1st of October 2018
Chapter 9 of 23
PyttanEnding up as one of the more prominent portraits at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is a dull thing indeed, for a former double-spy. But there are ways to amuse oneself when boredom gets the better of you.
Reviewed9. 1st of October 2018
He had been stupid not to take into account that childhood habits die hard, and in these circumstances, they died very rarely, if at all. Being a portrait seemed to have made him lose the edge of his deductive reasoning powers. The woman had always sought comfort with or among books. It should have been obvious that this was where he would find her eventually, so why he hadn't placed himself in the library and waited for the inevitable to happen, was beyond him. Thank Merlin for Madam Pince.
Hermione looked as if she had been to Hades and back again; she was sitting slumped in her chair, just staring in front of her; her hair pulled back in an messy pony tail, skin blotchy from crying and with dark rings underneath her eyes, blue veins showing through the skin.
"Headmistress McGonagall sent me," he said, deciding to hide behind Minerva's name.
"Why would she send you?" She didn't change position or look up at him, and her voice didn't even carry any animosity.
Shock most likely.
"You're just here to gloat."
"You would have preferred to listen to the platitudes of Albus', then? Or why not have Minerva trying to put on her version of the stiff upper lip as the means not to cry all over you? Between Molly and the rest of the Weasleys, I would have imagined that you had had enough of both the crying and the upper lips. Isn't that why you're sitting here?"
"At least they liked Ron ... us." He watched as a tear started its way down her cheek, but it got lost in the moistness of its predecessors and disappeared into nothingness halfway down.
Maybe Minerva and Albus had been right. Maybe he should leave this particular mess alone.
Then he remembered how Albus had behaved and what he had said as he told Severus that Lily had died. The mere thought made his stomach do a painful lurch again. He also remembered how he'd wished himself miles away from it all, and how easily led and manipulated he had been.
She needed someone to snap her out of the sadness.
"What was it now that Albus said when he broke the news of Lily's death to me ... ah! Now I remember. Something about if I had really loved her, my way forward was clear, and of course, as his coup de foudre, chose to point out that it was my duty to not let her death be in vain. Is that what you want to hear? That you must bravely move ahead because that would have been what your dead beloved would have wanted, and indeed, wished for?"
She looked up at the painting he inhabited, eyes black.
"I've been fed that nonsense ever since it happened," she said. Her voice quavered with anger, or maybe sadness, he wasn't sure. He gave her a slow nod in acknowledgement, hoping she would continue.
"Molly is crying all over me when I'm there, sobbing her heart out. Arthur just seems lost and keeps tinkering with that ridiculous collection of plugs he has. And both of them rave on about how we need to find comfort and move on together." She flew to her feet and flailed her hands as if she wanted to get rid of a nasty potion stuck to them. "What 'together' are they talking about? I'm alone. I can't confide in anyone because they have all fallen apart! All because Ron was stupid enough to drive that car without learning to drive it properly." The next second she covered her mouth with both hands, eyes wide.
"Very thoughtless of him," Severus said, but this time he made sure none of his acid came through. If she was already angry enough to let a comment like that slip, he didn't need to fuel that particular fire.
She made a despondent shrug. "I don't even know if I'm going to be able to keep our house—"
"If it turns out you can't, Hogwarts will house you and your children. The school always does in cases like these."
Her mouth was still open as if she were going to continue speaking, and her chest was heaving. But then she snapped her mouth shut and sank down on the chair again.
Good. One of her worries gone then.
"What about Potter?" he asked.
She rubbed her face with both hands and ended the movement by pressing the heels of her hands against her eyes. She let them stay there.
"He's being Harry."
He scoffed.
"That would be quiet, brooding—emulating the strong silent type, yes?"
She laughed then. A shrieking, angry laugh.
"Harry doesn't emulate anything or anyone. He is the definition of the strong silent type, you snide bastard. He has enough to deal with, trying to take care of Ginny and the rest of the Weasleys. He doesn't need to add me to the crowd weighing him down. He's as badly off as I am."
A couple of sixth-year Slytherins had entered the library and were now being forced to leave by Madame Pince. When the boys were outside, she turned and looked at Severus with a curt nod.
The dragon would keep the students away from them. They would have continued privacy.
"How are your children taking it?"
Hermione seemed to shrink where she sat.
"Badly." The word was almost a whisper.
In the corner of his eyes, he could see the same sixth years trying to enter the library again. They were whispering and throwing Hermione surreptitious looks. They knew what had happened, the morbid little twits, and wanted to have a good look at the misery of their professor. He made eye contact with one of them and bared his teeth. The boy took one step back on seeing him, thus backing into Madame Pince, who had sneaked up behind them. The collision made the boy almost jump out of his robes. With a firm grip over the back of the culprits' necks, she guided them out of the library.
He turned his attention back to Hermione again.
"Get them back to school again."
She looked horrified at his comment.
"No, they need to be—"
"Where everyone is mourning? Where Molly cries all over them? Where everyone is tip-toeing around them, and where there is no one that can manage taking care of them and their grieving? If you'll excuse me for saying this, I do think Filius and Longbottom are far better equipped than you and Molly are to take care of them."
She flew at the painting, and in an instant, she was standing almost with her nose pressed against the canvas.
"Don't you dare assume that you know what is best for my children!" She was almost spitting the words at him, with a hard, hoarse voice he had never expected from her. "How could you know? A teacher like you, who hated the children you taught."
He took her on, meeting her eyes, trying to bore his way into them with his own.
"Because after my mother died, I was relieved when I was finally sent back here. Because here things were normal. I could do things I liked and enjoyed without feeling guilty or being shouted at."
That slayed her, he could see that. She backed away from the wall where he hung and hugged herself.
"I'll think about it." He almost didn't hear the words. But if she thought about it, she would realise he was right.
"Do so, and please sit down. Madame Pince will let you stay as long as you wish. I will discuss your future lodgings with the Headmistress."
"You don't have to—"
"There are a lot of things I never had to do. Yet I did them anyway. This task is easy enough for me to achieve."
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163 Reviews | 4.7/10 Average
what is demiguise miss hodgkins nick about? also you are a wonderful writer with genius moments!
Response from Pyttan (Author of Framing Hermione)
Thank you very much! I'm so glad you enjoyed the read.A demiguise is a creature that can makes itself invisible when frightened. It is also used as the symbol for number 0 in Ancient Runes. So, Severus is being very mean to poor Miss Hodkins. And than you again: nice reviews is what keeps me writing.
I hope he keesp his regrets to himself. It will do her no good to hear them. :)
Response from Pyttan (Author of Framing Hermione)
He is a smart man our Severus ... at least for the most part, so I hope so too ... ;)
Well, it looks as if I called it -- unfortunately. While there could be a bright side to this -- i.e., Severus will finally have an opportunity to be with Hermione -- something tells me that he won't allow that to happen now because he blames himself for being unable to warn her in time. As I said before, can we at least hope that Winky will be brought to justice?
Death to Winky!!!
Response from Pyttan (Author of Framing Hermione)
I always thought that Winky is one of the creepiest characters in the Potterverse, and to me ... well, she was the obvious choice in this case. By now you know how it ended, and I want to take the opportunity to thank you for following the story and all of your feedback and kind reviews. It means a lot and inspires to write more.
I do hope Hermione forgives Severus, he tried to warn her. What will happen to Winky, how is an insane house elf handled, and what of Rose and Hugo, How will they cope with their mothers death?
Response from Pyttan (Author of Framing Hermione)
A lot of qustions which I can not answar I'm afrad. Thank you for reading and reviewing.
Poor Severus. He tried so hard. Severus isn't to blame, even though he thinks so. Yes, he was tempted to allow Hermione to be killed, but in the end he decided not to. That has to count for something. I don't think Hermione will blame him either. I just feel bad for her kids.
Response from Pyttan (Author of Framing Hermione)
Well. You know now, since the last chapter is up. I felt it was difficult to answer your review as long as that last chapter was up. You'll get a bit more in your last review. Thank you for following my story and being generous with your reviews.
Uh oh. Amnesia isn't good! :0
Response from Pyttan (Author of Framing Hermione)
No. Not all. Very bad. More to come ...
Oh well. The desicion is been taking away from him. Great update, thank you!
Response from Pyttan (Author of Framing Hermione)
Thank you for reading and reviewing. More to come ...
You do know how to keep a reader in suspense, don't you?. Poor Severus, I do hope he makes the right choice, for him and Hermione.
Response from Pyttan (Author of Framing Hermione)
Thank you. That is such a lovely complment. Thank you for reading and reviewing.
Uhoh, amnesia is the WORST think for Severus to get. How is he supposed to help Hermione if he can't remember that she's in danger. I'm wondering if that's the whole "framing Hermione." I'm guess she does get killed by the psycho elf.
Response from Pyttan (Author of Framing Hermione)
Very bad indeed. Hermione is under threat and there is really no one, at this point, that can help ... as far as your guess goes I really want you to keep reading so ... ;). Thank you for reading and reviewing!
Uhoh, amnesia is the WORST think for Severus to get. How is he supposed to help Hermione if he can't remember that she's in danger. I'm wondering if that's the whole "framing Hermione." I'm guess she does get killed by the psycho elf.
Oh, you dreadful tease -- not allowing Severus to remember what had upset him and prolonging the suspense that way, without offering us a single clue regarding whether Hermione will live or die! Grrrrrr...
Response from Pyttan (Author of Framing Hermione)
Thank you! I'm actually flattered to be called a tease ... And of course I can't clue you in. You might stop reading then. Thank you so much for reading and reviewing and I hope you will enjoy the rest of the story too.
Wow, forget crazy house elves offing each other, can paintings off each other? I'm pretty sure I've read part of this story before (on another board), but I can't wait to find out what happens. Will Severus allow her to be killed? Will Cadagan turpentine him before he cab warn her? Dun dun DUNN!
Response from Pyttan (Author of Framing Hermione)
Will Phineas fall in love with Hermione? Will Severus be mad with jealousy? Who will Hermione chose? Dun dun DUNN! Thank you for reading and reviewing.
Aww, poor Hermione. I'm one of those people who are firmly in denial that Snape's dead, so hopefully this is still a good story, even for me. I'll check it out and see where it goes!
Response from Pyttan (Author of Framing Hermione)
I hope You'll like the rest of the story. Thank you for reading and giving my story a chance.
Oh, dear...something tells me that Severus is not going to be able to come to Hermione's rescue. The story warnings do include "character death" and "murder", after all...can we at least hope that Winky will be brought to justice?
Response from Pyttan (Author of Framing Hermione)
Ah. Weeeeell, I really can't say anything at tis point. Thank you for reading and reviewing. I'm glad to have you along.
Oh my, a passed out Severus and Hermione about to join him... it may not be too bad she is stubborn as a mule going down the hill.
Response from Pyttan (Author of Framing Hermione)
Well ... you'll have to wait and see. Thank you for reading and reviewing.
Oh dear, it may have been taken out of Severus' hands.
Response from Pyttan (Author of Framing Hermione)
Oh, I don't know ... Thank you for reading and reviewing. Glad to have you along.
Uh oh. It may be too late for his conscience to sort him out! :0
Response from Pyttan (Author of Framing Hermione)
It might. It might not (Trying to keep you reading).
Someone give Winky a Butterbeer! She needs to chill! :)
Response from Pyttan (Author of Framing Hermione)
Poor Winky. I'm thinking knocking her out with a sturdy Fire Whisky might work really well too.
O_O Death by House Elf, oh my. Bad Hermione, bad. (and really creepy crazy House Elf talk you had going on there...)
Response from Pyttan (Author of Framing Hermione)
Thank you! I'm so glad you liked the House Elf talk! I worked really hard with that part.
Response from Phyllidia (Reviewer)
You succeeded. I'm still sort of creeped out by it.
Hmm, I not sure Hermione is right in this one. I hope she has done tons of research and has spoken to far more than Kreacher. Short but entertaining.
Response from Pyttan (Author of Framing Hermione)
She always does her research. And thank you so much. I'm glad you think so.
Well that certainly is convenient for Severus. All of the credit, none of the blame.
Response from Pyttan (Author of Framing Hermione)
IF ... things turn out that way ... Thank you for reading and reviewing.
Yikes. It doesn't look good for Hermione, does it?Thanks for posting!hm88
Response from Pyttan (Author of Framing Hermione)
No, I suppose not ... thank you for reading.
Uh-oh. *Now* I understand your response to last chapter's review. Just how soon are you going to make Hermione a portrait???(Quickly moving to ch. 20!)hm88
Response from Pyttan (Author of Framing Hermione)
Can't answer that. Want To keep you reading ;)
Oh Severus. Don't be so selfish as to deny her a full life. But it seems it may be out of his hands...perhaps.
Response from Pyttan (Author of Framing Hermione)
Maybe it is, meybe it's not ... (trying to keep you reading my story here, did you notice?)
Draco had better watch his back, he knows Hermiones temper.
Response from Pyttan (Author of Framing Hermione)
He should, if he's wise. But will he be wise? Thank you for reading and reviewing. I'm glad you are still with me.
Response from Pyttan (Author of Framing Hermione)
He should, if he's wise. But will he be wise? Thank you for reading and reviewing. I'm glad you are still with me.