New Chapter for A Wife's Needs
A Wife's Needs
notsosaintly25 Reviews | 25 Ratings, 0 Likes, 18 Favorites )
Narcissa finds a solution to the lackluster sex life in her marriage.
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About notsosaintly
Member Since 2005 | 38 Stories | Favorited by 707 | 843 Reviews Written | 2,009 Review Responses
Founder of The Petulant Poetess. Editor and full-time mother.
Reviews for A Wife's Needs
Bravo! I seldom read anything that isn't SS/HG but the prior story made this one the only reasonable option. Thank you!
This was amazingly tender and quite beautifully written.
Duh, Duh...I'm totally speechless! Loss for words... So frickin hot!!!!
I've been married for 15, and I would LOVE a man like Sev to rock my world!
I never realized how much Narcissa and I had in common till I read this!
Wow, that was hot. And beautiful. Thank you for writing such a wonderful NM/SS story. I'm addicted to Severus and the Malfoys so you probably can imagine how much I enjoyed this. What a lovely read!
I've only just come across this story (I've not long joined TPP) and, as the 'hostess' of this site, I thought it only fair that I read some of your work! Wow, I'm now really glad I did - this was amazing! Beautifully written and hot at the same time! I have only fairly recently become a fan of SS/NM pairings - it seems to work well and I can definitely imagine Narcissa being neglected and treated badly by Lucius.Any chance of 'borrowing' SS for such occasions myself do you think? (Trouble is, I'd want to keep him permanently though!)BTW: Loved your response to Rhiannon113's comments about Alan Rickman reading - I can just see him saying that all our fantasies about SS 'fall short of the mark'! I think we sometimes all forget that SS is only the way he is in our minds because of AR's great portrayals of everyone he plays; I shudder to think what SS would have been like if anyone else had played him! :-)I will now make a point of reading more of your work (but, if this is anything to go by, I'll need a long rest - if not lie down - plus a cold shower if I read too many at once!!) :-)
Response from notsosaintly (Author of A Wife's Needs)
Months later the author responds: Thank you for the review, and hopefully you're not too upset I didn't reply in a timely manner. I'm glad you enjoyed this one, and I shudder as well to think ... what if they had cast Timothy Spall as Snape instead?
Response from Sevvy (Reviewer)
Thank you so much for coming back to me after all this time, I really appreciate it.The thoughts of Timothy Spall playing SS are making me smile (or shudder, I'm not sure which really!) All I will say is, that if he had have done, this site wouldn't be in existence I guess!! :-)
Oh, very hot. I really enjoyed Narcissa's point of view, and the way she fought with herself. And the tenderness at the end made it very sweet as well.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of A Wife's Needs)
:) Thank you truly!
I am foremost an acolyte for Lucius, but I always like to read stories where he is represented in different ways. In this case, the arranged marriage apparently didn't prosper and both parties were unhappy. It's truly a happy 'ending' for all parties if Narcissa can start getting some of what Lucius had been helping himself to for quite a while. And that she gets to find some sexual satiation with a man she is very fond of anyway, is icing on her cake. Snape has managed to reap his own benefit, since it appears both he and Narcissa could be happy together, not only as sex partners, but as close friends, too. I just hope Lucius doesn't find out. He isn't the type to blandly accept Narcissa helping herself to the same releases he's been getting. Lovely, sweet story with some romantic hotness. Very nicely done!LaBib
Response from notsosaintly (Author of A Wife's Needs)
Thank you very much from one Lucius-acolyte to another.
Ohhh, yes indeed. Narcissa finally gets some of her own...and how dare Lucius not realize his luck! Prick. Gotta love Severus, so considerate and damn sexy.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of A Wife's Needs)
I think the key word here is "prick". Or maybe not. Narcissa deserves so much more, that's for sure.
Ten stars to my first NM/SS story. I may have to change ships or at the very least add to my favorite fantasies. I agree with you, he is every woman's sexual fantasy. Perhaps it's a small but ultimately satisfied group to belong to, hmmm.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of A Wife's Needs)
He is every woman's fantasy. Isn't that odd? Women love the fantasy of the dark, mysterious, fickle-tempered bad-boy. To live with one in reality is such a different thing, so I wonder why this is. Still, I belong to the "I Love Severus Snape Club" (disclaimer: not a real club, as far as I know), so I guess I'm like a lot of other women.
Response from FlittterKat (Reviewer)
Yes, you're right. A man like that would be a horror to live with.
I can't tell you how much your words turned me on. And poor Cissa. I hope she doesn't meet her husband too often in the library.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of A Wife's Needs)
It's funny you mention that. You'll have to keep an eye open for my next story.
Have I told you that I'm in love with your writing? I've always loved it, but this one is a piece of perfection. *nods approvingly*Now, go write some more.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of A Wife's Needs)
More? Where did I put my passed out icon? Will this do? I love it that you fangurl me. But you know that I fangurl you as well. *shrug* Can't help it. Your stories are awesome and I know I will be reading something I've never read before.
I love NM/SS fic and this did not disappoint!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of A Wife's Needs)
Thank you so much! I have recently become a great fan of NM/SS. I find Narcissa is a lot more fun to play with. And perhaps the fact that I'm turning 40 this year makes me relate more to a womanly character than a child like Hermione.
How sad that Lucius doesn't appreciate what he has. But how lovely that Severus DOES.
Response from notsosaintly (Author of A Wife's Needs)
Well, Lucius can be an insensitive bastard at times. Oh well. Actually, how lovely that Severus "found" Narcissa!
Wow. That Lucius is hardly worth getting unstuck for. It's good to see there is a silver lining...
Response from notsosaintly (Author of A Wife's Needs)
Perhaps he just loosened her up for the real thing? Mmmm, yes, I think that's just about right.
Your brilliance never ceases to amaze me. Really, Alan Rickman should send you a royalty payment. You're creating legions of ardent, slavishly devoted fans for him. LOL
Response from notsosaintly (Author of A Wife's Needs)
Ah-hahaha! Or he'd read one of my stories, frown (characteristically, of course), and label me as a 'silly little chit' whose fantasies regarding his character fall short of the mark.Of course, one can always hope my writings would be seen as worthy of reading by one so inspirational.
I'm with Narcissa here: hmm YES!!!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of A Wife's Needs)
Oh, I'm definitely with Narcissa. In fact, to hell with Narcissa! *pushes her out of the picture*
Response from morgaine_dulac (Reviewer)
That's the spirit LOL
Very nice! While I don't condone adultery, I can see where frustration and ... dissatisfaction ... would lead to it. Good job, NSS!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of A Wife's Needs)
My dear, dear
Response from notsosaintly (Author of A Wife's Needs)
, it is so good to see you around again, and to get a review from you warms my heart immensely. I'm not one to condone adultery either, but fantasies shall abound as long as one is alive. Thank God for fiction and fantasy stories which remove the desire to act upon such inappropriate activities.I hope you continue to hang out on the site. I long for the days of poetry challenges on your LJ, though I'm afraid my participation would be lacking in the speed of wit needed to keep up with the rather talented people of your F-list.
Response from Doomspark (Reviewer)
Oh I'm planning to be here for a while - did you notice that I'm posting a sequel to Invictus? *HUG*
Response from notsosaintly (Author of A Wife's Needs)
**HUGS BACK** I notice you've been uploading a lot of things. And I need to catch up on all of it. Oh, I'm so happy!
Since I'm normally a fan of the Lucius/Narcissa pairing, stories like this are a little guilty pleasure of mine. I think you captured both of them very well. Now I get a picture of Narcissa walking past the desk and turning colours, while Lucius sits there thinking he's hot stuff because she's turning colours ^_^
Response from notsosaintly (Author of A Wife's Needs)
*lol* I'm fond of Lucius period. Doesn't matter who he's with. Which makes this story sort of a diversion of what I'm used to.
A round [or three] of Firewhisky for all of the frustrated wives that are dutifully laid yet left unsatisfied. Fiction is so much better than real life though. This may be only a 'oneshot', but every time someone reads it, Narcissa gets hers all over again and in grand fashion ... and with Severus!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of A Wife's Needs)
Fiction is so much better than real life. That part is sort of disappointing. But maybe we can live vicariously through her?
Just what the lady needed! :)
Response from notsosaintly (Author of A Wife's Needs)
Oh, yes. Too true. Hope you enjoyed the interlude. I saw a few emails in my box with your name on it ... LJ comments and such. I am going to get to those next and find out where the heck you've been! I missed you.
*chuckle* Yes, dear Severus has several skills, including the one of being a perfect lover. Sweet little fic with a tad of bitterness when she reflects on her life at the side of her husband. Unhappy, unsatisfied, and unable (or unwilling) to get out of it - I guess there are many wives out there feeling exactly the same. Thank you for giving her something/someone she can look forward to!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of A Wife's Needs)
Well, of course Severus has several superior love-making skills! He wouldn't be worthy of his name otherwise. To me, he is every woman's sexual fantasy (though, my reality check tells me that most women think me nuts).Now, I felt bad ripping on Lucius this way. Lucius is a sex god in my eyes. But perhaps I only think so because I was one of his mistresses .....
Lucius is such a self-absorbed fool. The gardener who does not tend his fields will find them cared for by another who appreciates the glories that lie in wait for an attentive husbandman.I think you captured Narcissa perfectly, and your Severus is caring and knowledgeable about how to properly tend his fields. An accomplished husbandman understands that proper preparation leads to the fairest harvest, that attention to detail is critical, and that timing is everything.Well done!!!Beth
Response from notsosaintly (Author of A Wife's Needs)
Oooh ... someday I shall quote you. Do those words come from somewhere specific? They sound almost biblical in nature. (Thanks for the kind and couldn't be truer words—about the husbandmanship—by the way!)
Oh, wow. Lucky lady. So befitting that he take her, literally, on Lucius' desk. I doubt she will ever look a the desk in the same way again. This was delicioulsy WHOT!
Response from notsosaintly (Author of A Wife's Needs)
I know I will never look at that desk the same way either. Or Severus' soaked trousers or ... *cough* Yeah. What you said. Thanks!!
Very erotic, thank you!
Fans self. This was really hot and I am now officially a NM/SS fan.