New Chapter for Christmas' Never Realized
Christmas' Never Realized
sevibaby14 Reviews | 14 Ratings, 0 Likes, 23 Favorites )
Severus is given glimpses of one possible future.
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About sevibaby
Member Since 2008 | 7 Stories | Favorited by 14 | 706 Reviews Written | 77 Review Responses
I am huge severus snape and hermione granger shipper. I live in the hottest place on earth, Arizona. I have two daughers who are huge harry potter fans. I have been married for almost 10 years and love to write.
Reviews for Christmas' Never Realized
This is a wonderful story! A story that makes you grieve alongside a character is a great feat. I think it's well written, and it's been probably a year or so since I read it first, but I sought it out today after something brought it to mind. It was just as good as I remembered!
Response from sevibaby (Author of Christmas' Never Realized)
Thank you very much. I still sometimes go back to read it.
Response from sevibaby (Author of Christmas' Never Realized)
Thank you very much. I still sometimes go back to read it.
Excellent. Very sad ending, but losing someone you love is like that. Hopefully Snape was wise and brave enough to realize that he deserved that type of love, even if the last thing he saw was his loss. Hopefully he chose life.
This is such a bittersweet story. It's like what I would have loved to see happen, except for the ending, of course. But that doesn't change the fact that it's a great story!!! With all the sadness that Severus had known in his life, I could see how he might not choose this opportunity that was offered him. But muses being what they are, you followed your instincts and at least we got a chance to see what might have happened.Thanks,Beth
Response from sevibaby (Author of Christmas' Never Realized)
Thank you. I did try to write a happy ending and it just wouldn't work.
how sad. if i had to go thru all the bad stuff in my life again to get where i am with my love i'd do it with a joyful heart. poor sev. great story, tho. thanks and mucho smoochies
Response from sevibaby (Author of Christmas' Never Realized)
Thank you. It was hard to end it that way but the muse wouldn't let me change it.
I'm a happy ending junkie myself, so I thoroughly believe that Severus would be given one more chance when he got to the Pearly Gates or whatever wizards have. St. Peter (or whoever they have) would note that Severus needed to have thought about the decision a little more (maybe Lily doesn't get her wings or something for moving it along too hastily) because the alternative is unbearable for the entire cosmos. St. Peter shows Severus the dreadful alternative: Christmases with Hermione dating and then marrying Ron and the subsequent children being far less intelligent/attractive/powerful/whatever and so forth. Severus is so appalled that he makes the choice for Life this time etc. Can I bribe you into writing that as a Part 2?
Response from sevibaby (Author of Christmas' Never Realized)
I am so sorry, but this was all that the muse had. I had this with me for several years and the ending never changed. I normally a happy ending kind of person to but my Severus never wanted that. Thanks though
Response from Cerydden M_Layne (Reviewer)
Yeah, well, even if you don't want to write it, that's what really happened. ;) A belated thanks for your work, too!
Response from sevibaby (Author of Christmas' Never Realized)
With all of the reviews for a happy ending my muse is hitting me over the head with another story. Happy ending this time. Can't promise if it will be done before Christmas but will try.
This is a really well written story and I very much enjoyed it. I am a die hard happy ending junkie so I didn't care for the ending. That having been said, I appreciate you shaking things up a bit with an original idea. And, I do believe that given the past hurt of his life, this is a reasonable choice that he makes. Very nicely done! *goes off to read something fluffy*
Response from sevibaby (Author of Christmas' Never Realized)
I am also a happy ending type of person. But from the time that this story came to me, it was never meant to a happily ever after type of story.
Oh, it was lovely, though ended sadly. Thank you for posting. The imagery was wonderful.
Response from sevibaby (Author of Christmas' Never Realized)
Thank you very much. This story held alot of meaning for me.
I cried at the graveyard scene and at your ending. Both are very sad.
Response from sevibaby (Author of Christmas' Never Realized)
Thank you very much. I cried writing both parts.
Wow. That was amazing. Beautiful and sad.
Response from sevibaby (Author of Christmas' Never Realized)
I cried writing the ending. Thank you.
Very cleverly done with the twist at the end. :)
Response from sevibaby (Author of Christmas' Never Realized)
I wanted a different type of Christmas story.
What a very moving story. And I can certainly understand that Severus, whose life has been filled with so much pain and loss, would not want to experience it ever again no matter how much happiness came before it. Thanks for sharing this with us.
Response from sevibaby (Author of Christmas' Never Realized)
You are very welcome. I loved writing this story.
Oh, how sad. I can sympathize - after too many personal dances with Thanatos, just the thought of his dark ball is quite horrible enough. A wonderful story, all in all. Even with the darkness.
Response from sevibaby (Author of Christmas' Never Realized)
Thank you.
Lovely. The plot, the characters, and yes . . . even the ending.
Response from sevibaby (Author of Christmas' Never Realized)
Thank you. The ending was with me the longest.
oh, that was great, I wish it had more chapters, like continuation from the beginning of their relationship.
Response from sevibaby (Author of Christmas' Never Realized)
Thank you, but I always saw this as snippits of a life that he could have had.