New Chapter for The Runner
The Runner
sunny33557 Reviews | 557 Ratings, 0 Likes, 433 Favorites )
Who is the mysterious, early-morning runner out on the Quidditch pitch? Hermione discovers more than just his identity.
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About sunny33
Member Since 2008 | 129 Stories | Favorited by 689 | 8,383 Reviews Written | 8,235 Review Responses
Hello all, I am a 53 year old from NZ. Although SSHG is how I started and still my main pairing, I'll give pretty much any pairing a try, whether it be reading or writing. Sev and Herms need a bit of variety at times. ;)
Reviews for The Runner
Words can't express how much I loved this story!!
Response from sunny33 (Author of The Runner)
Thanks! :)
Just read this story....loved it. Now I have to go read your others. Nice Job.
Response from sunny33 (Author of The Runner)
Thanks, Sydney! :)
What a fun story!! No angst no terror no pain. Just a nice story with a happy ending! Sometimes our lovebirds need the easy romance don't they? I love the Spartan and can picture him in my head! Yummy!
Response from sunny33 (Author of The Runner)
Thanks. I thought they deserved a break! :)
Some stories I have a love hate relationship with depending on my mood. This one I love every time.
Response from sunny33 (Author of The Runner)
LOL I hope it stays that way! :D
Re reading this for perhaps a third time? This is one of my classic favorites.
Response from sunny33 (Author of The Runner)
LOL Go for it! :)
Hm, found this ,and morning toast and coffeesuddenly aren't the only things waking me up...with bated breath into chapt. two. Such descriptions....
Response from sunny33 (Author of The Runner)
Thank you. :)
Wonderful!!! *mad cheering*
Response from sunny33 (Author of The Runner)
Thank you!
Response from sunny33 (Author of The Runner)
Thank you!
It was lovely. Thank you!
Response from sunny33 (Author of The Runner)
Thank you for stopping by to review. :)
Response from sunny33 (Author of The Runner)
Thank you for stopping by to review. :)
wonderful, delightful, awesome - I could continue but i would all be superlatives! This really is an elegantly crafted story, Severus is just perfect and i love the whole tone and flow of the story. Thoroughly enjoyed this, I obviously must have done as I just continued without stopping, until I'd read from first to last chapter - and it's now nearly 4 am !! Worth while staying up for, thanks xx
Response from sunny33 (Author of The Runner)
I really enjoyed writing that story. Thanks! :)
I love me some Poppy Pomfrey-Severus action. Really, I feel like she's maybe the only one who really saw what he went through as a young man, as she tidied him up after each 'incident' of size. She saw his fellow students try to kill him, for God's sake, and she watched Dumbledore do very little to protect him! If there's anyone in the castle who, I think, would LOVE to see Severus happy, it's Poppy. And Harry? Bless him, he's really maturing, isn't he?
Response from sunny33 (Author of The Runner)
He's died and come back to life. Changes a guy! :)
Does Hogwarts have a subscription to a magazine with centrefolds?!? (Irma Pince, you sly minx, you.) Unless it's Hermione herself?!?I love the sharing of themselves through what they read. A meeting of the minds in the library and of... bodies (or lips, at the very least) out on the Quidditch pitch? The way they're distancing whatever's happening between them from the operations of school life... smart. And that last note? Mmm-hmm... things are progressing nicely, aren't they?
Response from sunny33 (Author of The Runner)
Oh, yes. ;)
Whoa! Er... why, good morning, Professor. I can't even imagine the heart attack he was having when he realised he was caught in action! (Those years as a spy and... frankly, that lifetime as an ascetic surely taught him how to control his reactions.)Hmm. So Hermione returns... showing a clear interest. In the sunrise, of course, and if anyone happens to be there... well...? This bit is so revealing:"She never noticed the tightening of Snape’s expression when he saw some callow youth attempting to invite her to spend time with him, never saw the relief in his eyes when she turned each one of them down."There's something so endearing in the unspokenness of it all, the way neither can really name it or even understand it.
Response from ofankoma (Reviewer)
And this one!: Now, he had given himself over to her keeping, to do with as she would.
Response from sunny33 (Author of The Runner)
What was left unsaid was the whole crux of the first part of this story. :)
"She managed to explain away her lapse at Potions as an Arithmancy problem she had been struggling with. Unsurprisingly, no-one asked for details."Ouch. That really sums it up, doesn't it? It's a bit heartbreaking when you know that the things you're passionate about or even merely interested barely register for the people who know you. (While I'm waiting on updates for "Limited Exposure," I thought I'd dig around in your archive.) This is lovely! Quite a subdued narrative voice. I enjoy Snape's oblivion while Hermione's growing awareness begins tugging at her. I'm assuming that Severus and Hermione will both find someone who can appreciate their interests soon enough?
Response from sunny33 (Author of The Runner)
Dig around all you like. It's fun seeing comments on older stories. :)
This story is still as entertaining and wonderful as the first time I read it, and the seccond....I think I have said so before, but this is a job worthy of and "Outstanding"
Response from sunny33 (Author of The Runner)
Thank you, once again! XXX :D
This is SUCH a great story. Highly amusing and romantic!I can't wait to read more of what you have written!!!:)
Response from sunny33 (Author of The Runner)
Thank you! :D
A rare and wonderfully pleaseant find!
Response from sunny33 (Author of The Runner)
Thank you! :)
Ah. My cheeks hurt from smiling too much. A very enjoyable story. The building of Hermione and Severus' relationship was well done and I enjoyed the unique idea for the begining.
Response from sunny33 (Author of The Runner)
Thank you. :D
This story was just as entertaining this time I read it as it was the first time, the sign of a quality, brilliant, story in my eyes. Very well done!!!
Response from sunny33 (Author of The Runner)
I'm pleased you enjoyed it again. :)
WOOO!!!! I love this story!!! It even delayed me an hour when I was supposed to go a friend's house!!! Haha... Thumbs up to the author!
Response from sunny33 (Author of The Runner)
Hehe. I hope you were forgiven for being late! :)
Response from ArtemisDecibal (Reviewer)
Yep I was. I was going there to install some things on my friend's computer and on her cellphone but a brownout occured in their area. So she thought that I was purposely late because our house was affected by the brownout to. So who was I to correct a perfect excuse right?
Thank you for a humourous read.
Response from sunny33 (Author of The Runner)
Thank you for reviewing. :)
I really enjoyed this. Lighthearted and fluffy without impending doom and overburdening angst definitely makes for a great read. I think Pansy's disgrace should have been a little more harsh. Oh, and I must commend you on using the words 'pubic hair' 4 times in one chapter. There HAS to be an award for pulling that off. It was a sweet love story, a little OOC but that doesn't matter because who would ever know what Snape would be like if he got to live a fulfilled life anyway. I would like to see this in vignettes from Snape and Harry's POV. Truly excellent!
Response from sunny33 (Author of The Runner)
I wrote a drabble (A Real Man) which was an expanded version of that scene. Got 'pubic hair' in ten times! I was so proud. LOL :)
Yes. Most of the Weasley's are meddlers. Molly especially. About time someone sent that *&$@ a Howler! (And what a Howler it was!)
Response from sunny33 (Author of The Runner)
Imagine having Molly as a mother-in-law! eek! :)
*is rendered speechless and looking for a cigarette*
Response from sunny33 (Author of The Runner)
Oh, no, my story is bad for you! ;)
"Four words. A wealth of meaning. My name is Severus."*gapes* Guuuuuuh... how is it possible for a scrap of parchment to be so... so... sexy? *drools*
Response from sunny33 (Author of The Runner)
LOL. I know! :)
Wow.................I have often reviewed fics as brilliant etc. but obviously I was mistaken. After finding your story - mentioned by a reviewer on another site - I sought you out and I am very happy that I did so. I can't believe how good this was. Words don't do it justice, and that's no word of a lie. I'm a 'mature' reader who finally found a fic that describes true love, passion and a sense of overwhelming desire, all wrapped up in one. You have a true gift. I shall be printing the whole thing out to peruse, I should imagine, a number of times over the coming years. You need to seriously think about using your talent professionally.Well done Sunny33 - love
Response from sunny33 (Author of The Runner)
Response from sunny33 (Author of The Runner)
I'm speechless! Thanks. :D