New Chapter for The Best Laid Schemes
The Best Laid Schemes
StormySkize400 Reviews | 400 Ratings, 1 Like, 98 Favorites )
Variety Challenge Winner... The Wizengamot has finally done it! They've gone and passed the Marriage and Baby Law. Neither Severus Snape nor Hermione Granger is happy with the choice made for them by the Ministry, so they hatch an elaborate scheme to thwart the new law--by marrying each other!
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About StormySkize
Member Since 2005 | 13 Stories | Favorited by 172 | 431 Reviews Written | 998 Review Responses
I am in my late 50's and I didn't even start reading Harry Potter until after the third book came out. My granddaughter got me 'hooked on Potter,' and while surfing the net one day, I found a fanfiction site. That was it! My first story, "Renaissance," was published on Ashwinder a month later and I've been writing ever since. I am primarily a HG/SS shipper, but I also enjoy reading and writing RL/SS. I live in Tampa, Florida with my wonderfully adoring and supportive husband, and three completely spoiled cats. (Kallie, Mysha, and Smudge {who was the inspiration for the cat that Severus gives Hermione in my story "Renaissance."}) I'm always happy to correspond with my readers and I answer ALL reviews. I'm always looking for plot-bunnies, so feel free to throw some ideas out.
Reviews for The Best Laid Schemes
Great story. Well done.
what a thoroughly delightful story. i did not guess it was sybil...i thot it was umbitch! thanks so much and much smoochies
Trelawney remained delusional and in the Janus Thickey Ward for the permanently addled. She was, by all appearances, happy in her delusion.
Arthur was ultimately rewarded for taking responsibility for the fiasco known as the C.R.A.P. Statute, and served as Minister of Magic for years.
Ron got exactly what he deserved! His own inability to curb his sexual behavior proved to be his own undoing. His "shy, retiring Muggle-born witch from a well-heeled family" fixed him good. For the rest of his life he got to have sex only twice a year. LOL! It was better than he deserved.
Percy is lucky he wasn't fired. For all his ambition, he was never able to rise above chief file clerk. Just deserts.
If Severus weren't such a distrusting man he could have saved himself and Hermione a lot of hurt and heartache. Thank goodness Martin was there to be able to let everyone in the courtroom know what was happening when the Bill of Divorcement was granted. It's wonderful to know that they shared "an occasionally turbulent, always passionate, but ultimately deeply satisfying marriage"... and that it lasted for all eternity. Wouldn't it be wonderful for two people who loved each other so much to be able to share that love for eternity? I love knowing that they had children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren with whom they could interact from within their own portrait.
Thank you for such a wonderfully satisfying story, and congratulations on your well deserved win!
Well, Sybill Trelawney was clever if deranged operative. Imagine casting a Confundus Spell over and entire dwelling! No wonder neither of the wizards nor the witch working within Spinners End could create a potion or a spell that seemed to work. That was a very clever thing for the Coordinator to do. If they created a potion or a spell that really would have worked, it would have appeared that it failed. However if they had taken action on creating spells or potions that were supposed to not work, they would have appeared to them that they did work. But if they made these "supposed to not work" spells or potions available to the population, they actually would not have worked.
You, dear Stormy, are very clever, too!
I thought Arthur's interview with RS went very well, just the way he wanted it to go. The plan the Minister and the Wizengamot have made to rectify the mess that the C.R.A.P. Statute created is as good as could be found and considered what was best for everyone concerned. There is even a plan to see to it that the children born because of this misguided statute would be taken care of whether or not they were raised by their own parents who wanted to stay married or by adoptive parents who wanted to adopt. Not bad. Not bad, at all!
I'm glad that Hermione was back to her usual brilliance so soon after arriving in the Emergency Room and Severus was ecstatic.
I was quite surprised to find that Hermione's research was based on Sybill's on fabricated statistics. The three of them have their work cut out for them to find all the true birth records, figure out which of the newly wed couples are pregnant, annul the marriages of the ones who don't want to be married to their partners, and figure out a way to keep the populous from tearing Arthur limb form limb. Nice!
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
It is a bit complicated, but all will be explained. Thanks so much for reading and for taking the time to leave such delightful reviews.
Omg! I would never have thought of Sybill Trelawney. After thinking about the clues you left, I should have at least thought of her. After all, Lavender's Betrothal Document was approved without question or delay even though it had been submitted after the deadline. Good for you, Stormy!
The situation in the room was very intense as Trelawney continued to talk. It was a good thing that she had fired Mr. Loxley when she did because he had obviously told Arthur what had happened, and then brought reinforcements. The longer Trelawney spoke the faster everyone realized that she was mad as a hatter. I was afraid she was going to kill Hermione before Severus and Arthur cast their Stupify Spells, but unfortunately Hermione was caught in the backwash of the clashing spells and now she is concussed or worse.
I hope the Healers at St Mungo's can help her. Severus will be beside himself until his wife is restored to health. My guess is that he and Filius will be working around the clock to come up with potions, charms, and spells to heal Severus' wife. At least Trelawney can't hurt anyone else confined as she is in the Janus Thickey Ward.
If you will excuse me now, I have to go find out what's going on in the Emergency Room.Beth
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
lol ... your enthusiasm is heart-warming! Thank you so much!
Filius had to be satisfied with "his small pleasures" because Severus was not going to tell him anything about their wedding or afters. I cracked up when the diminutive wizard told the newly weds that they didn't have time for a honeymoon, and the Potions Master told him "unless you've got yourself married in the last few days, there's no 'we' on this honeymoon." I love Severus' acerbic wit!
The little old wizard who met them at the entrance of the Ministry was a hoot, too. It seems he's so busy becoming a father and trying to feed his family that he doesn't have time for baths and washing his hair. And his legs were killing him. Hopefully Severus can help Calvin and his Effie with their problem of over-fertility. It would be ashamed if Effie tied "it" in a knot. LOL!
The funniest one of all was Mundungus. When Mr. Loxley, the Extraordinary Registrar, told Dung he could challenge Hermione's marriage to Severus, he knew just what to say and do. “Are you ou' of yer bleedin' mind? Tha's Severus Snape. 'E were a Death Eater, you know. You wanna challenge 'im, you be my gues'. I'm leavin'!” And leave he did. Thank goodness ol' Dung was able to tell them just how he ended up on the list to marry Hermione. Now they know for certain that there had been a lot of monkey business involved in the choices that had been made for them.
I was beyond relieved when the Registrar recognised and validated the legality of their marriage, and filed the marriage certificate. But they're not out of the woods yet. I'll just bet Sybill Trelawney is standing outside the room looking forward to becoming Mrs. Severus Snape. If Mr. Loxley thought the interchange between Severus and Mundungus was an entertaining drama, wait till he gets an earful of Sybill when she finds out the her intended is already married... to Hermione Granger. The feathers will be flying all over!
What a fun and enlightening chapter!!!Beth
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
I'm so glad you enjoyed. And you picked up on all my favourite bits, as well. I love writing good, 'snape-y' dialogue!Thanks so much for reading and reviewing.
I thought the way Hermione kissed his scar and the mark was a lovely way to let Severus know that neither of them bothered her. She put him at ease, and then he put her at ease... and Severus Snape proved to be a tender, talented, and passionate lover Once a day and twice on Sunday. At a minimum.Thank you for such a perfect wedding night for our lovebirds. I know they will probably return to a hullabaloo when it becomes known they are married to each other, but for now, they can just relax in each other's arms and make love.Beth
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
Yes, I wanted them to have a brief respite before the stress of going to the Ministry to announce their marriage. Thank you so much for your beautiful reviews.
The vows Severus and Hermione made to each other were perfect and sweet. I loved the look Severus had on his face when he saw his bride walking toward him, and when he took the rings out of his pocket I smiled from ear to ear. I am so glad that Martin magically witnessed their marriage certificate and made a magical copy... just in case.The wedding feast was lovely, and I cracked up when Martin almost passed out. Illysa had to listen to an off-key rendition of what ever song the two tipsy men sang as she took them home.I wonder what they'll talk about on the short walk to their marriage bower. Or will they walk quietly hand-in-hand. They may have an awkward moment or two, but I'm sure that won't last long. I want them to have a night to remember!Great chapter!Beth
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
Again, thank you so much for your wonderful reviews. Every one is appreciated.
Hermione has been pampered and coddled like never before, and she feels beautiful. Just like a bride should feel. And on top of all that she has learned how to manage her hair! Perhaps Sleekeazy's Hair Potion will no longer be a required item among her toiletries.Dearest Severus has thought of everything to make this day as special as it can be, and I was so happy he told her about Martin and that he would be willing to have a magically binding marriage ceremony. Yes! Now if I'm not mistaken, Martin should be walking her to meet her husband, and I want to go watch!Beth
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
You are right again! I hope you'll enjoy the wedding.Thanks for reading and for taking the time to leave such lovely reviews.
Another wonderfully, visual chapter. The details you describe in your narrative bring the place to life. As I read I can see the blue green of the sea, smell the salt air, and feel the sun on my skin. Very nicely done, Stormy!Martin and Philip are a hoot, and their easy camaraderie is testament to their long friendship. I wonder just what potions ingredients Severus bought from the finest purveyor of Potions on the island. Hopefully they will help Severus brew a potion to counteract the toxic magic that is harming the birth of wizards and witches in Britain. I know that Severus has had to deal with the case of nerves one always has when waiting for a certain "thing" to happen. I'm glad Stefanos was there to take his note to Hermione. But now I'm wondering what she has done to keep herself busy. I think I'll go find out. 8^)Beth
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
I'm glad you like Martin and Philip. It's always risky to introduce 'new' characters into a 'universe' that is so well-known. I'm glad you think I've done a good job.And, yes, next chapter we catch up on Hermione's day.Thanks for reading and reviewing.
What a pleasant few days they've had in Paphos! Severus was such a sweetheart to arrange a nicer place for their wedding night. His hesitant kisses each night when he walked her back to her room were so sweet. And the joy Hermione took in choosing her wedding dress made it obvious to the clerk how important her upcoming wedding is to her. Hand holding, tender kisses, a really passionate kiss the night before their wedding day... all that tells me that both of them are really hoping for their marriage to be a wonderful one, one that will last.Martin knows that it's important to Severus, and I'm so glad that he is coming to be a witness just in case the Ministry and the Wizengamot want to make a fuss about them marrying each other instead of their arranged partners.I'm off to the next chapter. I love this story, Stormy!Beth
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
Martin will come in handy later, as well!Thanks for the lovely reviews. Everyone means a lot to me.
Oh, I wish they'd sent in their Declaration of Betrothal the day they had decided. But even then the evil coordinator would have found a way to thwart their marriage. I hope their plan to wed in Cyprus comes off without a hitch. Thank goodness for good friends like Filius and Remus. And once they get back they can begin modifying their potions and charms. Sounds like a plan.This is great fun!Beth
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
Oh, lots will happen before this ends. I'm happy to know you're enjoying the story.Thanks for reading and reviewing.
LOL! "Although he'd never given much thought to her in a sexual way (All men fantasised a bit, didn't they?), she certainly wasn't unappealing." Yes, yes, yes!And thank Merlin that Filius was there. Those two dunderheads were so busy freaking out over having to marry someone they didn't know, that they were about to miss the obvious.And Miss Who-Ever-She-Is, the Special Coordinator for Ministry Approved and Arranged Marriages, has been as busy as a house-elf with making certain that Snape and Granger pay for every indignity and insult. Revenge is the name of her game.I love it.Beth
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
You're the only reviewer who commented on that little bit of intropection by our hero. I love it when people notice and appreciate those little bits.Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Splendid! this C.R.A.P. Statute is hilarious!There are so many funny lines in this chapter that I lost count, but the one that had me falling out of my seat is the Severus' musing about fertility testing: "Oh, joy. I get to wank off in front of some decrepit old man who probably hasn't had a hard on in forty years.”As horrified as they are about the new law, and as well as they get alone, I'm amazed that Severus and Hermione haven't hit on the obvious solution for themselves. Marry each other. After all else fails and the time runs out. Maybe tomorrow? Yeah, I like that.I'm looking forward to the rest of this story! And congratulations on winning the Potter Place Variety Challenge!Beth
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
First, my apologies for not responding sooner. I was on vacation without internet access. Second, thank you for your congratulations. Of course, I had hoped I would win, but there were so many good entries, I didn't really expect it. It was a wonderful surprise. I'm honoured and flattered that so many people enjoyed my work enough to vote for me.I know you've finished the story, and I surely hope you enjoyed it. Thanks again.
Ok, I've already reviewed this so I won't gush over it again. Just wanted to weigh in and say congrats on a well deserved win. And, against really tough competition! Yay for you!
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
Thank you so much!
I just read on Potterplace that my favorite story (yes I mean your story ;-)) in this challenge made first place, so: Congratulations and well done!
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
I had hoped and hoped it would make a good showing, but there were so many good stories that I didn't really think I'd win ... so ... finding out I had won was a wonderful, wonderful surprise! Thanks so much for all your good thoughts and kind words.
This is a truly wonderful story. I even liked the epilogue! A astounding fact considering... well! You know. Terrific job, wonderfully written.
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
Oh, yeah, not everyone can get the epilogue right, huh? I'm so glad you enjoyed, and I truly appreciate your taking the time to leave reviews throughout. Every one is precious to me.Thanks again.
I think that must have been the most honest reporting that Rita has ever done! I think Arthur is handling things and himself quite well, considering. Good job with teh resolution of the problems.
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
I worked very hard to tie up all the loose ends. It's gratifying to know that you think I succeeded! Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Oh good lord. Well at least Arthur has a full picture of what transpired! What a twisted bit of work, Sybill pulled. I would think that Hermione should be in Sybill's office to go over the files too. They will get more done in a shorter amount of time. And they don't have much time.
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
Arthur was certainly taken in, but then so were a lot of people. And Hermione did indeed go to Sybill's office with the others.Thanks for reading and for taking the time to review. It is greatly appreciated.
Sybill?! She's behind all this? that dingy broad? That threw me for a loop.
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
I wanted it to be a surprise! There's a fine line between genius and madness, and I think Sybill blurred it a long time ago.Thank you for reading and reveiwing.
Oh, Dung was hilarious. I expected more of a hassle, but this was funny.
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
I loved writing Dung, but I don't think I was too far off in my characterization. I think he's definitely a 'bailer' -- not likely to stick around when things get tough.Thank you for reading and reviewing.
Oh, lord the room was hedious! I thinkI'd have asked for another suite! Very romantic first night, nicely done.
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
I'm glad you weren't disappointed about not having very 'tart' lemons. I don't write much explicit stuff!And the room was based on personal experience -- not a honeymoon, but a vacation in which we were assigned the 'honeymoon suite' complete with mirrored ceiling! It was disconcerting to say the least!Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Aw, a very nice wedding and a fun wedding feast.
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
I loved the wedding ceremony. It's based on the actual wedding ceremony used for civil marriages on Cyprus -- I made very few changes to it. I thought it was quite lovely and appropriate. I'm happy to know you liked it as well.Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Response from beaweasley2 (Reviewer)
That is so cool! I didn't know it was based on a real ceremony. Makes me wanna get married there.
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
While I was researching, I just Googled and found this page: are all kinds of links from there.
Oh how delighful, a day in the spa.
Response from StormySkize (Author of The Best Laid Schemes)
Man, I sure could use one of those myself!I'm glad you're enjoying. Thank you for reading and reviewing.