New Chapter for The Chosen One
The Chosen One
GeminiScorp14 Reviews | 14 Ratings, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )
Prompt from MomoDesu: Lucius and Draco discover the XBox. Do they become addicted, or does Lucius smash it because it's a Muggle creation?
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About GeminiScorp
Member Since 2006 | 13 Stories | Favorited by 29 | 115 Reviews Written | 172 Review Responses
My favorite ship is HG/SS. I don't really like Snape with anyone but Hermione but I'll read (and most likely write) her with just about anyone else. I also like a good HP/DM every now and again. (Thanks Drac!) Please review with constuctive criticism (and praise if you wish! ) I would love for my writing to develop and any advice would be appreciated!
Reviews for The Chosen One
One can only hope ...
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of The Chosen One)
LOL ~ Thanks for the review ;)
Ahh, how easy it would be to win such games if AK worked, lol. Awesome answer to the prompt.
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of The Chosen One)
Thank you!
Nope, Lucius becomes an aidict! Whoot! Really cute.
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of The Chosen One)
Thank you!
LOL of course it is not his son's fault - its always some else! XD
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of The Chosen One)
Of course! ~lol~ I'm glad you liked it. =D
LOL Cute. :)
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of The Chosen One)
Thanks!! I'm glad you like it. =)
Buahaha, poor Lucius.
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of The Chosen One)
LOL ~ Glad you like it!
I just got the best visual of Draco up at 2AM, a Code Red next to him, his hair mussed up and wearing his PJs and screaming at the top of his lungs at the game. Awesome.
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of The Chosen One)
lol ~ He'd fit right in at my house. Oh my! can you imagine Draco (or Ron) drinking 'energy' drinks.Scary stuff.
hehehe. Of course Lucius wants to kill Potter.
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of The Chosen One)
LOL ~ It just seemed like a natural response from Lucius.
I'm sure a lot of Muggles wish they could AK their opponents on those games! :)
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of The Chosen One)
Yep! If the swearing coming out of my hubbies mouth while he plays was converted to curses--the internets would be dead. lol
See, you can do it! :)Ah Lucius ... what ever shall we do with him!Nice answer to the prompt.
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of The Chosen One)
Thank you! I can think of a few ways to punish him ...
Nice take on the prompt!
Response from GeminiScorp (Author of The Chosen One)
Thank you, Honey!