Chapter 5
Chapter 5 of 5
a_bees_buzzThe end of the war should have been a time for happily-ever-afters. For Severus Snape, it was the beginning of the greatest torment of all. He had survived the meddling of a master manipulator and the machinations of a mad megalomaniac, only to find himself subjected to the whims of an annoying know-it-all.
A/N the first: I know I said the story was already complete, but a number of readers pointed out that the ending was somewhat unsatisfactory, and I was forced to agree. This, however, is absolutely, positively, the very last chapter. I mean it this time.
A/N the second: Please note the change to a higher rating - this chapter contains sexual situations. Much thanks to Bambu345 for her exemplary beta work.
Hermione stood in the dark bedroom, unsure what to do next. Severus had dropped her hand to open the door, then stepped into the room after her and closed it behind them. Should I say something? she wondered when suddenly she felt his hands on her upper arms. In the dim light, she saw his head lower towards hers and pause for the space of single breath before his mouth was on hers. This was no tentative, gentle brushing of lips. His tongue swept commandingly past her teeth, stroking and tasting her own until she responded in kind. Then his hands were moving over her, pulling her against him, roving up and down her form, stroking and kneading from the top of her head down past her buttocks even as his mouth opened further to let her tongue in as she eagerly met his challenge.
“Clothes,” he murmured between kisses, and his hands moved to his own body, opening buttons and discarding garments without ever letting his mouth leave hers.
Hermione unzipped and peeled off her skirt along with her hose, grabbing on to Severus’ shoulder to balance herself as she twisted awkwardly to one side to pry off a shoe and pull the clinging material off of her leg, then repeating the move on the other side without ever losing lip contact. By the time she broke the kiss by lifting her jumper over her head, he was completely undressed. Stepping away from her, he laid himself on the bed, his weight propped on one elbow. The shadows completely hid his expression as he watched her remove her undergarments and climb onto the bed next to him.
There were very few words.
“Like this?” he asked.
“A bit harder,” she answered.
Assorted yeses from each of them. Yes. Oh yes. Ye-esss. Also moans, whimpers, grunts, and gasps. In other words, the typical assortment of inarticulate noises made by couples too interested in what they are doing to give a frigging damn how they sound.
She wrapped herself around him, twining her legs around his and holding him tightly, as if her life depended on preventing so much as a breath of air finding its way between their bodies. His hands and mouth were greedy and demanding, exploring every inch of her skin, though he kept enough presence of mind to make sure to give her pleasure before finding his own. With one final kiss, more gentle than any they’d shared before, he rolled off of her. Reaching for his wand, he cast a cleaning spell on both of them before pulling the bedcovers over himself and turning to lay half-curled, facing away from her.
Hermione listened as he began to snore. It was a soft snore. Another woman might have been able to fall asleep to the gentle rhythm of that snore, but Hermione wasn’t the sort of woman to let either the late hour or post-orgasmic lethargy seduce her into slumber. Not when there were so many questions unanswered.
What had it been? No, that wasn’t the right way to think about it. What would it be? That was closer to the mark. Would she look back on this night as something that had simply happened, a celebration of a moment of accomplishment, never to be mentioned again? Or would it change everything, making future encounters between them awkward, until she finally granted him the solitude he seemed to crave? That might even be preferable; having been physically intimate with Severus, it would be torture to go on as they had been, pretending nothing had happened. But, was it possible that Severus intended more? And if so, what? Was he capable of seeing her, or anyone, for that matter, as a true romantic partner, or did he just want additional benefits to go with their … she supposed she could call it a friendship, but would he?
For one, insane moment she considered waking him and demanding that he explain himself. She groaned inwardly as she imagined his response, not only to being woken, but to being expected to talk about his feelings. No, if she was to have any hope of moving forward from this moment in any sort of graceful manner, she would have to choose a course of action based on her own preferences and her own reading of the situation.
First things first. To stay or to go? Should she spend the night in his bed and face him and whatever consequences there might be in the morning, or should she quietly dress and slip away? If she left, what then? She could wait the full week and appear on his doorstep with takeaway and a friend the following Wednesday, implying that she thought nothing had changed, or she could attempt to initiate an earlier meeting, perhaps invite him to her flat for a change, or ask him to meet her somewhere. She could always come up with a work-related excuse – ask for his expert opinion on some potion-related problem – but he would see right through it. Would he go along with the charade or mock her for lack of Gryffindor courage? Perhaps better to go all out and ask him for a proper date?
There were too many options to sort out all the ramifications in her head; she was going to need to draw up a chart. Right. There were parchment and quills in the sitting room and time was wasting, besides which, she was starting to give herself a headache. Slipping out of bed, she pulled on her knickers and jumper.
Hermione was scanning the shelves of his bathroom medicine cabinet for a headache potion when she saw it. A toothbrush.
“How dare you clutter up my home with your foolish Muggle fripperies! Take them away and indulge your vanity elsewhere.” Severus hurled the offending items at Hermione as she stepped in his front door.
It was only the third day of her custodianship, so she took it as a positive sign that he’d actually deigned to speak with her. Well, more like speaking at her. Yelling at her, if she were to be strictly honest.
A cursory examination of the objects in question left her puzzled. “These aren’t mine. They’re for you. Don’t you clean your teeth?”
“I assure you, Miss Granger, I have performed the Tooth Cleaning Charm every day since I was three.” The teeth in question were tightly clenched even as he spoke.
“Which explains why they’re so yellow. The charm only removes food particles, it doesn’t clear away plaque. You need to brush regularly to get them properly clean, and from the looks of things, you’re beginning to get gum disease as well. The mouthwash will help with that.”
The Battle of the Toothbrush, as it became known to her friends, was the only one she had unequivocally lost. He never once used either toothbrush or mouthwash, and she finally gave up on bringing them into the house, though not before acquiring a few bruises when she couldn’t manage to get a blocking spell up in time. Not that it stopped her trying. She left pamphlets on the importance of dental hygiene on his chair, tucked under his pillow, and once even in his ham sandwich. The day he got her in the eye with the sharp corner of the toothpaste tube, she finally conceded defeat.
And yet, there was a toothbrush in his bathroom cabinet. Not just any toothbrush, a red toothbrush. A red toothbrush lying next to a tube of toothpaste. Not one of those dinky little sample tubes, or a travel-sized mini, but a full-sized Aquafresh Fresh & Minty, enough toothpaste to brush three times a day for months.
She closed the cabinet, went back to the bedroom, slipped off her knickers and jumper, climbed into bed, and fell asleep. Smiling.
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Latest 25 Reviews for Snapewatch
66 Reviews | 7.11/10 Average
They are so stubbornly adorable together!
i like the subtlety.
I love how you navigated the start of the sex scene- especially the 'assorted yeses' line. I've never seen that before- you're original! Really, I was surprised to see something both new and reasonable in that context. So much of it cliche and sort of set. I liked the rest of the story too, mind you. Just plain loved it. But I pick that one moment because it surprised me. Toodles! -Liv
Hermione can be a bit dense sometimes. I loved the ending. I think they're made for each other. :)
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Snapewatch)
She does tend to obsess about the little things, but she's clever enough to see the big picture when it's pointed out to her. I'm glad you enjoyed it, and thank you for reviewing.
oh very nice. I did enjoy this. Finch-Felching... HEE HEE.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Snapewatch)
Thank you. Glad I could make you giggle.
Oh fun! I keep reading stories to get over the trauma of reading the last book. This should do nicely. The fact that there is some humor involved is always a plus.Miriam
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Snapewatch)
The last book? Was there a last book? We'll, I suppose there was, but Severus wasn't actually in it. Right? :D
sequel? please? I really loved this. It was different than most stories =]
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Snapewatch)
Funny you should ask. I'm thinking about an epilogue, though not a sequel. Just a bit more on how their relatiionship works. It's a definite maybe.I'm so glad you enjoyed it.
Lovely! I like the way it's understated at the end, it makes sense with the rest of the plot. I just adore your food porn (or in this case your food PG)
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Snapewatch)
Definitely food PG. *chortle* Most of it's not even food I like (though I'm quite happy with a roast dinner), but it fit the characters and the story. I'm still thinking about the ending - I may give in and write an epilogue.
"Seven and a half minutes" Truly the patience of a saint. *insane giggling*
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Snapewatch)
She knows he can't resist! There are so many stories where he knows exactly how to push her buttons, I thought it was time she got to push his. :D
Quite an unusual and fascinating tale. Thanks for sharing!
Author's Response: Thank you for reviewing!
I liked the chapter but I wished it had a little more in the ending. It was still good - they just did seem excited with the possibilities of what they were undertaking. I still enjoyed it.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Snapewatch)
I'm sorry if the ending disappointed you. While I do love a grand, romantic declaration of feelings, it didn't seem to fit this version of Severus. He's been fighting her every inch of the way in the development of this relationship. If he suddenly became enthusiastic and emotionally open, it wouldn't fit his character. I wanted to show how a man who is unwilling to openly express his feelings can still show them in little, subtle ways - like cooking for her and sharing his work with her. I imagine that they are both very excited, and very nervous, but it's not in their characters to show those feelings.
Oh, that was sweet. I rather enjoyed the whole story.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Snapewatch)
Thank you so much. I'm very glad you enjoyed it.
Ahh so the "Sneaky Snape" was holding out on all things good until she relented. I like it Ilike it! Well done. Irish
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Snapewatch)
I wasn't thinking of it so much as waiting till she relented. In my mind, he was raised in an old-fashioned tradition, where you use the good china and the dining room for guests. As long as he didn't have a choice, none of them were his guests, and he wasn't going to honor them by using the good stuff. But your interpretation works just as well. I'm so glad you liked it. Thanks for reviewing.
Response from irishredlass (Reviewer)
Oh I was not just talking about the dishes. I was meaning his personality and the man himself. He was not going to be coerced into living! Though she obviously made an impact on him. Irish
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Snapewatch)
Sorry, I misunderstood. I agree - he was too stubborn to willingly share any of himself with her under coercion, but despite his best efforts she managed to drag him (kicking and screaming every inch of the way) back to some sort of functionality.
Nice story with a great ending " then you should go to bed... will you show me where it is?"
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Snapewatch)
Thank you so much for all your lovely reviews. I really enjoy finding out what readers pick up on in my stories, and your reviews made my evening.
I like the way he got around the rules and still managed to disparage the students!
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Snapewatch)
That's the Slytherin in him! It's also him starting to be his old self again - I rather think Hermione planned it that way.
Poor Molly, she's his incentive to get better , isn't she?
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Snapewatch)
I know there are people who think of Molly as the perfect mom, but I think she'd get on Severus' nerves in a serious way.
Hermione 1 : sorting hat 0 !
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Snapewatch)
I've never liked that hat - it talks about inter-house ties, but it keeps on categorizing and labeling kids. I quite enjoyed taking a piece out of it. :D
*sigh*I love this story. You should write more humour. Then, I'd make you more icons.Oh, who am I kidding? I'll make you more icons, anyway, I'm sure.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Snapewatch)
I can't always write humor, I'd get bored and my writing would get stale. But I do go for the funny fairly regularly.*huggles my icons*
ah, delightful. a thoroughly delightful ending to a thoroughly delightful story. and i learned a new word, although one with limited usefulness! and am sitting consumed with envy of people who get to use the phrase 'naughty bit of baggage' without sounding incredibly pretentious. lucky brits. anyway. i loved the humor, as always, and found the ending just sweet enough. well done!
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Snapewatch)
Should I ask which word, or just make my own assumptions? :DI quite agree that the Brits have much more fun expressions than we Yanks. Part of the joy of writing in this fandom is the chance to use them.Thank you so much for all your lovely reviews.
Response from kittylefish (Reviewer)
i'm pretty sure you know which word! ; ) i googled it and found there is a town in michigan called felch. but then the challenge of using the britishisms in the stories is to not sound like a yank faking it. i find it rather daunting, but i suppose it becomes easier with practice.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Snapewatch)
There's a town? OMG, that must be embarrassing for the people who live there!It is a challenge, and I'm not sure I always rise to it, but I have an advantage - my husband is half-British, half-Australian, so he can picks out the worst of my glaring Americanisms.
Response from kittylefish (Reviewer)
hopefully most of the people who live there don't know what it means! oh, and it's also a last name - felch. don't know about felcher.i think you do a good job, but what do i know - i'm a yank! and my bf is puerto rican, so he's no help! lol!
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Snapewatch)
You obviously need to introduce a Puerto Rican OC! ;D
yery sweet storythsnk you
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Snapewatch)
You are quite welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Loved it. Utterly entertaining. Well done!
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Snapewatch)
Thank you so much!
I'm glad Severus is recovering, but the ending was a bit fast. Will there be an epilogue?
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Snapewatch)
I wasn't planning one, as I feel like all the essential elements of his recovery and the establishment of their relationship are there. I'm sorry if you are disappointed.
Hehehe. This was a cute ending. Love time dancing a fandango at the end!
Author's Response: Thank you so much. Dancing time is sort of a hat-tip to Pratchett, who anthropomorphises time (among other things) so wittily in his Discworld series.
That was cute, and I love the way Neville got him to start teaching well.
Response from a_bees_buzz (Author of Snapewatch)
Thank you. There's a whole backstory in my mind where the Gryffindors were competing to be the one to push him over the edge and make him do something that would get him in trouble. So they are deliberately pushing his buttons, each in their own way. I couldn't figure out how to write it in without messing up the structure of the piece.