The Diamond Doll
Chapter 1 of 7
BulletTimeScullyDemons from the past throw two haunted souls together in the most unlikely of circumstances. In order to move forward, they must each confront what they tried to leave behind.
Disclaimer: Anything recognizable is not mine.
I'd just like to say that after I post this, I'm going down to my local feed store and buying every critter trap I can find! These darn plot bunnies are everywhere! I've been Imperiused, I know it!!
Thank you Delilah!
"Sins become more subtle as you grow older: you commit sins of despair rather than lust."
-Piers Paul Read
The tall, dark-haired man thumped the ashes from his cigarette as he walked slowly up the street. His black boots scuffed softly against the pavement. People who passed nearby gave him a wide berth as they took in his scowling countenance and intimidating air.
He wore a long, black, duster jacket over black leather pants and a dark crimson shirt. The first few buttons of the shirt were undone, revealing a light sprinkling of black chest hair. The hair atop his head was also black. It fell about his shoulders and down his back like ribbons of oil. He had a patrician profile and pale, sallow skin. His complexion, mixed with his dark hair and clothes, made him a rather striking figure.
Approaching his destination, he crossed the street quickly, looking up at the gaudy neon sign as he took another long drag from the cigarette. He hadn't been back here in several weeks. Trying to kick the habit, as it was.
Tonight, however, had brought up memories that he did not care to think about. He had tried to push them out of his mind, but they kept creeping around his defenses, harsh and vivid. So he had given into temptation and made his way back to The Diamond Doll. The place would be called seedy at the best of times. It wasn't a pub or even a nightclub. A back alley strip joint that served alcohol would be a more accurate description, one of London's less than savory gentleman's clubs. Then again, he was a less than savory gentleman. Like calls to like, and other such rubbish.
He could hear the muffled thump of music as he made his way towards the front door, manned by two shaven-headed, tattooed brutes. There was a line at the door as men of every description waited to spend their week's pay on a few glimpses of glittering flesh.
He strode up to the two guards. They simply nodded their recognition and let him pass, much to the disgust of the waiting masses. He ignored their shouts and curses.
As soon as he opened the door, he was assaulted by loud music, cigarette smoke, flashing lights, and the smell of stale sweat. Pushing his way through the crowd, he made his way to the bar. He shrugged out of his long leather duster and folded it over the seat next to him. Running a hand through his hair, he pulled his pack of fags from his trouser pocket.
Sitting carefully on the swiveling stool, he ordered a triple shot of whiskey and a beer. He pushed his money across the bar at the scantily clad bartender, who leered openly at him. Licking her lips, she let her fingers trail over his as she took the proffered cash.
He smirked at her, watching her backside sway beneath her micro mini-skirt as she tucked the cash in her cleavage and headed for the next customer.
A little while later, he had finished two fags, downed his shots, and was nursing his beer when he heard someone call, "Tobias!" He swiveled his barstool around and was met with a resounding clap on his shoulder. "Tobias! Where the hell have you been, mate? We've missed you!"
"Missed my money is more like it," the man known as Tobias growled, even though a grin had formed on his face. He clasped hands with the man in front of him. Jack was his name. He was short, balding, and dressed in a horrible orange leisure suit. He was also the owner of The Diamond Doll.
"Say, old man," Jack whispered conspiratorially, "you've not been here in a while, and I've got a new girl one hot piece of arse that I know you'd like."
Tobias raised a dark eyebrow at the leering man. "Do tell," he said before placing another fag in his mouth and lighting it.
Jack leered even more. "Oh, she's one hot piece! Damn, but does she have the best body. Not a real mouth-runner either, which I know you can appreciate." He thumped Tobias in the ribs with his elbow. "She's our top billing. All the fools outside," he gestured to the front doors and the waiting mob," they're here to see her. Actually," Jack said, glancing at his rather garish wristwatch, "her act is up next." He pointed towards the raised catwalk at the far end of the room. "Come on," Jack grabbed Tobias by the elbow, "let's get you a front row seat before the mob gets here."
He barely had time to grab his things before Jack dragged him through the throng of people. The eager man took him to the edge of the stage, right across from the tall silver pole that jutted from the middle of the platform. He found himself planted in one of the plush chairs set aside for the 'VIP's the people that spent the most money.
He draped his jacket over the seat next to him and leaned back casually. He heard Jack say in his ear, "I'll have your usual room open after she's done. Head over there and I'll send her in. Trust me... you don't want to miss out." With another rough clap to Tobias' shoulder, Jack disappeared into the crowd, no doubt rounding up other potential money spinners.
He crossed his arms over his chest and took a long pull from his fag. The throng outside had finally been allowed in, and were quickly crowding around the stage, money overflowing in their eager hands. After a moment, the lights dimmed, and Tobias could feel a murmur of excitement roll through the waiting crowd.
With a flourish of lights, the music started.
"Ho oh oh oh oooh oh oh oh oh... Caught in a bad romance..."
The woman appeared through the curtains at the back of the stage. She was wearing a long black cloak and a silver demi-mask. Tobias' heart leapt into his throat as visions of his past came crashing back. He had to shake his head and remember where he was... or perhaps where he wasn't. Quickly, he summoned a waitress and ordered two more triple shots of whiskey. 'That ought to get rid of them,' he thought to himself.
He turned his attention back to the woman. She was walking smoothly to the center of the stage, her long cloak flowing behind her.
"Ho oh oh oh oooh oh oh oh oh... Caught in a bad romance..."
Her hands appeared through the split in the front of the cloak. One took hold of the pole while the other undid the clasp at her neck. With a flourish, she spun the cloak away from her. Tobias' mouth dropped open as he watched the woman wrap her body around the pole.
"Rah rah ah ah ahh, rah ma rah ma ma,
Gaga oh la laa, want your bad romance..."
Her body was covered in glitter; there wasn't a part of her that didn't shimmer.
"I want your ugly, I want your disease,
I want your everything as long as it's free..."
Tobias tilted his head to the side as she squatted next to the pole, rolling her hips against it as she slowly stood back up. She wore the tiniest pair of panties he had ever seen. They were merely a piece of sheer black fabric being held up by two tiny lines of glittering black rhinestones.
She was curvy, there was no doubt about that. That was alright with Tobias; he had always liked his women what few there had been with a bit of flesh about them. Her breasts were full, which was also a plus. Her hair was dark and fell in rivulets down her back. A pair of black stilettos adorned her small feet, and he thought he could make out the outline of a small tattoo on her right ankle. A serpent?
"I want your love...
Love, love, love, I want your love..."
She performed another gravity-defying move before spinning to her knees on the stage. She rocked her hips back and forth, running her hand down between the vee of her legs. Her lips were parted, but her face was wholly unreadable beneath the silver mask.
"I want your drama, the touch of your hand,
I want your leather-studded kiss in the sand..."
She spun quickly to her hands and knees, slinging her hair from side to side. She searched the crowd, and after a moment her gaze locked on him. Tobias thought he saw her mouth gape in surprise, but it passed so quickly he must have imagined it. He watched as she crawled slowly across the floor towards him.
"I want your love...
Love, love, love, I want your love..."
Twisting around to sit on her bum at the edge of the stage, she extended one long leg towards him. Her foot came to rest on his chest, and he could feel the sharp point of the black stiletto as it dug into his sternum. Smirking, his hands moved up languidly to caress the soft, shimmering skin of her calf. There was indeed a serpent tattoo on her inner ankle. The creature was twined around a long staff, looking for all the world like the Staff of Asclepius. Somehow he knew it wasn't. It was something else entirely. He narrowed his eyes at her.
She looked back at him from beneath her mask. It was so dark that he couldn't make out the color of her eyes. Her lips, though, were red and full, the color of fresh blood or cherries.
"You know that I want you...
And you know that I need you.
I want it bad,
Your bad romance..."
Ignoring his suspicions, he grinned lecherously as his hand slid up to her inner thigh. To his great surprise, he was met with a painful static shock. He pulled his hand back quickly, shaking out the offended appendage. He saw her wag her finger at him 'No, no...' it seemed to say. Her gaze locked with his again slightly longer than necessary before she spun back to the stage.
The rest of her act was just as breathtaking as the beginning. Tobias watched as she swayed and danced around the edge of the stage, letting men stuff pounds into the sparkling straps of her g-string. Occasionally, she would take a larger note from them with her mouth, running her hands suggestively over their chests and faces. He smirked as he watched her twist away from their groping hands. She was wily, this one. She got what she wanted and moved on.
There was one thing he did find odd about her. He had always been adept at reading body language, and he quickly noticed that she never looked any of the men in the eye. What unnerved him was that she had looked right at him. Why was he worth her full attention?
Unfortunately, the music ended before he could come to any kind of conclusion. He watched as she gathered any fallen bills and sauntered back through the curtains, followed by a round of raucous applause.
This should be interesting, he thought to himself. He grabbed his coat and headed towards the back of the club, hoping that Jack would be good on his promise.
He pushed the velvet curtains aside and stepped into the relative quietness of the private room. It was furnished with a single couch, an armchair, and a table with a gaudy tasseled lamp that emitted a dim red light. Fitting, he thought crudely.
He tossed his duster onto the armchair and pulled another fag from the pocket. He lit it as he sat on the couch, wondering idly when the upholstery had been cleaned last.
He didn't have long to think, because just then his private show walked in. She wasn't wearing the cloak, but she still wore the mask. It shimmered red in the dim light.
"So," she spoke softly, sounding almost disconnected, "I suppose you're Tobias."
"I am." He took another drag, letting his eyes roam over her lithe body.
"Well, 'Tobias,' I'm 'Jane.'" She walked towards him, her hips swaying with each step.
He was drunk, he knew that, but he suddenly had the unsettling feeling that he would do anything she asked of him. She looked at him for a long moment before speaking: "Do you think I'm pretty, Tobias?" she asked innocently, stepping between his splayed knees.
"Yes," he answered quietly, running one hand up the outside of her thigh.
She smiled woodenly and moved to straddle him, pushing him back into the cushions. Reaching out, she took the fag from his fingers and brought it to her own lips. After inhaling deeply, she leaned forward. Her breasts rubbed against his chest as she pressed her lips to his and exhaled the smoke into his mouth. He inhaled, taking a handful of her hair tightly in his fist as he did.
"Mmm," she groaned, rocking her pelvis against his.
His eyes rolled back as he exhaled. It had indeed been too long; he was rock hard already.
'Jane' ground her pelvis against him again. When he groaned, she leaned in and placed slow, open-mouthed kisses along his neck and jaw. Her tongue flicked out as she licked the sweat from his skin. His lips parted as his breath came faster, and his hands moved to grip her hips as she continued to grind against him languidly.
He felt her smile against the skin of neck. Her mouth moved up to his ear as one hand found its way to his groin, cupping him firmly. "Do you like that?" she asked, her voice low and husky.
He nodded.
"For fifty pounds, I can make you scream." She ran her tongue along the edge of his ear.
His hands convulsed around her hips. Twisting one hand into her hair again, he turned his face to hers and kissed her roughly. He didn't really care about how she felt; she was a nobody, a tool sent there to pleasure him. His other hand moved to his belt, making quick work of the buckle, as well as the buttons on his leather trousers. He then covered her hand with his own and pressed it harder against him. She pulled back, grinning lasciviously.
His eyes were hooded with his own need. He countered her offer. "Take off the mask and I'll make it £100."
Her grin widened and she licked her lips. "You drive a hard bargain... but I think I can manage." She stepped back from him and knelt between his legs. Her small hands rubbed circles on the smooth fabric covering his inner thighs. He leaned his head back and allowed her to take over. It was what he was paying for, after all. He felt her breasts rub against his hardness as her hands moved to unbutton his shirt. Her lips were warm and soft against the flesh of his stomach.
Again came the strange compulsion that he would do anything she asked, just to feel her lips and hands on his body...
Any coherent thoughts were swept away as he felt her hand reach into his trousers and close around his length. He raised his head so he could see her as she pulled him free. He panted with need as she starting pumping him slowly in her small fist. She looked up at him, and he almost came right then and there as her pink tongue darted out, swiping the small bead of liquid from the tip of his cock.
He was barely able to speak, "The mask..." before she licked at him again.
"Don't worry, I haven't forgotten." She pulled herself up straight and leaned into him. His cock was pressed against the warm skin of her breasts, and then her stomach, as she licked a line up his belly to his neck. She gave him a light nip on his earlobe before pulling back. "You do it," she whispered, and bowed her head so he could reach the white ribbon that held the mask in place.
His eyes clouded with lust, the man known as Tobias reached towards the woman who called herself 'Jane.' He took the edge of her glittering silver mask between the fingers of one hand, while with the other he reached back and pulled the ribbon loose. He pulled it up and away, careful not to snag it in her long brown hair, and tossed it next to them on the sofa.
When she finally turned her uncovered face up towards him, he instantly knew that his life had just taken a horrible turn for the worse, if that were even possible.
Staring back at him, her eyes clouded with something he couldn't place, not lust... something darker was a face that he had not seen in ten perhaps even fifteen years.
Hermione Granger.
A/N: Well? What do you think? Let me know!
The Staff of Asclepius is an ancient symbol of the medical profession: a single serpent wrapped around a wooden staff.
The song lyrics represented by the bold type are from Bad Romance By Lady Gaga.
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Latest 25 Reviews for The Subtle Nature of Sin
33 Reviews | 5.85/10 Average
Interesting story. I guess I don't understand why Hermione seems to have left her magic and the wizarding world behimd just because of some mad Weasleys.
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of The Subtle Nature of Sin)
Thanks for the comments! I see it more as Hermione left because she was just... tired. She has done so much for this world, a world that she has tried from the beginning to fit in to, and now everything she knows is being ripped out from under her one piece at a time; her parents, Severus, her friends... She has seen so much death, loss, and destruction because of magic, that I think losing Harry and Ron -- her only real positive footholds in that world -- was simply the last straw. I know it's probably a bit OOC for Hermione to just give up like that, but I wanted her spirit to be broken, as it plays into the rest of the story later on. Thanks again for the concrit! I do hope you continue to read.
I need more, soon please. Great work.
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of The Subtle Nature of Sin)
Thanks very much! I hope you continue to enjoy!
I am so in love with this story, I can't believe I only have 1 more chapter to read. I hope the next update is coming soon.
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of The Subtle Nature of Sin)
Thanks! It shouldn't be too long it it's not there already.
That first night they spent together was beautiful, I can't wait to read more.
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of The Subtle Nature of Sin)
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it... I was very nervous, seeing as how it's such a big part of their past. :)
I can't wait to hear more about their past and see what the future holds for both of them.
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of The Subtle Nature of Sin)
The past will definitely come back to haunt them... but hopefully the future is brighter... :)
This is incredible, and I can't wait to see what happens next.
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of The Subtle Nature of Sin)
Thanks so much! You just made my day... or night, as the case may be!
I'm sorry I didn't review the first chapter but I was so into the story that I didn't want to stop reading just then. I will keep this short so I can get back to reading. I have no idea were this is going but I know I have to go along for the ride. Please keep the updates coming.
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of The Subtle Nature of Sin)
That's quite alright... any review is greatly appreciated! I'm thrilled that you're liking the story, and I hope that I can continue to keep you interested!
I've noticed the story has become much lighter within the last chapter or so. Is that deliberate? Also, I wonder what Hermione's is going to do about work long-term? Is Severus going to sit in the club all night while she works like some significant others really do? Somehow I can't see him being too happy about that discovery!
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of The Subtle Nature of Sin)
Hi and thanks for the R&R! The lightness wasn't all deliberate; it just came out that way, and I figured it wouldn't hurt for just a touch of it, considering the darkness of most of the story... but don't worry... things will turn dark again very soon. Hermione has to return to the Doll eventually... Severus may be there too. There is, after all, the little matter of who Imperiused Hermione to deal with... I hope you continue to enjoy!
Woo hoo! Yee haw! I am jumping and cheering and squeeeing my head off. I cannot tell you how delighted I was to come here to TPP and see that you had posted a new chapter!This little problem they have on their hands can easily turn out ot be a blessing or a curse. I think it all depends on how they choose to see each other.Thank you for this fabulous new chapter! Beth
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of The Subtle Nature of Sin)
Thanks Beth! I'll admit, it's been hard to write lately, what with RL and all taking up ALL my time. I was concerned that this chapter didn't fit well with the feel of the story, but you've made me feel 100% better about it. :) I don't know if either of them will be too happy about it at first... hence Hermione's reaction, but hopefully they can come to cohabitate peacefully. Of course, there's sure to be some arguing and fighting... plenty of room for drama and angst! ;)Thanks again and I hope you continue to enjoy it! *Just a little sidenote for ya: I have another chapter of Faith of the Fallen finished. It's with my beta and should be posted very soon! :)
Response from braye27 (Reviewer)
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love Faith of the Fallen as much as I love The Subtle Nature of Sin. You are an awesome writer!
This chapter is so lovely. I hope I'm not getting too far ahead of the story, but I think there has been a bit of healing and a reawakening of the passions they once felt for each other on that night at Spinners End so long ago. In an awkward moment I can imagine both of them telling themselves that it's only the life debt, but I think they really do have a lot of real caring and concern for each other, and I hope they will not beat themselves or each other up too much over what happened fifteen years ago.You've written a very good chapter glowing with tenderness and compassion. Well done.Beth
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of The Subtle Nature of Sin)
As always, thank you for your wonderful, insightful review Beth. :) I think you're right... they do still harbor something for one another. Whether or not they can work past the hardships that life has dealt them in order to realize that is the real question. Hopefully, the past will be overcome and they'll be able to eventually move forward together. Thanks so much for reading and for the great review! *hugs*
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of The Subtle Nature of Sin)
Hehe... thanks so much! The next chapter is nearing completion. :)
You wanna know what I think? I think there is no way in hell that you can update fast enough to suit me.I am hooked! I can't wait to find out the back story of all that happened at the end of the war, what has happened to each of them during the last fifteen years, and what is going to happend to them. I hope all those plot bunnies you have threatened to trap are firmly focused on "The Sublte Nature of Sin."This is smashing!!!!! Beth
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of The Subtle Nature of Sin)
Wow! Thank you so much! I currently have three stories that I'm working on, but my Muse - so to speak - has currently been focused on 'Sin.' I'm writing from my head as I go, but I do have a pretty clear picture of how I want things to progress. I hope I can continue to make it a good read! Thanks again!!
Good God A'mighty this is some kind of wonderful!Very nicely done. Five Stars are not nearly enough.Beth
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of The Subtle Nature of Sin)
Thank you so much! I'm glad you like my Severus and Hermione!
Wow. I'm looking forward to the rest.
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of The Subtle Nature of Sin)
Thank you so much! The second chapter is in the queue! :)
I think it's wonderful! I don't even care if you never explain why she's stripping in the first place. Just can't wait to find out what happens next!
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of The Subtle Nature of Sin)
Thanks very much! I have two more chapters finished, so they should be up soon. :)
Starting out good. I'm hooked. Though I'm not too keen on the suicide warning.
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of The Subtle Nature of Sin)
Thanks! I'm glad you like it so far! As far as the suicide warning is concerned, all I can say is that it will be something that has happened in the past, instead of something that will happen later on in the story. I don't plan on offing anyone. :) Thanks for the R&R!
I almost turned away when I saw the lyrics in the song, but I'm glad I stuck around. This definitely looks promising ^^
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of The Subtle Nature of Sin)
Hehe... thank you so much! I'm glad you weren't turned off by the Gaga lyrics! :) I thought of this chapter while I was listening to it... but I doubt it'll make a reappearance... so don't worry! Thanks again!
Response from MomoDesu (Reviewer)
It wasn't the fact it was Gaga, since I am head over heels for that woman, it was the lyrics in general. Just a pet peeve of mine, haha.
I haven't worked on *MY* "hell chapter" of my WIP in three years. So don't feel so bad. :p
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of The Subtle Nature of Sin)
That is a long time... :) I hope you finish it! Thanks so much for reading!
This chapter is delicious and sad, wonderful and joy filled, painful and sublime, and extremely powerful. Well done!Hermione's warrior stance with the slack asses at St Mungo's was right on the mark. Severus did deserve better care that those make-believe toy Healers were giving him. When Hermione placed her well aimed wand squarely between the eyes of that smug little mediwitch and gave her her marching orders I wanted to shout out loud myself. Humph! She should be grateful that she got off with only " batting frantically at her delicately plucked, now-smoking eyebrows." I might have simply snatched them off her face and been done with her sorry arse. The back story we see here is such a mess of Fate creeping in where she wasn't needed or wanted. But that is a prime example of how shitting real life can be. I can only hope that their lives can come back together stronger than ever before.There's no way I could find the words to tell you how marvelous this chapter is, and I can seem to find an Oscar for the best script among the emoticons, so I am awarding you The Beffey for this extraordinarily written piece of work. So without further adieu, it is my distinct pleasure to present you with your very own... ta-da The Beffey with Distinctions for such fine writing. The song really does say it all. And I thank you with all my heart for sharing this prodigious talent you have been given with the likes of me. Well done. And well done!When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tearsWhen you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fearsAnd I held your hand through all of these yearsBut you still haveAll of me
You used to captivate meBy your resonating lightNow I'm bound by the life you left behindYour face it hauntsMy once pleasant dreamsYour voice it chased awayAll the sanity in me{{{squishes you}}}Beth
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of The Subtle Nature of Sin)
Thanks so much Beth! *hugs* This chapter was one that really scared me, to tell you the truth. It was so hard to write, but only because I felt like what had happened between them wasn't... monumental enough... you know? But I think life is like that... the smallest things can have the biggest effect on how the rest of our lives turn out. "For want of a nail..." and all that.I'm glad you like the song choice. I had always intended to use it somewhere, and it seemed to pretty much sum up the entire point of 'Sin.' Thank you so much for the Beffy! It's wonderful! I'm so glad you enjoyed 'the chapter from Hell', as I've started calling it... lol! I think that they will start to come closer together soon. They still have a lot of baggage, but nothing that can't be overcome... I hope. ;)Thanks again Beth! Your reviews always brighten my day! *squishes back*
I'm soooo glad you've finally updated this! I've been wondering what would happen next, and where you'd take these two. Please update soon!
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of The Subtle Nature of Sin)
Thanks so much! This chapter was SO hard to write... but I've got another two finished and with my beta, so the wait shouldn't be as long this time. Thanks again for the R&R!
Thank you for answering so many of my questions about how Severus and Hermione both ended up at The Diamond Doll and living lives that neither found satisfying. As I read this chapter I was struck by the complete mish-mash their lives had become because he ran out to take care of an errand, and she awoke before he had come back. The following paragraph is an eloquent description of regret: "Severus sighed. He felt a pang of sadness for her – for a life so wasted because of a single, fucking misunderstanding. If only he had woken her before he stepped out that fateful morning… where would they be now? It was obvious now that neither had intended to reject the other all those years ago. Sadly, Fate had not intended their paths to be quite so easy, and in the end they had each assumed the worst of the other. Well, Severus knew first hand what was said about assuming…" Even though Fate had not intended their paths to be easy, it seems that about one year ago Fate decided that it was time for them to face their past and look toward their future... no matter how difficult finding their way through their shared history might be. And thus, Severus nearly fell through the floor at Spinner's End and found himself a new home within walking distance of The Diamond Doll.It's so ironic that after Ron and Harry had turned their backs on her, she once again sought out Severus and he happened not to be at Spinner's End as she waited on the steps for hours for him to return. In their case, Fate is indeed a cruel mistress.I hope that some how, some way, they will be able to mend this breach of more than a decade and find the healing that will make their lives better. I know that there are many pitfalls ahead of them, but I have to hope that a way can be found.I wonder what will happen when Hermione wakes. Will she be too late for her shift? Will she lash out at Severus? Will she give up? This is such a wonderful story, and I can't wait to read your next update! Beth
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of The Subtle Nature of Sin)
You're very welcome, and thank you, once again, for your wonderful review Beth. Fate is indeed a cruel mistress for poor Hermione and Severus. It is going to be a difficult road for them both, but one that I'm sure they can travel if they can get through the pain and anger of the past and look to each other.Fate (and the life debt) is indeed bringing them together once more... no matter how much they may detest it at the moment. All your questions will be answered soon... I hope you continue to enjoy things! Thanks again for the wonderful comments and for taking the time to read! :)
You explained so much, thank you for the update.
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of The Subtle Nature of Sin)
You're very welcome! I'm glad you're still enjoying things. Thanks for the R&R!
I am loving this story. Please update when you can!
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of The Subtle Nature of Sin)
Thank you! I'm still working on it, even though it's been a long time since I've updated. My other story has taken over at the moment. :)
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of The Subtle Nature of Sin)
Thank you! I'm still working on it, even though it's been a long time since I've updated. My other story has taken over at the moment. :)
I don't understand what the problem is between them and what they've been 'denying' for fifteen years. Obviously the life debt is playing some kind of role but I guess I don't see why Hermione - the debtee - would be so down on her luck because of it, and if not because of the life debt, why she'd be so down on her luck at all? You're right in that I'm intrigued. I hope the next chapter gives us a little clarity on this odd situation.
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of The Subtle Nature of Sin)
Thanks for R&R! You're right in assuming that the life debt is playing some sort of role... I have an inkling of why she's so down on her luck... I'm working on the next chapter right now, so you shouldn't have to wait too long! Thanks again!
Well all I can say is "What is going on?!?" Can't wait to see what this is all about.
Response from BulletTimeScully (Author of The Subtle Nature of Sin)
Thanks! I hope I won't keep you waiting too long...