New Chapter for Burns
Antalya170521 Reviews | 21 Ratings, 0 Likes, 14 Favorites )
She thought she knew love, but she was wrong. She'll find out how hard passion can burn. Because the heart is an organ of fire.
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About Antalya1705
Member Since 2008 | 1 Story | Favorited by 2 | 3 Reviews Written | 20 Review Responses
I'm an eighteen years old from Tuscany, Italy. I love reading and writing, bot fanfics and original works. I am a nature-lover and usually feel at ease with people.
Reviews for Burns
An intense story so far, and I look forward to more...
Response from Antalya1705 (Author of Burns)
Hope you'll keep liking it as we go on. :-)
His reactions are so him! It will be interesting to see their next encounter and how they handle what just happened between the two of them.
Response from Antalya1705 (Author of Burns)
Waut and see...
i am without words...other than powerful and painful. thanks
Response from Antalya1705 (Author of Burns)
Thank you to you for reading and reviewing! :-)
Oooh, ouch. *Cringes and winces* This story is so angsty...poor Hermione! How on earth shall this be resolved?
Response from Antalya1705 (Author of Burns)
When you say Snape you say angst, don't you? ;-)
Response from HermioneJeanSnape (Reviewer)
Yes, this Hermione is the angsty one. Usually I see her as too pragmatic to be angsty.
Response from Antalya1705 (Author of Burns)
You're right, and that's exactly why I chose to write from Hermione's point of view. She is such a strong, clever and smart girl, but then you can often see her crying, both in joy and pain, and the union of a powerful mind with an intense, deep heart is what I always found most beautiful and enjoyable in her character. In canon, she found happiness and steadiness in her deep friendship with Harry and, eventually, in her love for Ron: what if, I supposed, this love was unrequited? What would she feel? I remember way too clearly how much she suffered in the "Prisoner of Azkaban" when she was divided from her friends, and how much she strived to hide her pain in books and schoolwork. I started from there. Empathy with Severus would come as she found herself drowning in a darkness that was not hers. But then I risk to spoil next chapter and I'll shut up here, hoping Chapter Three won't disappoint you. :-)Thank you for this interesting discussion on Hermione! (One of my all-time favourite characters, just in case you hadn't noticed ;-) )
I'd say they both gave as good as they got, but Professor Snape, as the stronger by far, has called an end to the day's hostilities(?).As a result of their sojourn into each other's memories, perhaps they will gain a greater appreciation of each for the other. Without a doubt, as dispairing as Hermione has been of late about her life, she understands completely that she has had a walk in the park compared to the life her Potionsmaster has had to endure.Surely she has a benchmark now with which to compare her life, and if she does that, she can only come to the conclusion that the teenage angst she has suffered cannot hold a candle to that which the Professor has had to deal with for far long than she has had to deal. Perhaps we are seeing the birthing pains of a new understanding between two people who are so totally alike as to have been whittled from the same block.This story is a keeper!Beth
Response from Antalya1705 (Author of Burns)
Glad you keep enjoying. :-)
...and"now his pain was part of me." And hers of him, I suspect. Dangerous stuff, this legilimency! Something to remember the next time you wish you could read someone's mind. Thanks.
Response from Antalya1705 (Author of Burns)
My pleasure. ;-) Sure enough, Legilimency should be handled with care. Consequences might be...*stop before I go spoiling next chapters* ;-Xgvb
I'm intrigued :D please hurry up with the update!
Response from Antalya1705 (Author of Burns)
Will be done ASAP. :-)
Powerful stuff you have set down here. I look forward to what comes next.
Response from Antalya1705 (Author of Burns)
Glad you liked it. :-)
It's a bit dark for a beginning but still very challenging as to what will happen next. Yes very intriguing.
Response from Antalya1705 (Author of Burns)
You're not the first reader to point out the darkness... yes, I know this first chapter has a very obscure atmosphere, but then it is set during HBP, and what always struck me of that book - which remains among my favourites of the series - it's the sense of impending disaster that hangs upon most of it. Then, in a couple of chapters it should lighten a bit, though I can't promise it will ever be candy. We're talking Severus Snape, after all...;-)I'm glad however the story managed to get you notwithstanding the darkness. :-)
Intriguing, and very interesting. I'm rather curious where this is leading! Your description of the mind battle is really well done, if I may say so.
Author's Response: Sure you may! I hoped that part would turn out well.
Wow, that was really awesome. It was a very compelling first chapter, and I'm happy you're going to continue
Response from Antalya1705 (Author of Burns)
Thank you. :-)
Heavy on the angst, but well written. Will there be more?
Response from Antalya1705 (Author of Burns)
Yes, decidedly there will be more. A few more chapters are written already, just time for them to be processed. :-) I'm quite determined to bring this to an end. Thank you for taking the time to review.
Well, that was a frightening battle. I'm scared for her now!
Response from Antalya1705 (Author of Burns)
Don't be. It's Hermione after all...;-)
I am hooked! While I have read many first chapters that have cemented my interest, this is the first first chapter that has reached out from the page, taken me by the throat, and said, "You are coming with me!"By the time you read this I will have added Burns to my favorites list so I won't miss any chapters.Your story is very well written and your style is compelling.Well done!Beth
Response from Antalya1705 (Author of Burns)
Bad, bad story...It's not polite to take readers from the throat! How many times I have to tell you? A wrist is more than enough...;-) *blushing all over*
Well, that's one helluva beginning! I'm on board. Thanks.
Response from Antalya1705 (Author of Burns)
My pleasure. ;-)
I love the style in which you have written this. :)
Response from Antalya1705 (Author of Burns)
Thank you. Hope next chapters won't disappoint you. :-)
I enjoyed your prosaic writing and the phrases that were so simply descriptive and unique that it made me smile.I am looking forward to the next chapter, most definitely. ;)
Response from Antalya1705 (Author of Burns)
Am I broing id I say again thank you? ;-)
Oh dear, this does not bode well... Your writing is incredible - thank you!
Response from Antalya1705 (Author of Burns)
Thank you to you, hope next chapters won't disappoint you :-)
Last December I left a review and placed a "Bookmark" on this story. I've just checked my Bookmark mailbox again, and...alas...there's no new chapter. Last December you said you were working on it. A lot can happen in eight months. I hope you are well and still writing...and, if you are,....where's that next chapter in this very powerful story? PLEASE. Thanks,
And there's more! I'm a little surprised Snape used an unforgivable on her. But this is a different story. I do find myself wondering what will happen next.
Response from Antalya1705 (Author of Burns)
I hesitated before choosing the spell he would use against her, then I settled for Crucio because I wished to keep their battle exclusively mental. When Hermione uses Incendio, it is the first 'physical' spell in their battle and breaks the confrontation. However, glad you liked it. :)