New Chapter for Haunting
Aurette47 Reviews | 47 Ratings, 0 Likes, 16 Favorites )
Hermione tries to have an obscure law removed from the books. Someone, or something, takes issue.
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About Aurette
Member Since 2007 | 15 Stories | Favorited by 491 | 126 Reviews Written | 1,161 Review Responses
Forty-something, married, Professional Colorist seeks intelligent, scrawny man with misunderstood past. Tattoos a plus, snarkiness a must.
My interests include: Eating, breathing, napping, swearing and chocolate; as well as long, romantic walks from the refrigerator to my computer.
Needed skills must include: Foot massage, adoration, feeding my kids for me and ironing my husband's work clothes, along with sneering, looming, staring at me with desire, and reading whatever I hand you into my ear in a sultry tone.
Reviews for Haunting
I do love this story, I have reread it many times, and can not understand why I have not reviewed before. A lovely, funny, thrilling story, with a very happy ending.
Is this new? Newish? I just don't remember it, but I'm sure at some point I should have read it unless it's a fairly recent addition. Anyway, it's cute and it's fun and like everything of yours I've ever read, I love it.
Great googly moogly!!!! Trinidad & Tobago!!! AHHHHHH!!! (Much internal and external screaming going on as I sit here!) I swear I did a triple take when I read that!! I can tell you that, yes, this Trinidadian knows the name Severus Snape!!
Another utterly brilliant masterpiece by you (and my country of birth gets a mention to boot!) Huzzah! Your talent is mindblowing & you've made my year! I am not worthy...
Very cute story. Love finding these little gems.
Very cute story. Love finding these little gems.
The name made me stop and read it, I haven't been disappointed by any of your stories yet and this was no different! Loved it! Poor guy was in such bad shape from the sound of things. I'd love this as a slightly longer, more developed story, but since no one ever seems willing to rewrite their work, I'll just say I liked it as is very much. ;)
Love the way you write - always such a pleasure to read your stories!
Adore it. Funny sarcastic snape is my fav. Love your writing
www, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! Wonderfully done!Thanks for sharing!
Response from Aurette (Author of Haunting)
Thank you!
Response from Aurette (Author of Haunting)
Thank you!
It's a wonderful story and I especially like him calling her sunshine.
Response from Aurette (Author of Haunting)
I'm so glad! THank you for your review!
Hahahaha! Oh god, that was priceless! Too bad we didn't get to read the 'make-up' scenes.....hint hint.... :) Wonderful as always!
Response from Aurette (Author of Haunting)
lol! Since it was a gift-fic, I was trying to make it mostly 'rating neutral' while still keeping it a bit saucy.
My dear Aurette, you just amaze me time and again with your ability to fill the screen with awesome. I can't quite put my finger on what it is that you do so well. Maybe it is because your characters are so genuine. Maybe it is because while Snape gets the girl, you usually treat Ron well, and I happen to like him. Snape and Hermione can be together without Ron and Harry becoming immature imbeciles.There was so much to like here - your outdated laws, the very realistic fighting between Ron and Hermione (and later Hermione and Snape!), Hermione's dumb questions and Snape's playfully exasperated answers ... I could go on forever. He needed space, and yet was a bit clingy. Yes, I think this is exactly how he would be in a relationship.Ok, I'll stop carrying on and let you start writing something else *is shameless in her desire for more stories from you*
Response from Aurette (Author of Haunting)
Thank you,
Response from Aurette (Author of Haunting)
! I'm so glad you liked this one. fear not, more is in the queue as we 'speak." :-)
Lovely, warm-hearted, story. I love the idea of a 'dead' Snape living on his patents. I love even more the idea of a Hermione helping him. THank you for writing and posting this!
Response from Aurette (Author of Haunting)
You are so welcome! Thank you for the review!
Aw I loved it!! I have the biggest smile on my face right now. It was light-hearted and lovely. It's short but it didn't need to be any longer! Wonderful, and thankyou!
Response from Aurette (Author of Haunting)
Thank you so much for the lovely review!
oooOOOooo...I love this story!
What a riot. I lost it with the interrogation question. And romantic too! Thanks for writing.
Response from Aurette (Author of Haunting)
Thank you! I'm really glad you enjoyed it.
Wow. The only thing I didn't like about this is that there's only one chapter!!! Great story!
Response from Aurette (Author of Haunting)
LOL! It was 'sposed to be a drabble... Thanks!
You bring the clever, in a large clever trunk with clever latches. :D I particularly liked your assortment of "archaic laws," Hermione's loophole, and our Snape's cunning manner of delivering his protest. About time that Shack was good for something... ;D
Response from Aurette (Author of Haunting)
LOL! I researched real laws! THere were so many to chose from! Shouting at a corpse is illegal in my own state of Georgia. How peculiar...
Response from Aurette (Author of Haunting)
Thank you!!
I am adding this to my favorite stories. Brilliant!!
Response from Aurette (Author of Haunting)
Thank you!
Great story.Keep writing .You're one of my favourite writers.
Response from Aurette (Author of Haunting)
Thank you for the wonderful compliment!
New magic is my most favourite plot device. When done with as much skill and innovations as in this story, it's pure joy to read. You came up with an amazing law that sounds plausible in historical perspective (red brooms!), and it made Severus-is-alive scenario wonderfully tender. I'm happy Hermione sacrificed modesty for his capture. His explanations of his special skills were themselves worth it.
Response from Aurette (Author of Haunting)
Thank you,
Response from Aurette (Author of Haunting)
! Yep, I think he's down, but not out enough to not be arrogant. I had so much fun reasearching actual crazy laws, but I admit the brooms were my idea. lol.