New Chapter for To Dance by the Light of the Moon
To Dance by the Light of the Moon
scaranda55 Reviews | 55 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )
She hadn’t even knocked on his door that first day. She’d just kicked it open, and if he hadn’t seen the odd shoes peeping below the rest of what stood in his doorway, he would have assumed himself to have been addressed by a large blue and gold box.
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Member Since 2010 | 19 Stories | Favorited by 15 | 15 Reviews Written | 350 Review Responses
Reviews for To Dance by the Light of the Moon
HAH! How very odd! Fun, too!
Response from scaranda (Author of To Dance by the Light of the Moon)
Thank you so much for all of your reviews; your support means so much. I'm so pleased you enjoyed it. Thanks again Scaranda
Response from mimmom (Reviewer)
I loved seeing Harry, Ron and Hermione being completely insufferable. I also love how this really speaks to Severus. He gets Luna like nobody else and she gets him. The trio just wants to saver her from herself when she clearly has no need of it.
this story is so much fun!
Response from scaranda (Author of To Dance by the Light of the Moon)
Oh, thanks. Nearly done now. Thanks for reading along. Scar
oooohhhh dear. Poor Severus!
Response from scaranda (Author of To Dance by the Light of the Moon)
He's his own worst enemy, and the fact that he knows that only makes matters worse! Thanks again. Scar
oh my goodness! Will Luna get away with this? Most likely. She's quite a menace in the potions classroom and now Severus is quoted in the Quibbler. ROFL!
Response from scaranda (Author of To Dance by the Light of the Moon)
Just what he always wanted... a mention in the Quibbler! Thanks for that, and for reading along. Scar
I found myself literally laughing out loud. "Rictus of horror." ROFL!
Response from scaranda (Author of To Dance by the Light of the Moon)
Minerva is good fun to write too, especially batting her off Severus. Thanks for that.
I am almost sad to see it end, what a wonderful story this has been to follow. I have laugh through every chapter.
Response from scaranda (Author of To Dance by the Light of the Moon)
Hey, sorry I never responded to this. Thanks so much. Scar.
Aww. The babies were cute. :)
Response from scaranda (Author of To Dance by the Light of the Moon)
Hey, sorry I never responded to this. Thanks so much. Scar.
The only one who doesn't get a happy ending is Ron, poor boy.I love the delicacy of that last scene after the ball where Minerva catches sight of them. That's why I love this pairing.
Response from scaranda (Author of To Dance by the Light of the Moon)
Hi Rose! I see I haven't responded to this. Sorry. Thanks, as always, for your support. Scar
Lovely. And the trio deserved each other.
Response from scaranda (Author of To Dance by the Light of the Moon)
I see I've not responded to this. Sorry! Thanks so much for dropping by. Scaranda
Love how you've painted the Trio. :)
Response from scaranda (Author of To Dance by the Light of the Moon)
Thanks for that... but I had such a tempting canvass. Hold up though, the picture's not quite complete. Thanks again for all of your kind words, they're much appreciated. Scaranda
Hehe. He fell for her little ploy with the book. :)
Response from scaranda (Author of To Dance by the Light of the Moon)
He's nothing, if not blinded. He's a man, and even one such as he should think very carefully before trying to outsmart a woman, and very carefully indeed if that woman happens to be Luna, or even Minerva, or someone of their ilk. Thanks again. Scaranda
Poor old Sev. Now he thinks she thinks he's too old for her. :)
Response from scaranda (Author of To Dance by the Light of the Moon)
I think he's just indulging himself in being pathetic actually. That said, he wouldn't be too old for her, she would be too young for him... after all, it couldn't be his fault, could it? Thanks again. Scaranda
Ooh! Competition! :D
Response from scaranda (Author of To Dance by the Light of the Moon)
Ah, yes... we'll see about that, shall we? Thanks again. Scaranda
Love the goings on in the women's staffroom. :)
Response from scaranda (Author of To Dance by the Light of the Moon)
They all love to pretend they know more about 'goings on' than one another. Thanks again. Scaranda
Oops. Shouldn't have opened his mouth... :)
Response from scaranda (Author of To Dance by the Light of the Moon)
He's still got a lesson or two to learn, has Severus. Thanks again. Scaranda
She really isn't one for social conventions, is she? :)
Response from scaranda (Author of To Dance by the Light of the Moon)
She's above them really, isn't she? In the nicest possible way, of course, in that they don't matter to her. Thanks again. Scaranda
And the gossip mill begins to turn. :)
Response from scaranda (Author of To Dance by the Light of the Moon)
Oh, it's got quite a few revolutions to go,
Response from scaranda (Author of To Dance by the Light of the Moon)
. I do hope you enjoy the rest, and thanks again for taking the time to post a review. It's very much appreciated. Scaranda
Those poor men don't even realise how much the female staff are in charge. :)
Response from scaranda (Author of To Dance by the Light of the Moon)
Well, of course they don't; they're men! Thanks again for your support. Scaranda.
Hmm. Minerva disapproving is a sure way to get Severus on side. :)
Response from scaranda (Author of To Dance by the Light of the Moon)
The easiest way to get difficult people to do something, is to suggest that they don't. Not that Severus is difficult, of course. Thanks again. Scaranda
Let me see, Dean should absolutely get caugth by a fish-eating something, doesn't Hagrid have something odd in a crate that need feeding? Harry, and his two sidekicks, less than sucsessfull meeting with Minerva were brilliant, I read it twice just to really enjoy it. I am as usual really looking forward for more.
Response from scaranda (Author of To Dance by the Light of the Moon)
Response from scaranda (Author of To Dance by the Light of the Moon)
. (By the way, are you named after the football club? I meant to ask before, but it didn't seem apropriate.) I hope you enjoy the rest, even if Hagrid doesn't set free a fish-eating something. Scaranda
You can tell the best writers because they pay attention to how Snape is called. And was he implying that Lupin was robbing a cradle or filling one? Or both, which would be deliciously economical with his words?I'm glad the trio finally got a dressing down of sorts. Luna's way of wasting their time while gently pointing out that they're small-minded busybodies will keep them awake nights.
Response from scaranda (Author of To Dance by the Light of the Moon)
I think his double-entendre was meant, and I think Lupin thought so too. As to the Golden Threesome, well, they'll have to get up a lot earlier in the morning to take on the Ravenclaws and Slytherins. Thanks so much, Rose.
I think the meddlers need to back off and let Luna work her magic.
Response from scaranda (Author of To Dance by the Light of the Moon)
Oh, I think she's fit to fly right over the tops of their heads, don't you? Thanks so much for reading along, and for dropping a line. Scaranda
I love how Luna zooms in on the rare creature in the offing when discussing the Ginny/Remus situation. Snape's mind is whirling with all the problems this relationship will cause as well as his issues with just how obnoxiously sanctimonious the trio are. Luna is concerned with the most helpless of the people involved.It's hard not to love the half-Prince for leaping to the rescue of the fair lady, even if it's in an understated manner and not nearly as smoothly done as he hoped.Finally, I enjoyed the whole thing with the two professors sitting there, acting oblivious, yet watching carefully to ensure the little drama is carried off without a hitch. One wonders if they went to the bar deliberately to seek Severus out and thereby get front row seats.
Response from scaranda (Author of To Dance by the Light of the Moon)
No, he certainly wasn't as smooth as I'm sure he would have liked, not that he'd admit that to himself. Thanks so much, as always, for your support. Scaranda
I am usually an avid Hermione-fan, but this Hermione who is not only married to Ron, but also dare critise Luna, and Severus, well she deserves a long boring life listening to Ron's praEvttle about Quiddich, a boring job at the Ministry where she can live by the books and have 'Molly as a mother-in-law. Even Ginny is wonderful in this fic, standing up for Luna like she does, I sincerely hope she has a flaming hot affare with Remus who would want boring Harry Potter when there is a sexy were-wolf on the loose? It also seems like there are two male Hogwarths Professors with interest in sligthly younger women who have gotten them selfes a Headmistress in their corner. Not the smartest move of the "golden trio" to think they can tell Minerva McGonnagal what to do, but I am very much looking forward to them trying:-))
Response from scaranda (Author of To Dance by the Light of the Moon)
Thanks so much for your comment. I'm so pleased you're enjoying it. Watch this space for round two with Minerva, and, of course, Luna. Thanks again. Scaranda
You've made the Trio very unlikeable. I think Luna should stop associating with them. And Ginny and Remus, right under Harry's nose? Somehow I like that.
Response from scaranda (Author of To Dance by the Light of the Moon)
I think she should too; however, she's not quite finished with them yet. Thanks so much for commenting again. Scaranda