New Chapter for Owned
Subversa363 Reviews | 363 Ratings, 0 Likes, 53 Favorites )
War is hell, and the aftermath is often the most hellish part of all. Having lost everyone she most loves, Hermione Granger is only a shell of the woman she had been. Devastated by loss and guilt, Hermione draws the attention of Severus Snape with a random utterance.
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About Subversa
Member Since 2005 | 33 Stories | Favorited by 1,367 | 226 Reviews Written | 1,394 Review Responses
Reviews for Owned
Dearest Subversa, I once again finished reading Owned, and it is every bit as enjoyable upon reread. I'm not here to harass you about continuing this story. I mean, that is what I would desperately love to see happen, but if I've learned anything from the husband and children, it is that nagging doesn't actually help. And it would benefit no one for you to try and work on it when it's not the right time. But, just in case you are sitting there thinking, "I could get back to fanfic, but does anyone really still care about this story," the answer is yes, myself and I'm sure many others very much do. So, no hurry. If all goes well, I've got another 40-50 years in me. Just don't think that I'll ever stop checking back periodically, just in case you've been inspired. I hope you are well and that real life is being good to you.
Response from Subversa (Author of Owned)
It is an absolute pleasure to hear from you. Subhub and I still speak about this story. I stopped writing on it to do a story for the 2011 SSHG Exchange (it was For Hogwarts, which was 26 chapters long), and when I was finished, I started writing Transcendent Quality of Remembrance, which took more than a year. I then began writing an original novel. I do plan to finish this story one day. Thank you for this delightful review. I read it to Subhub. Bless you.
Aww, tell me this isn't the end? I'm really enjoying seeing this relationship between then form, seeing her slowly find herself again. Please tell me there will be more!
I like it so far; Hermione is vastly different from herself but it still seems "'m character" given the plot so far, and Snape seems, well, Snape-like in his snarkiness and hidden agendas. Looking forward to seeing where the story is heading! (And the naughty bits lol)
Hey Sublove! I started reading this when you first posted it, and I'm a bit sad you haven't continued with it, I've never known you to be an abandoner so I am holding on to hope! If your muse decided to run away and kidnape Severus, I'd be happy to be a sounding board for you, although I know Subhub does a pretty good job of that for you :)
I'd love to read more of this work.
Love this story and just wondering when you will continue it Sub?
Love Sonia :)
At the risk of repeating everyone else, I hope you will finsh this, I am a big fan of your work, which is why I started to read a WIP in the first place, as you have never left a work unfinished. If you can't finish, please don't take it down, it is such a good story,it sets the imagineation working, and draws one into the world you have created for Severus and Hermione. Thank you for all the work you have put into this, and all your other storys.
I saw you comment that you would take this down if you decide not to continue. Please don't. I would miss it even if you decided not to continue it.
Response from Subversa (Author of Owned)
I haven't decided not to continue it, but I can't tell you when I will do so. I'm sorry; I've never left a story stitting with no updates for so long before. Thank you for your patience.
Response from Subversa (Author of Owned)
I haven't decided not to continue it, but I can't tell you when I will do so. I'm sorry; I've never left a story stitting with no updates for so long before. Thank you for your patience.
This is lovely! Please tell me there will be more.Thanks,M.O.W.1
I'm enthralled and addicted to this story! I must know what happens next!
I'm loving this story, I can't wait for some romance. Please continue!
Wow. He is so good at handling her, it's as if he holds a degree from the school of wrangling Hermione Granger. It is his mix of stern yet gentle that is so wonderful. And even if it is baby steps, she is responding to him. It may be a lengthy journey, but I do believe he will bring her back, and they will find a way to be happy. Love it, as always.
I'm really enjoying this fic.
I love this story. It is teasingly slow - just enough to keep the reader gasping for more. I need more! You are such a gifted writer.
Aww, that ending just gives me a warm feeling. That she can read the 'lovely' in his eyes is so meaningful.
How is every chapter of this story perfect? I love how it starts, with the peace of Snape's home broken by the storm that is Hermione. The moment her fury is deflated is heartbreaking, and Snape's every action after that is wonderful.
It is no wonder that Hermione equates him with safety. His deep care is evident in his every word and deed.
Beautiful writing, especially at the end. I'm loving how subtle this story is. Too often you find that one chapter they hate each other, and the next are all over one another. It's wonderful to see how Hermione is slowly but surely warming to him, even though he took her Dreamless Sleep - she realised how he's trying to help. I can't wait to see where this goes next.
They spend the night together, that's so cute! She made so much progress. Finally there is hope for her to heal.
Oh, no! I do hope she's going to force a confrontation with Severus, not looking for more sleeping potion!
And what awful timing, for her to make this realization after that lovely meal and conversation they had.
*sighs and urges Hermione to come back home and go to sleep
Well, that went much better than expected. I know there was shouting and tears, but it ended nicely. I wish Hermione could figure herself out.
(happy sigh) So clever of him to make his point yet without her storming off in search of more sleeping draught. Well played, Severus! He who survived Voldy can survive Hermy.
I also enjoyed seeing Hermione realize how much he has cared for her. Having him read aloud to her -- lucky lady! And lucky us for having you write stories for us. THANK YOU!!!
Angst! I do hope that SS rescues the HG. Clearly Crookshanks has good taste. Cats, and hense kneazles, usually know the good guys. (or maybe its just that SS can weild a can opener!)
Thanks. looking forward to the next chapter.
I read this story on another site but there were fewer chapters there than here. I find that on second reading this story is even better and would dearly love to see it continued!
Great chapter my dearest heart. Am LOVING this story, but then again, I love all of your works.
Loves you, Sonia :)
Snape's hesitation to knock on Hermione's door brings her from her wallowing and out comes the anger. This did bring about some activity on her part. Snape appears to know how to deal with such a delicate situation. I love Crookshanks and his interactions with Snape.