New Chapter for Behind the Times
Behind the Times
Ladymage Samiko27 Reviews | 27 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )
“I will not be coerced or manipulated!” Hermione screeched at her companion.
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About Ladymage Samiko
Ladymage Samiko
Member Since 2007 | 129 Stories | Favorited by 286 | 3 Reviews Written | 99 Review Responses
"It's great to be known, but it's even better to be known as strange."
Takeshi Kaga, actor and Iron Chef host
Reviews for Behind the Times
Bill won't even sit in the chair anymore.
They asked for it!
Serves them right.
Yes, just how will they explain that.
He was quite virile,” Hermione agreed, “three months ago. -- heehee.
“I’m having Snape’s baby,” Hermione announced calmly.
Ron’s mouthful of oatmeal shot across the table. Harry went white. Ginny garbled… something. Even Luna stared.
“Bu—But that was one night!” Harry sputtered. “Two days ago!”
Yes, and now I'm 3 months pregnant. Severus has super-sperm. Heeheehee. Very nice, Samiko! Absolutely hilarious :D
Cute. I so wanted Ron's oatmeal to hit someone. I'm sure Bill will go Scorgify his office now.
What a enjoyable story, I just love how the others plotted and scheemed, just to find out that Hermione and Severus were way ahead of them all the time:-))
*snort* *snerk* Just what I needed to read at 2:30 in the morning when I'm trying to tire myself out. ^_^
you are the master of drabbles
I saw this in the recently updated section and I was like "There's more?!" So excited to see this extended. It's really funny. You're an awesome writer.
I absolutely love the end.
Brilliant! For one hundred words, the last twelve were absolutely genius!
Response from Ladymage Samiko (Author of Behind the Times)
*grin* Thank you!
That last line made the whole story:-))
I love your story's.
this made me smile!
Marvellous :)
Funny! Nothing like a hormonal pregnant Hermione!
LOL, they always have the upper hand, don`t they? Thanks.
Okay, I didn't see that coming! You made me laugh, thank you!
I take it somebody was complaining she wasn't knocked up yet?
Hmmm, I think I may be about to ask a really dumb question. Now as many assume, she may really be pregnant. However, could it be this is his response to get back at them, and not really the case? Enjoyable either way. Thanks!
Response from Ladymage Samiko (Author of Behind the Times)
It was written with the idea that she is actually pregnant, but it could be read either way. (^_^) Glad you enjoyed!
Somehow, I'd only read the first part (which was good by itself). This is too funny. Of course Snape and Hermione are way ahead of everyone else. You'd think they'd all realize that at some point. Fantastic, as always.
hahaha!! *fell off my broom*should stop reading while flying.this was cute
Response from salvamea (Reviewer)
no one can coax Snape into something. he is always 3 months er steps ahead... grand