New Chapter for You Mean I Don't Have to Choose?
You Mean I Don't Have to Choose?
blue artemis14 Reviews | 14 Ratings, 0 Likes, 7 Favorites )
Severus gets some unexpected guests on his 50th birthday.
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About blue artemis
blue artemis
Member Since 2006 | 115 Stories | Favorited by 156 | 3,537 Reviews Written | 1,212 Review Responses
Reviews for You Mean I Don't Have to Choose?
cute. thanks
Response from blue artemis (Author of You Mean I Don't Have to Choose?)
Thank you!
What a birthday present!
Response from blue artemis (Author of You Mean I Don't Have to Choose?)
Thank you!
Fantastic one-shot!!
Response from blue artemis (Author of You Mean I Don't Have to Choose?)
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it.
Wow bow thats an interesting thought LOL e-gads LOL
Response from blue artemis (Author of You Mean I Don't Have to Choose?)
My thought processes are odd. Thanks for the review!
He he he, nice fluffy little one-shot! Could easily be taken further, but nicely rounded off.
Response from blue artemis (Author of You Mean I Don't Have to Choose?)
Thank you!
Leave it to Severus to be happy that he doesn't have to choose. This was really good.
Response from blue artemis (Author of You Mean I Don't Have to Choose?)
Thank you! I kind of figured he would like having the decision taken from him.
Wonderful story, I really think Severus should have all he ever wants, and you gave it to him wonderfully:-))
Response from blue artemis (Author of You Mean I Don't Have to Choose?)
Thank you! Severus should definitely have all he wants, especially for his birthday.
If you ever ever want to write the adventures of those three, pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase don't refrain to do so. I mean that's a FANTASTIC birthday gift.
Response from blue artemis (Author of You Mean I Don't Have to Choose?)
Response from blue artemis (Author of You Mean I Don't Have to Choose?)
! I'm glad you liked it.
Oh wow, I'm thrilled that you took my prompt and even more surprosed (happily surprised) by what you did with it. Who knew things would turn out this way! Snerk Really funny actually how they approacked him.
I wonder if they know what they've gotten themselves in for?
Response from blue artemis (Author of You Mean I Don't Have to Choose?)
Thank you! I'm glad you liked my response to your prompt. I'm sure they don't know what they got themselves into, but being who they are, they are going for it no matter what.
How sweet :)
Response from blue artemis (Author of You Mean I Don't Have to Choose?)
Thank you!
I like that our stories are so similar but so different in their own ways, too. This is beautifully written. Sara
Response from blue artemis (Author of You Mean I Don't Have to Choose?)
Hi Sara! Yes, I had pretty much just finished mine when you asked for someone to beta yours. The prompt lent itself to something like this, and I loved yours too. Thanks for the review!
LOL. Well, that was unexpected! :)
Response from blue artemis (Author of You Mean I Don't Have to Choose?)
In a good way, I hope. Thanks for the review!
Wow excellent blue, I do hope Severus agrees he has been alone too long and deserves all the happiness in the world. Five stars plus more!
Response from blue artemis (Author of You Mean I Don't Have to Choose?)
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it. Of course he says yes. He gets both of them, after all.
Happy, Happy Birthday, Severus! What a wonderful present he received! Two people who both wanted him and he didn't have to choose between them. Woo hoo!Nicely done, Blue! Beth
Response from blue artemis (Author of You Mean I Don't Have to Choose?)
Thank you! He thought he wanted to be isolated, but he really didn't. Oh, I love that smiley.