25 Stories
Search Stories featuring Kreacher
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Adventures In Babysitting
by NixItAll
48 Ratings, 0 Likes, 21 Favorites )Harry and Hermione babysit Teddy while Andromeda is away. How much trouble can one little toddler get into anyway?
14,576 Words, Started 01/02/2008, Completed 02/04/2008
The Potion Master’s Amalthea
by beaweasley2
114 Ratings, 0 Likes, 113 Favorites )Hermione goes back to the Shrieking Shack, determined to bring back Snape's body. When she gets there, there is absolutely no evidence of his death. Suddenly, somebody grabs her from behind. Who is it, and what really happened to Snape?
EWE and some changes to DH
79,172 Words, Started 03/01/2008, Completed 04/10/2008
by emmeline33
211 Ratings, 0 Likes, 206 Favorites )After rescuing Severus from what should have been a fatal snakebite, Hermione throws herself headlong into managing his care and finishing her schooling. As she discovers, however, helping another person heal is infinitely easier than healing herself. As the Golden Trio—and Severus—move toward the one-year mark of post-Voldemort life, it becomes painfully obvious that there is no way to go back to normal. New feelings are confusing to all involved, and lives careen from carefully planned paths.
50,223 Words, Started 01/31/2008, Updated 02/05/2010
Orphans of Hogwarts
by Alexannah
3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 6 Favorites )The Potters’ house-elf, upon discovering her masters’ dead bodies, found not one screaming baby, but two. Fearing the Ministry would have little Tom disposed of, she makes a decision to protect the “brothers” herself and prevent Lord Voldemort from rebecoming. Tom/Ginny, Kreacher/OFE, Harry/Luna
1,325 Words, Started 03/26/2008, Updated 03/26/2008
The Plight-Trothed Bride
by beaweasley2
1,194 Ratings, 0 Likes, 339 Favorites )Hermione, Ginny and Luna, sharing a girl moment, decide to cast a Pairing-Plight Troth Charm on themselves for fun. Each placed in the cauldron one yesterday-today-and-tomorrow flower with sugar and spice and everything nice, and a snip, a snail and puppy-dog tail as they each said the rhyme. For Ginny, the results are exactly what she expected, and for Luna, she was only mildly surprised. However, for Hermione, the results were disastrous! She thought she’d be paired to Ron and live happily ever after. So what happened and why is she seeing Professor Snape in her dreams? He’s dead – isn’t he?
470,308 Words, Started 12/02/2007, Completed 07/26/2014
Those Left to Carry On
by luvscharlie
6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 6 Favorites )Death is hardest for those who are left behind. This is set immediately following Fred Weasley's funeral.
3,304 Words, Started 06/03/2008, Completed 06/03/2008
Death's Dominion
by MMADfan
559 Ratings, 0 Likes, 207 Favorites )Severus Snape’s life was changed when he was hit by an errant spell, and he comes to a decision that defies Dumbledore’s wishes. Even the fate of the wizarding world is altered by this one ill-cast curse and Snape’s subsequent resolve. Long after the spell itself has dissipated, its effects continue echoing in the lives of Severus, Albus, Minerva, and Hermione, and they bring with them a shadowy figure whom Snape does not trust and whose motivations and influence on Minerva are murky. Conspiracies and schemes swirl around Severus as he continues on his path of deception to his final confrontation with the Dark Lord.
Canon-divergent post-July 1996 in the HP universe. Not DH-compliant. (Partially HBP-compliant.)
A “Light” fic of love, loyalty, and redemption.
Pertinent warnings in individual chapter summaries.
Voted First Place, Gen Fic: Best Legacy Story, in the HP Fanfic Fan Poll Awards for Spring/Summer 2013.
288,570 Words, Started 03/20/2008, Completed 11/07/2008
by pookah
167 Ratings, 0 Likes, 35 Favorites )Jilted by their fiancés, Hermione and Ginny discover some of their acquaintances are betting on who will marry them. How will they get revenge on those who dare to wager about matters of the heart? And what part does the mysterious Headmaster Snape play in all of this?
24,867 Words, Started 09/09/2008, Updated 02/13/2009
The Way Home
256 Ratings, 0 Likes, 96 Favorites )He has left it all behind. He does not belong to the Wizarding world anymore. Has he ever? Seven years after the defeat of the Dark Lord, Severus has found a new life in the land of ice and snow. Will he even find love?
56,752 Words, Started 09/17/2008, Completed 12/08/2008
Better Not Knowing
by sweetflag
48 Ratings, 0 Likes, 19 Favorites )Snape and Sirius reflect upon a woman who was lost to them decades before, and they must learn to work together to keep that woman alive and sane. Despite the emotional and ethical questions attacking them, the Order sought out a witch lost to the Wizarding world: a witch who possesses a knowledge that could turn the tide of the war. But with her forced recovery, no one is spared the emotional havoc that her dubious restoration precipitates. In such a short time, can Snape and Sirius smother their mutual animosity enough to save the mind of a woman that they both loved?
137,897 Words, Started 09/03/2007, Completed 03/22/2011
Tell-Tale Task
by Stefdarlin
7 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Voldemort gives Lucius a special assignment, but what he receives is enlightenment.
2,191 Words, Started 08/17/2010, Completed 08/17/2010
An Angel Touches Viktor's Heart
9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )One particular orphan of the war brings two lovers together.
692 Words, Started 09/26/2010, Completed 09/26/2010
In Search of a Wand
by devsgma
26 Ratings, 0 Likes, 7 Favorites )This story begins shortly after the disastrous visit by Harry and Hermione to Godric’s Hollow where they found Nagini. Hermione seeks to find a new wand for Harry after having broken his, and she gets a little more than she bargained for. Canon is changed only where absolutely necessary. EWE This was written for the SSHG Exchange 2010. The original prompt was provided by scarletladyy.
23,871 Words, Started 09/09/2010, Completed 10/02/2010
A Nagini and Severus Tale
by nagandsev
77 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )What is the greatest sacrifice one can give? This tale begins in Severus' sixth year at Hogwarts, during the surge of new young followers of the Dark Lord; Nagini Malfoy, the main female character, is actually a precursor to Nagini, Voldemort's serpent. Alternate Universe: Lucius, Lestrange, Mulciber, Crabbe, Goyle, Rodoplus and Bellatrix are younger – in their seventh year; Narcissa and Nagini in their sixth. Disclaimer: I don't own anything - the wonderful J. K. Rowling owns everything.
93,459 Words, Started 04/12/2010, Updated 09/05/2016
The First Annual Wizarding Iron Chef Britain
by blue artemis
6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )Hogwarts hosts Britain's first Wizarding Iron Chef competition.
1,768 Words, Started 01/30/2011, Completed 01/30/2011
Shooting Stars
112 Ratings, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )*COMPLETED* The Star Sisters have left Hogwarts and are now facing a new world with new opportunities and new kinds of danger. And also for the Half-Blood Prince, times are changing. (This story is the sequel to Star Sisters.)
161,234 Words, Started 09/30/2010, Completed 03/17/2013
Kreacher's Second Chance
5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )"He had always thought he was a great house-elf..."
1,091 Words, Started 08/03/2011, Completed 08/03/2011
A Terrible Thing to Waste
by solidground
56 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )Picks up mid-DH.
The torture at Malfoy Manor left Hermione in bad shape. Desperate, she put her life in the hands of a man she shouldn't trust, hoping that Albus Dumbledore was right after all.
Chapter One: Life as the Headmaster of Hogwarts
13,696 Words, Started 10/01/2011, Updated 02/08/2012
The World Before Columbus
by corianderpie
96 Ratings, 0 Likes, 8 Favorites )Years after the final battle against Voldemort, Hermione Granger and Severus Snape meet again—under circumstances neither of them could have imagined—to face the resurgence of an ancient evil that threatens to destroy their world. Sequel to "Caramel." Light crossover with Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials.
21,273 Words, Started 01/10/2012, Updated 06/18/2012
The Self-Writing Parchment
by beaweasley2
582 Ratings, 0 Likes, 334 Favorites )Hermione finds a mysterious piece of self-writing parchment in Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes that writes: Tell me your deepest desire. Thinking it’s a trick, she says, “I wish to see my soul mate?” and she suddenly finds herself at Severus’ feet.
This is my response to the Potter_Place Summer 2007 Prompt – #23
The warnings I have listed for this chapter are implied. I chose the rating of MA (NC-17) due to the story’s overall content.
387,831 Words, Started 09/15/2007, Updated 07/30/2014
Bad Hair Day
by Minerva
160 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )A chance comment on encountering Severus Snape on a bad hair day leads to mortification (hers), teasing (his) and eventually to Emma, Elizabeth and Simon Granger-Snape.
4,025 Words, Started 04/04/2012, Completed 08/08/2012
Out of the Shadows Came a Rose
by gingertart
263 Ratings, 0 Likes, 13 Favorites )Molly interferes, Ron is a twit but gets over it, Lucius is reformed (well, a bit), Draco grows up, Ginny is a good friend (apart from recommending the shoes), Harry is a hero, and Hermione has fun and spends a lot of time in a library. Snape, meanwhile, considers that he is getting his usual shit deal from fate, although to be fair, he never expected to find a family of his own.
83,228 Words, Started 01/08/2013, Completed 04/21/2013
And He Was Afraid
by articcat621
5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Regulus takes a moment to reflect before he attempts to destroy the Dark Lord's Horcrux.
195 Words, Started 02/03/2014, Completed 02/03/2014
Parallel Dilemma
by nagandsev
37 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )Hermione is thrown into a parallel universe where everything is the same but different. While there, she finds another who has suffered the same fate as her, and together they try to find their way back to their home universe. Originally conceived as a gift for nottonyharrison for the GE Fic Exchange 2013, based on her wonderful prompt; due to helpful encouragement and much needed sprucing up, and generous support by a help-squad of wonderful witches, the story has now been given more proper love and care.
60,006 Words, Started 08/13/2013, Completed 10/31/2014
The Leather-Bound Promise
95 Ratings, 0 Likes, 20 Favorites )Snape is in a bad place following the war. Hermione wants to help. Can they find enough in common to become friends, maybe more?
22,839 Words, Started 03/16/2014, Updated 12/05/2015