New Chapter for Potions Master Severus
Potions Master Severus
ladyofthemasque23 Reviews | 5.83/10 (23 Ratings, 0 Likes, 10 Favorites )
A filk of a horribly familiar, Uber-Evil children's song.
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About ladyofthemasque
Member Since 2005 | 37 Stories | Favorited by 1,485 | 368 Reviews Written | 1,311 Review Responses
I have to apologize to everyone, period. Real life swallowed me whole, as I have been struggling to make a living writing original fiction over the last 8 years. It has not been easy, & has been complicated by health issues. I hope people can forgive my long silences. Trying to make enough money to live on from writing is a lot harder--waaaay harder--than it looks. (At least I didn't leave any posted fanfics unfinished.)
These stories are works of parody (& thus are allowable under US law), and are not written for profit. Just for fun. I'm not making any money off of any fanfics, nor will I ever. I'm just playing around in other writers' universes.
...I am, however, making something of a living off my own stories. (If anyone wants to play around in my universes, you may visit my website,, and look up my policy on Fanfics & Fanarts. It's reasonable enough and fairly easy to follow, too...)
Reviews for Potions Master Severus
Awesome bunny.
funny! ahaahahaaa
You are one twisted sister Lady, you really are.I giggled for almost 5 minutes at this...~Amanda Rose~the T-Fanf Faerie
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of Potions Master Severus)
Can you imagine doing that at an HP convention? *giggles eeeeviiilly*~Lotm
ROFLMFAO!!! OMG that is fab-u-lass!!!I havn't laughed so hard in a very long time.Stonewall Jenn
I loved it!! My mum used to sing me the one about the bunny but this was even better.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of Potions Master Severus)
I annoy my mum with both versions, myself. *innocent whistling*~Lotm
Ahahahahaha...I can see him doing just that now...I'd like to bop Pettigrew on the noggin a couple of times, too!
i found this fic the other day and i can't get it outta my head,its hilarious!
I literally SNORTED when I read this. Too great.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of Potions Master Severus)
Now, now, no hurting yourself!*hugs & wicked, bad, eeeevil author giggles*,~Lotm
I thought it was dementedly cute.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of Potions Master Severus)
Yup. Demented. That's definitely the word for it!~Lotm*snickering*
Oh, no, I'm going to be singing this all night. Time to switch from the Schindler's List soundtrack to something with catchy words. Like Barney. It might be preferable - well, no, that's beyond insulting to you. Sorry. :)
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of Potions Master Severus)
Yes, that is beyond insulting to me. ;-P...But I forgive you. And I'll even be nice and not hum the song again, getting it stuck in your head like a hopping, naughty bunn--heeheehee!~LotmP.S. Picturing Hagrid in a cotton-candy pink tutu usually works for me...*shudders*
O.O ahahaha that's one of the funniest irreverant pieces of writing I've EVER come across. Wonderfully done!
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of Potions Master Severus)
*curtsies* Thank you! ~Lotm
*snarf* *snork* *giggle* *guffaw*I just want you to know this is brilliant. Although for a moment there I thought you were going to start out with "I am the very model of a modern Potions' Master" or something to that effect... I like this one though. It seems to fit the season. *wide grin**hums softly to self* *giggle*
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of Potions Master Severus)
Lol, I prefer the Tom Leher version of that particular song... ~Lotm (not-so-closet nerd)
heh heh. pwned. Gred and Forge think it's bloody brilliant.
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of Potions Master Severus)
*hugs & kisses Gred & Forge* Mwah! ~Lotm
I think I'm gonna teach my 3-year-old this version. It's much more fun! I wonder if I'll keep from snickering when I get a call from his preschool teacher if I do...Great parody!
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of Potions Master Severus)
I'm sooo NOT responsible for it, if you do! ;-D ~Lotm
LOL... thats funny... when Voldie says, dont bop peter on the head Sevie can kill him
it is Kwel
LOL! Go Sev!
OMFG that was too funny that should become the next puppet pals short
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of Potions Master Severus)
*Widens eyes in horror...* Dear god, tell me you're joking! Tell my brain you're joking, 'cause my brain (which has apparently just been turned into the ho of a pimping crack-bunny *SHUDDER*) is thinking this is a good idea??~LotmP.S. YOU contact 'em!
Response from Anijade (Reviewer)
If i knew how I would think how funny it would be lol
Evil Traitor Severus, stalking through the Riddle house, sneaking up on Pettigrew and bopping him on the head!
Down comes Lord Voldemort and he says, "Evil Traitor Severus, I don't want to see you sneaking up on Pettigrew and bopping him on the head. Now I'll give you two more chances to do it right or else!"
Off goes Lord Voldemort! Simmer goes Severus!
Evil Traitor Severus, stalking through the Riddle house, sneaking up on Pettigrew and bopping him on the head!
Down comes Lord Voldemort and he says, "Evil Traitor Severus, I don't want to see you sneaking up on Pettigrew and bopping him on the head. Now I'll give you one more chance to do it right or else!"
Off goes Lord Voldemort! Simmer goes Severus!
Evil Traitor Severus, stalking through the Riddle house, sneaking up on Pettigrew and bopping him on the head!
Down comes Lord Voldemort and he says, "Evil Traitor Severus, I don't want to see you sneaking up on Pettigrew and bopping him on the --"
Lord Thingy Severus, stalking through the forest, hunting down unicorns and bopping them on the head!
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of Potions Master Severus)
AAAAAUGH! SHE DID IT AGAIN!!!*RantrantrantrantPROSEPIRATESS!!Rantrantrant!!*Don't make me fire another canonball at you!!! I finally got the all-teak wood of the drinks bar finished on my middeck, and now you do THIS to me??~Lmaoer...Lotm, Privateer of Prose
Response from notsosaintly (Reviewer)
See what comes of sharing a cabin boy?
Sneaky Little Cabin Boy, looking for some fun... searching for NSS and bopping her on the head!
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of Potions Master Severus)
Hmm...the ending of that last filk should be, "...sneaking up on NSS, and bopping her on the bed.";->~Lotm
ROFLMAO!! I had this song stuck in my head the other day!!! Well done!!
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of Potions Master Severus)
Thanks, Wormey!~Lotm
Oh... My... God. That was simply... what can I say? You're warped! I love it! I've GOT to print this one up to show my Beta!
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of Potions Master Severus)
Thanks! *curtsies*~Lotm
that was HORRIBLE!!!!! LOL
Response from ladyofthemasque (Author of Potions Master Severus)
...Mweheheh?~Lotmthe somewhat semi-repentent