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Stepping Out
kittylefish16 Reviews | 16 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )
Five years after the war, rumors swirl about elusive war hero, Severus Snape, who has retired from the public eye. To set the rumors to rest, he agrees to appear at the gala celebrating victory in the Second Wizarding War, where he finds himself more popular than he expected.
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About kittylefish
Member Since 2007 | 73 Stories | Favorited by 89 | 1,068 Reviews Written | 870 Review Responses
my catalyst into the world of hp fanfic was the ignominious death of severus snape by snakebite in dh. grrrrr. he deserved better, and i set off on a mission to find it! i appreciate and admire the vast and limitless creativity of all of the wonderful writers on this site and in this fandom.
accordingly, for me it's mostly about snape: ss/le, ss/hg, ss/rl are my favorite ships. i especially like happy endings for those who did not get them at the hands of jkr.
Reviews for Stepping Out
LOL.... poor Hermione.... good for SS and RL, I suppose.Thanks.
Response from kittylefish (Author of Stepping Out)
i feel a little bad for hermione, but she won't have any trouble finding someone to console her. thanks for reading and reviewing.
Lovely, and the perfect read for an otherwise totally boring evening. Thank you for posting this gem, dear!
Response from kittylefish (Author of Stepping Out)
so glad i could help to entertain you. :D thanks for reading. *hugs*
Elusive War Hero is a great name for a cocktail made in honor of our elusive Potions master. Well done!
"Unless his card says he's selling real estate, he meant what you think he meant." *gigglesnort* I have this mental picture of Snape and Lupin standing in front of the urinals having this conversation and setting the stage for what happens next.
Poor Hermione. Even though Severus made his choice to be with Lupin tonight, he seemed equally interested in her. Perhaps one day in the future she may find that he ultimately choses her. Or not.
Congratulations to Sunny for her wonderful reviews and stellar prompt. Way to go!
Response from kittylefish (Author of Stepping Out)
thanks for this nice review. i appreciate it. yeah, i think it's left a little open-ended - there is room for something else to happen in the future. frankly, i really wasn't sure who was going to get him in the end until i wrote it - it was a pretty dead heat. and congrats on your story, too. you earned it. :D
interesting take on reclusive Severus. thanks for your time and effort, they're appreciated
Response from kittylefish (Author of Stepping Out)
thanks for taking the time to read and comment. i appreciate it.
Aww. He made his choice -- good boy! But poor Hermione... Thanks for the fun story. Although I think it had more drinks in it than a Thin Man movie!
Response from kittylefish (Author of Stepping Out)
i think hermione will land on her feet. and i am in no way advocating excessive drinking, though i do think remus might have thought it would be easier to get through to a tipsy severus. thanks for reading and reviewing. :D
Response from snapify52 (Reviewer)
Although surely Remus would never take advantage. Noooo. ;)
Response from kittylefish (Author of Stepping Out)
take advantage - of course not. but use to his advantage just a little - maybe. ;D
Wahoo! Awesome, Kitty, as always! Just love your Snupins! :D
Response from kittylefish (Author of Stepping Out)
so happy you liked it! and well deserved, you. :D
Love it! I was expecting Remus and Hermione to tagteam him though, considering this is posted in Potions Under Duress. Hermione got short shifted here, lol
Response from kittylefish (Author of Stepping Out)
i'm glad you enjoyed it. sorry if you were disappointed by the outcome. it was a competition. if i'd put it only under forbidden forest, there would be no suspense as to the outcome. and it does deal with the relationship between hermione and snape, which is what the category is for. if it had turned out the other way, i would have put potions under duress first instead of second.
Well Hermione may have lost out this time, but she has more than her fair share of our Severus, so I'm happy to see Remus get a piece of Snape-action. Well done, this was a well-written, funny and enjoyable romp! Perhaps a threesome next time? ;)
Response from kittylefish (Author of Stepping Out)
thank you for this lovely review, and for understanding that sometimes, remus needs his snape, too. ;D and you never know - i certainly would not rule out a threesome. (i almost thought it was going to happen this time, but it didn't end up going in that direction.)
At first I thought that Hermione and Remus were tag-teaming and working on Severus together, not in competition with one another. Poor Hermione, but she did have it coming. She really couldn't measure up to Remus in the experience department, could she?
Response from kittylefish (Author of Stepping Out)
hmm - that would have been interesting if that was what was happening. my muse did not plan it that way, however. and remus definitely had an advantage here. thanks for this nice review. :D
Poor Hermione, passed over for the werewolf!And no Draco to console her either.I hope Charlie is still available!Fantastic read - I think the rumor mill will be changing its tune soon.
Response from kittylefish (Author of Stepping Out)
thanks, pokey! i'm glad you enjoyed it. yes, i think hermione could have her choice of men to console her (with those few exceptions). charlie sounds like a good bet. thanks so much for stopping by. :D
Whatever floats your boat, but I don't expect Snupin in Potions under Duress. I expect HGSS - the category is devoted to that pairing.
Response from kittylefish (Author of Stepping Out)
the primary category was forbidden forest for the snupin aspect. potions under duress was listed as the secondary category. if the story had ended up going the other way, i would have listed the categories the other way as well. sorry that wasn't clear enough.
Now I am torn apart. What's best? The prompt itself or the response to it? I think both with a liking for the answer (so much more for my imigination to work). And as I'm only fourth this year these gifts will kick my a** to review more.
Response from kittylefish (Author of Stepping Out)
her prompt was pretty awesome, wasn't it? i'm glad you liked my take on it. and if these rewards spur you to review more, that can only be a good thing from the perspective of us poor, starving authors. starving for reviews, that is. ;D
Poor Snape. Why can't they ever just leave him alone? I mean, I'm certainly glad that they never leave him alone, but still he never gets a break. I really enjoyed all of his visitors and their varied reactions and comfort levels, even if he didn't. Might as well put in a revolving door, or at least post visiting hours :)The beauty of this story was that I am all about SS/HG, but I enjoy a good Snupin as well. There was no way to lose. I will admit I was holding out hope that he refused to chose and the two would give in and share. Maybe next time, eh?By the way, what a fun, creative prompt!
Response from kittylefish (Author of Stepping Out)
i'm glad you enjoyed his revolving door. i admit i might have enjoyed it, too. ;)i wasn't sure what was going to happen, but given sunny's prompt and my bent, a competition between lupin and hermione seemed the way to go. i kinda thought it might end up with them sharing, too, but it didn't go that way.thanks for the lovely review. and congrats on your story, too. you deserve it. :)
I have to admit, I was hoping the setup would lead to a threesome. Pity it hadn't.But I enjoyed the story nonetheless.So what lesson was there to be leaned? Persistency pays off :-)
Response from kittylefish (Author of Stepping Out)
frankly, i really did not know how it was going to end until i got there. there was a period when i thought it would end up in a threesome, but it didn't go that way. thanks for reading, and i'm happy you enjoyed it anyway. and yes, persistency pays off because if hermione had not run off like that, who knows what might have happened. :)
You know, I was enjoying this a lot, right up until Remus and Severus just dismissed Hermione as an irrelevant little girl with no concern for how much they must have hurt her feelings. While that arguably might have been IC for Severus, it really seemed adolescent and OOC for Remus to be so intent on getting laid that he didn't care who he steamrolled, IMO, especially since he made it clear he was expecting this to be a long-term thing rather than this being his only shot at it. Anyway, after that, I was so depressed that I had to write something where Hermione actually got a happy ending, so I guess that was good.In any event, I appreciate your efforts and I did like the first 75 percent of the story.
Response from kittylefish (Author of Stepping Out)
i'm sorry you didn't like the way the story played out, but i suppose it was predictable that somebody would be unhappy given the nature of competition - i.e., somebody wins, which means someone else inevitably loses. i disagree, however, with your assessment that remus and severus dismissed hermione as an irrelevant little girl; i don't think the story supports that reading. and i do wonder if remus's and hermione's roles had been reversed whether you would be worrying about his tender feelings.
Response from linlawless (Reviewer)
Well, I freely admit that I'm usually more of an sshg shipper than snupin. On the other hand, I've read and enjoyed your work before, so I knew there was a decent chance it would go snupin in the end, and if that had been a problem for me, I wouldn't have read it in the first place. It felt to me like Remus's reaction to Hermione walking in on them was a rather self-serving "Poor naive Hermione ... she'll be fine ... let's go shag." If the positions were reversed, and Remus walked in on Hermione with Snape, when Snape had been flirting with him (or at least not rejecting his clear interest) all night, I would feel just as bad for Remus, and if Hermione had responded in the manner Remus did (or anything equivalent), I'd be just as unhappy with that.In any event, I hope we can just agree to disagree about the way Remus and Snape reacted to Hermione walking in. I do enjoy your writing, so I'll be looking forward to your future works. Happy 2011!
Response from kittylefish (Author of Stepping Out)
well, i will grant you that remus was on the brink of getting something that he'd been dreaming about for several decades at this point, so hermione was not uppermost in his thoughts at that moment. and he probably does think she's young and will find someone else more suitable for her, and frankly, i believe in this story snape thinks the same. he wasn't 100% sure that hermione could possibly be interested in him, and he was pretty sure he didn't deserve her, if she was.anyway. that's probaby more than you need to know. thanks for reading, and we can definitely agree to disagree.happy 2011 to you, too - i wish us both lots of new beginnings and happy endings. ;)
Here's a Snape who really needs to get out more... or maybe he'll be staying in more, now that Remus has hooked him. What a wonderful present for Sunny, whose unfailing enthusiasm, help and pestering got me started writing. Cheers!
Response from kittylefish (Author of Stepping Out)
i'm glad you think my story was a fitting present for sunny, who surely deserved something special for all her enthusiasm. :D thanks for reading and reviewing; i really appreciate it.