New Chapter for Magic in my Tree
Magic in my Tree
Grace has Victory75 Reviews | 75 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
How would you react if everything you had always believed impossible suddenly turned up in the centre of your family?
A series of one-shots narrated by Muggles whose sibling, lover or child turned out to be a wizard.
In the first episode, Lavender Brown's younger sister is completely delighted by the magical news that surprises their very ordinary family in July 1991.
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About Grace has Victory
Grace has Victory
Member Since 2006 | 10 Stories | Favorited by 23 | 3 Reviews Written | 356 Review Responses
My family became hooked on Harry Potter in 2001, when my son was going through a stage of reluctance to read fiction. Now it is a family hobby. I am a psychology teacher from Birmingham, England. My husband, who is Australian, is a computer programmer and network engineer. We have three teenaged children and two cats. We are all Evangelical Christians.
Reviews for Magic in my Tree
Wow... I am not sure what to say. I think that is the best story I have ever read about Hermione and her abilities. I am astounded at how it was exactly as I thought her childhood would have been but at the same time different. Outstanding.
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
Thank you so much for saying so! It was easy for me to write Hermione because she is just like me. I'm guessing that you are the same type too. Let's hope more good Hermione stories are produced soon.
This was so heartbreaking, I just wanted to give poor little Miles a hug. I'm glad he got a happy ending for himself, although the pain of betrayal from his family, particularly his mother, would live with him always.
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
There is no happy ending when parents reject their own children. There is only the hope that the child will transcend the pain and find his own miracle of love. Harry Potter did - the whole series is a story about the nature of love.
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
There is no happy ending when parents reject their own children. There is only the hope that the child will transcend the pain and find his own miracle of love. Harry Potter did - the whole series is a story about the nature of love.
People like the reverend, are the reason for the statute of secrescy
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
Indeed. But he was no match either for magic OR for the power of the real Gospel.
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
Indeed. But he was no match either for magic OR for the power of the real Gospel.
Just a normal family, but Linda want Derick to understand her culture, but makes no effort to understand his.
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
Selfishness has destroyed many a family, with or without magic. Thanks for writing in.
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
Selfishness has destroyed many a family, with or without magic. Thanks for writing in.
Very bittersweet, knowing the fate that awaits Louise.
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
Perhaps it's better not to look too far ahead ...
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
Perhaps it's better not to look too far ahead ...
Hmmm... I would love to meet Christians (or - just - persons) like Lucy and Anna. Lovely people. Ironically, the same really can`t be said for the pastor... LOL.An incisive and illuminating chapter. Thank you very much!
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
Illumination was the goal! In my experience, there's someone like Anna at every church. Evalds are much rarer (in Britain, anyway) and for some reason they always resent the Annas... Thanks for writing in, GhV
Much darker than the first. I liked the way you used her stepfather, because by saying she isn't his he has a an excuse to avoid dealing with it. This highlights again the stupidity of not telling families until the child is 11! I can imagine a few people having this reaction even to their own kids. Enjoyed the family history A/N as well. This is a very clever idea!
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
Thanks for writing in again,
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
. Yes, this story is now PG and not G. The one positive point about Uncle Vernon is that he does seem to love Petunia and Dudley, and that's why he can't escape Harry. Here I raised the question: under what circumstances would a Vernon-type (Trevor) abandon the child anyway? Would he (Phil) run off even if the child was his own? That's moot, since Phil and Carol actually separated for a completely different reason, but as you noticed, the "she's not really mine" line was only an excuse.Thanks for your support; the next several will follow shortly.
Aw... what a brilliant way of looking at the Wizarding world! I love how Jasmine has her own form of magic that she's perfectly happy with. I'm glad she can live and let live, unlike some sisters in the canon.
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
Thanks for such a supportive response, Rose. I think the jealous sibling theme was thoroughly explored in canon, so although I toyed with the idea, I ended up not writing anything about it. And what kind of sister would not be jealous? Obviously, the one who was already perfectly happy with her own life! I wanted the first story to be about an ordinary family who were very surprised but completely happy for their little witch. Most of the other Muggle glimpses into the wizarding world will be more complex.
I really like the way you wrote this. Can't wait to see what you can do with the others. ^_^
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
Thanks for writing in,
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
. I'm afraid most of the other stories are less innocent and more complex than this one. Yes, there will be one about Hermione.
That was simply amazing! I really loved the voice you gave Lavender`s sister, and by extension, to Lavender.I am really looking forward to reading about Hermione (she is basically all I read about, but am really glad I read this).Thank you very much!
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
, I promise you that Hermione is coming up! But ALL the other stories will be more complicated than this one. A couple of silly but kindly girls going into raptures about magic being real can really only be done once. I'm so glad you enjoyed reading it.
I liked this, it's nice to see such an accepting attitude & magic through muggle eyes as a good thing (unlike the books). But then, through the mouths of babes... Looking forward to all the other attitudes.
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
Thanks for writing in,
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
. Yes, I believe a normal nine-year-old who loved her sister and had her own set of interests would feel unconditionally positive and excited to learn that magic was real. I think this is the first truly G-rated fanfic I have ever written!
Lovely to see this up on the website. I's so glad you are showing so many people catching their first glimpse of the magical world. I enjoyed it immensely, even if I had a previous sneak peek!
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
, it's always good to hear from you! (Write and tell me how things are at home - is the medical news good?) Thanks for identifying with Jasmine and laughing along with her.I'm actually interested to see how many of the sophisticated people at TPP appear to have enjoyed a G-rated story like "Rapture". Needless to say, we hit the PG episodes pretty soon, with some seriously dysfunctional families and communities coming up.
original and top-notch writing! love love it!
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
Thank you so much for taking the trouble to say so!
i donmt know some of these characters.... even though imve been reading hp fanfics for more than ten years. it's how interesting u write that keeps me hooked for more!
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
Thank you for saying that - I'm really flattered that anyone is still reading this story. Sophie Roper is canon (her name is on the HP Classlist) but I invented all other others that you don't recognise. GhV
Seamus made the right choice,in the end, maybe Niall would have too, if he had stayed.
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
Who knows? But Death Eaters are no laughing matter, and the Irish know all about the horrors of terrorism.
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
Who knows? But Death Eaters are no laughing matter, and the Irish know all about the horrors of terrorism.
A very interesting POV, I'm glad the boys weren't hurt.
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
Thanks! They will be all right now they know the truth.
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
Thanks! They will be all right now they know the truth.
It would be dangerous, to let untrained wizards just roam about lose. Under duress, who knows what would happen. It's a shame that Kevin's parents had to be decived, but for their boys sake, as well as their own, Kevin needs to learn how to use his magic.
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
Yep, Kevin is better off at Hogwarts. I agree that there's a moral issue there, but don't take this story too seriously. I meant you to laugh at his parents' blatant materialism and the wizards' blatant exploitation of this weakness.
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
Yep, Kevin is better off at Hogwarts. I agree that there's a moral issue there, but don't take this story too seriously. I meant you to laugh at his parents' blatant materialism and the wizards' blatant exploitation of this weakness.
A window into Justin's life, that is both loving, and a little sad.
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
Yes, I think magic always comes with a cost.
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
Yes, I think magic always comes with a cost.
Fear of the unknown ,has caused more misery than almost anything else. Poor Lisa, to have the only father she had ever known, turn on her like that, and her brothers loving her so much but not being allowed to see her, or even speak of her, must have broken thier hearts.
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
Fear of the unknown is destined to break hearts. Thank you for liking my story.
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
Fear of the unknown is destined to break hearts. Thank you for liking my story.
So nice to see Lavender in a positive light, most of the time she is the air-head bitch. Jazz is a wonderful sister, she has her own passion, and doesn't envy Lavender her magic. All in all, very well done, thank you.
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
Thanks for writing in. I think Lavender IS an air-head, but that isn't all bad. She is a kindly girl in canon, which is more than you can say for a clever girl like Bellatrix!
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
Thanks for writing in. I think Lavender IS an air-head, but that isn't all bad. She is a kindly girl in canon, which is more than you can say for a clever girl like Bellatrix!
The Grangers,always seemed to be very good parents, gifted children are somewhat difficult to deal with;Hermione is gifted in magic, other children are gifted in sports, music,science, many fields. Some parents don't deal with this very well, they are intimidated,and try to suppress, rather than support the child. The Grangers on the other hand, helped and encouraged Hermione to find herself, and be the best she could be. They can at times, enter the magical world to be with their daughter, they were present in the book shop, when Lucius Malfoy, passed Tom Riddle's diary to Ginny, in Chamber of Secrets.
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
I agree. Hermione was doubly gifted (both academically and magically) so she would have been an exceptionally difficult child to bring up. But the Grangers were good parents - and they had to let her leave them for a different universe.
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
I agree. Hermione was doubly gifted (both academically and magically) so she would have been an exceptionally difficult child to bring up. But the Grangers were good parents - and they had to let her leave them for a different universe.
Two chapters more? :D Would you like a beta reader? 15 ears of being a reader of complete HP fan-fics could help :D You can whatsapp/wechat at (+65) 9789 - 7188 or e-mail me at
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
Well, I really meant to answer this two years ago, but as I said, the response button wasn't working, and then I drifted away from this site.The problem with the last two chapters is that they need a very specialised type of reviewer.One is about Megan Jones's family. It can only be beta-read by a native speaker of Welsh.The other is about Dean Thomas's family. It can only be beta-read by a member of London's Caribbean community.Do you belong to either of these? There is no way you can be both.
I'm looking for an excuse to practice yoga and taichi or other things which put me grounded to my own body and the "energy of the cosmo". People talk so passionately about yoga and taichi, it has the power to engage and be idols. I think the lure in real "withcraft", is that it tantalises with new-found power and knowledge and people often do not release the second-best or look for the best once they find something that suits them or that has already trapped them.
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
I don't know much about martial arts, I'm afraid. Perhaps you can tell me how you've found it? I think anyone could be lured by something that gave him a feeling of power or a superior feeling of "knowing the secret". But Hogwarts-magic is just a form of technology. It doesn't require nature-worship or self-worship or anything else of that kind.
What a twist at the end! I wasna expectin' that! :D
Response from Grace has Victory (Author of Magic in my Tree)
Nor was I! I was convinced that this couple would end up separated in a year or two. It wasn't until I'd written it that I realised they'd probably end up annoying each other for the rest of their lives. Thanks for reviewing.