Chapter Twenty-Six: They lying long
Chapter 27 of 34
MMADfanSeverus works to maintain the Dark Lord's trust in him until he has accomplished what he must. He has disturbing news for Hermione. Preparations at Hogwarts continue.
Warning for an instance of vulgar language.
Chapter Twenty-Six: They lying long
16 21 May 1998
Severus sat in one of the armchairs beside the fireplace in the Headmistress's Office. He was trembling inside, and not from the after-effect of the Cruciatus this time. He wanted to leap up and pace, or perhaps simply cast himself headlong out Minerva's open window, but he simply tightened the grip of his hands on his knees and waited for Minerva to finish pouring the tea.
"Now," Minerva said, placing his cup in front of him on the low table, "what has disturbed you so?"
She had been concerned when he had appeared, pale and sweaty, after lunch. They had met in the Entrance Hall as she was leaving the Great Hall and he was coming into the castle, the door swinging closed behind him, shutting out the bright sunshine. She had wished she could say or do something then and there, but she had simply nodded to him and suggested that they go up to her office. When they got there and Severus had made it clear that he was not in need of any medical attention, Minerva insisted on calling for strong hot tea, and despite his usual preference for milk only, she added a teaspoon of sugar to his.
Severus reached for his cup as he decided how to begin. Minerva waited patiently and drank her own tea. Severus set his cup back down, noting abstractly that he had managed to regain control of his trembling fingers.
"The attempt on Scrimgeour is scheduled to take place next Monday, a week from the day after tomorrow, if all of the Dark Lord's other preparations fall into place. He will be increasing attacks between now and then, short, lightning quick strikes that are meant to increase fear and keep the Aurors and MLE busy and spread out. I don't know any details about the attacks, except that some will be on shops in Diagon Alley and McTavish Street and some will be on individual witches and wizards and their families. He's planning on some attacks in broad daylight. Minerva, I think that your brother's apothecary will be one of the first targets, but if he closes his shop before any of the other attacks on McTavish Street, it will be obvious that he was warned."
"I see," Minerva said.
"But it is up to you whether you tell him or not. He is your brother..."
"We will work something out," Minerva said. "Don't worry. I see why you were disturbed, but we will make sure that it doesn't appear that Murdoch was warned. The toe-rag won't suspect you yet. What else do you know about the attack on the Ministry?"
Severus took in a deep breath. "That was not what disturbed me, Minerva. There is something else."
"What is it?" Minerva asked, her heart beating faster as she saw the trepidation in Severus's face.
"The Dark Lord wants you dead before the attack on the Ministry. He doesn't care how I do it, as long as I am not suspected and I become Acting Headmaster. I can't do that, Minerva, and I won't."
"Of course not, Severus."
"But he will kill me..."
"Not yet. We will work something out. Have you a deadline?"
"He wants it done at least twenty-four hours before the assassination attempt on Scrimgeour. I can do it sooner, but not later," Severus said. "Once he has confirmed the timing of the attack on the Ministry, I will have my deadline."
"That's good, then!" Minerva said. At Severus's raised eyebrow, she explained, "We will know exactly when the attack on the Ministry is scheduled for."
"But, Minerva..."
"And did you have a sense of when the attack on Hogwarts will take place?" Minerva asked, interrupting.
"Soon after the attack on the Ministry, within hours at the most," Severus replied, tamping down his agitation. "He is not confident that I will be able to lower the wards if you are still here, but he also wants me here to turn Potter over to him and then give him the school...I think he plans to install himself in the castle, rule wizarding Britain from Hogwarts."
"Well, he'll never get that chance if we have anything to do with it. Which we do. And we have a more definite timetable now. That's good as well." Minerva reached out and rested her hand on his. "We will think about the little problem of my murder. I already have a few ideas in the back of my mind. I have been thinking about it since you told me last week. It will be all right, Severus."
"I don't see how," Severus said miserably. "Although perhaps he will not learn of my failure to kill you until after the attack on the Ministry, and we'll still be able to carry through with the rest of our plans."
Minerva stood, leaned over, her hand on his shoulder, and kissed his forehead. "Go now; do something routine. Don't think about this problem for the next few hours. Come back and see me at four. I'll have more tea for you, and we can discuss it all then."
As Severus opened the door leading to the spiral staircase, he turned back for a moment. Minerva was casting her Patronus. Five. Five at once, nonverbally, and all leaping off in different directions. Severus swallowed. She was a strong, intelligent witch. Not the equal of Albus or the Dark Lord, but powerful, nonetheless. He would simply have to have faith that Minerva's motivation and sanity would provide her an edge over the Dark Lord. That, her allies, and her foreknowledge would all serve her well. As would he, to his last breath, just as he promised her.
Severus closed the door gently behind him and went to find some routine tasks to occupy him until teatime.
A final Patronus, this one a bull, flew into the Headmistress's Tower, found its target, and flew to her. Minerva cocked her head, ready to receive its message, then nodded in satisfaction. Everyone would be there that night after curfew, each one arriving by his or her own preplanned route.
Minerva turned to Robbie, who had come down from her suite immediately after Severus had left.
"I think it's time for our little performance," she said.
"And you wish to include Poppy?"
"Yes. I think it would provide more realistic motivation for me to turn to Severus and rely exclusively upon him."
"Very good! You know that I am always ready for role-playing," Robbie said with a smile.
"I'll be back in a little while with your co-star, then!" Minerva said.
"Now I am becoming both curious and nervous, Minerva," Poppy said as they entered the Headmistress's Office. "You say it has to do with Severus, but that he hasn't been injured...and when I saw him a few minutes before you found me, he seemed his usual surly self, berating some Gryffindors for walking down the centre of the corridor and taking up too much space. Took points for it, too."
"Good!" Minerva replied. "I'm glad to hear he took my advice."
"You told him to take points from Gryffindor for no rational reason?" Poppy asked, dumbfounded.
Minerva chuckled slightly. "Not precisely. But it might do him some good, and a few House points is hardly a thing to be worried about right now."
"Is this to do with the infirmary preparations you have asked me to make?" Poppy asked. "I have been stocking up and, as you suggested, obtaining my supplies from a variety of sources and most of them from Murdoch's."
"I hope you have received your order from him already. There will be a very serious accident in his apothecary sometime soon...possibly even tomorrow morning. Demolish a good part of his shop, send him and Estelle to St. Mungo's. I'm afraid the Egidius Apothecary will be closed for quite some time as its Potions master recovers and repairs are made. Oh, and if you happen to find yourself in McTavish Street, don't eat anything at any of the restaurants or pubs. There's going to be an outbreak of some food-borne illness. I'm not certain what Melina finally decided on, but I gave her the signal to go ahead with it. Nothing deadly, of course. Just unpleasant. Enough to close Aphrodite's Apple and a few other establishments until the danger of contamination has been eliminated."
Poppy opened her mouth then closed it again.
"We haven't as many plans for Diagon Alley, but Arthur was going to speak to the twins about wreaking a little havoc. Subtly."
Poppy laughed at that. "I don't believe the twins are capable of subtlety!"
"Perhaps they will rise to the occasion," Minerva said. "As for you, you needn't participate in creating any explosions or illnesses. You only have to assist in a little bit of deception, if you agree."
"I can do that. Whatever you need."
"I can't tell you everything, of course, but it is to assist Severus. He needs some memories to bring back to the Voldemort. I want them to be as authentic as possible. Therefore, we will perform a little play for the pathetic little pretender, provide him with some entertainment. Let's get on with it, if you're ready." She smiled. "I am glad I can turn to you for help, no matter what, Poppy."
"Of course you can! No matter what!"
"So, are you ready to hear what it is I need from you? What you agreed to do, no matter what?"
"Very Slytherin of you, Minerva. Extracting an agreement from me before I could have any grounds to decline. What is it you need me to do?"
Fifteen minutes later, Poppy had agreed to participate in Minerva's charade, with no reservations whatsoever.
"It's much better than making all those people in McTavish Street sick or having to blow up my own apothecary. This is positively child's play in comparison," Poppy said. She grinned. "It might actually be fun!"
"Hmpf, yes, I am sure it will be quite a diverting way to spend some time tomorrow. You and Robbie can practise your part this evening and tomorrow morning. I have a script for us to follow...not a script, precisely, but an outline with suggested dialogue. Feel free to ad lib as you wish." Minerva looked over at the clock on the chimneypiece. "And I had better get to work finishing it. Severus is coming up for tea. That doesn't leave me much time."
Poppy raised an eyebrow. "You told me that Severus had only talked to you about it this afternoon after lunch. You've already got a script?"
"I've known about the order in a general way for a while, but even before that, I had anticipated that there might be an occasion in which this or a similar deception might be necessary." Minerva grinned. "Adding you, though, that is a recent stroke of genius on my part. To add to the verisimilitude of the situation. Provide my motivation."
"Ha! As though I would ever engage in such conduct...or be so indiscreet about it if I did!" Poppy said.
"Oh, I'm sure that Tommy still has his mind in the gutter, just as he did when he was a boy. People with dubious or malicious motives are always very quick to impute them to others. No, he'll believe this. And it will hopefully hold off Severus's task for a while."
Minerva stood and Poppy followed suit.
"When do you want me to return this evening for, um, rehearsal?" Poppy asked.
"Ask Robbie at dinner. I'll spend the evening in my office, so you can rehearse in private for a while," Minerva said as she opened the door to the sitting room. "It will give you time to become comfortable with your roles before having to perform in front of Severus and me."
Poppy nodded. It was all very peculiar, and her mind swam at the levels of play-acting that would be involved.
"Thank you again, Poppy. You are a true friend."
"I am happy to help." She caught the door and held it open before Minerva could close it. "Minerva, if you can, could you let Murdoch and Estelle know that I hope they will be all right?"
"Murdoch will be here tonight, and I will tell him. He's been preparing for this for months. He and Estelle should be just fine if everything goes as planned."
Severus looked up from the last page of Minerva's script, a look of consternation on his face.
"This is your idea for saving me from having to murder you?" he asked.
"That's not all of it, of course," Minerva said. She seemed eager to have him approve her plan. "After that, you will have opportunities to reinforce the impression that I am susceptible to you and that you have a secret desire to control and manipulate me."
"I don't know . . ." Severus flipped back to the first page.
"The toe-rag understands that kind of desire, the desire to dominate, to manipulate, to . . . to want someone to develop a subservient dependence. He will believe that of you," Minerva said. "As for me, you say he has little respect for me, that he believes me to require the, the affirmation and guidance of a stronger wizard. Yet I would also be willing to bet that he believes me to be easily injured by any perceived betrayal, that I would become an unstable and emotional wreck. I think this will work. I really do. He already sees that you have become more important to me, that I am relying on you, and that Robbie is spending much less time with me in public. We could even have you imply that you have been working toward this...or even that you were aware of what was occurring and engineered this encounter."
Severus made a face. "I don't like having the Dark Lord believe that of you, Minerva. And I also don't know if it isn't too little too late."
"I don't think so," Minerva said. "If we had done this any sooner, you might have had to go further in your act than you will now. We only need to persuade him to believe that any reluctance on your part to kill me stems from your desire to dominate and control me, to obtain some kind of thrill from it after all of these years of having to serve first Dumbledore and then me. You could tell him that you want me for a puppet on a string, or that you wish to make me your captive at the time of the attack on Hogwarts. However you want to play it, Severus, and whatever you think that he will believe. Look at how he's keeping Lucius, after all! There is no good reason for it except a sadistic lust for power and domination. Or remember the fact that he allows Bella her 'playthings.' Use that when forming your own intent to show him."
"But I am not known for such characteristics," Severus objected, "nor for personal entanglements."
Minerva hesitated, but then she said gently, "Actually, Severus, you are. Just not to the same degree. You have always exercised petty cruelty and domination over the students. It is not a stretch to believe that although you don't normally desire domination and control to this extent, you do in this instance, and you may not be known for personal entanglements, but this is not an entanglement so much as it would be a kind of revenge against me and the pathetic wizarding society that had kept you from achieving all you desire."
Severus swallowed and looked down, then he tossed the script to one side and strode to the window, his back to Minerva. She could see his anger in his posture and his breathing.
"So it was all a lie, a lie to keep me going, to buck up the spy so he can keep going back," Severus said, his voice shaking. "You talk about hope and friendship and trust!" he spat. "But now I see what you really think of me, how you really see me. No better than any other Death Eater, the same as Bella..."
"No! No, Severus! Never like her, never!" Minerva sprang up and went to him. "Never like any of them! What I mentioned about you, those are only very superficial things. They are petty cruelties, as I say, not at all on the order of what Bella enjoys. And I know the Severus Snape beneath that public persona. I know the pain you suffer, your disgust with the deeds of the Death Eaters, and how sick you feel when you are forced to participate in their activities. I am simply saying that someone as degenerate as Tom Riddle would believe it of you, just as he would easily believe that I am a weak witch who needs a strong wizard in order to function, and who has found the position of Headmistress far too stressful and beyond her ability. He could believe me a masochistic slut, Severus, and that would not make it true. The fact that Riddle would find it credible that you would desire such control over me for such unappetising reasons only goes to show two things: how much you have fooled him over the years and how very sick he is."
Severus turned slightly, and Minerva placed her hand on his arm. "Do you really believe," she asked, "that I would suggest such a pretense if I truly believed you to be such a man?"
"To save the wizarding world," Severus replied, though his voice held little conviction.
"If you do not wish to do this, that is up to you. I am simply trying to buy you a little bit more time, even if it's just a matter of hours," Minerva said. "But it is for you, not for the wizarding world. If you do not like this plan, we will simply have to find some other way of avoiding his wrath when you miss his deadline. Like you, I, too, dislike the notion of my disappearing just when I will be needed most, but that is another option."
"I'm sorry, Minerva. I know better. I..." He swallowed and averted his eyes. "I should not have become upset."
"Don't be ridiculous, Severus! If ever any man had a right to get upset, it's you...and it's not as though you had no provocation." She rubbed his upper arm. "I do hope, however, now that you have had time to calm down, you don't believe what you said."
Severus shook his head. "No. For whatever reason, you do care for me. I don't understand it, but I believe it. I even find it a little . . . unnerving. It's just that you were right, too, about me, about my less than amiable characteristics. And I don't like that you were right." He gave a short, voiceless laugh. "It is also why I can so easily doubt that you or anyone could care for me."
"Peculiar things, we human beings, aren't we?" Minerva observed. "Come now, give me a hug. Yes, Severus...I haven't had a proper hug from you in a long time."
He twitched a smile but put an arm around her and allowed her to put hers around him and lean against his chest. "Is this practice?" he asked.
"No, this is just two good friends, both very tired, recovering from a misunderstanding," Minerva replied, giving him a squeeze.
Severus took in a deep breath and let it out in a long sigh, then he dropped his arm and Minerva stepped back.
"When are we to perform this . . . soap opera?" he asked.
"Tomorrow afternoon. Poppy and Robbie are going to practise tonight and this morning. I thought afternoon would be best, in case he calls you in the evening. Then you and I can improvise over the course of this week."
Severus shook his head. "I don't know if any of this will be credible, but we can try it. I will only tell the Dark Lord about it if he asks about you, presses me about my plans. If we have some luck, perhaps I will not be summoned between now and the end of the week."
"Yes, unlikely," Severus agreed. He quirked a slight smile. "But you are the one who is always telling me to have hope."
"Touché, Severus," Minerva replied.
Minerva pulled out her watch. Eight-twenty. She had said she would return to the sitting room at eight-thirty. She fiddled with her quill for a moment. It had been almost an hour, but she could wait ten more minutes to go up and find out about their progress.
Five minutes later, she straightened her stack of parchments, put her quill away, and took off her glasses. She stretched. Hopefully, Poppy and Robbie had worked out any kinks in her little script.
At the top of the stairs, she paused. Laughter? That was not a part of her script. She opened the door to her sitting room. Poppy and Robbie were sitting on the couch, both laughing, Poppy holding her sides. Robbie's hair was more mussed than usual, and his cheeks were quite pink. Minerva smiled.
"You have changed my melodrama into a comedy?" Minerva asked, stepping into the room and closing the door behind her.
"Oh, oh, no," Poppy said, gasping for breath between laughs. "It's just all . . . it's just very silly!" She burst into peals of unrestrained laughter.
Robbie shrugged, chuckling. "Don't blame me, Minerva! This is your script!"
"Is it really that bad?" Minerva asked with a frown.
"No, no, not really," Poppy said, trying to control herself. "I'm sure it's not. If someone didn't know us...that is, if I didn't know us...I'd find it quite believable, what little there is of it. We were just trying to come up with some reasons for our relationship, past assignations, the history of our torrid little affair, our character motivations, and it's all just so . . . so funny!" Poppy erupted in laughter again.
"I guess I'm just not her idea of a dream wizard," Robbie said with a dramatic sigh, but a grin on his face.
Minerva sighed and shook her head. "You two don't need to have any reasons or motivations! Only Severus does. As long as what he and I walk in on looks believable and sufficient to make me a weepy mess, that is all we need." Minerva looked at the two sternly. "And grinning and laughing like a pair of fools is not going to do that."
"We're sorry, Minerva," Robbie said contritely. "We'll try harder."
"Yes, Minerva, we will. We will be proper little lovers for you," Poppy agreed, clearly struggling not to smile. "Right on cue. We can be as debauched as you like."
"Not too debauched, just suggestive of debauchery," Minerva said, rolling her eyes as Poppy began to giggle again. "Really, Poppy! I would think you had outgrown this sort of thing decades ago!"
"Have some pity! It's not every day that I'm asked to have an affair with a friend's the friend herself! I think that a little giddiness is perfectly excusable," Poppy said, trying to contain her laughter.
"All right! I'll excuse you, but I want to see what you two have achieved, other than amusing yourselves."
Robbie smiled, but looked at her sceptically. "I really think you might want to wait until we have polished the performance. And it might help your own reaction be more spontaneous if you see it for the first time tomorrow when you and Severus interrupt us."
"Yes, you have a point there," Minerva replied. "Are you going to practise again in the morning? You look as though you could use it."
"Perhaps just for a few minutes," Robbie said.
"You may need more than that if you are having such trouble maintaining the proper attitude," Minerva said reprovingly.
"Now that I have this all out of my system, Minerva, I'm sure I will be fine tomorrow, really," Poppy said. She looked at Robbie appraisingly. "I just have to adjust my idea of my dream wizard. That's easily done. He does have those nice grey eyes and that cute, shy little smile, after all. What about you and Severus?"
"We aren't practising. He's a quick study, and it's highly unlikely that when I turn to him in my distress that he will burst into uncontrollable laughter," Minerva replied irritably.
"Well, that is a bit different from having to make out on the sofa with your best friend's, um, lover," Poppy said.
"Look, this is acting. Just forget who you and Robbie really are, what your real relationship is. And as for our relationship, pretend that you've always been jealous of me or something. The toe-rag doesn't really know us, after all. We're just playing roles, inventing other versions of ourselves for him. And if you find yourself tempted to laugh, Poppy, remember that Severus is depending on this. It could keep him alive."
Poppy sobered. "Yes, of course. I know that. I'm sorry. I know it's serious."
Minerva looked at her for a moment, then quirked a smile. "Well, I guess I can see how it could be funny. So, what stories have you come up with for the history of your torrid little affair?"
She settled down in an armchair and listened as Poppy told her the far-fetched, outlandish imaginary assignations that she and Robbie had come up with. By the end of a half an hour, Minerva was laughing almost as heartily as Poppy had been earlier. After Poppy had left, Robbie took Minerva in his arms and hugged her.
"You see, that was good for you. You look refreshed."
Minerva squeezed him back. "You are right. That was fun. I don't remember the last time I have laughed like that. It was probably entirely inappropriate, but..."
"No, not inappropriate." Robbie kissed her temple. "Inappropriate not to take the circumstance seriously, but not inappropriate to find humour where you are able."
"And which of you was it who came up with the scenario where you were doing it in the centre of the Quidditch pitch during a match?" Minerva asked.
"Oh, um, that was me," Robbie said, and Minerva could almost feel him blushing.
She laughed. "Since we have cancelled all the matches since January, you two must have started this affair of yours quite some time ago."
"Oh, yes, the attraction was immediate and magnetic. We just couldn't help ourselves. Tore our clothes off every time we saw each other," Robbie said, moving his lips down to nibble her ear.
"Sounds as though you must have a great deal of passion," Minerva replied, tilting her head as his kisses trailed down her neck. "Especially keeping up with two witches at the same time."
"Mmm, a passionate witch simply ignites my own passions. Would you care to strike a match?" he asked, pulling back and looking down at her grin.
Minerva laughed. "You are so silly sometimes."
"I know, and you love it!"
"Yes, I do, but," Minerva replied with a sigh, "everyone will be arriving in less than an hour."
"Oh, I believe we could burn fast and hot."
"You are ridiculous."
"That's not a 'no.'"
"That's not a 'no,'" Minerva agreed before kissing him.
"Is your brother all right?" Severus asked the next afternoon.
"He will be, as will Estelle," Minerva said. "He was very careful in how he did it, and all truly dangerous substances had been removed beforehand. They should be released from St. Mungo's tomorrow, and then since their flat was damaged, they'll be staying with our mother until it is safe to return."
"I am sorry. That apothecary has been there for years, I know."
"Several generations," Minerva replied. "But as I said, Murdoch is no fool and he had help doing it. The damage isn't as bad as it appears. It can be repaired. When this is over, he, his wife, and his apprentice will be alive and he can reopen. We're also taking steps to close some other businesses and try to minimise the number of people who will be in McTavish Street over the next several days. There are others who are making similar efforts in London. We can hopefully avert some of the casualties, anyway. And there are some very discreet preparations being made at the Ministry, too. We don't want to alert anyone who might be working for Riddle."
"Is it time yet?" Severus asked. Poppy had arrived five minutes before, greeted them both, and then gone up to the Headmistress's suite.
"Just about. Let's give them another minute or two to become comfortable," Minerva replied. "You're up to being strong and dominant, then?"
Severus twitched a quick smile. "It will be a pleasant change."
A few minutes later, Minerva opened the door to her sitting room. From his vantage point just behind her, Severus could see Robbie lying on top of Poppy, quite surprisingly on the carpet and not the sofa as the script had indicated. Poppy's skirts were hiked up, and Severus could see her legs, and the way that Robbie was positioned gave the impression that she might be bared to the waist, though his body and his robes covered her so that it was impossible to tell. Severus doubted very much that they had gone that far in their charade. Robbie's hands were tightly wrapped around her wrists, pressing them into the floor on either side of her head, and he was biting her shoulder where her robes had been pushed aside.
Severus put his hand on her shoulder as Minerva stepped back into him, her hand coming to her mouth. The two on the floor seemed oblivious that they were now being observed.
Robbie bit the other side of her neck. Poppy whimpered.
Severus was somewhat genuinely shocked at the deep bite mark he could now see on Poppy's shoulder, but before he could consider it, Minerva gasped.
"You!" she said hoarsely.
Robbie looked up, surprise on his face. Poppy's eyes flew open. Severus rose to the occasion.
"Minerva, you shouldn't have to see this. I will take care of it," he said, stepping forward and drawing his wand with his right hand while pushing Minerva behind him with his left.
"No, no, don't, Severus, just . . ." Minerva clutched at his back.
"Get off of her, Crouch," Severus said, his voice low and menacing.
"We...this isn't what it seems..." Robbie began.
"Don't insult us! We can see what it is."
Severus watched as Robbie's grip loosened and then Poppy reached down and tugged at her skirts, her face turned away.
"Get up," Severus demanded. "Get up!"
Robbie scrambled to his feet as Poppy rolled away from them, straightening her robes before she stood.
"I can explain, Minerva," Robbie said, trying to look around Severus to see Minerva.
"Your conduct was self-explanatory, Crouch," Severus said. He stepped into the room, Minerva following him closely. "Now get out before I hex you." Severus looked at Poppy, who wouldn't raise her eyes. "You too, witch! Both of you!"
Robbie didn't take more than a second to rush past them and out of the room, but Poppy stopped at the door.
"I'm sorry, Minerva. It just happened. I didn't mean it to."
Minerva stepped out from behind Severus. "After all these years of friendship, you take the one thing that matters to me! How could you? You always have had a man! I finally have a wizard of my own, and you have to have him, too? How could you do this to me? I needed him, and you knew it. All those late nights I was telling you how happy I was, were you scheming how to take him from me?"
"No, no, I swear I wasn't, Minerva! He's just very..."
"I don't want to hear any of your pathetic excuses! I can't fire you now, but at the end June, you pack your bags and leave!"
"You can't fire me because of this!"
"I can!" Minerva shouted, sounding more shrill than Severus had ever heard her. "I can do whatever I want to! I am the Headmistress here! Now get out!" She stamped her foot.
"But, Minerva!"
Severus looked at Poppy, and in his most dangerous tones, he said, "I suggest you do as the Headmistress says, Madam Pomfrey." He sneered. "And do fix your robes before the students see you. That bite mark is most . . . unattractive."
Poppy pulled at her collar as she backed from the room. Severus flicked his wand and closed the door in her face.
"Headmistress," Severus said softly, "are you all right? Would you like me to . . . take care of Crouch for you?"
Minerva turned and buried her face in his chest, clutching the front of his robes. She shook her head.
"Are you certain? I can teach him a lesson for you."
"No," Minerva said with a gasp. "No. I love him. I need him. He . . . he always knows what I should do. I can't go on without him! Why did he do this? I don't understand! Why?"
"Because he does not appreciate you and he is not worthy of you," Severus murmured. "He does not deserve your attention. And you do not need him. I am here. You know I am here for you. I will take care of everything."
"You . . . you will?" Minerva asked, her voice breaking, but still not looking up at him.
"You have always been able to rely upon me, Minerva. You needn't worry. I will provide you all the support you need." He patted her back.
"I thought he loved me," Minerva whispered.
"You do not need him. I am here."
Minerva nodded. "I know. You have been so strong these last few months. I don't know how I could have managed without you. It's all just too much for me, Severus."
"Don't worry. I will take care of it all. I will take care of you."
Minerva looked up at him, her eyes clear. "Do you think that's sufficient?"
"I should say so," Severus said, stepping back as Minerva let him go. He frowned. "I thought that was supposed to be a tender and amorous moment on your sofa we were interrupting."
Minerva shrugged. "I told them they could improvise. And it was more of a genuine surprise, I must say."
"Are you certain it was an act?" Severus asked, his eyes narrowing. "Crouch seemed quite . . . predatory."
Minerva laughed. "I am very certain. They'll be waiting for us in my office. Let's go down and see them."
Robbie and Poppy had tea set out and waiting for them, the two sitting and chatting pleasantly together.
"I know I said you could improvise, but that was unexpected," Minerva said as she came down the stairs.
"That was the point," Robbie said. "If you don't like that version, though, we have a more sedate version where we're just holding hands and cuddling on the sofa."
"Don't you two know of a happy medium?" Severus asked coldly, picking up the teapot and beginning to pour, handing Minerva the first cup. "Something between cuddling and ravishing?"
"Severus has a point. I had expected to interrupt a passionate but ordinary kiss on the sofa, just a little snogging," Minerva said.
"Yes, well, that's my fault, really," Poppy said, blushing. "I know it's acting, but I just wasn't comfortable with the kissing. It's not as though I do this sort of thing every day, after all...acting, I mean. I am perfectly capable of kissing."
Minerva rolled her eyes.
Robbie took a sip of tea. "I also thought that it might be more convincing this way, if I'm supposed to appear to be some dominating Lothario who has you wound around my little finger. But we can do it again, if you like. And I'm sure we can manage a passionate kiss if that's what you would prefer."
"I don't know," Minerva said. She looked over at Severus. "What do you think? This isn't for our benefit, after all. It's for Riddle's."
Severus thought for a moment. "I can work with those memories. The Dark Lord does see malignancy everywhere. He is likely to find this more credible than cuddling and hand-holding, particularly to incite Minerva's reaction. And as Crouch points out, it does show him to be a domineering bastard."
Minerva's eyebrows rose at that, but Robbie laughed.
"I did think the biting was extreme," Severus said, glowering at Robbie's reaction.
"Oh! That!" Poppy said. She pulled aside the collar of her robe, revealing a large, ugly bite mark. She fished in her pocket for her wand, then cast a Finite Incantatum. "A Glamour," she explained brightly. "You don't really think I'd let him bite me that hard do you? Or that he would? It's all just illusion."
Severus's expression was blank, but Minerva reached over and touched his arm.
"As you say, Severus, Riddle would find that quite credible, even if we don't," she said softly, knowing, though, that a part of his discomfort with the situation was that he did find it perfectly credible. She hoped that after Riddle was gone, he could find a life more warm and less painful.
Severus nodded.
"We do have one complaint, however," Poppy added.
Minerva raised an eyebrow.
"It took too long for you to come upstairs. I got very warm waiting like that," Poppy said. "If we do this again, we'll have to have some kind of signal to let us know you're about to arrive. We had to wait until we heard you just outside the door, and if we hadn't heard you, you would have walked in on a much more boring sight."
"We won't need you to do that again, I'm sure," Minerva said. "Now, it's just going to be Severus providing me 'support.'"
"Are you actually going to have him, er, you, Severus, behave controlling and manipulative?" Poppy asked.
"That will be unnecessary," Severus replied. "I am a Slytherin, after all, and it would be in keeping with that that I would be subtle about it until I could have her completely within my power. I need only demonstrate that I am fooling Minerva into trusting me and relying upon me."
"Why doesn't You-Know-Who just have you Imperio her?" Poppy asked curiously.
"He believes that the Headmaster taught her to resist the Imperio, and if I were to try it and she were able to throw it off, she would know what I had tried to do. The status quo has suited him up until now," Severus explained.
"Can you?" Poppy asked Minerva.
"Of course," Minerva replied. "It's actually not as difficult as most people seem to think." Suddenly aware that her statement sounded arrogant, she added, "If you know how, of course. And some people do have a harder time of it than others."
"The Headmistress has a very strong will," Severus said. "It is natural that she would find it easy to learn."
"She certainly is an obstinate, hard-headed one," Poppy agreed with a grin.
Minerva snorted.
"More tea, anyone?" Robbie asked mildly.
Severus thought that perhaps Fortune was smiling upon him when, for three more days, he was not summoned to the Dark Lord's side. But then on Wednesday evening as he returned to his office after dinner, he felt the tug, then the tingle, and then the burn calling him to the Dark Lord.
"Twiskett!" Severus rarely called his house-elf, but whenever he did, the small greyish elf appeared almost immediately, and this time was no exception.
Severus jotted a few words on a scrap of parchment and handed it to the house-elf.
"Bring this directly to the Headmistress. Don't give it to anyone else or let anyone else take it from you. If the Headmistress is in her suite, wait for her in her office and don't go anywhere before you have given it to her."
Twiskett nodded solemnly.
"Thank you. That will be all."
As soon as Twiskett was gone, Severus left, exiting through a door at the base of the North Tower and striding quickly toward the gates. It was early enough that there were still many people, students and staff alike, enjoying the late spring weather, and there was no way to avoid being seen leaving the grounds. He was rather irked, in fact, since the Dark Lord knew that the Headmistress had placed restrictions on the staff's movements. All departures from the Hogwarts grounds had to be approved by her. On Saturday, he had used the excuse that he had to go to the apothecary in Hogsmeade. At this hour, he could have no such excuse, and there would be many witnesses who would see him flouting the Headmistress's orders. He worried that being called now meant that something had gone wrong or that the Dark Lord was becoming suspicious of him.
Severus stepped into a small stand of trees just outside the gates. He disliked Apparating this way. It wasn't normal Apparition, and it felt more uncomfortable than the worst Side-Along. But it was unavoidable and it was hardly the worst thing about bearing the Dark Lord's brand, and so Severus simply drew his wand, removed his cufflink, and pulled up his left sleeve. He touched his wand to his Dark Mark, concentrated on the Dark Lord, and a scant moment later, he was catching his balance in an unfamiliar room.
From the looks of it, this was a Muggle living room. There was an electric fire, electric lamps, Muggle magazines and books. Certainly no wizarding family lived here. It was clean and neat, but there was a stuffiness to the air and there was a layer of dust everywhere. Perhaps the family was on holiday. Severus hoped that was the case, since the alternative was not something he wished to contemplate.
"Severus! You have arrived punctually. That pleases me. I will not forget your service and your diligence when I am in my rightful position." Voldemort was sitting in a large wingback chair, the closest thing the Muggle living room had to a throne, Severus supposed.
Severus did the usual grovelling, but the Dark Lord cut it short.
"I wish to learn of your plans for the Headmistress. Scrimgeour will be assassinated at four o'clock on Monday afternoon. Teatime. His tea trolley will contain some unexpected surprises, and his service will be particularly personal."
Severus closed his anxiety into a locked room of his mind. "And if he chooses not to take tea that day?"
"He will. He has an appointment with a very old friend. When she joins him, she will request tea. Scrimgeour is hardly a gentleman, but he would not be so churlish as to refuse his dear old friend a cuppa and a few cakes." Voldemort seemed amused.
"Very clever!" Severus said admiringly. "And who would ever suspect an old friend of being coerced in any way? Particularly not when her only request is so very innocent. But . . ." Severus pretended puzzlement. "Aren't all of the staff who serve him trained to resist Imperio?"
Voldemort hissed a chuckle. "You are the Potions master, Severus. I am sure you can imagine ways around that."
"Of course, my lord," Severus said. "Foolish of me not to realise you would have accounted for every detail."
"And you have your deadline. At teatime on Sunday, you must be Headmaster of Hogwarts." Voldemort looked at him appraisingly. "And if you perform sufficiently well, I shall allow you to retain the title and the post after my ascension. You will, of course, take other quarters for your own, as I shall reside in the Tower, but you may have whatever ones you wish."
"You are more generous than I deserve, my lord," Severus said, bowing his head. "I will be very grateful."
"And McGonagall. What are your intentions for her?"
Severus hesitated. "She has become so very amenable to all of my suggestions recently. It has been quite rewarding to bend her to my will without her suspecting a thing." Severus smirked. "She may be unsusceptible to the Imperio, but the same is not true of her friends. I recently 'encouraged' the matron, Pomfrey, to become enthralled by the Headmistress's lover. Her attraction to him was overpowering, and he, being the man he is, was very happy to oblige the witch's desires. The Headmistress and I walked in on the most entertaining little scene the other day. Entertaining for me, most devastating for her. She now relies upon me even more. All that remains is for me to manipulate her desires. It would be most satisfying to have the proud Headmistress of Hogwarts willing to do anything I wished her to, not only willing, but to have her beg to service me." Severus sneered. "That would be a reward for all of those years of kowtowing to her, to seeing the Gryffindors treated like little saints who could do no wrong even as they lorded it over others."
Voldemort raised one thin lip, baring a fang. "It does sound delectable for you, but you must work quickly. I want the bitch dead and you, Headmaster."
"My lord, I would enjoy sharing her with others, if that is something you would allow. And I could give her to you after I have worn her out, and you could kill her in whatever manner pleased you most. You could watch her die in person." Severus knew that he was pushing here, stretching the bounds of how the Dark Lord would allow him to speak to him, but he hoped not to be asked to carry out the murder. "You should have seen McGonagall's face when we walked in on her paramour and his new lover, who no longer understands why she thought she wanted him."
"I insist on seeing this. It should be most amusing, and few of my followers are bringing me anything of amusement in recent days." Voldemort gestured. "This house. This house is supposed to be the home of two dentists, parents of that Granger girl who is such a close friend of Potter's. And as you see, it is empty. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you, Severus?"
"The Mudblood's parents? No. The girl is of-age. We have had no correspondence with her parents. Muggle parents don't usually know much about Hogwarts as it is." Severus looked around the room again. It was a comfortable room, unpretentious but nicely decorated, and now he saw that the magazines and books were of the sort one might expect in the home of well-educated Muggles, but they didn't appear to be there simply for display purposes, either. The books on the shelves near the stereo cabinet were a motley assortment, ranging from older, well-read volumes to more recent best-selling mysteries. There were a lot of biographies and books on British history. Someone in the house enjoyed history. "They are not here? Perhaps they are on holiday."
"It must be a very long holiday," Voldemort hissed. "Pettigrew said that the most recent magazines are dated July of last year, and there is a calender hanging in the kitchen. According to that, it is July nineteen ninety-seven. The electric and gas have been shut off. Do you know nothing of it?"
"I don't know the Mudblood well, my lord. She is a Gryffindor and an irritating girl. She doesn't like or trust me. No doubt she would find it peculiar if I were to ask her about her parents. We have never spoken of any such topics in the past. Perhaps I could inveigle the Headmistress into inquiring about them."
Voldemort narrowed his eyes. "Perhaps you could. It is unimportant. We merely thought that having them in our possession would provide incentive for the girl to cooperate with us...or that it would encourage Potter to cooperate if he believed he was saving his friend's parents from a nasty fate. It was a fancy of mine, but not essential for our victory. It would have provided some entertainment. But I will settle for seeing what you have for me today."
With no further warning, Voldemort raised his wand and initiated Legilimency. Severus let his mind appear unfocussed and unresisting, but he led the Dark Lord through recent memories of Minerva's "reliance" upon him, her indecisive fussing about various mundane decisions, further worrying about threats to the students, which Severus calmed, reassuring her that there was no need to develop evacuation plans, telling her that Hogwarts was safe in their hands, and then finally allowing the Dark Lord to view the scene with Poppy and Crouch, and Minerva's subsequent hysterics. He manufactured feelings of satisfaction and gloating as the Dark Lord raked his mental fingers through the memory.
The connection was broken abruptly, and the Dark Lord laughed. "That was most touching! You are such a comfort to the bitch. I hope you persuade her to service you before you kill her," the Dark Lord said with a leer. "I know your proclivities, and I would relish seeing the proud old biddy on her knees in front of you, putting that mouth of hers to good use for once."
Severus bowed his head in acquiescence. He hoped that he might be more persuasive the next time that the Dark Lord inquired about Minerva.
"The other task I have for you is simple enough. You will bring me to Dumbledore's grave."
"Of course, my lord. When do you wish to do that?" Severus asked.
"I will call you. Be prepared to get me onto the grounds and then off again."
Severus hesitated. "I will be prepared, my lord, but may I suggest that we do this at night? The tomb is in a very visible position on the grounds. A visit during daylight would be inadvisable."
Voldemort hissed. "I am not a fool! I am very aware of that. Do not delay when I call you. I will not be patient. Any delay will be most severely punished!"
"Yes, my lord."
"And work out how you will kill McGonagall. I don't care how you do it as long as you are Headmaster afterward. You cannot be suspected."
"I thought suicide, perhaps," Severus said, "following her despair at being betrayed by her lover."
"Amazing she ever had one at all," Voldemort commented with a sneer. "It would be credible for the dried up old spinster to kill herself over it."
"Indeed. I believe Crouch was only interested in her for her position as Headmistress."
"You should have taken advantage of that yourself, Severus. It was very short-sighted of you to let that other wizard get close to her."
"At the time, she seemed to believe I had deliberately sickened Dumbledore when I treated his hand...she was partially correct, in that the potion I gave him was ineffective. She always worshipped the old fool," Severus said with disdain. "And I never believed she would take up with a married man. Besides, who would consider that freeze-dried prude as a sexual object? It was a surprise to me."
"You have done well now, though. Another Defence teacher falls!" Voldemort hissed with laughter. "You have amused me today, Severus. I will excuse your reluctance to kill McGonagall. But do not disappoint me."
"My lord," Severus said with a bow.
Minerva looked up from the large parchment spread out on the table in front of her.
"Yes, Phineas?"
"There is a house-elf in your office."
"What does she...or he...want?"
"It's just standing there. Won't reply to any of us, even Dilys. Appears to be waiting for you."
"Very well. Thank you, Phineas."
Minerva rolled up the large map of Hogwarts and sent it into her study, then she went down to speak with her visitor.
"Hello. You're Twiskett, Professor Snape's house-elf, aren't you?" Minerva asked. The house-elf was standing dead-centre in the office, looking very serious.
Twiskett nodded. He held out his hand.
"Did Professor Snape send you?"
Twiskett nodded again as Minerva took the scrap of parchment from his hand. She read its message in a glance.
"Did he give you any other messages for me? Say anything?"
Twiskett shook his head.
Minerva looked at the note again. "Thank you, Twiskett. You have served well. Return to your duties."
The house-elf winked away with a small pop.
A half hour later, Robbie returned to the suite, where Minerva was now making notes on a separate piece of parchment as she placed different symbols on the map in front of her. Without looking up or saying anything, and continuing to mark up her map, Minerva handed the note to him.
"Hmm. Brief and to the point," Robbie said, then he read, "Nineteen-ten. Called. Going now." He looked at his wristwatch. "That was only a little more than thirty minutes ago."
Minerva nodded. "I won't begin to worry for at least another hour. And then I can't worry because I'm meeting with Filius, Pomona, Alroy, Sinistra, and Hooch." She looked up at him. "We will meet here rather than in the office in case Severus returns there."
"Very good," Robbie replied.
"Come and look at my refinements," Minerva said, beckoning him closer.
They spent the next forty-five minutes discussing Minerva's plans.
"As I have said before," Robbie commented finally, "the one difficulty that I foresee with this plan is your reliance upon the centaurs' participation."
"I have made allowances for that." Minerva waved her wand and the symbols on the map changed. "If they do not arrive to take their position, Hagrid and Grawp will be joined by these others." Minerva waved her wand again, and many of the little forks that had been moving in circles now moved across the map to stop at the edge of the Forbidden Forest. "It will reduce some of our offensive capacity, but it will hold that line." She considered the map again. "I am less sanguine about the gates than you are, but by the point at which we would need to be concerned about it, we can improvise. I am going to brief Binns and Nick on Sunday. I think that is the soonest we can do so safely, particularly given that Binns is somewhat absentminded and could say something he shouldn't. Poppy is fully supplied and has recruited more house-elves to serve in the infirmary. I spoke with Swelka earlier, and she will be prepared to seal herself and the other elves into the kitchen."
"And preparations for evacuation?"
"Also Sunday night for Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor. The Heads will orient their prefects to the routes for each House and emphasise the confidentiality of the exercise. Sinistra will have to work with the Slytherin prefects at the time of the emergency, however. I hope the Slytherins cooperate with her." Minerva tilted her head slightly. "Properly speaking, it's not an evacuation, though if it comes to that, everyone in Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor will be able to escape to Hogsmeade. I have had Blampa and Dobby supply their tunnels with sufficient food for twenty-four hours and create sanitary facilities, and Swelka will assign a house-elf to each tunnel. There is also a cot for each student, although I anticipate that most of the seventh-year students will choose to join in Hogwarts defence, and possibly even many of the sixth-years who are of-age. The Slytherins . . . they will all be in a secure location near their own House. Provided the castle does not fall, they should all be fine."
"You still aren't comfortable with that."
"No, I'm not," Minerva said with a frown. "I dislike treating everyone in the House as though they are all budding Death Eaters simply because some of them are. But I recognise that even many who aren't, are more loyal to their House than they are to Hogwarts and could betray us. My greatest worry, however, is that Aurora will not be able to win their cooperation. They may simply defy her, and then we will have a problem here inside the castle. That is the one thing we must avoid. We have to keep the battle on the grounds, where we can control it to some degree. If we have traitors within the castle, that will compromise all of our plans."
"You could take Zabini into your confidence. Severus seems sure of him. He could assist Aurora."
Minerva thought a moment. "Perhaps. Though I believe he would do so at the time even without knowing about it in advance. I will be sure that Aurora knows to call upon him. And he is a prefect, anyway."
"And now I believe your meeting is about to begin," Robbie said, standing. "I'll go down to your office and let them know to come up to you, then I will wait for Severus to return."
"I am sorry he is still insisting on my death, Severus. I had hoped to buy you more time," Minerva said. As soon as her meeting was over, she had gone down to the dungeons to see Severus.
Severus shrugged. "I had no such hope. Your performance did amuse him, however, and he did not feel the need to Crucio me. That was something. Did Crouch relay what I told him about the plans for the Minister?"
"Yes, Monday afternoon, a guest who will request tea, and then whoever serves it will be an agent of Riddle's."
"That is one interpretation" Severus said. "It could also be that it is whoever prepares the tea who will be the agent. The Dark Lord emphasised the tea trolley. It could be some kind of poison potion, or it could be that some object on the trolley will be charmed to do something lethal."
"I will speak with Kingsley." She frowned. "I was under the impression that the Ministry had house-elves who prepared and served any food and drink requested by the Minister or Department Heads, but it has been a long time since I worked there."
"From what the Dark Lord implied, I had the sense that someone would be Polyjuiced, probably someone at a low enough level that he...or she...would not be carefully watched. Whoever it is who visits the Minister, though, she will be someone above suspicion, and the Imperio would be of such a nature that it would hardly be evident in any of her other behaviour. Requesting tea is so innocuous that it could probably be masked as her genuine desire, so that even if she were tested for the Imperio before seeing him, only a very deep probe would reveal it. The kind of superficial examination to which a respected guest of the Minister would be subject would look for grosser manipulations...something that would be more obviously threatening."
"It is puzzling, however, that Riddle would plan an assassination of that sort when he has spoken of an attack on the Ministry in the past."
"I do not believe they are mutually exclusive," Severus replied. "His attack will likely occur at the same time as the assassination attempt."
"A Portkey," Minerva said. "Perhaps it will be a Portkey. The teapot, or the trolley itself. They will simply kidnap him and then kill him."
"Possibly," Severus said. "I do not know whether there has been any success in it. My guess, however, is that he will have a Charmed object on the tea trolley that will be designed to kill Scrimgeour...or simply anyone within a certain radius of it...and that Death Eaters will simultaneously attack the Ministry. I know that he has Death Eaters preparing for such an attack. No doubt if the tea trolley fails to kill the Minister, the Death Eaters have orders to find and kill him. The Dark Lord is becoming impatient with the failures to kill Scrimgeour, and I do not believe he would rely upon only one method."
"That makes sense," Minerva said. "Perhaps we should view the meeting in the Pensieve, see if there is more meaning that we can abstract from what he says."
Severus hesitated. "I will do that if you wish, but . . . I would rather you did not view it." He blushed. "It is foolish of me, but I had to say some unflattering things about you, and I would rather you did not have to witness them."
Minerva quirked a smile. "I would actually rather enjoy that, I believe, if it pertains to our little performance."
"The Dark Lord also said some disgusting things."
"I would expect that of him," Minerva said. "I count on it. Really, no need for embarrassment, Severus. We can view it together tomorrow after dinner." Observing his stiff expression, she added, "I presume one or both of you impugned my sexuality and femininity. Possibly using foul language." She looked at him a moment. "Did he call me a dried-up old cunt?"
Severus's eyes widened. "No," he rasped. "Not quite."
Minerva shrugged. "Can't be too bad, then. And don't worry about anything you said, Severus. I know you don't mean whatever it was." She thought for a moment. "When Albus worked with you on strengthening your Occlumency, did he ever tell you anything about when he was questioned by Grindelwald?"
"A little. That he deceived him into believing that he regretted not joining him, that he wanted a second chance with him."
"Did he tell you that he twisted his memories?" Minerva asked. At Severus's nod, she continued, "He conjured memories that convinced Grindelwald that he despised people whom he really loved, that he used them, that he had exploited Gertrude Gamp's grief at her husband's death, and that he resented and despised the Flamels, who were in reality like second parents to him. Grindelwald subjected him to hours of intense Legilimency alternating with the Crucio. He even used Legilimency while having someone else cast the Crucio on him. And through it all, Albus twisted his memories of those whom he loved, even making his warm, loving, intimate relationship with a dear friend into something coercive and dirty, and his mentoring relationship with me into something possessive and manipulative. To convince Grindelwald, he conjured feelings of domination, resentment, and greed. When Albus first told me something of it, he said that it felt as though he had filled himself with the vilest sewage imaginable, and that after it was over, it took him a long time to feel clean again. So I do understand the necessity of such deception, Severus, and I'm aware of how it might affect you when you must perform so convincingly that there can be no distinction between the deception and the feelings that accompany it."
"All right. It is uncomfortable to think about, but it is only deception, as you say." He smirked. "I suppose I should know better by now than to think that you would be shocked. You are tougher than that."
"I have no doubt that it disturbs you far more than it does me," Minerva replied. "You are the one having to perform convincingly for the toe-rag."
Severus suppressed a sigh. "I wish Albus were here. I wish he had told me more about that time and what he had done, how it had made him feel, how he coped."
"So do I," Minerva said. "But he didn't speak of it with many people. I didn't know many of the details until after my brother mentioned that Albus had been tortured when Grindelwald questioned him. Albus had left that part out, only telling me about the Legilimency, probably to save me from thinking about it."
"I am sure. He always wanted to protect you," Severus said softly.
"So we will view the memory together tomorrow after dinner."
"There was one thing that I did not tell Crouch," Severus said, hesitating. "I did not mention where we met this time."
"Where? Not the Malfoy mansion?" Minerva asked.
Severus shook his head. "The Grangers'. It was obviously abandoned, but the Dark Lord had anticipated being able to kidnap Hermione's parents and use them as hostages. He seemed oddly unperturbed about their absence, although he did suggest that I might try to find out where they were."
"You don't know, do you?"
Severus shook his head. "I was aware that Hermione had sent them into hiding, but no more than that. He believes that my relationship with her is as poor as with all other Gryffindors, and so it was unsurprising to him when I claimed to know nothing. In retrospect, I fear that he may have me kidnap Hermione instead, and then use that to coerce Potter to surrender. Obviously, I cannot do that."
"No, you cannot. But he may feel overconfident, since he believes you will be here to give him entry to the castle. And once he learns that you will not do that, it will be too late," Minerva said.
"And Crouch told you about the Dark Lord's desire to be brought to Dumbledore's tomb?"
"Yes. Do whatever he says with regard to that. Albus anticipated it. Do not let it disturb you."
"I wish the Dark Lord had told me when he plans to do this," Severus said with a frown. "If he had, we could arrange an ambush. Perhaps we still could. I could send you a Patronus when he calls me next."
"You could, but unless we could ensure Harry's presence, it would very likely fail, you would be killed, and perhaps several others, as well. And the tomb is in such an open area that it would make it very difficult to sneak up on him," Minerva said. "How are you planning on bringing him onto the grounds?"
"Probably fly over the wall on the other side of the Quidditch pitch or go through the Forbidden Forest, unless he insists on some other route. I have little doubt that he could do this on his own, if he wished. It is one more test of my loyalty."
"And it is one that you will appear to pass, then," Minerva said decisively.
Severus nodded. He was still resigned to his fate, but since his conversation with Minerva the week before, the task of remaining alive had taken on a game-like quality. One more day, one more hour, one more minute, going down fighting. It was a game he could appreciate even if it was one he could not win.
"You seem so sure, Minerva," Severus said. "So . . . certain. And it seems nothing bothers you."
"I cannot afford to entertain doubts," Minerva replied. "I do consider different possibilities, different results, and I try to take those into account as I prepare, but the doubts that I may once have found helpful when my role was different would be a hindrance to me now."
"You must think me weak," Severus said with a sigh.
"Weak? Why would I think that? I think that you are a strong person. Amazingly so."
"You saw me after the business with the poison," Severus replied, his eyes averted. "I very nearly fell apart."
"But you did not. You pulled yourself together admirably. You are coping with intense pressure without losing yourself." Minerva paused, thinking. "You know already that the Draught of Peace that you took was originally brewed for me. I am not untouched by the pressure I am under, and I certainly feel pain and grief. There are moments in which I do feel as though I am incapable of doing what I must, or that what I must do comes at too high a price, but when I feel that way, I seek and find support and comfort. Believe me, Severus, I have occasionally been quite a weepy mess, but it would hardly do to break down in public or at a moment when I need to be clear-headed. I am blessed with a temperament that helps me to maintain my composure and my ability to carry on until I have the peace and space to let myself react to my feelings. It does tend to leave some people believing that I am colder and harder than I am, but it is my nature, and it's a part of my personality that I have cultivated over the years. A 'passionless bitch,' I once overheard someone say. But I do have people I can turn to when I feel overwhelmed, and without them, I doubt very much that I would be able to carry on as I do now."
Severus nodded. "I know that you aren't unaffected. And I appreciate your assistance. Without it . . . I believe I could continue to do what I must, but I do not know if I would . . . if I would have any sense of wholeness." He quirked a slight smile. "Not that I feel particularly whole, but I haven't felt whole in so long, this is a close facsimile for me."
"And I am sure there are others who are helping, as well. You are alone in many ways. I know that. But you aren't entirely alone. Miss Granger cares for you, as does Robbie, and even Gareth. And Poppy had no hesitation to do whatever was necessary to help you, even if it placed her in an embarrassing and unflattering light. It is hardly a part of her role as school matron to do that."
"Yes, they have been helpful," Severus admitted softly. "It has been unexpected."
"Perhaps when this is over, you will be able to develop closer relationships, have the leisure and freedom to have close and open friendships with them and others."
Severus shook his head, looking at Minerva almost in amusement. "You do persist in that hope that I will survive. Please do not be angry with me when I do not."
"I am not the only one who hopes you will live," Minerva replied. "I am certain that many others do, as well, including Miss Granger."
"I wish to tell Miss Granger about her house," Severus said, moving the topic away from his inevitable demise. "The Dark Lord will either destroy it or set traps. She should know, either way."
"I will tell Alroy to have her go see you in my library in the morning before your first class," Minerva replied. "And the toe-rag said nothing about the attacks on McTavish Street or Diagon Alley, or the fact that the number of targets have been reduced?"
"No, nothing specific, although he did mention that no one else was bringing him anything amusing recently. It increased his appreciation of that little performance we gave." Severus couldn't help the grimace that flickered across his face. "And he is anticipating that I will bring him some entertaining memories of the two of us. He thinks my manipulation will extend beyond Hogwarts business to the more personal, to put it delicately."
"And in that, as in so much else, he will be disappointed," Minerva said dryly. "Unless you do wish to use some memories from the Adfectus."
Severus shook his head. "No. Although I could manipulate those memories to seem more salacious, they are not the sort that he would appreciate. I will not offend you by saying precisely what he suggested, but it is nothing that I care to contemplate even attempting to fake a memory of. I simply will have inadequate time to bend you sufficiently to my will before it is time to kill you." He shrugged. "And then that deadline will pass and he will kill me."
"You need to speak with Hermione again," Minerva said as she poured their chamomile tea. "You need to tell her all of it, including the prophecy. We can do it together."
"Not yet," Robbie replied. "We have a few more days."
"We cannot wait until it is too late," Minerva argued. "I don't want her distracted by inconsequentials when she needs to concentrate on essentials. She needs to be ready. She is prepared to explain things to Harry now, but she needs to know more about what may be expected of her and who will be helping her."
"What may be expected of her. We do not know whether events will unfold as we believe they will. We have another week."
"I am not saying that we should tell her tomorrow. But certainly by Sunday."
"And when she sees Severus on Monday?" Robbie asked. "He is not unobservant and he reads her well."
"She won't attend Potions on Monday. I doubt very much that Severus will be concerned about class attendance on that day," Minerva replied.
"Sunday is still too soon," Robbie replied slowly as he considered the matter. "Monday afternoon. Harry will be arriving then. I will speak to her before he arrives. It will then be only a matter of hours before the initial attack on the Ministry."
Minerva nodded her agreement and moved on to her next concern. "Have you worked out how you will follow him? Everything will fail if you cannot find him in time. I don't think that we can rely upon Severus being able to activate his Portkey."
"No. He would be stopped before he could, and by the time no one was paying attention to him, he would likely be unable to do so," Robbie replied. "And if we gave him one set to activate at a particular time, it could be too early or too late...or it could be in someone else's possession and we would have an unwelcome visitor."
"I will still have Blampa stay in my office in case he can manage to use his Portkey, and she can fetch me immediately if he does. Have you solved the problem of finding him?"
"I know that you are counting on our being able to save him, my dear, and we will do all in our power to do that, but if Riddle does use the Avada Kedavra, we will not be able to save him, whether we are there or not."
"I know that, but if he does use Nagini, or even some other method, we need to be able to find him in time."
"Yes, my sweet, and we will. I have thoughts on a way of using an old confidence trick, tweaking it a bit. It should work as long as Severus is not far away."
Minerva sighed. "I suppose that will have to be good enough. And it's a reasonable assumption that Riddle will be somewhere close to Hogwarts...perhaps even on the grounds...when he discovers Severus is a traitor. I hope it is not sooner than we anticipate, though."
"Even if he suspects Severus now, Tom will wait until he has lowered the Anti-Apparition wards...even if he does not believe that Severus will actually do that, he will wait until he has failed him in that final task, I believe."
"Or, if we are truly fortunate, lowering the wards will prove Severus's loyalty, and he won't kill him at all. He might bring him onto the grounds with him, believing Severus will give him access to the castle."
"I am unsure whether that would be preferable," Robbie said thoughtfully. "If there were a battle, Severus could become a target for either side, and if he turned on Tom at that point, I would be unsurprised to see him die by Avada Kedavra. It may seem paradoxical, but I believe it is better that Tom suspect him before it comes to that."
"From the way that Severus has spoken lately, I don't believe he would try to dissuade Riddle from his suspicions once he had done all that we expect of him. Severus wants to see Riddle's reaction when he learns that he has been disloyal for years, that he has been fooling him all this time."
Robbie nodded. "I can understand why, particularly for a Slytherin, that could be satisfying." He stood, taking Minerva's hand. "Time for bed. No more speculation tonight. We will do our best with what is given us, as you have told me so many times."
"Of course. And as much as I want to see Severus survive to enjoy his life, I can't forget the bigger picture. Better that any of us individually die than to have Riddle succeed," Minerva said with a sigh.
Hermione closed the door to the Headmistress's library behind her, and as soon as she had sat down, Severus said, "I must tell you that I met with the Dark Lord yesterday and the meeting was in your living room."
Hermione stared at him a moment. "My living room?"
"Yes. The Dark Lord was looking for your parents. He was disappointed not to find them at home. It is likely that after I left, he either had the house destroyed or he set traps in case you or they return there. As it is a Muggle residence, it is highly unlikely that it would be reported in the Daily Prophet if it was destroyed. If it was not, it should be checked for traps by competent Aurors or other curse-breakers before you or your parents return to it." He took in Hermione's stricken expression. "I am sorry. I know it was your childhood home. It seemed nice. I could see you growing up there."
Hermione nodded. "I had expected something like this," she said bleakly, "but it's been so many months, I guess I just thought nothing would happen now. At least my mother and father can't be found. And if he destroyed the house . . . I did take our photographs and the few things that were of any value and irreplaceable. Everything else can be replaced."
"I have to teach now. I'm sorry."
"Of course. And I have Charms." Hermione stood and picked up her book bag. "This means it's almost time, doesn't it? He's going to attack soon."
"Yes. Soon."
"Do you know when?"
"Not precisely," Severus said evasively. "But it won't be today, so you and I still have our responsibilities."
"Will I see you later?"
"Perhaps. In Potions, certainly."
"I will be here in the library this evening," Hermione offered.
Severus nodded. "I will keep that in mind. Have a good day, Hermione."
He sat in silence as Hermione left the small library. It seemed foolish to consider seeking her company that evening for a few minutes of imaginary peace. His peace would come when he was dead. But she seemed to want to see him, and she would remember it after everything was over. Perhaps one more brain holiday before the end . . .
Severus woke with a start. He had slept neither deeply nor well, but now he was wide awake as the Dark Lord summoned him. He flew out of bed, tore off his nightshirt, and pulled on pants, socks, trousers, shirt, braces, and a lightweight, knee-length black robe that he occasionally wore under his teaching robes. As he stuffed his feet into his boots, he Summoned his Death Eater robes and mask from the hidden compartment at the bottom of his wardrobe.
Carrying his Death Eater garb in a small bundle, he raced from his rooms to a lower level exit that led to the castle's dock. His pace did not slow as he climbed the steps that brought him to the east side of the castle. By the time Severus reached the gates, he had a stich in his side. Minerva had recently cast a charm on the gates that informed her whenever they were opened, and Severus sent her a mental apology as he whispered the password and grasped the heavy iron handle, pushing it down to raise the latch. She was no doubt being thumped on the shoulder at that moment. By the time she reached her window to look out at the gates, he would be gone.
Severus pulled the gate shut behind him, stepped into the grove of trees, and answered his false master's call.
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Latest 25 Reviews for Death's Dominion
559 Reviews | 6.1/10 Average
love the award cermony!! love hermione & severus's discussion.. severus need long rest, stress free future!! overall wonderful storyline!!
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
Thanks very much!
The sequel is A Long Vernal Season. I'm actually working on a new chapter of it today! There's still a lot of it posted for your reading pleasure -- it's definitely a Severus story, and picks up a couple months after Death's Dominion ends.
Thank you for your reviews!
the bomb will drop, once severus find out that albus is alive!
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
Oh yeah, definitely!
sad for injuried & dead witches/wizards!! onward if mineverus and garth is okay or nor.. great battle detail..
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
I'm glad you liked the battle-- it's one I spent a lot of time working on and polishing. :-)
what a clever plan that minevera change at the last minutes.. happy that albus and hermione found severus, nad hopefully he will be okay.....
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
Minerva certainly laid her plans well. Glad you're enjoying it!
robbie removing his patch for some reason (his pretending to be him), severus dying to too much... onwqrd to find out, what happen
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
Yes, lots of mysteries culminating here!
love the progressing of the story.. especially the plan to kill the MoM, minevra.. like plan love scene with poppy and robbie!!
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
not sure whether crouch should be trusted of not? great severus' pov, in the last chapie!!
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
Thank you very much! I'm glad you're enjoying Severus's pov here!
Indeed, Crouch is a bit ambiguous.
Hope you continue to enjoy the fic!
This chapter was my Ah-Ha! moment, well there were a few, a big one while Robbie was helping Neville with offensive spells while training the DA, but this chapter was the clencher for me to finally understand just WHAT is going on with our dear Mr. Crouch. *grins*
And I'll just keep my yap shut so I don't spoil anything for anyone.
OH I do think its cute that Moody is all paranoid of Crouch ... tee hee
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
Yes, there were pretty big signals in this chapter about what was really going on, particularly for anyone who was already familiar with the RaMverse fics.Moody is a very suspicious character! And wait till he finds out ... haha!
*snip*“Mmhm.” Severus would have agreed to almost anything at that moment. If the Dark Lord really wanted his cooperation, he could do worse than follow Poppy Pomfrey’s example, he thought, trying not to laugh. “What’s funny?” She had moved off the bed and was pulling the sheet up to cover his legs and buttocks.“Just thinking that if the Dark Lord really wanted more power, he could take a lesson from you,” Severus said, not suppressing his smile. “Putty in my hands, are you?” Poppy asked with a chuckle. Did I mention already that I love that?
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
I don't know as you specifically mentioned that bit before! I am glad you like it so well. It is one of my favorite scenes in all of my stories.
*snip*“The attacking Death Eaters would have killed and injured far more if it were not for the leadership of one person, a witch whose foresight and strategic planning brought the defenders rapid success. Though it no doubt felt much longer to those who were fighting and who were falling, the attackers were overwhelmed in number and in tactics, and from the spell cast by Arthur Weasley shortly after sunrise to the moment the final Death Eater ceased resisting, the primary battle lasted less than an hour. Her leadership and her bravery were instrumental not only in the success of the battle, but also in Tom Riddle’s ultimate defeat. For the great debt of gratitude that the wizarding world has, I am proud to present this Order of Merlin, first-class, to Headmistress Minerva McGonagall.”Severus needed no prodding to stand when everyone in the hall who was able stood and clapped. Ogden placed the Order of Merlin around Minerva’s neck, the heavy medal resting on her chest, then he leaned toward her, kissed her cheek, and whispered something in her ear. That was all it took for her self-control to waver, and her tears spilled over. Albus, standing now beside her, handed her a surprisingly staid white handkerchief, and she wiped her eyes.Awesome! Only thing that could have been better would have been if angels presented the award to her... but Albus was there and that's about as close to a living angel as I've ever seen.
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
She deserved that, and more! But she will go down in history as the lead architect of Riddle's defeat, even more so than Albus, and that's just as he would have it.
*chuckles* You got me... you got me... surprise, surprise, surprise.... and of course, Severus is back to being barely tollerable, now that he's well and healthy... *groans* I guess I'll have to tollerate his sulking nonsense a little longer. *winks* Oh, and Albus and Minerva were bloody awesome here... as usual - and Potter was respectable.Love the Minerva smooch that made Albus blush.Love that Severus was being selfish and intollerable and Poppy had to keep elbowing him... until he probably came very close to fainting in shock... haha!
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
Poppy did keep him in line -- and from bolting!
*snip*Minerva smiled broadly. “I may miss our clandestine meetings, though.”“Whoever said we had to stop those?” Albus replied with a grin as he pulled her down into his lap.YUmmmmm
Response from Fishy (Reviewer)
*snip*As the tall Irishman turned and left, speaking a few more words to Minerva and Albus on his way past, Severus took his seat again and looked over at Poppy. He had expected to see her watching Quin, but her eyes were on the doors again, and Severus followed her gaze. Immediately, he thought that his heart stopped as surely as if he had been hit with an Arrestocordis. His stomach seemed to drop and the blood drain from his face.Gareth was now out of his seat and walking rapidly toward the three who had just come through the doors. The older witch seemed to scold him mildly for exerting himself, but he took her arm and led her to his table. Robert and Thea Crouch followed. I was wondering when Severus was going to have to confront his overwhealming guilt with what he did to Gertrude... I can't blame him for wanting to run away, I think I would too.
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
I'm sure he felt pretty sick. But it's good for him.
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
And I mant to say, too, that I'm glad you like Albus and Minerva planning for more clandestine meetings!
*snip*“Lovely.” Surviving the Dark Lord was just one party after another.LOLOLOLOLzzzzzzz
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
Glad you enjoyed that!
*snips*“You aren’t him. You can’t be! I know that old fool is dead,” Voldemort hissed.“Oh, Tom, Tom,” Albus chuckled. “You needn’t have a Horcrux to defeat death, you know; you don’t need to destroy your soul. Sometimes love and a little modern wizarding science is all you need. But then, you have to have someone who loves you and you have to be able to fully trust yourself to someone else, give yourself over, lose all control. You are incapable of that, I am afraid. I am indeed the wizard who met you all those years ago in that Muggle orphanage, the one who was your Transfiguration teacher, the Headmaster of Hogwarts who refused you a teaching position. I am the Albus Dumbledore who died. And I do beg the forgiveness of all those who mourned me aforetime, but as you see, I am now quite alive!”Voldemort backed up slightly, coming even to where Gareth still knelt in the trampled, dark-stained grass. The Dark Wizard’s breath was coming faster, and despite the twisted wizard’s inhuman features, Gareth believed he saw fear on his face.*sits here grinning like a fool* How long I've waited for this moment... such satisfaction...
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
A little bit of a shock to "Tom" there! lol! Glad you're grinning!
Response from Fishy (Reviewer)
Ahhh, the battle scene was absolutely fantastic, bloody brilliant and I loved just about all of it, Charlie on the dragon, Nick searching the wounded, the house elves saving people, Gareth's bagpipes, the centaurs, Alroy turning into a flying horse, Minerva and Albus on either side of Harry as Harry destroyed Riddle... Arthur at the begining, standing brave and speaking for Hogwarts after his dear wife lie dead, Neville embracing rage and hatred... all of it. Even Peaves having the time of his life...
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
Thank you! It was quite chockful of activity, wasn't it!
*snip*“And I still had hope you would live and we would be able to become better friends, out in the daylight and not shut up in the library.”I have to laugh at this.... it so fits Snape, and I just can't picture him in sunlight, at all! I can imagine him living his entire life shut up in a library... I really can, and Hermione as well! But obviously, for different reasons - him hiding and brooding, her studying and unable to break from her rabid thirst for knowledge.
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
LOL! That is true!
*snip*“Molly died,” Remus whispered. “I just heard someone telling Ron.”I don't mind you killing Percy, but THIS IS NOT COOL! *snorts*
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
No, it's very sad, actually. Very, very sad. She was the real center of the family, the wonderful mother, and a mother-figure for Harry.
Response from Fishy (Reviewer)
And you didn't give a moment of glory.... *sighs* She deserved to show her mettle.... *sighs*
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
Sorry 'bout that! It was a very nasty death, but Voldemort is a very nasty . . . thing. And he believed that targetting her would be demoralizing for all of the Weasleys, as well as others who had known her, including Harry. He is very aware of who the Weasleys are.
Response from Fishy (Reviewer)
*snip*“Look! Look!” One of the twins, Minerva couldn’t tell which one, began to shout and point. “A phoenix! It’s Fawkes!”Minerva held her breath as the phoenix landed on Harry. Oh, gods, Voldemort was raising his wand again, and so were the Death Eaters around him! Please, please, please . . . she did not know with whom she was pleading, but then there was another shouted curse, this one from her nephew, who had turned, still with Ginny over his shoulder.“TERRAQUATERE!” Gareth roared.A bronze-coloured spell issued from his wand, spreading out and flowing toward the Death Eaters. McGonagall stood facing Voldemort, the spell continuing to course from his wand. The ground began to tremble and a fissure opened up at Voldemort’s feet. The earth heaved and threw the Death Eaters to the ground, Voldemort himself losing his footing, stepping back, and then landing hard on his arse. Even as the earth cracked open, the phoenix rose into the air, singing loudly, almost trumpeting, Harry’s limp body held by one arm. Voldemort tried to follow the bird and the boy with his wand, but cried out in frustration when they seemed to vanish without a sound, the phoenix call abruptly ending. Voldemort took to the air himself, rising straight up, seeking his prey, but they were nowhere to be seen.That is BLOODY AWESOME!
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
I am very glad you like that scene. It's got some impact, I think! And it was good to see Voldemort land on his arse! lol
Response from Fishy (Reviewer)
Very! And if Tom had any brains at all, he'd realize - if Fawkes was there, so was Dumbledore... and he had best get his arse out!~I'm still not forgiving you for killing Molly - that was NOT COOL~ NOT COOL - she deserved much better! She didn't even get to fight... *sighs* She was the stallwart matron of the Weasleys' and worked her whole life to raise kids, she deserved her moment... *sighs*
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
Well, the twins thought it was Fawkes, anyway . . . LOL! But you're right -- how common is it for a phoenix just to appear like that! But Tom is filled with hubris and too convinced he is invincible.
Response from Fishy (Reviewer)
I had a notion it wasn't Fawkes as well... still not letting you off the hook for Molly...
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
Well, can't change it now! But I hope you can still appreciate the rest of the battle. :-)
*snip*“No, Harry Potter! The Headmistress tells Dobby, ‘Harry stays here, Dobby, he stays here with you until I call for him,’ and so Harry Potter must stay here! The witch-who-is-a-cat knows much that Harry Potter does not. Harry Potter must listen and stay here with Dobby!”Harry looked over at his other minder. The Bloody Baron simply floated in a slight turn to look at him. Harry thought that if a ghost had breath to sigh, the Baron just had, deeply.AHhhh, even the Baron is working for Hogwarts... and Dobby is adorable... and brave as usual. I can't even go three lines into the stupid chapter without commenting... sheesh!
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
LOL! I'm flattered!
*snip*“Celebrare Adfectus Amor Ultimus!”Albus blinked in confusion. Melina’s spell hit Minerva, then as colour arced around Minerva and began to spread toward him, Melina was out the door and gone.“Oh, Minerva, you couldn’t,” Albus said, sounding anguished as the colours swirled around her and rolled toward him, beginning to tickle his magic. “You didn’t.”down to here*snip*“I spoke with Pomona and told her we would likely not be there for lunch and possibly not for dinner, either. She and Filius will look after everything for us.”“Good. I think we can fill that time quite well as the Celebrare lingers, don’t you, my dear?”“Absolutely.” And Minerva began demonstrating one of her ideas for filling that time.So beautiful.... sooooo soooo beautiful....
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
I'm very glad you liked it. It was a pleasant flashback in the midst of all the more grim stuff going on at this point in the story, and it explains much, too. And I'm glad you found it beautiful! Thanks!
Response from Fishy (Reviewer)
I just wish I understood it better.... some parts of it are very misty and gray... like how does it heal the curse, and how long does it last and why was Albus so upset about it... and so forth...
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
It's meant to be a bit misty, so it is a little obscure, but the cure will be permanent, as will the binding that occurred afterward (though a binding doesn't always result). The cure of the physical damage of the curse was effected through Minerva's intentional use of the magic of the spell to bring Albus's body back into its state of health, which she was so familiar with. The curse itself was driven out by the spell itself, once it was acted on -- the spell is all about love and light and wholeness, and there is no room for the curse once that magic begins flowing through his body and out the arm. Once the curse was gone, Minerva was able to cure the physical side of it.Albus had been upset about it for the same reason he had been telling Minerva that he didn't want to use the spell in the first place: initially, he believed that the curse and his fatal illness would enable Severus to kill him more easily, knowing that Albus would be dead soon, anyway; after that, he believed he would prefer to die of the curse than to meet some other end, for example, by being captured and brought to Voldemort, etc.
Response from Fishy (Reviewer)
Hrm.... so its Albus being stubborn again... that fits him... stubborn lion that he is...Thank you for that explanation.... what an interesting spell... I take it its not canon? One of your design? I like it... but of course I like anything that keeps Dumbledore alive and well and sexy as hell.
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
Yes, it occurred to me when I came up with the Adfectus Amor Verissimus that there would be other similar spells, including ones for "greatest love," and then when I decided to write DD, I mentioned in AAoL that Minerva had found another spell that she thought might help her cure Albus's hand, but that he wouldn't consider it. But until Melina cast the spell, back in whatever chapter of DD that was, the spell's incantation hadn't yet appeared.
Response from Fishy (Reviewer)
Well personally, I love it!
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
I was glad to find an excuse to write a fic that would keep him alive, myself! (And sexy!
HOLY........ ROCK AND ROLL - I LOVED THE LAST BIT WITH SEVERUS! And his Gryffie witch - cause he's got a thing for Gryffie witches and then... OOoh but could it be that wonderful, adorable, sweet, fabulous, silly, silly
*keels over in a swoon*
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
Blue eyes in a field of stars -- that does sound like it might be!I'm glad you so loved the bit with Severus. He got to have his moment of revenge and his moment of showing his true loyalty, declaring it loudly even in the face of certain death, his love for Minerva.Very glad you liked it!
Response from Fishy (Reviewer)
You know, I think you actually may have changed my view of the man.... in this fic... I started out tollerating him, then got impatient, then got down right flat out, pissy with him, then got impatient, then started sympathizing, then started to grin a bit here and there, then started to tollerate him more, then started to look forward to reading his bit, then started to empathize with him... then.... holy cow... but I think I like the guy.... wonderrs never cease...And blue eyes in a field of stars! AHHHHHH paradise! IN Hermione's arms no less... I did love that bit - she's breathing for him and blood letting and what not, delivering anti venom - nasty stuff that - but it helps sometimes - if you're not allergic, but I'm sure he isn't! HAHA!Lady if I haven't said it already, you are one HELL of a yarn spinner!
Response from Fishy (Reviewer)
Aaand I have to say it again, that was BLOODY BRILLIANT! *bows* You have certainly outdone yourself.... blue-eyed death in a field of stars... a kind face, a kind Death... and the precious face breathing for him... *grins* Even this grizzled old witch can't help but grin like a fool at that... so good, so very, very good.... and the build up was BLOODY PERFECT! For once, I didn't feel like I was on the edge of the couch for weeks on end... you hit the sweet spot for build up and suspense but didn't over do it - THANK YOU!
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
*insert blushie emoticon here*Thank you!And I'm glad that as Snape went through his trials and suffered to change, your view of him changed, too. That was one of the satisfying things about this fic: giving him depth and allowing him to grow.
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
And to your second comment (our posts crossed), that was my intent in this story, and particularly in these chapters here, so I'm very glad they hit the mark.
Response from Fishy (Reviewer)
*bows to the angel* Aye, you did indeed, good job! *winks*
*snip*After he left her office, Poppy picked up a small object from her desk, put it in her pocket, and left the infirmary.OOOH! My Spidey senses are tingling!
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
Ooo, yeah! Good place for them to be tingling!
*snip*“Before you go, perhaps you will help me with one last task?” Severus asked.“What’s that?”Severus pointed to the black robes heaped by the door. “Destroying those.”“You may need them again.”“No. I am never putting them on again, Minerva.”“Then it will be my pleasure.”Pure awesomesauce.
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
He's begun to shed his skin. Good to have a friend with you, especially for something like burning your DE robes.
Response from Fishy (Reviewer)
Can I get an AMEN? Lets have a few Amens for brother Severus! HE HAS COME CLEAN!
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
He is getting there! And I'll give you an Amen!
Response from Fishy (Reviewer)
*snip*Down in the Headmistress’s Office, Minerva and Severus emerged from the Pensieve and Severus restored his memory.“You did very well, Severus,” Minerva said. “When you told me about it, you underplayed your manipulation of him. It was impressive.”Severus could not hide his pleasure at her words. “It was satisfying.”“I enjoyed the way you sprinkled the truth in your statements, particularly when you declared that Malfoy’s downfall would not be yours.” Minerva smiled at him and gave his arm a squeeze. “I cannot sufficiently express my pride in you. I admire your strength, loyalty, and cunning. Thank you.”Severus inclined his head slightly. “I wish the Headmaster were here to share our successes,” he said softly. “But it’s his sacrifice that has enabled me to continue as I have. Any gratitude should be to him for that sacrifice. I just . . .” Severus swallowed. “I just wish he hadn’t had to die and leave us both.”“You miss him. I know he would be proud of you, though,” Minerva replied, rubbing his upper arm. “He had great faith in you.”Severus looked away, but did not pull back from her affectionate touch. “I didn’t understand. I didn’t understand until it was too late. I didn’t want to understand.” He gave a mirthless laugh. “The story of my life, isn’t it, Minerva? To discover only after I’ve lost someone . . . lost them, driven them away, killed them . . . I used to tell myself that the Headmaster was just my other master, a master like him, the only difference being that I really did serve the Headmaster, though only because doing so also served my own purposes, which I defined narrowly, deliberately ignoring . . .” He let out a shaky breath.“Albus did not think of himself as your master, Severus,” Minerva said softly, her hand resting on his bicep. “Your boss, your leader, perhaps your commanding officer, to use a military term, and he wanted to believe he was also your friend, although that was hard for him with all of the other roles he had to play. He loves you like a son, despite the difficult road you both travelled to get to that point.”Severus turned his head, gazing down into her eyes with some amusement in his own. “Your habit is back, Minerva.”“Habit?”“Referring to the Headmaster as still living.”“I didn’t.” She paused. “He does still love you, though.”“And you?”“Me? Of course he still loves me.”Freaking awesomesauce - THAT is awesome there *points* right there... I am actually starting to loath Severus less, much, much less, not sure I can love Minerva more but its possible, I do like how she's not so concerned about letting the truth slip out - hehe - more the fun later on when... yeah... what ever that is...
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
Loathing him much less is quite a good step. Yep!
*snip*After they had left the Headmistress’s sitting room, Robbie opened his eyes. He took a long, deep breath and let it out slowly. He stood, stretched, and poured more tea into his cup, passing his hand over it to rewarm it, then he took a gelatin capsule from his pocket and swallowed it, washing it down with the tea, then grimacing slightly. He crossed over to the window where Minerva had stood in the dark and waited for Severus to reappear. AHA!
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
AHA indeed!
Response from Fishy (Reviewer)
*ssssssnip*In the bedroom, he stripped off his robes, then, holding his breath, he tore off a large white adhesive patch from his hip. He removed his wand from the wandpocket of his outer-robe and cast a nonverbal spell, incinerating the patch. He took another apparently identical patch from a small, password-protected drawer in the wardrobe, then snagged his silvery-grey dressing gown, tossed it over his shoulder, and proceeded to the bathroom and a bracing shower to prepare him for the day.Uh huh! And in Scotland, they wouldn't be sweating to death and making these patches useless! HAHA!
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
Nope -- I do rather like the climate there, for the most part -- they think that temps in the 80s is a heat wave! lol! So the patch stays put nicely. Magic helps, as well.
Response from Fishy (Reviewer)
I can only wear my patches if I'm immobile and don't go outside at all, since room temp here is 80 to 82 degrees.... ugg.
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)
In the summer, if I have them on before I go to bed, half way through the night, they've wrinkled and stuck to each other and to my shirt more than to my skin. Bah! Not too bad if I keep the bedroom itself cooler than the rest of the house, but they still tend to sweat off. So I know what you mean!
*snip*“The Headmistress has a very strong will,” Severus said. “It is natural that she would find it easy to learn.”“She certainly is an obstinate, hard-headed one,” Poppy agreed with a grin.Minerva snorted.“More tea, anyone?” Robbie asked mildly.*grins* That's my Minerva!
Response from MMADfan (Author of Death's Dominion)