New Chapter for And The Stars Never Rise
And The Stars Never Rise
HogwartsClassof9128 Reviews | 28 Ratings, 0 Likes, 28 Favorites )
Chapters (1)
About HogwartsClassof91
Member Since 2008 | 6 Stories | Favorited by 316 | 137 Reviews Written | 1,552 Review Responses
"A Murder of Crows" was my first foray into fan-fiction, and I treasure the lessons I've learned while posting it.
Reviews for And The Stars Never Rise
what a tragically sweet and haunting story.
Wow, way to break my heart. That was wonderfully, amazingly written. I both love and hate this so much. Thank you.
So very sad....
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of And The Stars Never Rise)
Thank you for reading it, despite the sad factor. And thank you for the lovely stars.
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of And The Stars Never Rise)
Thank you for reading it, despite the sad factor. And thank you for the lovely stars.
This is such a beautiful and bittersweet story. Thanks for sharing!
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of And The Stars Never Rise)
Aww, thank you so much for saying nice things about it. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but it has a special place in my heart. Thanks for reading it!
Poor Severus, how tragic his life is... and poor Hermione. Sigh....Very brilliantly written, and managed to earn each and every teardrop it provoked. Thank you.
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of And The Stars Never Rise)
Thank you so much for reading it. Not many are willing to read stories with tragic endings, so I appreciate the review all the more.
OMG that was sooooo sad, and so very much in character.
Great job, although it broke my heart to read it.
Having read and reviewed a couple of your more recent/current stories, I decided to check out some of your other fics (something I often do when I like a particular author's work!)I am simply stunned by this; so much so that I almost can't type. You are clearly someone with an exceptional gift for writing. This was such a poignant tale. I still have tears in my eyes as I type. To convey such intensity of emotion in a realatively short piece and in the subtle way you did is an amazing achievement. Awesome - well done! :-)
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of And The Stars Never Rise)
Thank you so very, very much for your thoughtful review. I had never attempted to write anything tragic before, but I was in a very sombre mood (it was written at the anniversary of my mom's passing). I was out driving, listening to the Liam Craig version of the song "Raglan Road," which always breaks my heart. I suppose both those things translated into the context of this story. It's certainly given me new respect for anyone who writes tragedy ... I don't think I could handle writing something like this again. Thanks again for your lovely words. I really appreciate it!
Achingly lovely. I don't generally enjoy one-shots, but this was really quite perfect.
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of And The Stars Never Rise)
Thank you so much - I don't generally enjoy writing one-shots, as I'm far too enamoured with details and compelled to tell a complete story. The brevity of this (as well as the genre) was a challenge for me, so I'm delighted you enjoyed it. Thanks again!
Beautifully written, and perfectly sad. Even after 16 years, I still feel the same way as Severus ..... only I don't have the 'comfort' of a box of memories.I am so glad I found The Petulant Poetess, and you are my favorite author. Don't stop writing ..... I need the escape at times
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of And The Stars Never Rise)
Thank you very much for this lovely review and your generous compliments. I'm terribly sorry for your loss ... I know that sounds trite considering I don't know you, but I can offer a small amount of empathy and know I wouldn't wish the pain of loss on anyone. And I honestly don't think it matters whether it's 6, 16, or 26 years: It can be such a debilitating mixture of anger and guilt and betrayal ... At times, I wish I could be like Severus and force myself to only think of it once a year. They say there's catharsis in reading and writing stories like this, but I just don't know.I'm pleased you've found TPP, too! It's a fabulous community, and the ladies who run it truly care about the members - they're so supportive and encouraging. I really enjoy the forum they've given us. Thanks again for your review - it's greatly appreciated.
Oh God, This was tough to read at work. I was on my lunch break and noticed that you wrote it so of course my brain said, "Hey she's awesome you should read this". So there I was in the conference room snacking on my peanut butter sandwich and getting all weepy. Dealing with the cancer is always hard for me. I lost my grandmother whom I was very very close to to lung cancer. And my father in law had brain cancer. Stupid disease. My grandmother was only 75 and was still very active until she started chemo. And just like Hermione she lost all her hair and became very weak and it was very difficult to watch. Its been almost two years now and my grandfather is very bitter just like Severus. Especially around special days like birthdays and holidays. Its always very touching when these things I read really hit home and you have an uncanny knack for hitting all my buttons. Thank you for writing the tough stuff. Thank you for bringing these difficult situations to our characters and showing how they would cope. If you've gone through a similiar situation I'm sorry for your loss. And I'm sorry for the over-share, I just needed to let you know. Much Love ~ Brena
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of And The Stars Never Rise)
Thank you so much for this lovely review, hon'. I know we've had a longer discussion via email, but I just wanted to say again how sorry I am about your grandma. You two obviously had a special bond and shared an amazing love. **hugs**
When I read the title of the story, I immediately sensed something familiar, but it wasn't until I read that it was based on Poe's poem that I felt the chill.
For the moon never beams, without bringing me dreams Of the beautiful Annabel Lee:And the stars never rise, but I feel the bright eyes Of the beautiful Annabel Lee:And so, all the night-tide, I lay down by the sideOf my darling--my darling--my life and my bride, In the sepulchre there by the sea-- In her tomb by the sounding sea.
Severus is waiting for the time when he can "lay down by the side Of my darling--my darling--my life and my bride, In the sepulchre there by the sea-- In her tomb by the sounding sea." My God! how poignant and sad, and it mirrors perfectly that measure of grief that most of us will have to contend with at some point in our lives. I can understand Severus' grief and the sometimes misplaced anger that comes with the loss of the love of one's life.This is so well written! You have done well in a genre that you haven't written to before. Good for you!Beth
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of And The Stars Never Rise)
Thank you very much for your kind words, Beth. I know this story will impact some people more than others, and I appreciate the fact you were willing to read it despite the warnings. I suppose in a sense, Severus is working his way through the stages of grief. He seems like the kind to hold onto the anger/blame and guilt/pain stages for a very long time. Some day, perhaps.Thanks again for the review and stars. I'm grateful for the feedback! sad...but awesome job!
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of And The Stars Never Rise)
Thanks, sweetie! I know this type of story can be really difficult to read (it was a bear to write!), so I really appreciate the feedback and stars.
A sweet and likewise very sad story. So fitting for him, but still... does he have to be so... well, Snape? *sighs* ;o)
Author's Response: Thank you for reading the story - I appreciate the review and the stars. I imagine his character as the epitome of the phrase "still waters run deep." Though he may not reveal everything, he doesn't seem the type to do anything by halves. In this story, he loved deeply and thus feels all the trappings of mourning - denial, guilt, anger, etc. - with more emphasis than could reasonably be dealt with in one day. But yes ... very Snape.
This is terribly sad. I had a bad feeling from nearly the beginning, but I didn't think of that. That should teach me to read the warning. Anyway, you did this brilliantly (as ever) *wipe tears*
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of And The Stars Never Rise)
Oh, I'm sorry you didn't see the warning beforehand! Perhaps I should put an additional warning in the A/N prefacing the story. I'd hate to think readers are being blindsided by the tragic ending.Thank you very much for your kind review and stars - they are greatly appreciated!
*sob!* I'm bawling here and it's all your fault. I enjoyed the way you outlined their relationship through his digging through the box, seeing glimpses into their past. I think this was the saddest line in the whole thing: But even in this, her final request, he had failed her.Lovely story, but heartbreaking.
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of And The Stars Never Rise)
Thank you for the lovely review. If it's any consolation, I bawled my eyes out the entire time I was writing it. Interesting you mention that particular line - that one really struck my husband when he read it, as well.Thanks for reading this and leaving me feedback. I appreciate it!
very moving, the tears are falling.
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of And The Stars Never Rise)
Thank you so much. I cried buckets while writing it, if that helps at all ...
Wow. This was so touching and beautiful. Excellent, poignant work-- especially the use of the same two lines t beginning and end. One of the best one-shots I've read.
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of And The Stars Never Rise)
Wow - thank you SO much!! I'm glad you noticed the repetition of beginning and end ... those two lines kept repeating through my head as I wrote it. Also the repeated "Damn you" refrain (the only spoken dialogue).Thanks again for your praise ... This was my first attempt at anything tragic, and it's tough to tell when you're writing how it's coming across.
wow - nicely woven through dialoge and prose. You did a lovely job with this - thanks for sharing
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of And The Stars Never Rise)
And thank you for your kind words. I never write tragedy, but this story just had to come out for some reason.
*when you really love a woman*; that came to mind. Wonderful story...and so sad!
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of And The Stars Never Rise)
Thank you ... I've never tried writing sad before, so I wasn't sure how well it translated. I think this will be my only attempt - it's just too draining to write. :-)
I'm sobbing now. Crying my eyes out. You brilliantly avoided mawkish to make this truly touching.
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of And The Stars Never Rise)
What an amazing compliment - thank you SO much! I've never tried to write tragedy before, so I wasn't sure how it would be received. Oh, and if it's any consolation ... I cried buckets for ten hours straight while I wrote this. (One of the reasons this first attempt will likely be my only attempt!) :-)
Wow, that was very beautiful. I love how you use the collection of memories and atrifacts that spur Snape's memories to tell his (and in a way, Hermione's) story. Well done indeed!
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of And The Stars Never Rise)
Thank you so much! This was definitely outside my comfort zone in both genre and style. But I was struck by the idea and couldn't seem to rest until I'd written it.Thanks again for having the stomach to read it. I'm sure the "character death" warning scared most readers away! :-)
Response from ArtemisofEphesus (Reviewer)
No, the character death warning didn't scare me away. I'm by no means a fan of characters to the extent that writing them dead is unnaceptable in a piece of fanficiton. In fact, some character death fics are very well written and more beautiful than romances.
I'm choked up. So sad, and so normal. It makes me fear for my own and my husband's future. I just lost a friend two weeks ago to stomach cancer. Her poor dear husband is devastated. I can't imagine what it must be like. I'd give it five stars, but I'm a sap and always wish for happy endings.
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of And The Stars Never Rise)
My sympathies on the loss of your friend ... My heart goes out to her husband. Watching the living trying to cope with loss can be just as painful as the loss itself. Cancer has impacted my life (and the lives of those I love) deeply, and perhaps that's why I was compelled to write this.On a side note, I prefer happy endings, as well—this was my first attempt at writing tragedy. I was hoping the "Character Death" warning would prevent readers from expecting an upbeat ending, but you must be far more optimistic than I!
that was sad and touching. wonderfully written. thanks so much
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of And The Stars Never Rise)
Thank you very much ... It's not my usual style, but once the idea struck me, I just had to get it out. Thanks again!
is this a one-shot? aww ...hard way ~hugs sev~ i know! he can have my weasel! i dogt...barbosa...~throws a giant white angry puff ball at him~ there ya go! 62 lbs of fluffy worries he's good at helping with tears
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of And The Stars Never Rise)
It's a one-shot. Thank you for the stars!
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of And The Stars Never Rise)
Thank you very much. It's not my usual style or genre ... Just my first (and probably only) attempt at writing tragedy.