New Chapter for Fallen
notsosaintly21 Reviews | 21 Ratings, 0 Likes, 21 Favorites )
Chapters (1)
About notsosaintly
Member Since 2005 | 38 Stories | Favorited by 707 | 843 Reviews Written | 2,009 Review Responses
Founder of The Petulant Poetess. Editor and full-time mother.
Reviews for Fallen
Wow, very poignant and sad.
Shame on all the adults in this situation to do that to the innocent children.
Shame on all the adults in this situation to do that to the innocent children.
Wow. This leave's something in the pit of my stomach. This was not the life Hermione pictured for herself. Did Severus even love her. To die without hope is awful. It would have been interesting to see Snape's reaction to finding his wife had commited suicide.
My goodness that one was dark. And very sad. Sadly like too many marriages in reality. Very well-written and enveloping.Elura
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Fallen)
I wrote it in a down-period in my own marriage. My inlaws lived with me at the time, though my mother-in-law was nowhere near like the one in the story (my brother-in-law was the evil one). I, of course, would have never taken such extreme measures, but when things get that bad, the feelings that go with it are there. I'm still married, my inlaws do not live with us anymore, and my husband and I have developed our relationship into something much stronger. Proof that Hermione's choice was a poor one, considering nothing ever stays the same and when things are at the worst, the only way is up.
Damn that was..... rough. *goosbumps*I wonder how they react... furios,guilty, sad???Poor Hermione...No matter how much I like fluffy story's, this one makes me think, and thats good you know. It's not an easy world out there.The irony of the story is that Severus became like his hated father ore even worse: ignorance is much worse than hate.Not an easy story but good one.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Fallen)
Thank you. I favor fluffy stories too. Sometimes, I just have to toss in something different just to mix things up. Glad you liked it.
A very powerful story, I feel for Hermione. Her youth, passion and life just sucked away by indifference. I would love to be a fly on the wall when her friends find out.
this story gave me the chills- which is a good thing. [so powerful]i understand what you mean about the bereftness and making a huge mistake (in reply to your answer to another review someone left.)
been there, tried that. i know exactly how she feels. the MIL trying to take over, the uncaring husband, the lot. throw in physical violence and you have my ex.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Fallen)
much of what i wrote here (with a few story points morphed to fit SS/HG) I have been through ... no physical violence, but there is this persistent bereftness one feels in this sort of situation. a hopelessness. perhaps a realization that one made a really big mistake.
A real dark and emotional piece. You did a great job with Hermione's train of thoughts; all the gloomy and empty places she had to travel during her life with Severus. And the end of the journey just sends a shiver down your spine.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Fallen)
Wow . . . You are the first person who mentioned exactly what I was trying to convey with this story. I thank you.
Amazing writing! I love seeing this side of the SS/HG pairing.
Wow this made me want to cry that a marriage be that unhappy that lost that there is only one way out. Your Hermione is long suffering but I love to see the reactions of those she left behind. Sad to say but I can't even see Severus mourn her only blame her for more hardships, Sad
wow..i dont kno what to say really.I do apreciate this fic.and it made me think. I do wish there was a sequel id like 2 see how severus would react..
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Fallen)
You know, several people have said this. I wrote it specifically to provoke thought. I had never thought of a sequel, and when I first was told I should write one I was reticent but didn't know why. After some time, I think it is kind of like this: As human beings, even in our partnerships we never do truly understand the other's thought processes and feelings. They are always seen through glasses coloured by our own perception. So we could read a sequel with Severus' POV and then say 'Too bad Hermione didn't see that or ask him' or whatever. But in reality, his thoughts and feelings may have been shared with her but she was so caught up in her own feelings that she could have never seen it differently. I imagine Severus' POV being quite opposite of how she saw things; it's just that she couldn't see it objectively.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Fallen)
You know, several people have said this. I wrote it specifically to provoke thought. I had never thought of a sequel, and when I first was told I should write one I was reticent but didn't know why. After some time, I think it is kind of like this: As human beings, even in our partnerships we never do truly understand the other's thought processes and feelings. They are always seen through glasses coloured by our own perception. So we could read a sequel with Severus' POV and then say 'Too bad Hermione didn't see that or ask him' or whatever. But in reality, his thoughts and feelings may have been shared with her but she was so caught up in her own feelings that she could have never seen it differently. I imagine Severus' POV being quite opposite of how she saw things; it's just that she couldn't see it objectively.
Oh!!! So sad! It was beautifully written, but heartbreaking!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Fallen)
Thank you.
Uh, wow. Dark, capturing and disturbing. But a very beautiful piece.Thanks for sharing. /M
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Fallen)
Thanks. It was an unusual mood, but fleeting. I don't usually portray Hermione like this.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Fallen)
Thanks. It was an unusual mood, but fleeting. I don't usually portray Hermione like this.
That was tragic.... but thank you for sharing such a poignant story.
That was so sad. I feel for her but at the same time things couldn't get any worse, could they?
I have been through this kind of thing. I live with my father-in-law now but we did have his mother to contend with at a time and she was very much like the mother in this story. But things got better for me and my husband when we moved into our own place. We have a great marriage now and I can't even imagine having taken the etreme measures Hermione took. Especially with children.
Very well written.
No way. That is giving them what they want. Not going to happen. I would have stayed and made their lives hell. I would have done anything to make my life work and to hell with the rest. And the children are going to grow up thinking that their mother didn't love them enough to live. Poor Hermione. This was a very deep story. I understand how she feels and have gone through treatment to understand how to deal. Wonderful writing.Tamara
Response from notsosaintly (Author of Fallen)
Thanks. It's good that you would have done something different, like give them hell instead. It is a very depressing story, I think.
That was an amazing piece. I'm very fond of your work after seeing it recommended on Southern Witch's LJ.
I understand why she saw that as her only way out. It's extremely difficult to leave an abusive relationship especially when you have children. I'm glad you took the more "depressing" route with your story instead of the easy way out. It was extremely powerful.
Wow... That was very sad and very powerful.