New Chapter for Regrets
Rose of the West9 Reviews | 9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 8 Favorites )
Many celebrated the day the Dark Lord fell. This man recalled a day two years before that.
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About Rose of the West
Rose of the West
Member Since 2008 | 60 Stories | Favorited by 40 | 707 Reviews Written | 1,261 Review Responses
Reviews for Regrets
I've never read a story quite like this one before, at first I didn't want to keep reading, because I just can't bear to see Severus with Lily she is so far beneath him. I am very glad I did keep reading, it was worth just to see Severus stand up to that ... selfish cow { I cleaned that up quite a bit } I very much liked your ending.
Hi Rose,What an interesting story! It speaks for this young man that he reflects on the basis for their relationship based on a careless remark made by her, even while in the throws of passion.He made the right decision - even if she hadn't run straight into the arms of another man.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Regrets)
Thanks! I working through a story and thinking about their relationship. I tried to look at it from a lot of different angles, and this was one of them. I don't think it ever would have worked without one or the other bending into something completely different. I just wish he could have seen enough of it to understand that. Maybe he wouldn't have been as interested in saving Harry's bacon if he had, though.
Very well written! I've never read a Snape/Lily fic quite from this perspective, where Severus rejects Lily when realizing they don't want the same things. I like how your story addresses what the books don't, such as it seems that Harry was an accidental pregnancy, given how young her and James were and that a war was going on, not the ideal time to have a baby. Also I always wondered what Snape thought if Lily had chosen him, and they would be the parents of Harry...would he choose his longer life without Lily, or a few years with her and a son to then be killed by the Dark Lord? Maybe that wouldn't have happened, but I think what did happen was not all in vain...Lily died because Snape shared the prophecy with Voldemort and targeted the Potters, and by doing that he delayed Voldemort from taking over the wizarding world and saved many lives, which I think Lily would have wanted.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Regrets)
It's an interesting question. Snape loved Lily, but I don't think he was in any way prepared for the reality of what he would have done had she actually been in love with him. He so idealized her that he would not have coped well with her imperfections. I choose to think that, given full disclosure, he probably would have selected what happened in the canon. On the other hand, I think he would have looked for a way to prevent the Potters' deaths.The crummy part of Snape's story is that in the afterlife as JKR describes it, now Snape is stuck for all eternity, watching the love of his life be happy with the love of her life. Some reward.
Response from AuroraSinistra (Reviewer)
The crummy part of Snape's story is that in the afterlife as JKR describes it, now Snape is stuck for all eternity, watching the love of his life be happy with the love of her life. Some reward.This is a really excellent point. Did you see the documentary JK Rowling: A Year in the Life? She describes her childhood and how her mother suffered for many years before she died young; how Rowling was scared of her father and had very little relationship with him; and her divorce and raising a child by herself. It was as if the HP books were a cathartic process for her and a way for her to cope with her family situation. And this is reflected in Harry's life starting off not ideal, but after perseverance ended up quite marvelously (both Harry and her now and happy marriages and three children each).So my point in writing this is: Harry had a poor childhood, and Rowling gives him a chance at a happy ending. But knowing Snape also had a poor childhood (his one friend Lily being the only bright spot), Rowling doomed him from the beginning and didn't give him a second chance at happiness. So am I wrong to be angry she did that? Did someone have to get the shaft because Snape's character is more tragic (and profound?) that way? I mean it works out in the end, if he didn't still love Lily greater than all others, then he couldn't have sent the doe Patronus to Harry, but I still don't get it why Rowling doomed him so. Sorry for the long reply, all these thoughts came up again after re-reading HBP and watching the movie. Looking forward to reading more of your fics (Snape or other characters) if you plan on writing them!
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Regrets)
Thank you again! I know what you mean about JKR. I generally let Snape live in my fics. There are so many ways to make it work. I have a few stories posted on other archives. I just put the first chapter of my current one into the queue here. If it goes through, it's called The Tower Affair and is SS/OC.
A very interesting and original view! Thank you for sharing this!
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Regrets)
Thank you!
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Regrets)
Thank you!
I really like this and the way Severus comes to realize that he and Lily would never have been right for each other.The last line is marvelous. He was a much bigger influence in Harry's life!Well done.Beth
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Regrets)
Thank you!
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Regrets)
Thank you!
Loved the last line. So true!Livvy
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Regrets)
Thank you! That was one of the first things that hit me about the Lily/Severus friendship as I read Deathly Hallows. It's such an irony that she wanted nothing to do with him but that without him Harry would have been doomed.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Regrets)
Thank you! That was one of the first things that hit me about the Lily/Severus friendship as I read Deathly Hallows. It's such an irony that she wanted nothing to do with him but that without him Harry would have been doomed.
Hi! Nice to see you here!I love this little piece of yours, today just as much as the first time I read it.And still I have the urge to call Lily Evans some really, really bad names. Grrr!
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Regrets)
Thank you! Believe it or not, I really like Lily. In some ways I can be like Lily. I just don't think she's a good fit for Severus.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Regrets)
Thank you! Believe it or not, I really like Lily. In some ways I can be like Lily. I just don't think she's a good fit for Severus.
Hey, welcome to the site! Once again, I am disgusted by Lily's selfishness.'I'm a poor man and need to have an occupation other than the constant admiration of Lily Evans.'I really liked that line. It summed up Lily in a nutshell and it was good that Severus realized that of her.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Regrets)
Thank you! In every scenario I think up, I just don't see the two of them getting and staying together. I think he would have needed to have an honest try at it to realize, though.
Response from debjunk (Reviewer)
Yeah, sometimes you just need to find things out for yourself. He would never accept it unless he lived it.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Regrets)
Thank you! In every scenario I think up, I just don't see the two of them getting and staying together. I think he would have needed to have an honest try at it to realize, though.
Response from debjunk (Reviewer)
Yeah, sometimes you just need to find things out for yourself. He would never accept it unless he lived it.
I like this. It's very rare that you see Severus reflect on his life in anything but an "I suck and I'm horrible" kinda way. I really enjoyed that he could realize Lily wasn't the one for him without utter anguish at the thought, and I especially liked how you pointed out that he had a much greater impact on forming the person Harry Potter would become than his true parents ever would.
Response from Rose of the West (Author of Regrets)
Wow! Thank you! I've never quite bought into the whole perfect Lily thing, myself. She's more lovable when I think of her as a young woman trying to do what she can. The heroic leap of her sacrifice for her son seems even greater when I think of her in those terms. I was kind of surprised when I realized it, but Snape had a definite impact on Harry in his own right, and oddly enough, the truest information Harry gets on either parent is through Snape's memories.