New Chapter for Resonare Mortis
Resonare Mortis
Laralee25 Reviews | 25 Ratings, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )
Somewhere, in the midst of all the chaos following the end of the war, someone made an error.
Winner, Second place for Best Drama-Angst Fic in the Fall/Winter 2013 HPfanficfanpoll awards on LiveJournal
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About Laralee
Member Since 2012 | 6 Stories | Favorited by 18 | 1 Review Written | 62 Review Responses
Reviews for Resonare Mortis
Wow. A powerful story. I am in tears. So beautiful. You have written an amazing story. Wow.
What a harrowing, thrilling, heartbreaking, uplifting tale you've woven! It's brilliant.I caught myself thinking how glad I am that it didn't happen that way! It didn't happen at all, but you and JKR fooled me all the same. Thank you.
Response from Laralee (Author of Resonare Mortis)
Thank you very much for reading and for the wonderful review!
I want to say this is, horribly beautiful. Wow.
Response from Laralee (Author of Resonare Mortis)
Thank you for reading!
This was a wonderful story in every way, hard to read, definitely, and brought me to tears, but still, beautifully worded. Grief and guilt are never easy and sometimes we put too much of both on ourselves, but they also display our compassion; I hope Hermione can learn to live in peace, now, too, just as Severus has found his freedom, and perhaps his portrait will help with that.
Response from Laralee (Author of Resonare Mortis)
Thank you for the lovely review! I’m sure Hermione will come to find peace, and I’m fairly certain Severus would assist in that. Thank you for reading.
This story tore at my heart but was a brilliant homage to his death. Thank you for sharing it.
Response from Laralee (Author of Resonare Mortis)
And thank you very much for taking the time to read and review!
Amazing, heart-wrenching chapter. This line: he is slowly swallowed up by the agony the same way an ocean consumes a single grain of salt Sheer poetry.I want to say so much about this chapter but cannot find the words.
Response from Laralee (Author of Resonare Mortis)
Thank you for reading, and thank you for the lovely review.
That was very good and sad. I think this was better than writing it so that she saved him
Response from Laralee (Author of Resonare Mortis)
Thank you for reading!
Rough chapter but very well done. Brilliant actually. Your attention to detail is amazing. Thank you for sharing.
Response from Laralee (Author of Resonare Mortis)
Thank you for reading, and thank you for the wonderful review!
Ok - that was simply awesome. It should be read by campfires and with flashlights.
Response from Laralee (Author of Resonare Mortis)
Thank you for the lovely review!
Nope, still sad! You still have me crying like a baby into my pillow (being pregnant doesn't help though, I suppose). A good story, but a real heartbreaker of one too.
Response from Laralee (Author of Resonare Mortis)
Thank you for reading!
Oh, poor Severus! If that is indeed what is happening to him, I can't imagine a more hellishly torturous form of existence. I have to wonder if a person or persons connected with the Ministry's investigation (assuming that, in fact, an investigation actually occurred) hated Snape enough to decide that Resonare Mortis was a fitting punishment for him, regardless of Snape's true role in the war. If so, I hope that Hermione and Harry uncover the truth soon and find the monster(s) who would sanction such a heinous perversion of justice.
Response from Laralee (Author of Resonare Mortis)
Thanks for reading! More to come concerning how it all came about.
So well-written and incredibly intriguing! I cannot wait for the next chapter!
Response from Laralee (Author of Resonare Mortis)
Thank you very much!
A very promising start, and I do look forward to find out what has happened to Snape. The portrait being silent? That does sound ... strange.I like the feel of the story. A bit noir-like, if you take my meaning. And I do look forward to all the following chapters.
Response from Laralee (Author of Resonare Mortis)
Thank you very much for reading and for the review!
No warnings needed, this story is going to be an engrossing read and very welcomed.
Response from Laralee (Author of Resonare Mortis)
Thank you very much for reading!
Such a promising start, I can't wait to read more!
Response from Laralee (Author of Resonare Mortis)
Thank you very much. The next chapter is currently waiting in the queue!
You might want another critical eye for typos and the like. Where she talks about painting Snape in a pitiful light, it says "is a pitiful light" instead of "in." Just thought I'd let you know. ;) I like what you have so far, I'm intrigued to see what is wrong with Snape's portrait!
Response from Laralee (Author of Resonare Mortis)
Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
What a spectacular story. Thank you very much !
Response from Laralee (Author of Resonare Mortis)
Thank you for reading!
:C Such a sweet tragedy.
Response from Laralee (Author of Resonare Mortis)
Thank you for reading!
This is lovely. Yes, it's painful and dark, but it's lovely. Thank you so much. I can only imagine how painful this was for you to write.
Response from Laralee (Author of Resonare Mortis)
Thank you for reading. As far as the writing part, it was an experience to say the very least. Some parts were easier than others, but it was a story that had to be written. One of those instances where the idea sort of picks you and you have no choice but to do as it says, if that makes any sense at all. Thank you for the lovely review!
Gripping stuff.....Eagerly anticipating the next instalment
Response from Laralee (Author of Resonare Mortis)
Thank you for reading!
Beautiful and haunting, if you'll excuse the pun.
Response from Laralee (Author of Resonare Mortis)
Pun excused! Thank you for reading!
This story is so sad! I'm one of those hopeless suckers always looking for the happy ending to a story, but I just don't see this one having a happy resolution. The stories that show him going through so much pain and suffering kill me. I'm sure I will come back to follow this as it is updated, but I feel like it's only going to end up giving me a broken heart when it's all said and done.
Response from Laralee (Author of Resonare Mortis)
This story does have a certain grey quality to it, but there is some semblance of a “happy ending.” Thanks for reading and for the review!
"Severus Snape is free.", indeed. This was awesome in the true meaning of the word. I'm a sobbing mess. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story.
Response from Laralee (Author of Resonare Mortis)
Thank you for reading!