New Chapter for Less
karelia8 Reviews | 8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 6 Favorites )
Sequel to Breaking up. Hermione and Severus have a conversation.
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About karelia
Member Since 2005 | 83 Stories | Favorited by 232 | 666 Reviews Written | 2,343 Review Responses
Dabbling in writing, in music, enjoying knitting on reasonably cool days. Petulant admin. Beta for some. Alpha for some. Cheese-maker for many. Locavore with a passion.
Reviews for Less
Great follow up!!! I'm jealous. :D
Response from karelia (Author of Less)
I think we're all a bit jealous of Hermione, aren't we? LOL!Thank you for reviewing!
Now that sounds like fun... ;)
Response from karelia (Author of Less)
*grins* I'm sure they had fun!
Now that's the logical consequence. A true gentleman knows when to leave the manners off, too *nods knowingly* *gg*
Author's Response: Absolutely!
Thanks for the review! :D
Hehehe! Does Severus get a bit jealous at the mention of Ron? Because he has no reasons to be. Lucky (or clever) Hermione: it' s always nice to know you can keep your man on his toes...
Response from karelia (Author of Less)
I think he might! LOL!Thanks for reviewing!
Mmm, yeah... The perfect bedtime story!
Response from karelia (Author of Less)
Heh. You have a point! :D
nice follow up, gentlemanly ehyou can say so much in so few words, i love it.
Response from karelia (Author of Less)
Third time is the charm, eh? ;)Thank you. Glad you like.
hehehehe...severus and his less gentlemanly ways...they raise goosebumps on hermione's entire body.....and many of us too....lolz....good one...thank u for such a lovely write more...i wud love to read ur work!...keep me posted.....
Response from karelia (Author of Less)
Thank you