New Chapter for In the Restricted Section
In the Restricted Section
kittylefish19 Reviews | 19 Ratings, 0 Likes, 9 Favorites )
Chapters (1)
About kittylefish
Member Since 2007 | 73 Stories | Favorited by 89 | 1,068 Reviews Written | 870 Review Responses
my catalyst into the world of hp fanfic was the ignominious death of severus snape by snakebite in dh. grrrrr. he deserved better, and i set off on a mission to find it! i appreciate and admire the vast and limitless creativity of all of the wonderful writers on this site and in this fandom.
accordingly, for me it's mostly about snape: ss/le, ss/hg, ss/rl are my favorite ships. i especially like happy endings for those who did not get them at the hands of jkr.
Reviews for In the Restricted Section
Nicely formulated! Seems very Serverus-ly to be thinking that way too! Good job, enjoyed reading this!
Response from kittylefish (Author of In the Restricted Section)
i'm so happy you enjoyed this one. i had a lot of fun putting myself into severus's head to write it, lol, and it was fun to have to conform to the rules of the challenge and avoid using commas. :D
The comment about exposing himself (and the accompaning babble explaining why he chose that particular phrase) was hilarious!
...oh and the story was good too..:) Just kidding it was great!
Response from kittylefish (Author of In the Restricted Section)
hee hee. so glad you enjoyed it. thanks for the pretty shinies. :D
Of course! Deny it. It might go away this way.Sometimes men are such humans...Even the Snape.Your Snape is so vulnerable, hiding himself (from himself?!?) behind this huge wall of disavowal.And luckily in just the right moment he'll admit not to be master of all sides of the situation.And well, the sex.This time I'll make sure you get it right: This story is wonderful, lovely, sweet, charming, disarming, intelligent and funny in a subtle way.But I still thing spilling into someone should be the end of a very graphic scene or never ever mentioned.Just my two cents.And the last sentence was like a warm cup of cocoa: I love it and will be never fed up with having it again and again.
Response from kittylefish (Author of In the Restricted Section)
thanks for the thoughtful review. i'm glad you liked it overall. i do see snape as vulnerable; i see his snarkiness as a sort of defensive tactic. and i will take your concrit under advisement for the future, though i'm not sure i will change it in this particular story. thanks again! *hugs*
I love Severus's voice in this - and all without commas :D And sex in the library - one of my favourites...Brilliant!
Response from kittylefish (Author of In the Restricted Section)
thank you so much for the lovely compliments, my dear! i'm so glad you liked it. :D
That was just brilliant! I really loved Snape's dissembling--so good. The flow was really great, and the lack of comma was barely noticed--not that that means I didn't see your skill, just that your writing without the comma was superb.
Response from kittylefish (Author of In the Restricted Section)
thank you so much! i'm glad you appreciated snape's mental meanderings. i enjoyed the challenge of writing without commas rather more than i expected. it really makes you focus intently on every single sentence, doesn't it?
Very interesting. Great Severus!!
Response from kittylefish (Author of In the Restricted Section)
so glad you thought so! thanks for letting me know. :)
This was great! Somehow the lack of commas made the tension in the tone, I liked it.
Response from kittylefish (Author of In the Restricted Section)
thanks so much! i agree the comma avoidance technique definitely had an impact on the style and voice of the piece.
And again with no commas - wow! Here's another well-written fic which just so happens to have no commas. I very definitely didn't notice until reading the A/N at the end - good writing there. I also love the way you were able to show Severus' interest along with the denial - reminds me very much of my cat. (Oh, no, I'm not interested - no, not me.) (VBG) Thank you for posting this. I really enjoyed it. Cat
Response from kittylefish (Author of In the Restricted Section)
thank you so much for your lovely review and for the pretty stars! hmm. now that you mention it, it's possible my cat provided some of the inspiration for severus's attitude. :)
Very funny! Not that I liked your story. Not at all. Just curious too see how one writes without commas. Not that it matters.
Response from kittylefish (Author of In the Restricted Section)
thanks! not that i care about reviews or anything. i'm only thanking you to be polite, of course, not because you've put a silly grin on my face. what, me grin? never!
Response from HannahSmith (Reviewer)
Right! This is such a silly site anyway... Don't see how anyone can spend their precious time here ...
Response from kittylefish (Author of In the Restricted Section)
i never come here myself. and this doesn't count - i only came to answer your review to be polite of course.
Response from HannahSmith (Reviewer)
Í'm not answering this! I'm not answering this!
Response from kittylefish (Author of In the Restricted Section)
Lets all take a trip to the library LOL! Never know what you might find Hehe. Lived happily ever after I expect, with few more trips to the restricted section?
Response from kittylefish (Author of In the Restricted Section)
Response from kittylefish (Author of In the Restricted Section)
it's a lot more fun than i remember! i'm sure they revisited the spot on special occasions. ;) thanks for the review and the stars.
I really enjoy reading fanfiction. It's not that I'm enamored with Snape. Nor is it that I think he and Hermione make a great couple. Nor is it that I think this challenge was very challenging and that I think you did a great job. I laughed so much at his internal reasoning. Fun story. I love when Hermione goes for it.
Response from kittylefish (Author of In the Restricted Section)
i'm glad you liked his internal dialogue. thanks for the nice review and the stars! and for making me giggle. :D
Oooo.... Severuws didn't know what he was looking for, but he knew it when he found it!And I love it! Beth
Response from kittylefish (Author of In the Restricted Section)
glad you enjoyed it! thanks for the review and the stars. :D
That man had a massive case of denial. Very good non-use of commas! :)
Response from kittylefish (Author of In the Restricted Section)
i know, right? at least hermione helped him figure it out in the end. thanks! :D
Mmmmmm. Library sex. Severus's reluctance to admit his attraction is priceless.
Response from kittylefish (Author of In the Restricted Section)
maybe he'd have been less stubborn if he'd realized there'd be library sex in the end. :D
So witty and *hawt*! I giggled at Severus's insights several times! :)Great Job!
Response from kittylefish (Author of In the Restricted Section)
i'm glad it made you giggle. thanks for the pretty stars. :D
*sigh* Fortunately she knew for both of them what they truly want ;o)
Response from kittylefish (Author of In the Restricted Section)
yes, or he'd still be trailing after her like a puppy. ;) thanks for the review and the stars.
Nicely done.~Lotm
Response from kittylefish (Author of In the Restricted Section)
thank you! :D
A very nice rendition of the challenge. ANd a nice tart lemon to book!
Response from kittylefish (Author of In the Restricted Section)
thanks so much! i actually enjoyed the challenge of writing around the commas. :)
Lovely hot story, dear.
Response from kittylefish (Author of In the Restricted Section)
thanks, and thanks for the pretty stars. :)