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From Zero to Love in one Hour
karelia26 Reviews | 26 Ratings, 0 Likes, 33 Favorites )
He dreaded the inevitable dramatic act, one he’d witnessed too often with female students of his own House.
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About karelia
Member Since 2005 | 83 Stories | Favorited by 232 | 666 Reviews Written | 2,343 Review Responses
Dabbling in writing, in music, enjoying knitting on reasonably cool days. Petulant admin. Beta for some. Alpha for some. Cheese-maker for many. Locavore with a passion.
Reviews for From Zero to Love in one Hour
I love it, so fluffy and sweet.
nice way to get rid of ron. mentioning of possibilities of those kinds of spells and their reprecussions repulse me. but i do hate kids.
Response from karelia (Author of From Zero to Love in one Hour)
I hear ya! I find anything that screws with the mind repulsive, magical or not...Thanks for reviewing!
ooh dear!
searing is not the word for iti likez it very much
Response from karelia (Author of From Zero to Love in one Hour)
You liekz it? I haz a happy now. :D
just what I needed to make my day start fresh and honest. It can not have been this hour alone. there was this following her and Ron,which he didn't do without reason.*sigh* you need a long breath to find, what is rightfully yours. meant to be yours. And finally he was there, at the right time. To be swayed by that dream of a girl (and finally let his other girl go)to cute.
Response from karelia (Author of From Zero to Love in one Hour)
*grins* I think the first paragraph suggests at least a vague interest in her already.Thanks for reviewing!
Aww... what a nice story. I really like Ron, so don't usually care for him to be portrayed poorly. That having been said, the minute he was out of the picture, I completely forgot about him. A lot happened in a short amount of time, all the while feeling quite realistic. I love a good "happily ever after." Thanks for sharing!
Response from karelia (Author of From Zero to Love in one Hour)
Thank you! I did try to limit his character as much as possible because, really, I try to not bash him... :D
A much darker Ron than I like, but a very sweet interaction once it was only Severus and Hermione. Her questions were amusing and believable. Hufflepuffian indeed....As someone who was not completely offended by the Epilogue though, the suggestion your story gives of Ron mind-controlling Hermione into the Epilogue is extremely disturbing. I actually like Ron in Deathly Hallows, once he gets the locket off. Especially at Malfoy Manor.... "Take me instead! Take me!" Come on, give the man a little credit.
Response from karelia (Author of From Zero to Love in one Hour)
I try not to bash Ron too much, but after an afternoon of chatting with fellow Ravenclaws, it was really inevitable.
This is wonderful:)I was smiling and laughing out loud as I read it, to the puzzlement of my kids, who were watching mom lose her mind (to their way of thinking, anyway:)Brava!Fizzabella
Response from karelia (Author of From Zero to Love in one Hour)
Thank you for your kind words! I'm glad you had LOL moments; I was trying for it, but wasn't sure whether it worked. :D
I think this is one of the sweetest (and yet oddly still very much in character) Severus Snapes I've come across in fandom! Very nice! Ron was dark, but he wasn't there long so it was okay. And Snape's reaction to Hermione's questions about what "makes men tick" was great. I just imagine him with a slightly puzzled expression as he gazed down at her as he thinks "why is she asking me this?" and then "why I am actually answering?" Hufflepuffian, indeed. Personally, I think this is actually a ten-star story, but I can only give five. Just tack on five extra in your head...
Response from karelia (Author of From Zero to Love in one Hour)
Aw, thank you! I, too, would imagine him puzzled to be ask such a question, lol. :)
precious! and i mean that in a good way! that was almost hufflepuffian! thanks and smoochies
Response from karelia (Author of From Zero to Love in one Hour)
Thank you!
aww, this is sweet. Ron Weasley is NOT the right one for Hermione. It never made any sense to me. It felt to me, when I was reading the books, that it was just convenient. Then again, it is intended to be a children's book so maybe that explains it. Anyway, I like the story.
Response from karelia (Author of From Zero to Love in one Hour)
I agree; Ron is not the right person for her to spend her life with. :DThanks for reviewing!
The moment the redhead started casting the spell on her—with her back to him no less - ohhhh, so that's what happened to make the epilogue happen. No Snape, nobody to stop Ron raping Hermione for the rest of her life. Makes a great deal more sense than Jo's delusions! Poor canon-universe-Hermione!
Response from karelia (Author of From Zero to Love in one Hour)
LOL, there is an idea!Thanks for reviewing!
So much said in so few words. A delightful tale. Somehow I think that he was already in love, but in the course of that hour he finally became willing to admit it to himself.
Response from karelia (Author of From Zero to Love in one Hour)
You hit the nail on the head here. There had to be some feeling before or else he wouldn't have realised it within an hour. :DThanks for the review!
Beautiful, even though IdiotRon was in attendance at the start!!
Response from karelia (Author of From Zero to Love in one Hour)
Heh, that's what happens when I spend time with people who bash Ron. :DThanks for the review!
Perfectly lovely. I like that he didn't try to convince her to take an apprenticeship in potions, but instead foun her a Master in the subject of her choice. That's real love.
Response from karelia (Author of From Zero to Love in one Hour)
Thank you! I figured he wanted her to be as happy as possible, and that included her working in the field she loves. :D
Sweet :o). And very believable, even if the Snape comes across a bit unusual.
Author's Response: Thank you! Not sure about him being unusual; we mostly know him through the Harry filter.
Alcina vom Steinsberg's response: I don't see Snape trrough the Harry filter at all - were I to do it, I would have thought him to be out of character ;o).
Aww, that is a man worthy of her, and she seems very appreciative.
Response from karelia (Author of From Zero to Love in one Hour)
*grins* Indeed!
I'll think she'll be spending more time in the potions class room as well as with Vector. Loved it.
Response from karelia (Author of From Zero to Love in one Hour)
Yeah, I can see that, too.Thank you for your kind words!
Brilliant. Loved every word.
Author's Response: *drops ded* You reviewed!
KingPhilipsWench's response: In the words of Jack Sparrow, "I do that quite a lot. Yet people are always surprised."
Yay! Oh, and SQUEEEE for fluff. LOL! I adore this wee fic. And the title really does suit it. Ron was rather dark, but it fits so well, it made him very believable in the role. ~Stef~
Response from karelia (Author of From Zero to Love in one Hour)
Aw, thank you, darlin'!!! ::squish::
Ah, a joy to read. :) Ron was a prick. I'm glad Snape busted him. :)
Response from karelia (Author of From Zero to Love in one Hour)
*beams* Thank you! Yeah, Ron was a bit on the dark side here...
Ahh. A Hufflepuffian Snape. Can I have one too? :)
Response from karelia (Author of From Zero to Love in one Hour)
*grins* *ponders*Nah, I don't share. :))
Wonderful story, I loved that Severus were at the rigth place at the rigth moment and that Ron was revealed as the immature prat he is. Thank you so much for sharing!
Response from karelia (Author of From Zero to Love in one Hour)
Thank you very much! I'm relieved that my bashing Ron hasn't met objections so far, lol.
I'm glad he rescued her from Ron. That was sweet.
Response from karelia (Author of From Zero to Love in one Hour)
Thank you! Yeah, Ron just isn't right for her...
Ohhh! Cutest thing evah! :D Nice nice!!
Author's Response: Thank you!