New Chapter for A Merry Yarn
A Merry Yarn
Dreamy_Dragon11 Reviews | 11 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )
Chapters (1)
About Dreamy_Dragon
Member Since 2007 | 33 Stories | Favorited by 163 | 463 Reviews Written | 911 Review Responses
I am a latecomer to the Potterverse (way after HBP). I was searching the web for everything and anything about Snape one day when I accidentally stumbled over my first Severus/Hermione story. I read it, was intrigued, searched for more, and the rest is history.
My fandom world very much revolves around Severus Snape and Lucius Malfoy.
My favourite 'ships are Hermione/Severus, Hermione/Lucius, Severus/Lucius, and my OT3: Severus/Hermione/Lucius.
Reviews for A Merry Yarn
Wow, I never would have thought to write a story from the point of view of clothes, but it is very interesting. I'm glad that Severus wasn't dead in the end. It almost made me cry thinking he was and the nightie was going to be alone.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of A Merry Yarn)
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of A Merry Yarn)
Thank you!I'm so happy you like this. And no, I couldn't bear to leave the nightie all alone.
Another gentle story, this time from a unique POV. I enjoyed that there were enough details that the reader knew what was going on in Severus's life, even if the nightie didn't. I like that something theoretically as inanimate as a piece of clothing could also be fond of Severus.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of A Merry Yarn)
Thank you!I've always been fond of Severus' grey nightshirt and I like to think that it is a very special piece of clothing.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of A Merry Yarn)
Thank you!I've always been fond of Severus' grey nightshirt and I like to think that it is a very special piece of clothing.
You are such a clever writeer, thanks for an interesting read!
Very cute POV! :)
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of A Merry Yarn)
Thank you! I'm very happy you liked the nightie's POV!
What a sweet story! I actually teared up when Severus didn't come back and the nightie was sad. Huzzah for happy endings!
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of A Merry Yarn)
Thank you. I'm so happy you like this. And yes, both the nightie and Severus deserve a happy ending :)
Aaaah! Finally, this is up here. I missed the nighty ;-)Lovely story, warm and cozy and with a perfect ending. I am glad I found the story here, and will print it out and take it home. Hugs, sam
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of A Merry Yarn)
Thank you, hon. I'm so happy you like the nightie's tale!
Very, very creative. I don't think I've ever read a story narrated by a nightie before :). Thanks for an enjoyable read.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of A Merry Yarn)
Thank you! I'm very glad you enjoyed this :)
what a lovely story... I loved how you wrote from a nightie's point of view.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of A Merry Yarn)
Thank you! I'm very happy you liked the nightie's pov!
eeeheeehee, just absolutely wonderful, with a helping of awsome sauce. giggle, snicker. :o)
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of A Merry Yarn)
Thank you :)
Oh, this was tremendously cute, and unlikely as it seems, I felt quite attached to our little sleepwear friend by the end of it. That 'waited and waited' bit had me rather worried, honestly, while at the same time I'm thinking "Worried? About a nightshirt! What is wrong with me?" Good job, and a very welcome happy ending indeed.
Response from Dreamy_Dragon (Author of A Merry Yarn)
Thank you! I'm very happy you enjoyed this and liked Snape's nightie.