New Chapter for Minerva in Hogsmeade
Minerva in Hogsmeade
MMADfan11 Reviews | 11 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )
Minerva finds chaperone duty in Hogsmeade very dull, until . . .
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About MMADfan
41 Stories | Favorited by 312 | 127 Reviews Written | 4,741 Review Responses
Note 10 December 2015: I've been unable to write fanfic the last couple years, but I haven't abandoned my works-in-progress!
Many of my completed fics are available for download in ebook format through my blog and LJ.
Perfect Imagination accredited beta. PI:7311261659.
More about me here.
Reviews for Minerva in Hogsmeade
That was priceless! That would be perfect blackmail material if Filius were so inclined. If someone wanted to distract Minerva during a Hogsmeade weekend...I suppose she'd be using a disillusion charm instead. Awesome
Response from MMADfan (Author of Minerva in Hogsmeade)
LOL! Thanks! (A photograph of that would have been great. hee!)
*bursts out laughing*OH, I needed a good laugh this morning, and you deliver! How totally humiliating for our dear, prim and orderly, and of course, disciplined, Transfiguration Mistress! HAHAHAHAW!
Response from MMADfan (Author of Minerva in Hogsmeade)
I am very glad I could deliver a good laugh for you!
Absolutely lovely! I just can picture this scene SO well, living with four cats of whom three are absolute catnip junkies, too... did you know that it's genetic for a cat whether she reacts on it or not?
Author's Response: Yes, I did! And did you know that Australian cats apparently all lack that gene? (Weird!) I have one cat who is such a little 'nip addict, it's hysterical. The other two really like it, but this one, he's a total junkie! LOL!
I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks!
Alcina vom Steinsberg's response: No, I didn't know about the Australian cats - truly weird. Probably this gene/addiction developed after the species emmigrated to Down Under? Mine three are absolute junkies, too, they'd to EVERYTHING for catnip - or valerian root. I'm keeping the latter in a closed box and am continually "steeping" a toy mouse or other in it, which then are handed out as treats.
Author's Response: The one cat who's the biggest catnip junkie is the one who goes completely nutty over Valerian -- he can barely wait for me to give it to him, and he guards it jealously from the other cats, flattening himself to the floor and putting his paws on either side of it and glaring at them if they so much as glance in his direction, though they don't seem into Valerian. It's really funny to watch him! (I think Valerian is one of the worst smelling things -- Gingko fruit is similar, but might be worse. That's why I named RaM's Valerianna what I did. haha!)
I think it's because the cats that were brought to Australia originally just didn't have the gene. Catnip's been called that for centuries, after all! ;-) It strikes me odder that the gene hasn't been introduced into the population since then, but none of the articles I've read have discussed it in that much detail.
oops got a little distracted, funny story!
Response from MMADfan (Author of Minerva in Hogsmeade)
Soooo sweet! It made me giggle! More!
Response from MMADfan (Author of Minerva in Hogsmeade)
I'm very glad you liked it and it made you giggle! Thanks for letting me know! :-)
I'm smiling (actually more grinning) while imagining the scene Flitwick came upon.
Response from MMADfan (Author of Minerva in Hogsmeade)
Glad I could give you a grin!
Oh Minerva. This is so delightfully fun! I can just picture her.
Response from MMADfan (Author of Minerva in Hogsmeade)
Thank you! It certainly was an embarassment for her! LOL!
Clearly Minerva was pushed beyond her bounds with bordem, besides which I bet the catnip smelled heavenly!!
Response from MMADfan (Author of Minerva in Hogsmeade)
The catnip certainly did smell wonderful! haha!Thanks for reviewing!
Okay, that had me laughing hysterically this morning!!! I can just see a very prim and proper Minerva with super thin lips after she's transfigured back into her human form. I'm sure she's hex anyone who brought up the incident. Tee hee. WHAT HAPPENS IN HOGSMEADE, STAYS IN HOGSMEADE!
Response from MMADfan (Author of Minerva in Hogsmeade)
I'm glad you enjoyed that! And what happens in a paper bag, stays in a paper bag! She certainly was not a happy Minerva when she finally returned to her human form! Thanks for reviewing!
Love the dirty paper bag image and the way it evokes other intoxicants imbibed in alleys! Oh, I bet Filius had fun w/ that. Was Minerva able to secure his silence or did he tell Albus? <g> Hope no one tells Voldy 10-15 yrs from now...This drabble doesn't sound like RaMverse Minerva per se but I like this version anyway. I bought my kitties their own little catnip plant, thinking they'd maybe like freshly crushed leaves pulled right off it even though they ignore all the dried versions, but no...both are still totally 'nip-averse. Which, reading this drabble, is maybe a very good thing!
Response from MMADfan (Author of Minerva in Hogsmeade)
Nope, not RaMverse Minerva -- that should be a warning! haha!I'm sure that everyone on the staff knew within minutes of Filius's arrival back at the castle! Poor Minerva! How embarassing on so many levels!One of my cats is such a catnip fiend that if he manages to get into a large quantiy of catnip through use of his kitty genius, he does just lie in one spot for hours in an apparent stupor. He'll even do tricks for catnip, and this is a cat with dignity and a sense of his own supreme independence, but offer him catnip, and he loses all his self-respect! haha! He's a good boy, though!Thanks for the review. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Response from esoterica1693 (Reviewer)
It looks like Sugar-sweetest-tabby may have taken this Minerva for a role-model. She just spent 5 minutes face-marking the little catnip plant. (She's OCD so she facemarks anything and everything for long amounts of time.) She stuck her whole head down inside the plant at one point. I don't see any ill/stupefying effects, but honestly, w/ Sugar it might be hard to tell.....
Response from MMADfan (Author of Minerva in Hogsmeade)
"but honestly, w/ Sugar it might be hard to tell....."LOL! Yeah, one of mine is like that. In la-la land all of the time. But a complete sweetheart.
Response from MMADfan (Author of Minerva in Hogsmeade)
Glad it tickled your funny bone! Thanks!