New Chapter for His Own True Heir
His Own True Heir
scaranda9 Reviews | 9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
When Severus frees Lucius from Azkaban, he has nowhere else to take him but the safe house, the one in which Sirius Black is hiding.
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About scaranda
Member Since 2010 | 19 Stories | Favorited by 15 | 15 Reviews Written | 350 Review Responses
Reviews for His Own True Heir
Great update, one more piece of the puzzle.
Response from scaranda (Author of His Own True Heir)
Thanks for that, and for reading along.
Oh Minerva, never was a truer word spoken.
Response from scaranda (Author of His Own True Heir)
She knows her men, does Minerva.
Wow no wonder Severus can't trust Sirius, after being driven to the point of suicide by the person you love, is a very bitter pill to swollow.
Response from scaranda (Author of His Own True Heir)
Yeah, I'm not sure I'd trust him either. Thanks for popping by.
Good read!
Response from scaranda (Author of His Own True Heir)
Thanks for that. I hope you enjoy the rest.
Seventeen years is not nearly long enough, when dealing with Severus, his wounds are still open, and bleeding.
Careful Harry, you know what curousity did to the cat.
Response from scaranda (Author of His Own True Heir)
Thanks for picking up the story again, Mick 42. It is complete and I shall post every few days.Thanks for your review.
Response from mick42 (Reviewer)
You're very welcome, looking forward to reading the rest of this intriguing story.
No one can hurt us more, than the one we love.The more we love, the deeper the wound if we are betrayed. Severus' wound is still open and bleeding, even after seventeen years, so he must love Black very much.
Sounds like everyone has a bad case of cabin fever. I'm glad that Harry is displaying more sense than Ron{ Ok, I know that's not very hard, but still good to see}. Looking forward to the next chapter.
Interesting start, you use words very well, I'm not sure if I'll go the distance with this,not a slash fan,unless it's done well,and not a Sirius Black at all,but I did enjoy the first chapter so I'll keep reading.