybe they purposely chose two people that were likely or even destined to fall in love? There could even be a spell they do so that when they chose partners they look for someone who could make them happy. Happy employees are better at their jobs. It would be sensible.
Response from sunny33 (Author of I Still Don't Like You)
Maybe the boss is related to Albus? ;)
Response from breastlady (Reviewer)
I must confess that it has crossed my mind that Guy who sent them on their first case together reminds me of a someone who could have dumbledorean plots to be match makingl. If I were Hermione I would be wanteing to get every thing I could out of a relashionship with my angxty partner so to become lover. He would have a 1 in a billion man. I'm too tired and I don't think I'm makeing sense. I'd better just read.
Facinating and extremely well written! I do hope Hermione stops insulting Severus soon. It could give a person a complex. LOL! Imagine being stuck with someone who doesn't like you for forever as one's only company. But, I suppose that if this Hermione had better social skills she wouldn't be in this business. Does Hermione truly imagine that Severus Snape really doesn't care if anyone in the whole wide world likes him or cares about him or has he simply resigned himself to his fate? She hasn't had any time to think deeply on this new turn in her life. I expect eventually she will care about him and his feelings. I think he would care about hers if she reciprocated. And of course, this is a SS/HG story. I think her concerns about a relationship someday will be taken care of. I have to check back in the story. Who chose Severus' partner? Did he have any say in the matter?
Response from sunny33 (Author of I Still Don't Like You)
No, he's just as stuck with her as she is with him! I'm mean like that! :)
I can imagine her being rather put out at the way she was obtained for service. Not very toughtful or respectful. On the other hand it may be part of the test. I believe she is goig to find her time with her partner to becom one of the nost important in her life. He'll be the only one whe knows her and may hopfully become a sympathetic firend. I'm diggin withere this is going!
Response from sunny33 (Author of I Still Don't Like You)
Fascinating so far! So good! You certainly have a knack for taking canon facts and building a believable and entertaining backstory. Love their interactions so far, too. This is really, really good.
Response from sunny33 (Author of I Still Don't Like You)
Thank you! :)
this is the first fan-fic of many that's not a drabble. i prefer reading complete stories such as these. but i applaud your productivity! thanks for giving us readers pleasure.
Response from sunny33 (Author of I Still Don't Like You)
Amongst all the drabbles I have about ten longer stories from 10000 to 120000 words, and two more yet to post so I hope you can find another to enjoy. Many thanks for your review. :)
i like how this story is developing so much!
Response from sunny33 (Author of I Still Don't Like You)
Thanks. :)
I'm loving this story line, cannot wait to see both the progression of the SS/HG partnership and the reason behind why the spells are failing. And who saw them at Hogwarts?!?! :) Keep it up, I'll definitely be following this one.
Response from sunny33 (Author of I Still Don't Like You)
thanks. :)
Squeeeeee! More please!
Response from sunny33 (Author of I Still Don't Like You)
More to come io the next week or so. :)
Oops! Wonderful story, thank you!
Response from sunny33 (Author of I Still Don't Like You)
Thanks. :) what is wrong with the wards, and who found them? My guess is either Hagrid, since he's must likely to be on the grounds, or Minerva, who likely would have felt the moment the wards were breached, allowing them in. More please, I can't wait to find out more!
Response from sunny33 (Author of I Still Don't Like You)
Thanks! :)
Sweetness and purity? Hermione? Hermione wasn’t sweet even as an eleven-year-old, and I mean that as a compliment. Sweet little girls are tiresome. And the girl who blackmailed Rita Skeeter, cursed Marietta Edgecombe’s face with permanent pimples, tossed Dolores Umbridge to the centaurs (though I believe she was actually looking for Grawp), and mind-wiped her own parents has no claim to purity. This, again, is a good thing; purity is so boring. Hermione is nothing like as dark as Severus, but the potential is there, and she’s already gone some distance down the road. It’s one of the things that makes the two of them a good match. Unlike Saint Lily, Hermione can’t get all huffy and self-righteous on Severus. She knows too well where good intentions can take you.
Response from sunny33 (Author of I Still Don't Like You)
LOL. I think you live in my head! :)
Angela Farmer: “Hermione” is derived from Hermes, messenger of the gods; the Greek word for messenger is “angelos.” A grange is, of course, a farm. And Soren is the Danish (I think) version of Severus. In one fanfic series I know of, it’s the name Severus gives to his son.
Response from sunny33 (Author of I Still Don't Like You)
Excellent work! :)
it must be Minerva, I can hear her saying canoodling. I hope your muse will help you updating soon, it is a lovely story
Response from sunny33 (Author of I Still Don't Like You)
Thank you. :)
LOL! I usually get so annoyed by cliffhangers, but I love this one! Can't wait for more.
Response from sunny33 (Author of I Still Don't Like You)
Coming up soon :)
Caught!in mid canoodle to, I hope it's Minerva that has found them.
Response from sunny33 (Author of I Still Don't Like You)
Could be Filch... ;)
Ooopsie. I'm guessing that it was Minerva who just found them. Assuming she's the current headmistress, Minerva would be probably be alerted as soon as anyone attempted to access Hogwarts' wards.
Response from sunny33 (Author of I Still Don't Like You)
*lips are sealed* ;)
Great chapter. Love the part where the glamours don't work on muggles.
Response from sunny33 (Author of I Still Don't Like You)
Thank you. :)