New Chapter for Tequila Makes Her Robes Fall Off
Tequila Makes Her Robes Fall Off
MsTree11 Reviews | 11 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )
A songfic of potions and tequila and Ladies' Night at the local pub.
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About MsTree
Member Since 2007 | 11 Stories | Favorited by 106 | 999 Reviews Written | 918 Review Responses
A citizen of Calontir, living in the State of Misery, located north of Are-Kansas and south of Iowewaytoomuch. Writer of fiction who reads more than is healthy for her and owned by two terrors... I mean, terriers. ^_^
Reviews for Tequila Makes Her Robes Fall Off
Funny how the guys ended up getting worked up about nothing.
Response from MsTree (Author of Tequila Makes Her Robes Fall Off)
Especially Ron. I think he really wanted to see Lavender's robes fall off. ^_~
Response from MsTree (Author of Tequila Makes Her Robes Fall Off)
Especially Ron. I think he really wanted to see Lavender's robes fall off. ^_~
Yeah, I can understand the concern of these lovely ladies being out at a bar and all, but now that their men are here, get those girls some tequila! What is wrong with these men, lol? Thanks for the laugh. This was too cute.
Response from MsTree (Author of Tequila Makes Her Robes Fall Off)
I'm glad you liked it. The song was stuck in my head and I couldn't get it out until I wrote this. ^_^
Response from MsTree (Author of Tequila Makes Her Robes Fall Off)
I'm glad you liked it. The song was stuck in my head and I couldn't get it out until I wrote this. ^_^
Too cute, thanks for sharing!
Response from MsTree (Author of Tequila Makes Her Robes Fall Off)
Thank you. ^_^
I laways knew thses women were the cleverest. Lovely story. Makes me want to read the original it's from.
Response from MsTree (Author of Tequila Makes Her Robes Fall Off)
It's a country music song as I said in my endnotes. For some reason, when I heard the song, I thought of Severus and Hermione. The rest just went along for the ride. Thanks for reading & reviewing. ^_^
LOL I thought for a minute they were all drinking non-alcoholic margaritas because they were all pregnant! :)
Response from MsTree (Author of Tequila Makes Her Robes Fall Off)
And wouldn't that be something! *grin* All three at the same time? Hide the sharp objects! Hmmm, plot bunny, anyone? ^_~
*Snort!* XD
Response from MsTree (Author of Tequila Makes Her Robes Fall Off)
And it was as much fun to write as it is to read! Thanks for the review. ^_^
Thanks for this humorous interlude.
Response from MsTree (Author of Tequila Makes Her Robes Fall Off)
Payback is only fair after all! ^_^
What a hoot! It seems like everyone knows "tequila makes our robes fall off!” *giggle*
Response from MsTree (Author of Tequila Makes Her Robes Fall Off)
Have you ever listened to the song? It's hilarious! When I first heard it, I immediately thought of Severus and Hermione. Thanks for reading and reviewing. ^_^
Lol, too adorable!
Response from MsTree (Author of Tequila Makes Her Robes Fall Off)
Would you believe the rough draft only took an hour to write after I heard that song? *grin*
that was sweet and funny
Response from MsTree (Author of Tequila Makes Her Robes Fall Off)
Thank you. Those dang plot bunnies are proliferating at an alarming rate. I had to do something. ^_^
Thank you for the giggle!!!
Response from MsTree (Author of Tequila Makes Her Robes Fall Off)
You're welcome!!! ^_^