New Chapter for A Change is Going to Come
A Change is Going to Come
livvy61,513 Reviews | 1,513 Ratings, 0 Likes, 730 Favorites )
NOW COMPLETE!!! An accident with a Time-Turner in 1993 sends Hermione Granger back to 1973, and she is unable to return.
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About livvy6
Member Since 2007 | 17 Stories | Favorited by 655 | 625 Reviews Written | 6,131 Review Responses
I am a grateful fan of Ms. Rowling and of her overwhelming Byronic Character, Severus Snape! Please check out the first chapters of each fic (except for "How Can I Tell You," which is on Chapter 2) to see pictures of the Heroines.
Admins' Note: Livvy6 died suddenly on February 22, 2012, leaving behind her husband, six-year-old daughter, and seventeen stories well-loved by the TPP community. All who knew her—including those in Harry Potter fandom and all of us, here—are richer for having known her.
Requiescat in pace, Livvy. Always.
Reviews for A Change is Going to Come
Beautiful, beautiful, made me cry, beautiful.~Mia
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
Thank you!Livvy
FINALLY! This chapter has been a long time in the making, and it didn't disappoint. I'm glad that she was able to talk with Kingsely, and that he understood where she was coming from, and didn't pressure her to change her mind.Harry and Ron (and the entire wizarding world if we want to get technical) are so lucky that Hermione doesn't let her personal feelings about what has happened cloud her judgement. That whole scene of intercepting Lucius was a really nice way to stay cannonish, but avoid the horrid scene that was the Snape/Nagini encounter. Of course you had to do something. If you let Snape die after seventy chapters worth or buildup to their eventual happiness, you would be hunted by a huge angry mob, I'm afraid :)Once they reached the cottage, everything happens in a realistic way. Her fear of telling him, as well as his reaction, were how one would expect them to be. I liked that things were a bit awkward at first, because they really have been apart a long time, and even the closest relationship will suffer a bit from that. I'm glad that everything is out in the open, and now they can move on, even if it will be a long journey back to a normalish life. The only thing that I hated about this chapter was the fact that it moved us one more chapter closer to the end! I've been anxious to get there, but now that it is approaching, I want time to slow to a crawl. I just can't be happy, LOL.
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
I know. I'm feeling rather sad as we get closer to the end. Not long now. It will be sad to see it over, but I am now really looking forward to getting my two fics I've written in the meantime to a beta and start posting them.Thanks for reviewing!Livvy
Fantastic, Livvy. Just brilliant. And I'm glad they got away from the battle. They both deserved that and we know what would have happened if they'd stayed, don't we? I suppose this great tale will be coming to a close soon which will be an absolute shame. Still all good things etc. Hopefully they will go out on a high. Best wishes, Love Ali xxxxx.
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
I couldn't let them stay one more moment than necessary. Severus and Hermione deserve to be together. They've done more than their share of suffering. It's time for them to have a real life together.Thanks for reviewing!Livvy
Wow. Not what I was expecting, but it rather makes sense. Neither of them want to fight, Severus would be hunted by all sorts of people in that battle, and heck if he wasn't going to take Hermione to somewhere safe. The sex was unexpected, but I like how you wrote it. A little bit awkward after the separation, but still good. Sweet. But- will we hear what happened in the final battle?
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
Yes, All will be retold for our couple. There will be a lot to sort out, now that it's all over, but it's time for them to start building a life together.Thanks for reviewing!Livvy
Ohhh *girly sigh* so romantic, yet so sad. I'm so glad they're back together.Great chapter! As usual! I've followed this story from when the first chapter was posted and I think this is one of my favourites, it's so passionate! So many roiling emotions.Not long to go now I guess?Was the final battle at the full moon or were the werewolves in human form?keep up the fabulous work :)xx
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
That is an excellent question! I thought since Greyback was giving into his "wolf" nature, that he was always a danger, he was like partially transformed and hungry for blood. So, I saw a lot of the other werewolves like that as well. So, not a full moon, but very powerful in their semi state of half-man half-wolf.Thanks!Livvy
Response from Duchess_Of_Arcadia (Reviewer)
Ah ok, I thought that might have been the reason but I wanted to double check :Dxx
Wow, this chapter has brought tears to my eyes. It was better than I hoped. They are finally together. You wrote Severus' pain so beautifully. I look forward to your next update.
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
I'm glad it wasn't a let down. I was so nervous it wouldn't be up to the expectations of everyone. I'm glad you enjoyed it!Thanks for reviewing!Livvy
Amazing! I just loved it!I couldn't help crying in some parts. I'm really glad they're finally together again!Great story :)Hope you update soon!
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
Thank you! I wanted to be very emotional and true to how they would be together. I'm glad you liked it.Thanks for reviewing!Livvy
Even with her resolve not to fight in the battle, Hermione still had to fight Death Eaters, Werewolves, and Giants to get to Severus. And she did fight with a vengeance!I was happy that prior to the beginning of the battle that she had a chance to talk with Kingsley and tell him exactly how she felt about how she had been treated by the Order. To his credit, he did not try to change her mind but insisted that they would respect her decision and the reason for that decision. Thank goodness Hermione was able to stop Harry and Ron from going into the Shrieking Shack where they would surely have been killed. And I liked the way you had Lucius appear just as Hermione had finished telling Harry what he had to do to kill Voldemort. Very nicely done!The reunion of Severus and Hermione was so sweet, and their reaction to seeing each other as the battle was being waged was well written. There had to be so many different emotions swirling and vying for attention! They needed to be together and they needed to leave that place while they were still safe. They had done all that was humanly possible and staying there could serve no purpose. If they had stayed, they might have been killed.The mix of love and torment that was shared when they went to bed was bittersweet. It was an awful blow to find out that he had lost his daughter before he'd even known he was a father, and I was glad that they were able to console each other and to finally express their love in perfect harmony. Thank you for letting them be together and away from that awful war. I wonder if they will decide to remain at the cottage that Dumbledore told Severus about. Did he give it to Severus? Since it is unplottable, they should be able to remain far from the madding crowds, and put their lives back together.What a wonderful chapter!!!!! Beth PS- I liked the peek we got of Grawp fighting the last remaining Giant to protect the castle.
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
Hermione is very partial to Spinner's End. She will be adamant on returning there. Then they will have to decide what they want to do next.I'm sure Minerva and a couple of others have permission to use the cottage. I didn't see it as something handed down for Severus to own. It would be too risky if Voldemort found out DD had bequeathed it to him.Thanks for reviewing!Livvy
Aww. This was a beautiful chapter. It made me cry. "He still was her boy, and she was still his girl." That was my favorite line. I love the title.
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
Thanks! I HAD to have that in there. I still see them as children sometimes when they are vulnerable with each other and talking about their hurts and fears. I don't want readers to forget that they were friends long before they were lovers.Thanks for reviewing!Livvy
Amazing! I don't normally write reviews, but I have to say that this is one of the best stories I have read. I've been enjoying it so much that I find myself checking to see if there are any updates almost daily. I applaud you on being able to write a story with so much depth and heart in it. Some past chapters have left me with tears, but thankful this time around it was happy tears. I am so happy that Hermione and Severus finally are back together. I look forward to seeing what happens in the next chapter and seeing where the story goes from here.
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
Thank you so much! Your words are so kind and appreciated. I can't believe I've put two years into this fic. It's very dear to my heart. Well, you won't have to worry about them being apart again. They are together for good now!Thanks for reviewing!Livvy
Oh, I was so excited to read this new chapter. Hermione sure gave them hell, didn't she? Good for her, I say. Poor Severus when he found out about Serena. That was a lovely lovemaking scene :-)
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
Thank you. I felt it only right for Hermione to be that way with the Order. It was hard to write about Severus finding out about Serena's death. I'm glad you liked the lemons ;)Thanks for reviewing!Livvy
Excellent chapter! I'm so glad Hermione found Severus and got the chance to tell him about the baby. I'm also very happy that they got away from the battle scene. I can't wait to read more. five stars plus a fine bottle of butterbeer :)
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
Hey, thanks for the extras! I couldn't see Hermione keeping something like loosing their baby a secret from him. The sooner they get it all out in the open, they can begin healing.Thanks!Livvy
I love you. I love this. You make my head happy.~Mia
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
Thank you! I really hope you love the next chapter when Severus and Hermione are back together again:)Thanks!Livvy
I totally agree with Hermione on that. Enough is enough.aaaaa can't wait for the next chapter!!!!!!!!!!! <o>
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
Thank you so much! I'll have the chapter in the queue soon!Thanks for reviewing!Livvy
Yup, Hermione has had enough. It's too risky with Harry still not truly believing that Severus is on the Order's side, so she's being logical in wanting to take Severus away. But she might have to Stupefy Severus to get him to leave. Thanks for the new chapter!
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
Well, she may not have to. He may be as weary as she is.Thanks for reviewing!Livvy
that is so weird of Lupin.... idiot git.Sorry to hear about Ted, Dirk, and Gornuk dying. Why didn't they try to join the Hagrid crew?
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
They probably didn't know about where Hagrid was. Lupin hadn't been around, he was living with Greyback to undermine his work amongst the werewolves.Thanks for reviewing!Livvy
I think you got Hermione spot on. After everything her and her husband did for the war they were betrayed. Then at the battle she's told to fight FOR them. That combined with what she's lost; yeah you did good. Even the most battle hardened solider walks off the battle field at some point.
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
Thanks! I didn't know how Hermione's leaving would be taken. It seems to be a success :)Thanks for reviewing!Livvy
I fully agree with her desicion. Harry is a prat! but I am curious how you are gonna get hermione and severus out of there and have harry know he must die without following the original canon.
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
The next chapter should answer all your questions. I hope you enjoy it!Thanks for reviewing,Livvy
I can't wait for the next chapter!!
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
I should have my chapter from my beta back soon! Thanks for reviewing!Livvy
*Sigh* your first A/N is music to my ears. I hope that Hermione and Severus can recover and go on to have a happy life. They have changed so much from the people they once were. It isn't as if they ever were carefree, but things have just spiraled downward continuously in the last year or so, and it all feels so hopeless. You can clearly sense the exhaustion in Hermione. She must be drained, just from living. And we don't have a clue how Severus is doing, but he can't be faring well either. I do hope they are able to go away and forget everything for awhile. They certainly deserve it. I wonder if Severus will share her desire to skip out on the final battle? I think you have promised a happy ending, but I still fear how damaged they may be after all is said and done. But maybe just being together, finally always and forever, will be enough to heal the old wounds, or at least bandage them adequately. As always, a great chapter which leaves me even more anxious for more!
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
Thanks! The next chapter will be a very emotional one for Hermione and Severus. I can't just give it away, but they will take things as they come. There is a lot to say and reconnect, and all that.Thanks for reviewing!Livvy
WWWOOOO HHOOO hermione you tell em!!!! LOVE THIS story you really are verytalented and write soooo wonderfully!!!!
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it :)Thanks for reviewing!Livvy
I can understand Hermione not wanting to fight for the reasons she stated but I am confused. Did she not go into hiding during the first war in order not to interfere with what was to happen? Oh well I think she will fight in the end to save Severus. It was a great chapter with a great line....I am going to get my husband and you can go to hell....Well I've been hooked thus far and will anxiously await the update.
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
She left the Wizarding world when she knew Severus was going back to Voldemort as a spy. She knew James and Lily (and others) would have to die and she didn't want to interfere in messing up the future.You are right, she will have a last conversation with Harry. More will happen in the next chapter.Thanks for reviewing!Livvy
True story - Hermione is allowed to Tap Out. though I wouldn't be surprised if she decides to rally and be the better person :)thanks for all your time and efforts - i've enjoyed each chapter update.
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
Thank you! Yes, Hermione has reached her enough line. But, she will have some arse-kicking to do on the way to find Severus :)Thanks for reviewing!Livvy
Despite the obvious despair that comes in this chapter, it feels so hopeful. I can't fault Hermione at all for hating what Remus and Tonks have, even if they've been nice and helpful to her. Life has been so cruel to her, mostly in recent events, but it has been no picnic at any point along the way. I think that if we do get our happy ending, it will be so well deserved that it will be incredible. By far, my favorite things about this chapter were the two interactions between Remus and Hermione. Both the bedroom scene where he holds her and comforts her while she lets it all out, and the parting of ways at her new home where he tells her he loves her, and wraps up that chapter of their lives with the kiss, was just fantastic, amazing, wonderful. I'm torn between wanting to rush them to their happy ending, and wanting this to go on forever. It amazes me that a story can still be so captivating after sixty-eight chapters! More soon please!
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
Thank you. I was uncertain about the Remus/Hermione bit at the end of the chapter, but I felt there was just something unended between them. I felt a need for Remus to formally tell Hermione he is letting her go after all these years and that he is going to devote himself to Tonks. I wanted it to be realistic as well. First loves never leave us. They are special and it doesn't mean you can't fully devote your life to another person. So, he did mean it that he loves Tonks and their child. I think the less Hermione has to wonder about (especially the past) the better it will be for her and Severus to move on together and deal with the tragedy of this latest forced separation and the consequences (unfair) that went with it.Thanks for reviewing!
I was just thinking...It's been awhile since we've heard from Livvy and then there you are. Awesome work as always. I'm excited for the reunion.
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
Thanks! I've got my beta back. She has been working on Chapter 69. So, I should have it back soon to put it in the queue. Five chapters left!Thanks for reviewing!Livvy
Response from barbied011 (Reviewer)
OMG! There are only 5 chapters left. I'm so sad. Are you going to take a break or will you have other goodies for us to read?
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
I have (I think) a lovely fic that I have written and I think my beta might take it on. It is another emotional, angst-fest HG/SS, but that's my style. It's called La Chasseresse. The title will be explained.I hope you will look out for it!Thanks for reviewing!Livvy