New Chapter for A Well-Made Match
A Well-Made Match
Southern_Witch_69314 Reviews | 314 Ratings, 0 Likes, 43 Favorites )
Hermione's life takes an unexpected turn due to a medical issue. What she wants is still possible, just not with the man she thought she'd have it with. Meanwhile, Severus is being pushed in different directions. Luckily, one of those paths lead to Hermione. This is a take on LOTM's YLC Challenge.
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About Southern_Witch_69
Member Since 2005 | 144 Stories | Favorited by 1,103 | 2,209 Reviews Written | 5,450 Review Responses
I adore the world of HP.
Thanks for stopping by. I'm off to stir my cauldron.
Reviews for A Well-Made Match
I sincerely look forward to more of this story. Even if only an epilogue to see if any of the issues are eventually resolved. Thank you.
We are still waiting for the rest of this fascinating story. Please don't abandon it. I know life takes priority but please finish this.
please let us know if you are going to finish it.
Will there be more? Please?
Are you planing to finish this one? I do hope so!. I'd like to know how Severus' and Hermione's relationship develops. Can she have children after all? How does she get on with the Malfoys? How does Ron fare? Maybe Severus and Hermione can create a potion that treats her gyn condition. They could give it to muggles too. It would be cool if Hermione and Severus became famous for their multiple incredible medical cures they researched and developed together. They could be as famous as the Flammels. Severus could be more famous as a medical researcher and for his discoveries than for his work for the Order, even though that was more harrowing and more important. But everyone would forget he'd once been a death eater. They would be remembered as "The Great Severus and Hermione Snape Medical Marvels of the World Wizarding and Muggle". The muggles wouldn't know they were wizards. Muggle borns when they enter Hogwarts would say, "The Snapes were wizards?". The wizarding world would respond, "Of course they were."
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Well-Made Match)
I will finish it. Life's hectic at the moment. :(
I was wondering where you'd vanished to, m'dear! Wonderful to have you back
Gah! Must read more soon! This is so good. ;)
I read this all in one go, so perfect! You've done a laudable job of displaying the complexity of relationships, the multiple facets of what it means to love, and built towards a very believable incipient romance between the two. (I'm a bit concerned that you're going to be introducing angsty horrors -- did Severus cast Imperio upon the Grangers?) Overall, I think this is a wonderful story, and -- I mean this as a high compliment -- your writing has grown and improved so much since your earliest fictions. SW69-of-the-past was good, but this? This is great.
Great story so far. More please!!!
I've said a couple of times that the one thing which Ron and Hermione have going for them (at least in canon) apart from their mutual regard for Harry is the fact that Hermione is actually a lot more like Molly Weasley in temperament than most people realize. Let's face it...while the choices which Molly made in her life did not include a career outside the home, it's not too hard to see that she probably wears the pants in that family even though she's not the breadwinner. She's obviously a formidable woman...she defeated Bellatrix Lestrange, for pity's sake! Both Hermione and Molly are inclined to be bossy, stubborn, opinionated, and a little too certain that they know what's best for other people. Fortunately for both of them -- or in this case, Samantha -- Ron appears to be a man who's a little too impulsive for his own good and who probably needs someone who's prepared to help him make better decisions for himself.
So good!! More please?
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Well-Made Match)
Thanks. I should actually have the next one up soon.
I really like your Ron!! Sad chapter!
Sorry I have not dropped a line before. I am an inconsiderate reader but i started this story many moons ago and was so happy to find an update!! I wanted you to know that I LOVE your writing and thanks so much for great fresh reading!!!
We'll see soon? Not soon enough, my dear! I do hope they truly are happy and a wonderful married pair. I expect some bumps in any relationship but over all I hope they are glad. Really glad. My only question is, why was she wearing a bra under her night gown? I suppose if you have heavy, sweaty breasts you may be inclined, on occasion...I know about those, but, I don't know...seems odd. I'm sure Severus couldn't care less. He's just glad she eventually took it all off. Of course he is bigger than Ron. He'd have to be. Way more testosterone in the Snapeman department than the Wesley boy's. Keep writting girlfriend! Real life is so annoying and gets in the way of all our fun.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Well-Made Match)
I'm confused. Do people not wear underclothes under a nightgown? Haha. I do at times. It depends on the nightgown and who's around I suppose. More up soon.
Thank you Sunshine...
Now I am on track and up to date on your story.
It is going along wonderfully.
Glad Ronald is finally stepping back and it sounds like his current bedwarmer may be trying to become pregnant.
Waiting for more...
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Well-Made Match)
Glad you're enjoying. As far as Ron's new lady, something they had in common was wanting a family soon.
What a great update, well worth waiting for:-))
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Well-Made Match)
Thanks :)
You are such a tease, more soon please. .
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Well-Made Match)
l'll try my best :)
So pleased to see this update, what a great update it is. I'm hoping they get HEA.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Well-Made Match)
I'll try to post more soon. :)
Woohoo! Been waiting over a year for this update. Hope I don't have to wait as long for the next one. Get to it, woman! ^_^
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Well-Made Match)
:) :) :)
Thank you for the update! Will worth the wait. Looking forward to seeing what happens next!
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of A Well-Made Match)
Thank you :)
I hope Harry and Severus can get along for Hermione's sake. They both seem to want her to be happy.
Good for Severus!!!! He is an honorable man. He is brillient, loyal and powerful. He is a great man even if the stupid ministry treats him like a criminal. If I were Hermione I would be proud to be his wife.
I'm pleasantly surprised that Hermione wants to go the Australia and be married right away. Interesting, that. I'm glad that Severus was able to accept the answer to his question about being afraid Ron would change her mind. All in all this sounds like a good plan. It's painful but sometimes going on feelings gets us in trouble down the road. I'm really glad these people are trying to take the long view. I think this will be a good thing. Lucius will have to give up his hobby of Weasley baiting for Severus' happiness. I think he can do that. Severus just has be accept that Harry isn't as annoying as he thinks just like Hermione wasn't.
Wow!!! That was a duzy. Poor Ron. Hermione is right. But I do feel sorry for the bloke. I hope the Malfoy's all treat Hermione respectfully. I don't think Severus would allow Draco to disrespect her. I don't think his parents would either.
Yeh, that was totally uncool. I understand why she did it. I really do. Isn't that against the law? She needed to get the truth and she's totally right that Ron wouldn't have answered honestly, he would have said the noble things. It's uncool but it got the job done. I hope he forgives her sooner than later. I got married for the sensible reason, only the person ended up changing his mind about what he wanted to do with his life. That ended up changing my profession too. There was too much I didn't know about my husband. I love him and he loves me, but I gave up everything I wanted. I wish we would have had the magical match making service available.
Glad the Hermione and Severus have had a chance to meet again under nonstudent conditions. I'm glad Hermione also has a reason to contact him again.