New Chapter for Weight Loss: Hogwarts Style
Weight Loss: Hogwarts Style
MsTree8 Reviews | 8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
A conversation during a typical weekly weight loss meeting at Hogwarts.
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About MsTree
Member Since 2007 | 11 Stories | Favorited by 106 | 999 Reviews Written | 918 Review Responses
A citizen of Calontir, living in the State of Misery, located north of Are-Kansas and south of Iowewaytoomuch. Writer of fiction who reads more than is healthy for her and owned by two terrors... I mean, terriers. ^_^
Reviews for Weight Loss: Hogwarts Style
sigh...even in the magical world, OH WELL. Wonderful story btw
Response from MsTree (Author of Weight Loss: Hogwarts Style)
Ain't it the truth. Since JKR's canon descriptions of several witches and wizards seem to lean towards the heavy side, it makes sense there would be some sort of weight loss organisation. Right? ^_~
ROFL! I think I know why Hermione is a phoenix. All that extra exercice with her new sexy husband...
Response from MsTree (Author of Weight Loss: Hogwarts Style)
But of course. ^_~
Giggle... TROLL!
Response from MsTree (Author of Weight Loss: Hogwarts Style)
Now, I find that hard to believe. *wink* ^_^
Wonderful and for once I am in complete agreement with Molly: All scales lie and should be hexed....:-))
Response from MsTree (Author of Weight Loss: Hogwarts Style)
I'm lucky that none of the ladies in my local group have a wand because we'd be replacing the scale every week otherwise. Thanks for the review. ^_~
Hehe. I'm going on holiday to become a troll. Love it!
Response from MsTree (Author of Weight Loss: Hogwarts Style)
Noooo! I still think you can't go on holiday until you finish "A Man's Best Friend". *pout* Try not to gain too much. ^_^
Cute story, of course Hermione would lose weight I mean look who her exercise partner is *grins* I would lose weight too if I was married to Severus. *winks*
Response from MsTree (Author of Weight Loss: Hogwarts Style)
Yeah! As a newlywed, I'm sure she's getting all kinds of exercise. ^_^
That's cute. I love Sybill's comment.
Response from MsTree (Author of Weight Loss: Hogwarts Style)
Of course! She has to be all mysterious, right? Especially when she has to report a Troll. ^_^
ROFL. Love the categories! :)
Response from MsTree (Author of Weight Loss: Hogwarts Style)
Thanks. I wanted to have fun with this and I hope I succeeded. ^_^