New Chapter for What I Did Last Summer
What I Did Last Summer
debjunk19 Reviews | 19 Ratings, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )
Students and faculty are assigned to write an essay on their goings-on this past summer to promote the new English Composition class.
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About debjunk
Member Since 2008 | 76 Stories | Favorited by 271 | 3,083 Reviews Written | 4,563 Review Responses
I am a classically trained singer with three children. I love Star Trek and have watched probably every episode of every series. Favorite HP charaters are Snape and McGonagall. (not as a couple.)
Reviews for What I Did Last Summer
Gads, Sybill’s was hilarious! She is so out of her depth! Imagine going up against a fortune-teller! Ha. And Severus spending his time trying to make her leave off! I could so see him as the next Darth Snape! I bet he does figure out the Choking Hex!
Crabbe’s – Oh, my too funny. I loved the way you misspelled everything and talk about art mimicking life. What a hoot.
Dumbledore’s was gross.
What was Luna smoking? And what was Hagrid on?
And only Hermione would write 40 inches of everything including the breakfast conversation!
This was a fun and inventive answer to the prompt!
Response from debjunk (Author of What I Did Last Summer)
Thanks! My daughters had a blast helping. You can imagine the guffaws as we wrote and wrote and wrote!
That was fun to read. I think it might be worth expanding Luna's and Hermione's compositions. Writing Crabbe must have been difficult, but it turned out hilarious. Good work!
Response from debjunk (Author of What I Did Last Summer)
Crabbe was difficult! I'm not one to make such silly spelling errors. But I think it was one of the more fun ones.
delightful, my delovely deb! thanks! (me blowing kisses)
Response from debjunk (Author of What I Did Last Summer)
Thanks kimjo! Always love your blown kisses.
I want more superheroes! :)
Response from debjunk (Author of What I Did Last Summer)
I think the Hippo-hipporyff was one in disguise.
Simply hilarious - I just laughed until tears dropped onto my keyboard!
Response from debjunk (Author of What I Did Last Summer)
Oh, thanks! I should have put a warning on it, huh? *Laugh till you drop... tear drop.*
LOLOLOLOL!!! Loved Crabbe's entry. Poor Snape needs a hug. Oh, and Dumbledore ... ick? ... the entire thing had me ROTFLMAO! Well done!
Response from debjunk (Author of What I Did Last Summer)
Snape's feeling a bit... down. Dumbledore is definitely icky, and Crabbe probably got what he deserved.
HAHAHAHAHA! Crabbe's was my favorite; loved the RL reference to that actor's most recent appearance in the news These letters had me ROTFL!
Response from debjunk (Author of What I Did Last Summer)
I'd hoped to get that reaction. Glad it went over well.
Oops, forgot to rate.
Response from debjunk (Author of What I Did Last Summer)
Shinies! Thank you!
Stupendous. Good portrait of everyone.
Response from debjunk (Author of What I Did Last Summer)
Glad you liked it, oh, giver of the prompt.
Oh dear lord... Dumble's entry... Dude that creeps me out.As always, hilarious, but that Dumbles thing will haunt me. AV
Response from debjunk (Author of What I Did Last Summer)
Sorry to haunt you. Lisa thought that one up all on her own.
Response from ApollinaV (Reviewer)
Passing the buck to Lisa? Na-ah. You wrote it baby, Own it! Say it loud, say it proud. You think Dumbles is a pervy old man who has a thing for little boys. You kinda got me thinking the same thing. Sick twisted...
ROFL. I would like to take a moment to thanks the good betas and admins here because I couldn't read text like Crabbe's essay. I didn't know one could make so much spelling mistakes in such few words.
Response from debjunk (Author of What I Did Last Summer)
I know! We're so lucky to have them.
Hehe, such nice summers they had! (God, I hate grading such essays!)Btw, watching little boys? EW!
Response from debjunk (Author of What I Did Last Summer)
Ew is right. You can thank Lisa for that one.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Reviewer)
Thank you, Lisa ;-)
Albus's letter was just plain creepy, though I found a lot of joy in the others. Teehee.
Response from debjunk (Author of What I Did Last Summer)
Yeah, that was Lisa's idea. I think he can be creepy sometimes, all that all-knowing stuff.
LOL at Hagrid's. Seriously. Yay for the return of The Snake!
Author's Response: Yah hoo! The Snake lives!
OMG! Some of those were so WRONG! Funny, though.
Response from debjunk (Author of What I Did Last Summer)
Yeah, they are. My kids are just wierd. I'm sure you can imagine the guffawing in our living room as we write these.
Deb. Thanks for the warning. I put my beverage down before I started reading. At first I thought Crabbes was the best but then I got to Hagrids and started laughing hysterically. Very awesome. Thanks for the laughs. Much Love ~ Karen
Response from debjunk (Author of What I Did Last Summer)
Thanks, Brena! It was quite fun to laugh so much while creating these. LOL
Deb, I'm laughing so loud, they're hearing me in the next apartment! This is absolutely hilarious! Each essay had me laughing harded and harder. When I saw this prompt, I imagined writing one person's experience, but you really went above and beyond.I chuckled at Trelawney and Crabbe, snickered at Snape, gacked at Albus, laughed at Luna, *died* at Hagrid (oh, the Arse, the Incredible Arse!), and hooted at Hermione! Fabulous, fabulous job!
Response from debjunk (Author of What I Did Last Summer)
Thanks so much,
Response from debjunk (Author of What I Did Last Summer)
! I'm glad you found them all so entertaining.
LOL I laughed the whole time. Good work.
Response from debjunk (Author of What I Did Last Summer)
Thanks, SW!