New Chapter for Business and Pleasure
Business and Pleasure
Laralee7 Reviews | 7 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )
A story in which business isn’t always kept strictly professional.
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About Laralee
Member Since 2012 | 6 Stories | Favorited by 18 | 1 Review Written | 62 Review Responses
Reviews for Business and Pleasure
Hmm, I'm not a big fan of Lucius stories, but I'm willing to see where this one goes for a little while..
Response from Laralee (Author of Business and Pleasure)
Lucius will play a rather large role in this story in the chapters to come, him being the “business” partner after all.
This is an intriguing beginning. I look forward to reading more!
Response from Laralee (Author of Business and Pleasure)
Thank you for reading and for the review. I appreciate it!
An intriguing start.
Response from Laralee (Author of Business and Pleasure)
Thank you very much for reading!
This is such a good introduction to what promises to be a fabulous story. I love the fact that Severus has not lost his touch at eviscerating miscreants. He does it so well and his putdowns cut right to the core...almost literally. I sense with Lucius and Severus that they've had many years to practice winding each other up, yet I think Severus definitively won this round with Lucius squirming at the thought of a business bringing in such a princely (sorry) sum. :D
Response from Laralee (Author of Business and Pleasure)
Severus does have a rather harsh tongue on him, doesn’t he? I wouldn’t have him any other way of course! Thank you for reading and for the review. Stay tuned, the next chapter follows soon!
A nice, plausible beginning, with Severus and Lucius very true to canon. I find myself with a sneaking sympathy for Lowsley, though--true, he seems to have the brains of a gnat, but having the guts to sit through an exit interview like that without fleeing in terror, completely crumbling into pieces, or bursting into tears does show a certain amount of courage. Perhaps he's a Gryffindor? Either way, something tells me the new assistant will be.
Response from Laralee (Author of Business and Pleasure)
Gregor could be a Gryffindor indeed. Thanks for reading and for the review!
I've read this chapter somewhere else, I think. It's frighteningly familiar. *grin* That said, it's still entertaining and I look forward to the next chapter. ^_^
Response from Laralee (Author of Business and Pleasure)
Ah yes! I am slowly moving my work over to TPP. The next chapter should be soonish. Thanks for reading and for sticking around for the next installment.
Good to see Severus at his acid tongued best.
Response from Laralee (Author of Business and Pleasure)
Indeed! Thanks for reading and for the review!