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Julia was Cold
Aurette28 Reviews | 28 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Resentment and bitterness lead to tragedy.
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About Aurette
Member Since 2007 | 15 Stories | Favorited by 491 | 126 Reviews Written | 1,161 Review Responses
Forty-something, married, Professional Colorist seeks intelligent, scrawny man with misunderstood past. Tattoos a plus, snarkiness a must.
My interests include: Eating, breathing, napping, swearing and chocolate; as well as long, romantic walks from the refrigerator to my computer.
Needed skills must include: Foot massage, adoration, feeding my kids for me and ironing my husband's work clothes, along with sneering, looming, staring at me with desire, and reading whatever I hand you into my ear in a sultry tone.
Reviews for Julia was Cold
There are so many ways a child can be abused, this has to be one of the worst.
Oh, wow! Thank you for sharing this heartbreaking story. Well done!
Response from Aurette (Author of Julia was Cold)
Thank you very much.
How terribly, heart-breakingly sad! Incredibly effective use of dialogue - so much back story fitted into so few words . . . So good, but so sad!
Response from Aurette (Author of Julia was Cold)
Thank you very much! The prompt really dictated the emotions. This was an extrordinary round.
This is sadly very likely what Severus' home life was.
Response from Aurette (Author of Julia was Cold)
I think you're right. ~sigh~
I think we find it very easy to condemn Tobias for his stubborness and viciousness - but if you read very carefully between the lines here, so much of his inner pain comes to the fore - the man does love his little girl but he's just so damned afraid of his wife and his son - and I suspect of himself as well. So he clings to his mindless litany - the doctor will make it all right, my little girl can't die - there's naught to it all... naught... And the litle boy trapped in the middle of it all - how could he not come out of that home deeply wounded in his heart and spirit...You've written a piercingly painful portrait of despair here... Well done.
Response from Aurette (Author of Julia was Cold)
Thank you! I totally agree. He was quick to tell Eileen to take the child to the doctor, so he cares. This would have been back in 1966, so it wouldn't be uncommon for a blue-collar man in a northern industrial city to leave all the child-rearing to the wife, as far as all that goes, he was average for the day. As for Tobias himself, his faults lie in his inability to overcome his fear, bitterness, and (as I see it) limited intelligence. Thank you for your review.
Incredibly powerful. The drabble contains so much in so few, yet elegant words, and yet it inspires so much... so many thoughts, regrets, demands... so much pathos. Excellent read, thank you.
Response from Aurette (Author of Julia was Cold)
Thank you, and thank you for your review.
Oh wow. That was like a punch in the gut. You know what got me most after reading it? The title. The only place her name is mentioned.
Response from Aurette (Author of Julia was Cold)
Actually, that kind of got me too. Thank you for your review.
It's always hard visiting Severus' childhood. You did a good job capturing 'abuse' that isn't always physical. :(
Response from Aurette (Author of Julia was Cold)
Thank you, and thank you for your review.
Violence against a child is so incomprehensible an evil... This is just terribly plausible with what we know of Tobias, isn't it? That poor family. The dialogue-only format allows for abuse to appear rather effectively here as well.
Response from Aurette (Author of Julia was Cold)
Indeed. Thank you for your review.
Another harrowing take on the prompt. So sad.
Response from Aurette (Reviewer)
Thank you for your review.
That was very well written.poor little julia. you have conveyed how awful Severus' homelife must have sounds like some northern kitchen sink 'cathy come home'. I liked this a lot.
Response from Aurette (Author of Julia was Cold)
I will have to go look up Cathy Come Home. Thank you for your review.
This is a perfect response to the prompt. Your story explains everything that ever formed Severus's childhood. I might have found my winner. But it also forces one to think of the exact conditions of the Statute of Secrecy. With Merope and Eileen, it seems that their partners learned of magin only after marriage. Granted, Merope was an extreme, but still. This is very sad, yet, I can fully believe it happening. Exceptional story.
Response from Aurette (Author of Julia was Cold)
As always, you leave me thinking more about my own little tales. Thank you for your review.
very curt and terse and thereby imitating his being hard, free of empathy free of anything for his lady and children. your style reflects his self perfectly.All in a nutshell.What a pity. Just to think so many people had to suffer.Some had to live with it, some had to die because of it.Rude people were here, are here and always will be.Somehow good to knowl that his son became something so precious and able to love so intensely.
Response from Aurette (Author of Julia was Cold)
Thank you for your lovely review.
Achingly sad and painful to read, but exceedingly well done. This is exactly the type of non-father I always imagined Tobias Snape to be.
Response from Aurette (Author of Julia was Cold)
Me too. Thank you for your review.
Yes, Tobias is one filthy piece of work - 'wonderfully' done! Love this depiction of one of the many miserable times in poor Severus' & Eileen's lives... Very effective, poignant work!
Response from Aurette (Author of Julia was Cold)
Thank you for your review.
Ugh, that's awful. Nice use of the prompt, though.
Response from Aurette (Author of Julia was Cold)
Thank you, and thank you for your review.
Very sad, but nicely done. :(
Response from Aurette (Author of Julia was Cold)
Thank you for your review.
Boy, he's a real piece of work. Very sad for the rest of the Snape family.
Response from Aurette (Author of Julia was Cold)
Thank you for your review.
Yes, this fits with what we know of Snape's boyhood. I'd like to say it serves Tobias right, but it certainly doesn't serve Severus, Eileen or little Julia right. Poor things.
Response from Aurette (Author of Julia was Cold)
Thank you for your review.
*sniffles* I can see this very, very clearly.
Response from Aurette (Author of Julia was Cold)
Yeah, sadly, it doesn't seem far-fetched at all. Thank you for your review.
How horrible! What a great burden to have, both father and son.
Response from Aurette (Author of Julia was Cold)
Exactly. Thank you for your review.
Poor Severus, what an awful childhood for the boy. Very well written.
Response from Aurette (Author of Julia was Cold)
Thank you for your review.
Oh no. That's horrible. Poor little Julia. Poor Severus. Damn it, Tobias.
Response from Aurette (Author of Julia was Cold)
Thank you for your review.
Oh... crushing... poor things.
Response from Aurette (Author of Julia was Cold)
Thank you for your review.
Bastard. Sounds about right, too.
Response from Aurette (Author of Julia was Cold)
Yeah, it does, sadly. Thank you for your review.