New Chapter for Winter Apples
Winter Apples
moiramountain7 Reviews | 7 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
He was meant to be his father's heir... He was meant to be the best of his House. He was not meant to suffer shame that even the lowliest of creatures should never bear.
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About moiramountain
Member Since 2008 | 10 Stories | Favorited by 33 | 329 Reviews Written | 307 Review Responses
A Celtic heart residing in Denver in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains,I've been posting fictions for about a year now and have met some wonderful new friends, including an outstanding beta.
Professionally I'm the Operations Director of a modern dance ensemble, and personally the proud mother of two wonderful daughters.
Those of you who read my works know my passion for the beauty and power of language -- it is my goal to lure the reader into the story -- invoking powerful images, and waking the magic of the tale in their hearts. Much like a potion, I hope to bewitch and ensnare. I VERY MUCH appreicate reviews and critiques. Very helpful to see what my readers are thinking. Currently working on an epic piece and am so happy that so many of you are becoming immersed in it, and are also saying you like my shorter pieces as well. It's an honor to be in the company of some incredible writers - and readers as well !!
Reviews for Winter Apples
It's such a wellcrafted story. I find myself feeling so sad for Draco. I always found him to be such a tragic character in so many ways, but this ... Well done.
Response from moiramountain (Author of Winter Apples)
He's deeply flawed - and at times, truly awful - but still, there's a terrible fragility and beauty about him - this facade he wears is so easy to shatter... I see him almost as the looking-glass Snape - which leads me to believe Severus would have wanted to salvage what he could of him - perhaps seeing himself in the boy, had circumstances of birth and fate been different. I do thank you for walking this dark path with me - nice to know there's a friend along...
Response from moiramountain (Author of Winter Apples)
He's deeply flawed - and at times, truly awful - but still, there's a terrible fragility and beauty about him - this facade he wears is so easy to shatter... I see him almost as the looking-glass Snape - which leads me to believe Severus would have wanted to salvage what he could of him - perhaps seeing himself in the boy, had circumstances of birth and fate been different. I do thank you for walking this dark path with me - nice to know there's a friend along...
Breathtaking. My heart aches for little Dragonwing...
Response from moiramountain (Author of Winter Apples)
Oh thank you so much for that !! Turtlefoot is a very wise old thing, isn't she? She has no illusions about Draco - but she cares for him a great deal.
Response from moiramountain (Author of Winter Apples)
Oh thank you so much for that !! Turtlefoot is a very wise old thing, isn't she? She has no illusions about Draco - but she cares for him a great deal.
Great start! Such a strong exciting beginning. I love it!
Response from moiramountain (Author of Winter Apples)
Thank you - this particular plot bunny came skulking into my head very late at night, darkly cloaked and demanding my attention. I tried saying "no" but the thing simply would not be denied !!
Response from moiramountain (Author of Winter Apples)
Thank you - this particular plot bunny came skulking into my head very late at night, darkly cloaked and demanding my attention. I tried saying "no" but the thing simply would not be denied !!
So horrifying, so intense... So much I want to say but I'm about to get in the car so I'll just say... I cannot wait for the next chapter!!
Response from moiramountain (Author of Winter Apples)
This one's rather different for me... but the boy just keeps looking at me and I can't seem to turn my back on him...
Response from moiramountain (Author of Winter Apples)
This one's rather different for me... but the boy just keeps looking at me and I can't seem to turn my back on him...
“When the mask fell away at dawn, I could see the blood... where it had dried on me... I hurt... there... and all over... inside... I could smell him... on the air... on me... Greyback...” My god! How terrible this "initiation" was for Draco. I don't know why Turtlefoot decided to stay with Draco and Narcissa, but I'm glad she did. I have an idea that Draco wouldn't last another day if the old elf weren't there with him.To the old servant’s way of thinking, the sullen accusation was both challenge and petition. If she propped the doors for him, young Sir might have just the reason he wanted to step inside whatever Room of Lost Things held the darker secrets of his wary heart. Busying herself with clearing away the broken crockery, she extended the invitation.Draco is so fortunate to have the old elfanny who loves him so very much, and will do what is needed to help rescue him from this tortured existence. If I've read this right, Severus is recovering from Nagini's attack and has gone with Narcissa to visit Lucius in Azkaban. Severus, Narcissa, and Draco are living in exile in a cottage, but I have no idea if they are in Scotland, Ireland, England, or Wales. Wherever they are, Draco doesn't have his wand, so I have to wonder if Mistress or Alchemer Sir have theirs. I envision the herbs and ground spices ready for not only cooking, but for the brewing of Potions. I wonder how much, if any, of Draco's torture at the hands of Greyback do his mother and Sir know about? If Turtlefoot is only now finding out about it, I can see how it would be possible for them not to know... yet.When you told me that "This work is very different for me - dark, rough subject matter, rough language - but it was a tale that Draco wanted told if he's ever to come through his dark night," I had no idea what you meant. This Draco is so totally in character with the Draco in the last several films. Felton's eyes did portray a very haunted and nearly completely broken young man.This is going to be a very powerful story, Moira, and I am looking forward to the next chapter! Well done.Beth
Response from moiramountain (Author of Winter Apples)
Thank you so much for giving this a chance !! I was struck in canon by Draco's great aversion to being anywhere near Grayback and his ill-concealed horror that the werewolf had entered Hogwarts (and by his hand) - so, there you have it - the bunny was off and running !!
Response from moiramountain (Author of Winter Apples)
Thank you so much for giving this a chance !! I was struck in canon by Draco's great aversion to being anywhere near Grayback and his ill-concealed horror that the werewolf had entered Hogwarts (and by his hand) - so, there you have it - the bunny was off and running !!
Turtlefoot is one of the dearest Elf charatcters I've met in fanfiction. She is the personification of courage and patience, love and determination, and I know that somewhere within her own magic and her ancient wisdom is the anchor that will save her Dragonwing from this living nightmare. And perhaps somewhere along in this journey, she will save a few others who could do with a bit of healing of their own souls.This is great work, Moira!Beth
Response from moiramountain (Author of Winter Apples)
Everyone in this house could stand to spend some time with her, I'd think. She is the essence of magic.
Response from moiramountain (Author of Winter Apples)
Everyone in this house could stand to spend some time with her, I'd think. She is the essence of magic.
I like this new story very much, it has so much elements of real storytelling and weaving magic and old traditions and ancient wisdom together in the way you are so good at and that I love so much. It might be strange territory for you but it's so you at the same time. Hope you'll update soon. I'm very curious where Turtlefoots decision to be visible and speak her mind will lead to. And just like Braye I'm not so sure if Narcissa and Snape know about Draco's ordeal. Well, we will see how things unfold.
Response from moiramountain (Author of Winter Apples)
Thank you so much! The muse came to me and I did fight her - but the boy needs someone to know what happened if he's ever going to be whole again (actually, perhaps whole for the first time in his life) and it seems I'm the one he's chosen to listen. So now, I've gone and done it - now I have two weighty tales needing my attention !! Oi...
Response from moiramountain (Author of Winter Apples)
Thank you so much! The muse came to me and I did fight her - but the boy needs someone to know what happened if he's ever going to be whole again (actually, perhaps whole for the first time in his life) and it seems I'm the one he's chosen to listen. So now, I've gone and done it - now I have two weighty tales needing my attention !! Oi...