New Chapter for The Scrapbook
The Scrapbook
Rose of the West21 Reviews | 21 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
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About Rose of the West
Rose of the West
Member Since 2008 | 60 Stories | Favorited by 40 | 707 Reviews Written | 1,261 Review Responses
Reviews for The Scrapbook
Wait - who's the man she called 'Rolf'? I love the scrapbook -a very unexpected memoir, to be sure! (And... yes, you're spot on with the Luna/Hermione dynamic.)
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Scrapbook)
Rolf Scamander is her husband according to extra-canon information from JKR, but there's a certain amount of fanon that thinks it's an alias for someone who wanted a change after the war. You're welcome to cast him as suits you. ;)Thank you very much!
Response from ofankoma (Reviewer)
Really? I had no idea... I'm rather new to this whole fanfiction world, so I'm still slooooowly picking up on these fanon issues. 'Rolf' as someone we already know? Very intriguing! I like the possibilities. ;)
Lovely. But then you always write Luna so well.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Scrapbook)
You kill me, dear. Thank you for the review!
It sounds like her friends are too guilty of 'judging a book by its cover'. At least Rolf seems to understand and accept Luna as she is without judging her. A rather sad but lovely piece.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Scrapbook)
Yeah... most people like to categorize each other into easy boxes to understand, and it just doesn't work with people like Luna. I think Rolf enjoys the mystery. ;)Thank you for the review!
I always liked Harry's and her relationship.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Scrapbook)
Me, too! He seemed to get her, or maybe it was that he found himself stuck in her presence when those little windows into her real self were open. Anyhow, he was sweet toward her. Thank you for the review!
"How could she not understand that reading a book or studying was like opening a door into another world where mothers didn't die and fathers weren't distant?"Very sad, yet very sweet. I'm glad she has someone who loves and accepts her, even if they too can't quite understand her.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Scrapbook)
Thank you so much for the review! Yes, that would have been exactly the sort of thing she looked for. I'm not sure he couldn't understand her so much as he enjoys living with the mystery of her.
On one hand, poor Luna. Forever misunderstood. On the other, she is blessed to know a person who understands what matters the most - acceptance. A very humane tale.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Scrapbook)
Thank you so much! Yes, no one really gets her, but to some extent she fosters that. It's good that she's found someone who enjoys the mystery.
I found this to be quite... sad. Although, that isn't quite the word... maybe pathos would apply better? I liked how Luna seemed to be 'built' from the views of her friends: the scrapbook being a rather strange catalogue of her abilities and persona. A lovely read, thank you.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Scrapbook)
Oh, thank you! I think Luna's personality is built from eccentricity and sorrow. Sometimes the fact that people don't really know her bothers her, but I think usually she likes or at least accepts it.
' opening a door into another world where mothers didn't die and fathers weren't distant?' Wonderful! Love thecouples dynamics and 'understanding' of one another!
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Scrapbook)
Yes, they know that they don't have to know every single thing. They allow themselves to enjoy the mystery. Thank you for the review!
The man she calls "Rolf" - indeed, who would believe it....
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Scrapbook)
Well, um, well... feel free to fill that in as you see fit. ;)Perhaps he's someone who's frequently misunderstood, too.Thank you for the review!
Response from moiramountain (Reviewer)
Ah, I'm so pleased that Se.... "he" I mean, has found such a fey and knowing soul to be his true companion.... Rolf, that is.... ahem....
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Scrapbook)
LOL... my mind drifts there, too. ;) Thank you, again!
Very nice and reflective. I agree!
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Scrapbook)
Thank you!
Oh, how bittersweet. This was lovely!
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Scrapbook)
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it.
Nice take on the prompt. I know who I like "Rolf" to be...
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Scrapbook)
LOL... I have thoughts on Rolf, too, but I left it open to your discretion this time. ;) Thank you!
Sad, in a way. As if Luna needs more misunderstanding in her life.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Scrapbook)
She's found compensations. Thank you for the review!
Luna had underestimated the number of people who paid attention at Quidditch. -- I can see her doing that ~nods~She couldn't marry someone who knew so many things that simply weren't true. -- Classic Luna, it makes so much sense. Nice turnabout with memoirs not being published.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Scrapbook)
Yes, she knows she'll never be able to explain herself to anyone, but the person closest to her needs to understand that. Neville had her on a pedestal she just couldn't live on. Thanks for the review!
Luna was unique. :)
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Scrapbook)
She sure was! Thank you for the review!
They never do quite get her, do they?
Response from Rose of the West (Reviewer)
No, they never do. Thank you!
This is fantastic! I think Luna is always a bit misunderstood. She isn't afraid to be herself, but people misinterpret her. I am quite glad that she found someone she can be comfortable with, who loves her for who she is ... whatever that may be :)
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Scrapbook)
Thank you! I think a mistake we often make is to assume we know a person just from one or two things we see. Rolf realizes she's going to confuse and mystify him, and he enjoys the mystery.
it's a pity, that I can't get the picture of the movie-Luna out of my head, when I read about her character.Reading your story helps a lot to creat a much more close to the book Luna, a very interesting, deep person.Not the strange person I can not identify her with, she is played by in the movie.Yours is way better.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Scrapbook)
Thank you so much! I think fanon and perhaps the movies tend to portray Luna as simply batty, or even half-stoned, but in my mind she's just living on a different level, where what she does and says is really perfectly reasonable.
Such a lovely piece! You have captured the characters perfectly.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Scrapbook)
Thank you! It's interesting to see how someone's personality comes out in how he or she describes someone else.
YOu did a great job at capturing each canon character in just little quotes from them. They each sounded just like something a given character would think/say about our lovely Luna.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Scrapbook)
Thank you! They all have a picture of her that combined doesn't quite equal what she is, I think.
Sweet and well written, and kind of sad....
Response from Rose of the West (Author of The Scrapbook)
Thank you! It is kind of sad. Luna's life was not all daisy's and moonbeams, of course. However, to some extent she does choose to be seen the way she is, and she's got a life that suits her.