New Chapter for Guilty Pleasures
Guilty Pleasures
Mazzy14 Reviews | 14 Ratings, 0 Likes, 7 Favorites )
Lucius needs some alone time to indulge in his latest shameful interest.
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About Mazzy
Member Since 2007 | 7 Stories | Favorited by 24 | 673 Reviews Written | 190 Review Responses
I'm relatively new to fan fiction, only discovering it after reading DH - around August '07. The first fic I read was a DM/HG fic on Pureblood, and second was an SS/HG on Ashwinder. I've been hooked ever since. :)
I still really like both of those pairings, though I tend to read more SS/HG than DM/HG - who can resist the sexy Potions master? :)
I am also attempting to write my own fic - DM/HG - so if you're into that ship, feel free to tell me what you think. And I'm always interested in reading a good fic so if you have any "must read" recs, feel free to drop me a line. I'm always looking for new stories to get hooked on. lol
Reviews for Guilty Pleasures
There are on secrets when children are around.
Severus with a DVR ... bwahahahahahaha!And Lucius getting caught by mother and son - well Lucius *was* acting a little suspicious!Thanks for the laughs!
Response from Mazzy (Author of Guilty Pleasures)
:)Thank you for reading and for leaving a review!!
Bwahaha! Lucius watching soap operas is just too funny. Him getting caught made it even funnier.
Response from Mazzy (Author of Guilty Pleasures)
I don't think Lucius could a secret from Narcissa for very long, but even if/when he does have a secret Draco is definitely his father's son and will always flush it out. lol With all the secrets, lies, and dasterdly deeds in that family there's no doubt they can't keep anything form each other for long. Thanks for the review!!
ROFL I knew there was to have been a record player somewhere. Brilliant use of the prompts. *shakes head*
Response from Mazzy (Author of Guilty Pleasures)
Thanks! I agree - there's no way that the Malfoy's completely turn their backs on all the entertainment we muggles have at our fingertips. They are just more discrete about it. ;)Thanks for reading and reviewing!!
Heh, heh. The entire Wizarding world will be hooked before long.
Response from Mazzy (Author of Guilty Pleasures)
Oh yes! How goes the Malfoy's, so goes the Wizarding world. LOL And I'm sure once the ladies find out that the dark and brooding Potions master is hooked, they'll all want to learn everything they can in order to prove the 'share his hobbies'. :)Thanks for reviewing!!
Well and truly SPRUNG! :)
Response from Mazzy (Author of Guilty Pleasures)
Lucius is foolish to think he can hide anything from Narcissa. :) I think she probalby rules the roost and it is only by her graciousness that she allows Lucius to play that role in public. LOL He wouldn't be ablet o hide anything from her for long. ~smirk~
*snort* Well it least it wasn't Passions! XD
Response from Mazzy (Author of Guilty Pleasures)
Yes, at least! LOL I actually don't watch Soaps (not home in the day) so all the characters are made up. They seemed like typical 'soap names' to me, but maybe I should have thrown in a "Tristin" just for good measure. LOLThanks for the review!!
LOL, Severus has a D.V.R.? Ha ha! Most excellent. To think, Lucius found soap operas before Narcissa, lol.
Response from Mazzy (Author of Guilty Pleasures)
I think Narcissa may be scared of anything 'Muggle'. Lucius leading her to Soaps may be the only way she would have found them. As for Severus, if anyone in the HP universe needed a break from danger and death, it would certainly be him. But for someone who was so involved in it all for so long, I can't imagine him being able to give up that drama cold turkey. So.. viola! Soaps! LOLThanks for reading and for the review!!
LOOOLL!!!he is hooked and is hard-pressed to explain it to Narcissa.phew. thank merlin that Snape!!!! has a D.V.R.!!! double LOL!!!!
Response from Mazzy (Author of Guilty Pleasures)
Yes, I was thinking maybe all the remaining DEs are getting into Soaps - wanting that excitement, but certainly have had their fair share of danger and the threat of bodily harm. If I hadn't already run over my word count I may have had all the fellas getting together to watch them as if they were a stag film. LOLThanks for reading and reviewing!!
I love it! I demand a larger story! Perhaps an ss/hg? hehe
Response from Mazzy (Author of Guilty Pleasures)
Hmmm... a larger story... Maybe for Severus the Soaps aren't enough? Maybe he's an adreniline junkie as well? Afterall, he did have the most dangerous job during the war. Life might be quite boring for him now. *scratches head* I'll have to ponder that for a bit. :)Thanks for reading and reviewing!!
Response from chyara (Reviewer)
Of course if you do, write the ss/hg story. Could you put in a bit of this lucius? I love that he is addicted to his Now Narcissa is
Ha! *crazy-mad cackles* What a fantastic prompt and what you did with it was faboo! I love how wrapped up in their little world he gets, and justifies it so well. And the quip about Sev recording it! Too funny!
Response from Mazzy (Author of Guilty Pleasures)
Thank you. :) I was thinking maybe Severus was yearning for some of that "excitement without the danger" too. :)
Hilarious! Thank you.
Response from Mazzy (Author of Guilty Pleasures)
:D Thank you. I'm glad you liked it!Thanks for reading and for the review.