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A Change is Going to Come
livvy61,513 Reviews | 1,513 Ratings, 0 Likes, 730 Favorites )
NOW COMPLETE!!! An accident with a Time-Turner in 1993 sends Hermione Granger back to 1973, and she is unable to return.
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About livvy6
Member Since 2007 | 17 Stories | Favorited by 655 | 625 Reviews Written | 6,131 Review Responses
I am a grateful fan of Ms. Rowling and of her overwhelming Byronic Character, Severus Snape! Please check out the first chapters of each fic (except for "How Can I Tell You," which is on Chapter 2) to see pictures of the Heroines.
Admins' Note: Livvy6 died suddenly on February 22, 2012, leaving behind her husband, six-year-old daughter, and seventeen stories well-loved by the TPP community. All who knew her—including those in Harry Potter fandom and all of us, here—are richer for having known her.
Requiescat in pace, Livvy. Always.
Reviews for A Change is Going to Come
Jumped over from ashwinder to read the naughtier version. I love this story.
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
lol! THanks!Livvy
Love this, your intertwining of jkr plot and your story is brillant!
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
Thank you so much!Livvy
Excellent writing. Very suspenceful and action-packed. Loved it.
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
Thank you! I remember working my can off to make "just so!"Livvy
This is the second time I've read this story and have to say it's my favorite. Thanks for writing it. :)
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
Thank you so much! I'm glad you like it! Thank you for reviewing!Livvy
I can't tell you how glad I am that neither of them stayed to fight.
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
Yeah, I couldn't do that to them. After all, people can only take so much BS. Severus and Hermione have already given more than anyone should have for the cause.Thanks for reviewing!Livvy
Holy crap when Harry looks into Severus' pensieve, all HELL is going to break loose.
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
Ha-ha! It's going to be a very interesting moment, that's for sure!Livvy
Aw the way they speak to each other is so wonderful. Where can I find a man who says these things to me? *sigh*
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
Unfortunately, in real life, they are either con artists or married men - well - same difference. Other than that, they only want to get into your knickers. That's why women write romance novels. I keep thinking after reading my fics, my husband would get the hint! IF there is such a man out there, I haven;t met him, damn it ;)Thanks for reviewing!Livvy
Gorgeous wedding! Such a lovely ceremony :)
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
thank you!!!!!Livvy
Truly the BEST time-turner fic I have ever read! An amazing wonderful fic!Missy AKA
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)Thanks for reviewing!Livvy
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
Thank you!!! I appreciate that :)Livvy
There's something I've been wondering about.. why does Hermione insist on her being 30 something years old? If her age goes by the age of her mind (as she keeps saying), shouldn't she be the same age she was when she left with the time turner to go back to the future? 24ish?
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
Ah, you have to figure in something that is unique to Hermione: her de-aging.Thanks for reviewing!Livvy
Aw! Their reunion was so very touching! It almost made me cry u.u. Still.. I really wish they'd stayed to fight. They're both powerful, and though the Order does not deserve it, the other innocent wizards and witches, some barely 16, did. Not to mention, what if Voldemort's not defeated? That's not something they can just ignore. It's not like they can go into hiding, I doubt Voldemort would be contented with England, he'd probably try to take over the entire world. And they'd NEVER be safe, there's no hiding for them. Hermione might have succeeded when she was just your random powerful but forgettable schoolgirl, but this time it's different. She's the #2 Indesiderable! And Snape Voldemort's first hand man who has betrayed him! Voldemort would be set on tracking them down and make it his life mission to give them the most horrible, unfathomable death!They should've fought him for their future. I can't believe she's risking it! How can she just say she's done with it, when nothing's really done? x___x
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
They both have their points for both cases, but nothing ever does run smoothly in love and war. They will just have to make do.Thanks for reviewing!Livvy
I'm not good with sad stories. I know some people love them but real life is sad enough. I know it will be alright in the end but it really isn't fun right now. Your Time Keeper is an utterly delightful character. I guess I should be happy that I know there is a hope for Severus JKR never afforded him. Instead of expecting not to survive, he will have a reason to live and a future after the final fight when Voldemort is destroyed. I like the fact that his life is going this way in the sense that he isn't forever alone and in love with a dead Lily. Did he really go to the house like in the movie cry and hold her in your story, like JKR's? In JKR's story Severus did it all for Lily, but it isn't true here. Harry must win for Hermione and Snape to have a life. Good job! The biggg Buttt is, none of them yet know how Harrie kills Voldemort. No one in this reality knows that Snape is suppose to die because he is has to die because Volemort thinks he is the master of the Elder wand. I am assuming or at least hoping you changed that part of the story. Well, here we go to Hogwarts with Hermione a youth.
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
Yes, things are not going to be as they were in JKR's final battle. I wanted there to be a better reason for Snape's suffering. A love that is real and shared with a living woman who returns his love makes the sad times worth going through. They always will have hope.Thanks for reviewing!Livvy
Oh My Gosh! I read one of your responses to a review and you MUST write a story with their children. It was only one chapter and yet I am completely in love with all 5 of them! Such an amazing story.
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
I'll have to think about it and probably have to have some ideas and someone to co-author. It's simmering in the back of my head, though.Thanks for the suggestion and vote of approval :)(and for reviewing!)Livvy
I have read this story twice now!!!It is my favorite story so far on this site. I actually heard about this story on youtube. I was so sad when I finished reading it. I have read many of your stories, all of them are great! Actually I think I have read them all.
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
WOW! I would love to know where on youtube you heard about this fic. Thank you for reviewing!Livvy
I did quite enjoy this story
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
Thank you so much for reviewing!Livvy
This is just awful, I followed this story , but none of this is believeable, I just don't believe hermonie or Severus would leave in the mist of the battle to shag and ughhh Hermonie is acting like such and immature dama queen, I'm really sad that nearing the end of this story it has come down to this!
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
I see it as all what she and Severus have done for the Order over the years, she lost her baby because they turned on her. She wasn't able to grieve with Severus because of it. They are tired. Tired and weary of people thinking, and taking for granted they will always be there, no matter what abuse is heaped on them. This was a dangerous situation for Snape. He was going to die if he remained and Hermione had to "cut the apron strings" for Harry and show him he could do it without leaning on her. Removing themselves and letting the others pull their weight and for them to deal with their own personal pain - that had been long in coming - was needed. Sometimes, you have to step back and remind yourself and others that your presence or lack of it will not make or break the world. NO one should be that important. I couldn't see Hermione NOT being scared and frightened about telling SNape about Serena's death. A loss of a child that could have been prevented if only her friends hadn't turned their back on them is doubly painful. And to not have Severus to help her with the grief, not knowing if he even still cared, now that he was so deep undercover. It was a emotional nightmare for both of them. Coming together in the most intimate way can be very reassuring that they are still alive, still accepting of the other, and that they will have a future. That was how I see it.Thanks for reviewing!Livvy
just read the entire thing. absolutely brilliant! i love you for writing this. it IS a shame about Serena. :( poor Hermione, and poor Severus for not knowing. the children ar all so cute! haha, looks like they have a kid for each house at hogwarts. XD But it was such a good story.
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
Thank you so much for reviewing! I am glad you enjoyed it so. I'm still thinking if I will write a fic about the kids.Thanks!Livvy
I loved this story. I liked how you started the story when Hermione was 13 and not in the 7th year like most do. I liked how there was still a dark Severus. What made you make Lily have feelings for Hermione? I didn't want the story to ever end.
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
Thanks! I thought that Lily lacks boundaries in relationships and that she is also open to the "forbidden" since she kept a friendship with Snape when it was clearly a liability. If she had only stuck to her convictions, she would have forgiven and understood where Severus was coming from. I honestly believe she never loved James. He was a convenient choice.Thanks for reviewing!Livvy
wow, what a ride. very, very good story. keep it up!
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
Thank you very much!Livvy
I have read the whole thing and loved every minute of it. It was awesome.
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
Thank you so much! And thank you for taking the time to review!Livvy
Oh no. Don't tell me that is the end of this wonderful tale.
I laughed, and I cried throughout this story. It took me days to read, but I am so glad that I did so.
Thank you my dearest livvy6, for writing a truly engaging tale.
Love Sonia :)
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
You are SO welcome! I am happy you took to it so. This is by far my favorite and I put more into this than my others.Livvy
I loved this story. Thank you for sharing this with us and I'm sorry for your loss, and family troubles.
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
Thank you. My mom is doing much better now. I'm glad you enjoyed the fic :)Thanks for reviewing!Livvy
what a wonderfully written story....thank you for sharing your gift.
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
Thank you so much for reviewing! I'm glad you liked it!Livvy
I just started reading your story when it was signed complete (Read one too many abandoned stories.) and am now somewhere in the middle. I was somewhat reluctant to read it because of its sheer size. Sometimes a story so long can be mightily boring when it is simply a thin plot stretched out to its limits and it simply doesn't seem to end. I'm glad that didn't prove true for yours. A really engaging plot. Another thing I really appreciate is that you don't re-tell in detail what happens in the canon parts of the story. That would be like re-reading the book. And when this happens in every second story you read, it becomes really annoying. So thank you for your interesing story with and lively narrative style. I've just got one question that couldn't wait until the end of the story since it comes up in every chapter now. I guess you had to answer it several times already. But I hope you'll forgive me for not looking through 1400 reviews to find the answer. Why are you refering to Hermione as thirty-ish? I'd count her age as the time she actually lived through, the twenty-odd years she lived in her and the past timeline (14-10-2 - if I remember it somewhat correctly), which gives her a "mental" age of about 26. She didn't live the years that made Severus 30-something. And if you count the years she went forward with the timeturner as well, then you would have to deduct the years she went back in the first place too. Am I making some sort of logical mistake?
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
Thank you for reviewing. There was a logical reason... I think I answered it in a review a long time ago... I can't remember how I came up with it, I think I placed it on the fact she used the special potion Severus made in her de-aging process. Basically, I felt they needed to be the same age. It made sense that way. But there have been a few discussions on the logic of it all. I hope you continue to enjoy the fic. There will be a part where canon and the fic will meld in places, but not quite the same. But it won't last long.Thanks for reviewing! I hope to hear from you again!Livvy
Response from nighthawk (Reviewer)
Gosh, don't hate me, but I have to say this. I continued reading and am now at the wedding night. I nearly screamed when I read something. I don't know where this fanfic myth started, but spreads around further and further. The hymen is not situated IN the vagina. It simply makes for a narrow entrance of it. It is nothing you can feel with a penis nor anything a man has to ram through like a tin foil on a glas of coffee. The moment he puts his tip in, it is breached. So going in, feeling something and ramming through it is impossible. This fanfic myth has been used so often by now by a huge percentage of writers that is seems to have become the truth for most writers and readers. I hope I didn't offend with this comment.
Response from livvy6 (Author of A Change is Going to Come)
I guess all I can say is I only know my experience. Mine was inside there. I know that not all women are made the same and some are even born without hymens. I was a virgin until I was 23, and I had my share of trying things out but not going "all the way". I admit this is new info for me... I'll have to rethink some things...hmmm.