New Chapter for The Real Me
The Real Me
debjunk169 Reviews | 169 Ratings, 0 Likes, 18 Favorites )
Received Honorable Mention in Anything Goes Challenge. Sybill Trelawney has been hiding a huge secret. She’s not the witch she appears to be. Now that she is no longer in danger, she can come out of hiding and be herself. But who is she, really? And what does she want out of life?
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About debjunk
Member Since 2008 | 76 Stories | Favorited by 271 | 3,083 Reviews Written | 4,563 Review Responses
I am a classically trained singer with three children. I love Star Trek and have watched probably every episode of every series. Favorite HP charaters are Snape and McGonagall. (not as a couple.)
Reviews for The Real Me
a real chicken party. *lol*yes, this is what happens when women cometogether to chat about such an event as marriage.!And when a certain Snape is involved, the reactions must me even more chaotic.So cute of him to take her away before the "surprise party" to make such a sweet proposal - scene.very nicely written! he hasn't got any spare ring for another Sybille? No? It is so much fun to open box after box. nasty boy.“Sybill, you are everything I want. You have helped me to become more of the man I wanted to be. You love me and make me feel worthwhile. I can’t imagine being without you. I want you with me always.”THIS is what a girl wants to hear! yes, well chosen! if that would not turn her, what would.thank you for ther chapter!
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
I'm pretty sure she was turned already, but his words were the icing on the cake to help her know how much he feels for her.
LOL Yea! He proposed! Whoot! It was mean of him ot have told her of the surprise birthday party - but at least she was a good sport about it. I was stunned that Minerva or Pomona didn't see the ring on her hand when Sybill put on the hair clips - especially Rolanda! Hello, shinny thing on her finger?Very cute chapter, but alas I feel the end drawing near.
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
I think they were all too absorbed in the gifts and how she'd react. Alas, the end is drawing near. But it will be a happy end!
Love the note about your father! :)
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
Thanks. It was quite comical.
Love the nice Lucius. Can I have one too? :)
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
Mmm, hmm! He's lovely, isn't he? I usually don't like men with long hair, but between Severus and Lucius... Wow!
adored the loving man lucius turned into. beautifully don, my deb. thanks so much
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
I really think that given the opportunity we can all become the best we can be. Lucius just had his opportunity later in life.
yummy, you really took my comment seriously. Thank you.And your explanation was beating it.Missing memorie might change actions and reactions and feelings of and in a person.Yes, he has a new chance.I found it critical to let Draco do the curse, it being such a dangerous and complex one. He could easily have damaged his dad more than intended.But my concerns were unneccessary. Lucius is in the safe hands of his very close and loving wife and his maybe now forgiving son. wow.maybe a reunion. and peace for at least three or five people. Sybil doesn't have to fear for her life anymore. yippee.
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
Yes, things are coming along nicely, aren't they? (We can hope, right?) I too thought it was the right thing for Draco to do the curse. He took on that responsibility, giving Severus a break for a change. Being that it was his dad, it was a family responsibility. I should have a new chapter up within a few days.
saved by the ... ring!
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
Yes, isn't it wonderful that he gave that to her? The man just might be a Seer himself!
i'm really enjoying the pace of their relationship. and good on hermione for appoligizing. by the by, if she can't be with severus i deperately hope she's not with ron! thanks so much deb. you rock!
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
I don't think Sybill has seen a vision of who Hermione is going to be with, so we may never know. Lol. Personally, I think she'd be better off with anyone but Ron.Things are moving along with the relationship end. Their friendship is definitely cementing, and that's really the basis for any good relationship.
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
I don't think Sybill has seen a vision of who Hermione is going to be with, so we may never know. Lol. Personally, I think she'd be better off with anyone but Ron.Things are moving along with the relationship end. Their friendship is definitely cementing, and that's really the basis for any good relationship.
I like Hermione appologising! yay! and I like Sybil making freinds with Firenze and wanting to work with him to make the divination department better. I enjoyed the 7th year class as they discussed tea leaves. i like seeing a writer's ideas of magic and it's uses. I think her line to the kids that they are in grave danger was so cute! this is a sweet story. thanks for continuing it.congrats on the honourable mention! good on you!
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
Thanks so much, Pookah. I was really pleased to be included with such great stories. I too enjoy other people's takes on magic and how it works. In this, it helps us to see her full transformation, I think.Things seem to be going nicely for Sybill. You know what that means... chaos will ensue.
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
Thanks so much, Pookah. I was really pleased to be included with such great stories. I too enjoy other people's takes on magic and how it works. In this, it helps us to see her full transformation, I think.Things seem to be going nicely for Sybill. You know what that means... chaos will ensue.
Aww, that's sweet of him to check the students were not hassling her.
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
Deep down, he's just a protective, tenderhearted fool.
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
Deep down, he's just a protective, tenderhearted fool.
an interesting excourse on divination, tea leaves and chrystal balls you were giving here.nice, how she handles classes now.Finally allowed to be a real teacher at last.and always Severus on her heels, in a most charming and positive way of course.Hermione apologises. hey, that girl is grown, I dare, severus says that.interesting to see him not on the receiving end of her charms. rather being after some other woman, and more mature. really interesting.
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
Sybill can finally not only teach as she wants, she can remember all of the things she learned as a young lady. I think she forgot some of it in her quest to be batty.Hermione can be stubborn, but she will admit when she's made a mistake. A sure sign of maturity. It is a bit odd not having Severus attracted to her, but he does that all the time. It's time for something different. ;)
Response from salvamea (Reviewer)
oh, it's more than welcome for me that you chose someone different for Severus.And for one simple reason I am indefinitely indebted to you for chosing Ms Trelawney: we share the first name. with only the "e" missing at the end of her version. oh I definitely do like that pairing. *gg*
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
Sybill can finally not only teach as she wants, she can remember all of the things she learned as a young lady. I think she forgot some of it in her quest to be batty.Hermione can be stubborn, but she will admit when she's made a mistake. A sure sign of maturity. It is a bit odd not having Severus attracted to her, but he does that all the time. It's time for something different. ;)
Response from salvamea (Reviewer)
oh, it's more than welcome for me that you chose someone different for Severus.And for one simple reason I am indefinitely indebted to you for chosing Ms Trelawney: we share the first name. with only the "e" missing at the end of her version. oh I definitely do like that pairing. *gg*
Oh, it sounds like she had a lot of fun first day of class. I liked the new improved teaching plan.
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
Thanks! It's quite a bit different, isn't it? Sybill can really be what she's always wanted to be, a good teacher who instills knowledge in her students. What a difference!
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
Thanks! It's quite a bit different, isn't it? Sybill can really be what she's always wanted to be, a good teacher who instills knowledge in her students. What a difference!
I had just been thinking about this story yesterday, and look! Here it is! Excellent update, I look forward to more. :)
Author's Response: Thanks so much! Yup, it's up again. The updates should be pretty regular from here out.
I am so glad that this story got a mention and that you're updating it again. This was another awesome chapter. Her first day teaching as her new self was topped off nicely by her friendships with everyone and that special something developing between her and Severus. *squee*
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
Aw, you gave me a squee, you're so sweet! Thanks, Merrin, I appreciate your input and I'm glad you're enjoying this. And yes, special somethings are always good. Lol.
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
Aw, you gave me a squee, you're so sweet! Thanks, Merrin, I appreciate your input and I'm glad you're enjoying this. And yes, special somethings are always good. Lol.
I liked her changing the walls from pink to blue. I could just see the fairies from Sleeping Beauty. And how funny that she was hitting on Severus for fun, but was it really for fun or did her subconscious know that they belonged with each other - were her ramblings about them being together the truth for once?
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
Oh! You got my Sleeping Beauty reference! You're the only one who mentioned it! You made my day. I'm not sure about her subconscious. It probably was working very hard. But I think it was totally subconscious at that point. The woman had to have a bloody vision to wake up to her feelings for Severus, so, she's a bit blind in that department, I think. Too much scotch! Woah! Who's that handsome man? Oh, look, a bottle of scotch. What was I saying?
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
Oh! You got my Sleeping Beauty reference! You're the only one who mentioned it! You made my day. I'm not sure about her subconscious. It probably was working very hard. But I think it was totally subconscious at that point. The woman had to have a bloody vision to wake up to her feelings for Severus, so, she's a bit blind in that department, I think. Too much scotch! Woah! Who's that handsome man? Oh, look, a bottle of scotch. What was I saying?
I think that Hermione's reaction was spot on. And I love how Sybill was talking about her fear of being alone. I really can see her concerned about that. As to Severus, I know that it must be hard for him to see someone he cares about putting herself in harm's way, but she does have a point. Hopefully her decision will not come back to haunt her.
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
Thank you! It was really fun writing Hermione in this. I'm glad she came off as believable. Sybill will stick to her guns, no matter the cost. You can see why, but then you have to shake your head and say, "Foolish!"
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
Thank you! It was really fun writing Hermione in this. I'm glad she came off as believable. Sybill will stick to her guns, no matter the cost. You can see why, but then you have to shake your head and say, "Foolish!"
Nice to see Sybill and Harry have some closure. He probably could have really benefitted from her real insight. And while I can understand Sybill hating being cooped up, she really should listen to Severus.
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
She really should, but you'll see her motives more clearly coming up.
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
She really should, but you'll see her motives more clearly coming up.
LOL I like the idea of Severus in a pillow fight. It's nice to see the two of them bonding in their common misery of having been a puppet. It really is nice to see social Severus instead of recluse Severus.
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
Sometimes it's just nice to see Severus not beating himself up, you know? At least not to the point where he thinks he's a worthless person and has to hide from everyone. Thanks!
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
Sometimes it's just nice to see Severus not beating himself up, you know? At least not to the point where he thinks he's a worthless person and has to hide from everyone. Thanks!
Poor Sybill. Years of heavy drink are hard to give up, especially when faced with such stress. She and Severus really do have a lot to offer each other. I look forward to their sober discussion.
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
It's really hard to give up on something that was used to cover so much up. Luckily, she won't fall prey to her drinking again. She has learned her lesson.
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
It's really hard to give up on something that was used to cover so much up. Luckily, she won't fall prey to her drinking again. She has learned her lesson.
Poor Sybill. It just looks like she can't be free, doesn't it? It is nice to see that Severus is on her side. It is a shame that all that stuff in the Room of the Requirement was lost. Hopefully she is wrong about the Grim.
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
You'll see what Severus, and she, really think about the Grim. She really is having a bad day, though. Just when you thought you could relax, boom! Everything comes to a head.
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
You'll see what Severus, and she, really think about the Grim. She really is having a bad day, though. Just when you thought you could relax, boom! Everything comes to a head.
Oh, k, wow. She moves and he gives her a protection ring and she sees herself kissing Severus. If those knds of visions come true - like dreams do, so will I!
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
Yeah, wouldn't that be great? Oh, well, this IS a fantasy. But, hey, fairy tales can come true.
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
Yeah, wouldn't that be great? Oh, well, this IS a fantasy. But, hey, fairy tales can come true.
Nicely done. I do love that Sybill is having a hard time letting go of who she was and I'm sure she will lament the inability to no longer say whatever comes to mind and be accepted. I like that she was honest with Severus and he accepted her apology and made ones of his own. I think the two of them need each other as friends in the worst way.
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
They really do. They've both been outcasts for a long time, so they can understand one another better than most other people can. They can really help one another out.
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
They really do. They've both been outcasts for a long time, so they can understand one another better than most other people can. They can really help one another out.
Yay!! Sybill sheds the past. I like that the staff accepted her. I wonder how the students will feel about their 'new' teacher. And I wonder how Severus will feel about being saved.
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
You will eventually see their responses. I think Severus will be more surprised by who saved him, than the fact that he was saved.
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
You will eventually see their responses. I think Severus will be more surprised by who saved him, than the fact that he was saved.
Very nicely done. I so love that poor Sybill was more than the batty old loon everyone thought she was. And of course I don't mind that she saved Severus.
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
Isn't it nice to know that there was a reason for her being the way she was? Thank you!
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
Isn't it nice to know that there was a reason for her being the way she was? Thank you!
OH, i love the explanation for why she was hitting on him! Well done. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
I really wanted to visit the old Trelawney, as she is so much fun. And seeing the scary Death Eater cowering in fear was pretty fun to imagine and write. I think this helps to explain a little bit of her eccentricity.
Response from debjunk (Author of The Real Me)
I really wanted to visit the old Trelawney, as she is so much fun. And seeing the scary Death Eater cowering in fear was pretty fun to imagine and write. I think this helps to explain a little bit of her eccentricity.