New Chapter for So Hot
So Hot
Rose of the West12 Reviews | 12 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Chapters (1)
About Rose of the West
Rose of the West
Member Since 2008 | 60 Stories | Favorited by 40 | 707 Reviews Written | 1,261 Review Responses
Reviews for So Hot
Ah, Sybill. She's awesome.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of So Hot)
This was going to poke fun at the character, but somewhere in that second-to-last paragraph, she capsized me. Now I think she speaks for the secret longings we've all had at one point or another. At any rate, I couldn't have written this without the memory of your story to point the way. Thank you very much!
Awww... I feel so bad for Sybil. She is so giving that she's thinking positively of the situation. No matter how a snape fan I am, I cannot tolerate how much of a user he is. Well, in fairness, if I were really in her shoes, I will think the same and would be so giving just for the fact that I'm being "loved" by the "Big Snake" of Hogwarts. Nice drabble! :D
Response from Rose of the West (Author of So Hot)
Thank you so much for reviewing! I have discovered through reviews that this story isn't exactly what I thought it was. which has been a wonderful experience.
Awsome drabble, subtle and funny.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of So Hot)
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Hmmm ... this is frightening close to the truth for many of us Snape-fans I reckon!! I'm guessing this is all in her mind (possibly even sherry-induced!) But, whatever way you look at it, I can definitely empathise with her ;-) :-)
Response from Rose of the West (Author of So Hot)
I think many of us can! Thank you for the review!
Response from Sevvy (Reviewer)
I meant to add: apart from the sherry-induced bit!! :-)
Response from Rose of the West (Author of So Hot)
LOL... either way... ;)
Funny how ST has herself convinced that the relationship with SS is a love affair. Seems to me like he is using her and being an ass. We shall never know who is right! Another mystery I will live with.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of So Hot)
Not necessarily a mystery... It can be whatever you see it to be, just as it's whatever Sibyll thinks it is.Thank you for the review!
Short but sweet! Delusion is a wonderful thing, as many of us can testify to :-)
Response from Rose of the West (Author of So Hot)
LOL! It certainly provides her with something she wouldn't have otherwise. Thank you for the review!
the order of the universe.she accepted to keep them up. And secretly destroys them by loving and behing loved by the man that the order of the universe would allow her the least to. That is tricky and maybe even rage against a "normalty is everyting" machinery. I like her patience, and his playing the part everyone expects. But isn't it also a bit lying. Betraying oneself and each other. If you can not life what you feel. you must digest yourself to death, I'd say.Hope their love is allowed into the open air someday.And if there is really no building big enough, well, then let them live under the sky. what could be more fitting.Absolute Freedom.A very nice pairing. thought about it just the other day myself. Must have heard me. thank you for putting it into words! way better than I ever could!!!!
Response from salvamea (Reviewer)
oh, stupid me, I just read your comments.You planned to make it a one-side-dreamy-passionshould have guessed. But still, I think it could work the other way round, too. ??
Response from Rose of the West (Author of So Hot)
I have to admit I started this with the intent of poking fun at Sibyll, and then it turned into what I think it is.However, I don't think your initial interpretation is necessarily wrong. Debjunk wrote a story a while back with this pairing (I think it's called "The Real Me"). If you haven't already, you should check it out.Anyhow, thank you for the thoughtful review!
Response from salvamea (Reviewer)
yes, I have read "the real me".really liked it.
LOL. In her dreams! :)
Response from Rose of the West (Author of So Hot)
Yes! Bless her heart, her sherry has her so messed up that she believes her novels. Thank you!
You have Sibyl absolutely spot on here. Well done!
Response from Rose of the West (Author of So Hot)
Thank you! And thank you again for a spell-binding prompt and two very intriguing pairings.
Oh, Sybill. You made me want to hug her.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of So Hot)
Me too. I have to say it was not the story I was expecting when I started.Thank you!
Hmm.... was that a delusional mind in the making? Thanks.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of So Hot)
Yes, poor thing, I think that's right. Thanks for the review!
oh wow... either they really got together or Sybil has one fantastic imagination. Great little piece :)
Response from Rose of the West (Author of So Hot)
I think the clue is in the second to the last paragraph. I'm pretty sure what she thinks is happening is not real, but I'm not positive. I never saw that part of the story coming until it was there.Anyhow, I don't get enough opportunities to thank you for all your support. Thank you!